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The best thing about the sex turned out to be the sudden, startling change that came over Alex and Scarlet afterward. Now that they’d given away that they knew of Zophie’s presence, the show they put on for her was gloriously uninhibited.

For one thing, they seemed to be in a constant state of arousal. Alex seemed proud of the bulging erection his pants always seemed to hold. Scarlet wore short skirts with no panties—when she sat, it was with her legs apart.

Zophie loved it, staring at both of them lovingly, feeling the urge to touch herself when she saw Alex’s cock so hard or Scarlet’s pussy displayed so openly. Not that she needed to. Alex and Scarlet touched her plenty.

Anytime one of them passed by her, they would run a hand over a swath of her bare skin. Not grabbing for her round ass or breasts or groin, but just touching her supple skin with a naughty giggle. Zophie always wanted to return their playful touches, but her hands stayed where they were. She couldn’t bear to see what happened after she returned their affection.

Before, her pussy had ran hot. Now, with the two lovers touching her every chance they got, her cunt felt like it was at a low boil, like it might erupt into orgasm at any moment.


They watched television together. Zophie sat on the couch, Scarlet sprawled at her feet, resting her head on the angel’s thigh. Alex was on the floor with her, on the other side of Zophie. His head lay back against the couch cushion behind him, but his body leaned against Zophie’s leg.

Zophie fondly petted his hair, scratched Scarlet’s scalp. The movie they were watching couldn’t offer up anything as tantalizing as the slow, scintillating way their touching of each other went on and on and on.

Scarlet slowly ran her hand up and down Zophie’s calf. Then Zophie felt Alex doing the same thing with her other leg. She shuddered pleasurably at the inquisitive hands marching their way up to her knees.

For a moment, they were still—then Zophie watched with smoky eyes as their hands moved under the hem of her skirt. Out of sight, their fingers burned hotter than ever on the tender flesh of her thighs. Zophie swayed in place, moaning as sensations coursed up and down her lean thighs.

When Scarlet and Alex each pulled at her knees, she let them open her up. Now their hands played over her inner thighs, the skin that was most sensitive on all her luscious body. They ran their hands to her crotch and Zophie spread her legs even further, allowing them, inviting them to stroke her panties.

Her pussy twitched with growing heat, reacting to a finger being drawn up and down her labia lips. She smiled at the two as they pulled at her lower body, dragging her to the edge of the couch.

“What are you two doing to me?” she asked, her voice pitched low.

“Playing with you,” Scarlet replied.

Mmm,” Zophie moaned as she was drawn to the edge of the couch, nearly falling off it but stopping short. Alex and Scarlet didn’t want her on the floor with them. They wanted her up there, where they could properly worship her.

Alex pushed Zophie’s skirt up while Scarlet kept petting the silken crotch of Zophie’s panties. The sensations Zophie felt heightened as he undressed her; it wasn’t just how Scarlet was touching her, it was being exposed as Alex was doing.

Then she saw them both stoop to kiss her thighs. Zophie quivered with the heat of their lips, but when they started kissing their way up her legs, she put her hands on their heads to stop them.

“You’re getting me too hot,” she moaned. “I want to watch you two fuck instead.”

Scarlet and Alex looked puzzled as Zophie sat up on the couch, away from them.

“Don’t you like this?” Alex asked.

“I like it too much,” Zophie said, smiling ruefully. “I like it so much that I might not be able to stop it if it became something else.”

Zut alors,” Scarlet said.

“Come on,” Zophie said, “let me see Alex fucking you, beautiful girl.”

“Anytime,” Scarlet said, forcing a smile, as she stood and bunched her dress up at her trim waist.

She slipped her panties down her long legs, Zophie finding herself disappointed that the skirt of her dress fell back down as she removed her panties, hiding her lower body as quickly as she revealed it.

Alex was stripping too, throwing aside his shirt and dancing out of pants and underwear. Then Scarlet lay down on the floor, her legs open wide, her body arched to lift her pelvis up in the air.

Alex was naked now, his cock jutting out in front of him. It jerked with the same arousal Zophie felt at the sight of Scarlet and the thought of her nakedness under that dress, just waiting to be fucked…

Then Zophie turned to Alex’s cock, with its gorgeous hardness, and she felt her cunt tighten with sudden need. Seeing Scarlet spread out like she was, waiting to be fucked, stirred her jealousy. She wanted Alex’s cock for herself, burned to have it inside her pussy. She wanted to feel it breaking her in as it had Scarlet, stretching her furiously into the perfect cockholster.

