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His feet lightly touching the ground, barely eliciting a sound from the snow that coated it, Terry stalked out in search of the noise he’d heard. It’d sounded like a twig snapping. But in the dead of winter, what animal could’ve made that sound? Of the few not in hibernation or migration, weren’t they stealthy enough not to give themselves away like that?

He soon got an answer to his question. Chelsea sat on a tussock of grass that the snow had released early. She was bottomless, her boots standing vigil nearby, her pants in a huddled pool under her ass, protecting her from the chill of the bare ground. Terry couldn’t help but to enjoy the sight of her long, slender legs and shaven sex, even through the filter of his mask’s image amplifier.

“Heyah, Terry,” Chelsea greeted him.

Terry startled, much as he tried to keep a poker face.

Chelsea laughed. “That’s right, hero. I saw you and Dana. You two put on one hell of a show. Or should it be you three? Oh well—now you have to keep me quiet. You gave me and Blade one hell of a fuck before… even Dana got off… but now I want you all to myself. You can keep the mask on; I want to see it between my legs.”

Terry went to her. Blackmail. This shit again. At least she was cuter than Ian Peek.

But Chelsea hadn’t counted on the fact that while Batman didn’t know her, Terry did. She wasn’t any sort of dominatrix. She was a spoiled rich girl, used to getting what she wanted. Terry had always thought what she really needed was a little discipline. And this seemed like the perfect excuse to give it to her.

“Terry might’ve eaten your pussy. Batman wants more.”

He immediately seized hold of one of her legs and used it to roll her over, flat on her belly. He knelt down, a hand between her shoulder blades easily keeping her where he’d put her. His other hand scooped up some snow and squeezed it away between his fingers, lubricating them with the meltwater as he rubbed the snow into evaporation.

“What are you doing? Terry, I know your secret! You have to do what I—OHHH! TERRY! Nooo, stop, you can’t!” Chelsea quaked in horror as Terry pressed his icewater finger against the tight ring of her asshole.

“You saw what my cock did to Dana’s ass, so I’m guessing you don’t want it in your mouth or up your cunt. But hopefully you won’t mind if I put it somewhere that’s already nice and dirty…”

Chelsea gasped as his finger wedged open the taut, virgin muscle. She wanted to tell him to stop, but it felt so wonderful that her body begged for more even while she cried out with protests.

Ahhh! OHHHH! Terry, Terry, that’s my ass, my…” Chelsea writhed ecstatically as Terry’s finger worked deeper and deeper into her screaming orifice. “Terry, PLEASE! You have to stop! You have to—can’t—ohhh, Terry!”

She cried out for mercy, but opened her legs, spreading her asscheeks and then digging her toes into the snowy ground, heedless of the cold as she lifted her ass into the increasing pressure of his intrusion.

“How can I stop?” Terry asked. “If I don’t get your ass ready, you’ll never be able to take my cock.”

Chelsea knew well how big that monster was. She’d seen Dana take it up the ass twice, once in the orgy, again just now, and it still shocked her that such a slight girl could take so much dick. Chelsea was bigger than Dana, but she still didn’t see how she could do it.

And yet, the thought filled her with yearning—unsatisfied urges. And Terry seemed on the verge of fucking her, about to give her that pleasure. She could tell him no, try to fight him off, but if she let him… oh God, she could end up just as fucked out as that lucky bitch Dana…

Chelsea did what Terry thought she’d do: with a little persuasion, she gave in utterly. “I want it! Do it, Terry, do it! Put that big, awful cock up my ass!”

Terry pulled his finger out of her and grabbed Chelsea by the waist, hauling her up into a kneeling position. When she started to raise her head, he shoved her face back down into the dirt. He didn’t even want her on all fours. All that mattered was that her ass was in the air.

Terry mounted her, his rapidly stiffening erection slapping against the back of her thigh. “Oh! Why do you have to be so fucking big?” Hanging her head, Chelsea looked between her own legs and saw once again how massive he was—how hugely she was about to be impaled. “Why do you have to have such a big dick? I see it and all I want is to have it inside me, you bastard, I shouldn’t want to get fucked by a huge cock like that! It’s going to rip me in half!”

Terry grabbed another handful of snow and shoved it between Chelsea’s buttocks, actually pushing some into her asshole to smear it with the wetness of the rapidly melting ice crystals. Chelsea cooed in mingled pain and pleasure, knowing it was only the beginning of what she would feel when Terry sodomized her. She couldn’t believe this was all the preparation she was getting to be ass-fucked by someone so well-endowed.

He’s going to break my ass, Chelsea thought, whimpering in aroused wonderment. He’s really going to ruin it with his big cock.

With that thought pounding in her head, she couldn’t help but beg: “Do it slowly, Terry. Please don’t just ram it in? I’ve never had it up the ass before… be gentle… please?”

Terry nodded. The thought of taking Chelsea’s anal virginity made him want to splash his cum all over her back, but he restrained himself. For now.

“I’m not going to wreck your asshole,” he assured her. “I’m just going to make it a whole lot bigger.”



Oh. Yes. I love it!