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“What, Kon?” Lana sputtered, suddenly noticing more outside her window than a view of Metropolis. “I see you out there peeking at me! Come in here this second and apologize!”

Kon dutifully came to the window.

He should’ve known this was too good to be true. After Cadmus and after the Leeches, he was a little homeless. Then Superman got attacked by a ninja chick and the only ones on hand to help him were Kon, Lana Lang, and some chicks: Cir-El, Traci Thirteen, Natasha Irons.

After they’d kept Superman safe, it had come out that all of them were a little short of places to stay and Lana—on the outs from her husband, El Presidente—had volunteered to put them up in the hotel she’d kinda bought for herself to hide from reporters.

Kon had known it was her trying to impress Supes… and maybe her trying to have a little adventure with Superman-when-he-was-a-boy… but it was a place to stay and it came furnished with most of the major brands of babe, from Natasha’s brown sugar to Traci’s Asian hottieness (sans the scariness Cass had) to Lana being a MILF waiting to happen. And Cir-El was damn cute too, in a cheerleader way. So Kon was real damn happy to take the next phase of his education at Hotel Hotness.

And now here he was, getting accused of being a peeping tom, which he never did. Except maybe with sex kittens he didn’t have a chance with, like Starfire or Power Girl. But someone like Lana he would definitely try to bang, not just look at! Who did she think she was, anyway?

Kon popped his head through the window Lana had opened to shout at him. “Sorry about that, Double L, I was trying to fly into my room but all these windows look alike and I wanted to check before I flew in on you or Traci or Cir, and that’s when I saw you in your nightie. But I didn’t see a thing, honest!”

“You’re staring at me right now,” Lana said, arms crossed.

“You were the one who started a conversation with me,” Kon reasoned. “What am I supposed to do, put on a blindfold? And you could buy a thicker nightie, there are impressionable youths all around you these days…”

“Kon-El, you come in here right now!” Lana raged. “I know when a Kent is making excuses. I want to know why you were staring at me and I want you to tell me right now! Get in here!”

Grabbing Kon by the hair, she hauled him through the open window. Kon could only float and be maneuvered around until he got his feet under him and stumbled away from Lana. This was ridiculous! It wasn’t his fault he could see Lana’s firm breasts swelling under the translucent nightgown she wore.

Kon gulped nervously. What was he supposed to say? He really hasn’t been trying to steal a look at her, but she was one damn foxy lady and somewhere between his human half and his Kryptonian half, he had one hell of an active libido.

Watching Lana prance around in that see-through nightie could make for a damn fine evening. He just wasn’t quite that scummy. How could he explain to Lana that he’d love to see her naked, but since she wouldn’t go for that, he’d prefer to find a floozy or two, even if they weren’t half the babe that she was?

Well, she was angry at him anyway. As long as she wasn’t going to believe him, he might as well be cool and lie instead of being uncool and tell the truth. “Yeah, I was spying on you,” he ‘confessed’ blusteringly. “You’re a good-looking chick and you make my dick so hard it could hammer a nail. I was going to bust a nut once I got a good enough look, but you caught me before I got the big hard-on your slamming bod deserves. And if you’d stop yelling at me for a second, I could show you the bulge that any guy should have around you, whether you’re wearing skimpy lingerie or your prom dress.”

Lana’s mouth gaped open. It was still open when she shot into motion, walking past Kon with a robotic gait that made him wonder if she was going to pick up a gun and shoot him. He’d let her—it’d be a good way of blowing off steam, since the bullets couldn’t hurt him, and maybe after that, they could put this behind them.

But no. She was just shutting the window behind Kon.

“Is that so, Kon?” Lana said in a seductive voice. “That cock of yours gets hard around me? You jerk off, thinking about my body?”

Kon swallowed with difficulty. What the hell was going on here? He’d just given the First Lady the perfect excuse to slap the taste out of his mouth; now she was acting like she wanted to give him the key to the city.

“Yeah,” he lied. “Why wouldn’t I? You’re built like a cheerleader, but you’re pure class. And that red hair… I see you in your business suits and you’re so intimidating, but that goddamn cockslut hair of yours… I gotta think that if I ripped a few buttons off, you’d have lingerie underneath, ready to fuck.”

“I have to be wearing lingerie?” Lana asked teasingly. “I can’t just go naked?”

“No. If you want some guy, you don’t just want to do him, you want to rock his world. Honestly, I can’t believe Clark chose Lois over you.”

