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There was a sublime kinkiness to the sight of Bruce in his armor that neither journalist felt sufficient to describing. Despite how tightly it adhered to his herculean body, it was not a costume designed for sex appeal. It was dark, frightening, masculine, brutal. And yet the promise of violence inherent in that suffocating leather—the potency of the bulging muscle displayed through even the thickest layers of Kevlar—the display of his piercing eyes and cruel mouth, allowing this creature to lust, to taste… there was an undeniable sexual edge to it.

Maybe it was the certainty that this monster was a founding member of the JLA, a hero, a man named Bruce who would never consciously hurt them. And maybe it was the doubt that shared space with that certainty. The wondering at how feral this beast was. The tantalizing risk of what it might do.

The need to know what he would do.

“You.” The burning eyes centered on Summer. They drank in her naked body in one gulp—a sociopathic efficiency despite the passionate, barely restrained violence underlying his dark countenance. Those eyes knew what to do with her, how to use her, that she would suffice to sate whatever urge he had. “I haven’t bred you yet…”

A thrill of fear went through Summer; an instinctive urge to run. Like a startled doe, she broke and tried to escape, but wasn’t nearly fast enough. Bruce caught her, easily manhandled her over to a giant penny. The collar he’d taken off her still seemed to tingle against the flesh of her neck, pinging with her own irrepressible thoughts of sex.

He pinned her against the exhibit with his heavy, muscular bulk. The cool metal scorched her bare skin, but Summer barely felt it compared to Bruce’s erection prodding her thigh. Even through his armored costume, there was no mistaking that bulge—or what it portended.

“Don’t hurt me,” Summer whimpered, real fear mingling with arousal.

She worried for her safety. She worried for her sanity. She worried Bruce would stop.

“Treat her rough,” Vicki said. She stood close to the two, letting Summer feel the touch of her breath. “Breed the little bitch like she’s been holding out on you. She likes it that way.”

Bruce brought his stiff cock out through an open fly and a tremor ran through Vicki’s body at the sight of it, the incredible length, the huge round knob. She couldn’t even look at it without remembering how it had plunged in and out of her so many times. That sent a hot trickle dripping out from inside her excited labia—the same feeling as the collar had conjured out of her with its sleight of hand, only this was lower, more intimate. She knew it wasn’t real and she knew it was real, this lust she felt. God, she could see it in Summer’s body like the redhead was a mirror.

It seemed impossible that her snatch could take a member as big and thick as Bruce’s. It was almost a relief to just watch it go into Summer.

Vicki stared at Bruce’s stiff prick as he brought it towards Summer as slowly as a branding iron. Her slit trembled with desires, juices flowing faster and faster. Thinking inescapably of the heat when Bruce had fucked her, she thrust her hand between her legs and found the hot moistness of her quivering sex.

Summer felt the gentle touch of Bruce’s cock, its very heft a threat—she almost hyperventilated, only he was going slow with it, slow and steady. But still, Summer was going nowhere. Bruce meant to fuck her against the wall of this absurdly huge penny and there was nothing she could do about it.

That thought was calming. She was completely helpless, complete dominated, Bruce’s armored weight crushing her. He left her nothing to do but enjoy being ravaged.

“Put it in her!” Vicki mewled. “Stick it in her pussy. Let’s see what a slut she is!”

Summer wailed, expressing both pleasure and pain as Bruce thrust himself inside her. He didn’t give her all of his cock on that first push, but her pussy still felt like it was being stretched like it never had up til now. She’d taken Bruce’s prick before, but she didn’t think she’d ever get used to it.

She liked that idea. Already full of his cock, holding it deep in her cunt, but there was still more to come.

“Give her all of it,” Vicki urged. “Show her how a real man fucks her.”

Vicki’s own body quivered with excitement while she touched her hard little clit. Completely overpowered by the addition to her masturbatory pleasure, she began to roll in place, back and forth, completely oblivious to everything but how Summer was being used.

Bruce grunted, his only outward sign of pleasure when he savagely drove the rest of his erection through Summer’s hot slit. She screamed, mindlessly trying to escape her impalement, but her writhing only excited him. Right now, Bruce seemed more beast than man, an animal with no emotions except the desire he was using the redhead to sate.

Summer stopped struggling, the pain cooling down. Her pussy was slowly growing used to its purpose and Bruce wasn’t rough with her, only demanding. He paused until he felt Summer moving willfully against his body. Stroking herself on the massive cock he’d buried in her.

“Yeah, Bruce,” Vicki purred. “Give it to her now. Fuck her good. Pump that sweet ass against the penny until one of them breaks!”

Summer looked at Vicki and saw her touching herself, a lustful gleam in her eyes as she enjoyed both her own pleasure and Summer’s. No wonder she’d become a reporter, consented to share Bruce with a veritable harem of other women. She enjoyed watching. Not that Summer could blame her. Looking down at how Bruce’s cock bulged in her lower belly turned the redhead on as well.

Bruce began his rhythm, in and out, slow and powerful. Summer felt like a nail being hammered into a wall, but it didn’t hurt. She felt wet. Heated.

“This is good!” Vicki said, rubbing herself a little faster. “It’s so fucking good!”

