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Chelsea smiled into the ground. “Oh God, you will… I guess you really will… do it to me, Terry! Fuck my ass and make me come!” She shivered… throbbed… in anticipation.

Terry undid his fly and brought out his cock, holding the tip of it to Chelsea’s asshole. The opening still held some of the slush he’d forced into it—not much, but some—and the chill he felt amidst her heated asshole tantalized his prick. Terry wanted to erase that cold, turn it to steam with the friction of his rutting.

“I feel it, Terry!” Chelsea sighed. “Now fuck me! Fuck my ass!”

Terry looked down at the tip of his dick pressed against her puckered pink opening. Just under it was the wet cleft of her womanhood, saturated with glossy wetness nothing like the melted snow he’d used on her anus. Terry gripped his shaft at its base and pushed it in, watching Chelsea’s hole open up until it had engulfed his glans.

“Yes! That’s the way, baby! Nice and easy!” Chelsea cooed and shook her ass a little. He was going into her and it was hardly comfortable, but it didn’t hurt. Perhaps the snow had numbed her nerves.

But now she felt a competing feeling of heat, rising up in her stretching tissues, tingling through her waiting senses…

Terry kept pushing, gently but inexorably, unrelenting. He both watched and felt how her anus expanded around the girth of his prick, stretching until it was wrapped around each successive inch. Chelsea groaned, her head tossing from side to side, then thudding against the ground with a wet slush of the snow she was muddying.

Unnhh! Go—go on—ohh—Terry—I want it IN ME!” she groaned gutturally, pain beginning to strain her voice.

The warm pressure of Chelsea’s ass sucked at Terry’s thick length. He gripped her waist with both hands and bodily pulled Chelsea against his groin, making her feel his prick slide deeper and deeper into her bowels.

Small, breathy noises—lust and pain—emanated from Chelsea while he skewered her. She felt like she was being slowly ripped open, yet she loved it. Her hands and knees skittered across the slick, slippery ground as her position changed. Every little shift made her gasp.

Chelsea couldn’t believe how much of Terry she felt inside her; his cock was so fucking big! “Oh Terry… Terry, you’re deep enough! You’d—you’d better stop—you’re fucking me wide open! God! YOU’RE RIPPING ME IN HALF! AHHHH! MORE, TERRY, OHHH! FUCK MY ASS UNTIL IT BREAKS!”

Chelsea’s cries thrust Terry into motion. In some savage part of him that even the Batsuit only rarely brought out, he had to dominate her, claim her, give her the fuck she was begging for or she’d never respect him and he’d never respect himself.

Gritting his teeth against the wonderfully hot suction all around his prick, Terry gave the kind of hard thrust he’d never use on Dana, not stopping until he’d jammed every inch of his cock inside Chelsea’s glorious ass.

Chelsea screamed. Her limbs fell out from under her and she was dashed across the ground, only held up by Terry’s hands on her waist, keeping her ass where he could fuck it. She tried to collect herself, but the pressure of his enormous cock inside her was too great. She could only lie there and hope Terry would fuck her as much as she needed to be fucked.

Oohh, you’re so big, Terry… Terry, fuck my ass…”

Terry rolled back his hips and pumped slowly, his breath heaving at the incredible pressure her shuddering ass put on his member. He felt the cum in his balls boiling, ready to catch fire at any moment, but he only gritted his teeth harder. He wasn’t coming until he’d fucked Chelsea past the point where she could even ask for more.

And suddenly, he knew just how to give her too much for her to ever handle. Something he’d never do to Dana, but Chelsea wasn’t Dana. Chelsea was the girl he was going to fuck in half, fuck full of cum, fuck so hard she’d never walk right again—and Dana would know how much he loved her by looking at Chelsea and seeing how he’d break her with his cock if he didn’t love her so much.

Terry brought his knee up so he was only half-kneeling, one foot on the ground, one knee on the ground. Then he moved that foot on top of Chelsea’s lowered face. She felt it on her cheek, grinding her into the ground as he fucked her ass. And she knew there was no point asking for more, because it just might kill her.

Terry kept sodomizing her. Chelsea’s ass belonged to him. He might as well use it until he got off.

Chelsea moaned deep in her throat. With every stroke of Terry’s manhood, her tongue lolled further out of her mouth, until she was almost licking the boot that held her head down. She was going to come. She felt like she would keep coming forever.

Terry suddenly began driving into Chelsea’s ass, battering her with his cock so hard that her body would’ve jerked back and forth if it weren’t pinned down by the boot on her face. “I’m gonna blow, Chelsea… gggrrhh… gonna make your ass my cum dumpster…”

“YES! OHHH! Do it, Terry! Fuck it into me! I want your cum!”

“This is what you’re for, Chelsea! This is where you belong!” Terry jammed his cock forward, pulled her back, forcing them together like he was trying to permanently seat himself inside her. “Oh fuck! UNNHHH!” He shook as his balls voided, his cock emptying as deep as it could into Chelsea’s bowels.

“OHHH! I FEEL IT!” Chelsea quaked at the sensation of his hot cum pumping into her. The leaden, molten feel set her off and she screamed wordlessly while her climax tore through her, deeper even than his seed had gone.

Terry gave a deep sigh and slowly rested his body on top of Chelsea’s spent flesh, taking his foot off her face to instead lie down on her back. He turned her head to kiss the cheek he hadn’t stepped on; Chelsea cooed in satiation.

He felt utterly drained. His prick was still stuffed into the hot, slippery vise of Chelsea’s ass and he didn’t feel like pulling it out.

“Your cum’s in my ass… it’s wonderful…” Chelsea turned her head enough to kiss him, her tongue busy in his mouth.

With her twisted around, Terry could reach her breast. He squeezed it gently. “You’re my bitch now, Chelsea. Batman’s bitch. And this will happen whenever I want it to.”