Yet she waited, holding back, trying to drive down her feelings of envy. Zophie couldn’t allow herself to come between Alex and Scarlet—not when what they had was so beautiful.

Still, she couldn’t just watch, not when she was closer than ever, involved in the fuck by dint of them inviting her gaze. She had to… feel a little of the free-floating sexuality filling the air.

“Get off your back,” Zophie said to Scarlet. “Let Alex fuck you on your hands and knees. I want to see his cock going into your little pussy.”

A soft exhale showed how deeply Zophie’s words hit Scarlet, made her want to please the angel—excited her with the prospect of doing as Zophie said and so include her in the fuck, draw her in. It was exactly what Zophie was worried about, but she couldn’t help herself. Both women were intoxicated by Scarlet’s quick obedience, the redhead arching her pert ass up.

Zophie got down on her knees beside her and lifted Scarlet’s skirt up into a huddled mass at the small of her back. Zophie couldn’t resist the urge to caress Scarlet’s ass either. She stroked her hand across the supple buttocks and felt a lush heat coming through Scarlet’s creamy skin, an eagerness to be fucked. Fucked as Zophie wanted her to be fucked.

Scarlet wiggled her ass and the motion moved Zophie’s hand along her succulent curves. Zophie took control, sliding fingers down between Scarlet’s legs, to her inner thigh. She held her breath, then moved it to Scarlet’s pussy. Scarlet cooed with delight at having Zophie finally cup her sex. Her buttocks clenched as she strained to withstand the pleasure without slipping out of the place Zophie had put her in.

Alex knelt behind Scarlet, his erection towering before him. His cockhead was swollen, the glanshole brimming with precum. Zophie watched it drip and could actually feel her pupils expand, dilate, drinking in the obscene sight. Made all the more pornographic by how Alex knew she was watching, was displaying this to her to please her. Every shuddering inch of his endowment he wanted her to see…

Not strong enough to resist, Zophie wrapped her fingers around his prick. Alex grunted in enjoyment at the squeeze she gave him. Zophie held onto him with tight fingers, feeling his manhood pulsate in her hand. She couldn’t stop herself; line after line was being crossed. Having resolved to herself to watch, now she was pumping her fist up and down on his tightly held cock. She whimpered while she jacked him off, each tug pulling him to Scarlet’s willing, waiting sex.

Zophie held Alex’s cock in one hand while her other hand spread Scarlet’s opening. Her own cunt was so hungry that she nearly came. It was delicious agony to be able to sate herself on either of their lovely bodies, but restraining herself to merely watching—even if this could hardly be considered that anymore.

She pulled Alex’s member to Scarlet’s pussy, taking in a loud hiss of breath while she guided Alex inside of Scarlet’s womanhood. Scarlet gurgled in delight when Alex entered her. She shook her upturned ass, mewling loudly as Alex’s cock continued to go deeper and deeper.

Zophie let go of Alex’s cock as he fully impaled Scarlet. She moved her hand to his back, running it down his body, along his muscular gluts to grab hold of his balls. Then she reached under Scarlet’s body with her other hand, to her shaking groin, and rubbed at Scarlet’s stiff little clit. Or rather, held her hand there for Scarlet’s button to rub against as she was shaken by how Alex pumped in and out of Scarlet’s clenched pussy.

Feeling Alex’s balls and Scarlet’s clit at the same time—feeling how they fucked—made ripples of excitement shoot through Zophie’s body. She pressed herself against Scarlet’s writhing hips, subtly feeling the motion of joined bodies and flexing muscle. Then she really pushed her cunt against Scarlet’s flesh, shocking herself with pleasure while staring down at Alex’s cock going in and out of Scarlet’s wet snatch.

“That looks… that looks…” Zophie muttered, her eyes blazing with passion. “Alex, you can, can touch me, if you want… slide your hand up my dress. Feel me. Play with me all you want, just don’t stop fucking Scarlet… she needs it as much as I do… ohh… we both need it so goddamn bad…”

Zophie whimpered at the feel of his hand moving up the back of her thigh. Alex squeezed her ass and she shrieked. Her hand pumped his balls, squeezing and releasing, squeezing and releasing, matching the rhythm of his prick going into Scarlet’s clinging folds. She saw Scarlet’s pink lips hold onto him, painting his shaft with wetness as it came out, then virtually sucking him back inside with each plunge he made.

Zophie didn’t object when Alex ran his hands inside her panties to better feel her flesh. She didn’t protest at all when his fingers moved along the valley of her ass; kept silent when his fingers circled her asshole, pressing on her sensitive opening but not testing her tightness.