Closing her eyes, she moved her fingers into her trembling womanhood. Now hearing, seeming to feel how Bruce was fucking Summer in her own yearning body, she gently stroked the inside of her pussy. Every caress sent deliciousness shooting through her flesh. She vaguely wondered how much of what she was feeling, was Summer feeling. This times a hundred? A thousand? Was there any comparison at all?

Bruce’s powerful muscles buffeted Summer’s body as he fucked her. She was completely relaxed, completely submissive—all she was doing was riding it out and enjoying every second of it. Vicki was right about her. She did like it this way, when Bruce was trying to breed her, when he was almost punishing her for not being pregnant yet.

“Fuck me,” she moaned softly. “Oh yes, Bruce! I like it! I like being bred—like being your cocksleeve!”

She didn’t mind Vicki’s Cheshire cat grin anymore. She didn’t even mind when Vicki moved closer, so close that Summer could feel the heat coming off her pussy. She knew Vicki was going to squirt when she came, but she didn’t care. It was delicious to know that Bruce’s big prick was so forceful, Vicki was getting fucked by it too. That Vicki wanted it, but Summer was getting it, and Vicki could only enjoy it secondhand—for now.

“Yes!” she groaned. “Oh yes, fuck me! Fuck me, Batman!”

Summer lifted her long legs and wrapped them around Bruce’s hips as best she could. She gasped, both at the feel of his leathern cape against her bare legs and at how his cock slid into her even deeper. There’s nothing as good as big dick, she thought, moving her hips now in time to his pistoning rhythm.

“You’re a good fuck,” Bruce grunted. “You’ve got a sweet cunt—wrapped right around my prick.”

“Oh yes!” Summer gasped. “I like how you fuck me! I like your big prick, Batman!”

Vicki was now moaning and writhing against the penny like she was held down by Bruce’s fucking body too. Ecstasy mounted in her lurching body. Summer heard her pant and turned her head to see Vicki fingering herself hard. Fresh wetness slicked out of her splayed cunt. Then Vicki cried out and pressed her swollen labia against Summer’s flank, letting her feel the pulse of her cream spurting onto Summer’s skin.

“Bitch!” Vicki howled. “You’re just his little bitch!”

“Jealous?” Summer snapped back at her, growing even more excited as Bruce kept driving himself into her hot snatch.

She humped back hard to meet him, feeling her pussy getting wetter, her passion growing. He just kept fucking her and fucking her! She couldn’t do anything but—

“I’m gonna come!” Summer yelled. “You’re making me come! Oh God, what a big cock! WHAT A BIG FUCKING COOOCK!”

Her wetness flooded Bruce’s member, spasms of ecstasy shaking her body. The orgasm thrilled Bruce even more. He became more of a savage than ever, giving Summer brutal thrust after brutal thrust.

“You’re my cockholster,” Bruce grunted. “Mine. And I fuck you, I fuck you, I fuck you however the hell I want!”

He slammed mercilessly into her sex and Summer felt a hot spurt of cum fill her up. It felt like he had gallons of his seed to give her. The insides of her thighs were left sticky with his overflow, pumped out of her sodden cunt as he punched into her twice more. Then Bruce released her, his prick slipping out of her flooded snatch.

“Oh God,” Summer breathed softly. Her legs felt cramped, but even when Bruce had taken her before, she’d never felt so well-fucked. As rough as Bruce was, he made love to women. Batman, he just—he just—he made them come. Hard. Until he was done with them.

“Say I bred you,” he ordered her.

Summer moaned, “You bred me. You made me come and you bred me. Oh God…”

“I’m going to fuck your friend now,” Bruce said. “I already bred her. Now she’s addicted to my cock. She couldn’t sleep if she had to go to bed knowing you got to be my bitch and she hadn’t.”

“Jesus,” Summer said, looking at Vicki and knowing it was true.

And Vicki nodded like some faithful parishioner being called upon by her god. Whatever independence she’d had, it’d drained away while she watched Summer being fucked. She needed what the redhead had gotten. She’d give anything to get it.

“I’m yours,” Vicki said tremulously, nearly overcome with passion just to be able to submit to Bruce. “My cunt belongs to you. Shit, Bruce, I know you’ve bred me already, but you can put it in my ass—I’ll suck you—I’ll even fuck Summer, if you want to watch us…”

Bruce shook his head, a tightly controlled motion that still sent a flutter of subtle movement down the length of his cape. It was hard to see him as a man in armor, with his restrained movements rippling through cape and suit like they were a living thing. He was more like a beast and he owned them like a beast, owned the animals in them.

They weren’t wives, weren’t lovers, they were mates. No wonder he was so determined to breed them. Even without the crisis—it was the ultimate act of dominance.

Vaguely, with the journalistic mind that wasn’t totally buried under her growing urges, Vicki wondered how much he’d been this like before he’d built his harem. Taken so many women and tamed them to his liking. Maybe it had started out as something else—something as human as the playboy philanthropist Bruce Wayne she knew—and grown into so much more.

But she couldn’t really think any more than Summer did, all the thoughts fucked out of her mind. And Bruce had shaken his head…

“I want you to watch,” Bruce said, his cape spreading out behind him as he reached for Vicki. “See how you belong to me.”



Good stuff. I'm pretty sure you're one of a handful of smut writers who actually use Vicki Vale and Summer Gleeson. Always nice to see lesser used characters for stuff like this.

El Fuego

Will there be an update on the Nightwing/kara/Mary subplot?