Whimpering in pleasure, she pressed herself harder against Scarlet’s hip. With Scarlet thrashing and writhing and arching her back, her body rubbed against Zophie’s pussy. Rubbed and teased it with the knowledge that as good as this felt, Zophie still wasn’t feeling Alex fuck her—Scarlet was.

Zophie stared at the sight of Alex fucking Scarlet’s pussy, wanting to commit every second of it to memory. It was, always would be, the most thrilling thing she’d ever seen. The moist slap of Alex impaling Scarlet, over and over again, was music to her ears. She felt Alex’s balls thrash with the seething cum inside them, an ejaculation ready to happen, and she prodded his orgasm along by gently squeezing his sensitive testes. She felt the throb of Scarlet’s clit on her fingertips, while the way Alex teased at her asshole filled her with such immense anticipation that it was almost painful. Zophie knew that when she finally came, either at their hands or by her own acts, it would be even more powerful than the last time.

“Oh, Alex!” she keened. “Fuck her! Fuck Scarlet’s hot little pussy! Fill it with that beautiful cock! Fuck her… fuck her as good as she deserves!”

Alex thrust into Scarlet’s churning pussy harder and harder, grunting as he lunged into her, nearly knocking her across the floor. Scarlet squealed without the strength to raise her voice above a whisper; all her energy was dedicated to whipping her ass back into Alex’s pistoning loins.

Seeing their collisions, the depth of the greed they had for each other’s bodies, gave Zophie the most lovely excitement. Her sex was throbbing hotly, her asshole trembling with feeling as Alex pressed and stroked its sphincter.

“Ohh, I’m gonna come!” Zophie wailed. “You’re going to make me come!”

She rubbed her pussy harder against Scarlet’s hip, reaping more enjoyment out of it. Her buttocks clenched, holding Alex’s finger inside them. She closed her fist on Alex’s balls and pressed hard on Scarlet’s clit. Her head came back, eyes shut, and she wailed the blissful destruction of her climax.

Even with her orgasm blasting through her senses, Zophie still felt Alex’s balls drawing up tightly against the shaft of his driving cock. The words spilled out of her, as uncontrollable as the reeling pleasure she felt: “Come, Alex! Come in Scarlet’s hot pussy! She wants your seed—flood her hot cunt with seed! Fill Scarlet to the brim!”

Alex grunted—slammed himself hard and deep into Scarlet’s cunt—holding his body tight to Scarlet’s quivering ass. Zophie felt his balls quake; she moaned herself, knowing he was pumping his semen into Scarlet, completing her pleasure just as his own had been completed.

Scarlet groaned loudly with her own orgasm. Zophie couldn’t feel her clit getting any harder, but she knew from how Scarlet’s ass convulsed around the injection she was getting how much Scarlet was enjoying herself.

Alex pulled his cock out of Scarlet and sprawled back on the floor, gasping for breath. Zophie couldn’t resist. She darted a hand to Scarlet’s cunt, making her whimper with two fingers going where Alex’s prick had just been.

Zophie thrust in and out of Scarlet’s cum-drenched hole, then took her hand away. Scarlet slumped to the floor—overpowered by her orgasm, then completely overwhelmed by how Zophie had added to it.

Zophie stared at her fingers; beyond them, Scarlet’s naked lower body shivered, glowing with the ecstasy that coated Zophie’s digits in liquid form. Zophie stared at the white liquid clinging to her fingers, then slowly brought it to her lips. Her nostrils flared as she smelled it—not just Alex’s pungent musk, but the tart scent of Scarlet’s cream, mixed with male essence inside her well-used body.

Alex saw what his guardian angel was doing and smiled. “Taste it, Zophie,” he urged her.

Zophie looked at him—the source of this strange new feeling—and darted her tongue out to her dripping fingers. She tasted his maleness. Then suddenly her fingers were inside her mouth and she was sucking. The full-bodied taste sent her mind reeling. She swirled her tongue around and between her fingers, spasms going through her as Alex’s taste filled her more and more. Zophie’s pussy convulsed, anticipation inside her so keen that it both hurt and pleased her.

Before she had time to recover, Scarlet and Alex had recognized her need and moved to give her everything she so desperately wanted. They wrestled her to the floor, pushing her dress up to her waist and ripping her panties off. Zophie laughed throatily, licking her lips to clean them of the taste of Alex’s cum and Scarlet’s cunt before one of them kissed her. When they did, all she wanted them to taste was her.



Yessss. Glorious!