Oh?” Lana asked, her teeth gritted, redhead fire in her eyes.

Kon felt like he was taking his life into his hands. The back of his neck flushed a bright beet-red. It was crazy, but he actually thought he could talk this lady into bed. Jesus Christ, he could actually fuck the woman who regularly tempted Superman!

“Yeah,” Kon pressed on, feeling braver by the second at the receptive, lustful look on Lana’s face and in her blazing eyes. “I figure it’s like one of those gameshows. The guy wins a yacht, a friggin’ yacht, and if he were just happy with the yacht, he’d have a yacht! But he just has to see what’s behind door number two, even though there’s no way it’s gonna be as good as a yacht, this is a primetime gameshow, what, does he think they’re giving away the Mona Lisa? But he just has to know, so he tells the yacht to shove off and asks to see what’s behind door number two and he gets stuck with a Yugo. And he has to pretend he wanted the Yugo all along and he’s happy with the Yugo, because otherwise he’s the chump that let a yacht get away! I’m a simple man. I’d just enjoy my yacht.”

“Do you like my ass?” Lana asked coolly, and before even Kon could think of the right answer—‘Hell yes I do’—Lana had turned around and for the first time, Kon could see her bare ass through the gossamer hang of her nightie. And as good as her breasts and her shadowed, promising groin were through a thin layer of satin, Lana had an ass that was pure naughty thoughts.

“Do I what?” Kon asked in a choked voice, not daring to look away from that perfect ass, the midpoint it occupied between plump juiciness and taut firmness. He could feel his cheeks blazing with an uncontrollable blush.

Lana arched her back, sticking it out, the nightie stretching sheer around her plush contours. Her ass wasn’t that fat, but her nightie wasn’t that big either. “Do you like my ass?” Lana enunciated with crystalline clarity. “I notice that you’ve gotten a good look at my tits and my pussy; is my ass worth staring at too?”

“Your ass is worth doing a lot more than staring,” Kon stammered, completely flustered. “You… you’re, uh… you aren’t… you’re not upset… are you?”

“No,” Lana cooed sympathetically to him. “I know what it’s like for a boy your age. And I remember what Clark was like at your age.”

Kon gaped even more than before. “You’re telling me that Superman—“

“No,” Lana interrupted starkly, craning her neck to present her gorgeous profile to him over her shoulder. “More’s the pity. A lot of things could’ve happened. Especially if he’d had your candor.”

“My co—yeah, my candor.” Man, had he heard that wrong at first. “Well, I am his clone. No reason to make the same mistake twice… or three times… or four or five…” Kon trailed off, unable to find the right words to keep going. This would’ve been a lot easier if he had heard her right the first time.

“Yes, you are. You’re closer to him than anyone else on this planet. Just looking at you, I can see that you’re the spitting image of him at your age… do you know how I felt about Clark when he was your age?”

“Uh… yeah… YES!” Kon replied, not sure what to say. No matter how he answered her, he felt like he was digging himself deeper and deeper into trouble—but he was too turned on to stop. Even if she was just setting him up for some prank to teach him a lesson, she’d have to hit him with a bazooka to kill the mood… otherwise, he’d be jacking off until the Change Oil light came on. “You were friends. Good friends. Really, really good—“

“We weren’t that good friends,” Lana interrupted. “Not as good as I would’ve liked us to be.”

Compliment her, you idiot, every pick-up artist book that Kon had ever read screamed in his head. Seal the deal!

“That’s a really sexy dress, by the way,” Kon said in a weak voice. “You’ve got a great body and that nightie just… so shows it off. The only way it could be better is if you were naked.”

Lana was making him flustered to the point that he wasn’t sure if he wanted her not to notice the hard, aching bulge in the front of his pants—or to see how big it was. Every time he looked at her ass… and it felt churlish not to take advantage of her generous offer… his erection grew a little bigger. It was practically bursting out of his pants now.

Lana smiled, sensually licking her lips. “I think so too, Kon. You’d get an even better look at my ass without this gown in the way. Would you like a better look?”

“Yeah, I’d even like to feel it maybe,” Kon replied, not knowing exactly what Lana had in mind or even what he himself was saying.

Lana lifted her nightie slowly, exposing more and more of her sculpted legs until the hemline was right where the creamy skin of her thighs just started to curve into her pert ass.

“Is that enough or do you want to see more?” Lana asked, her eyes on his bulge whether Kon wanted them there or not. From the huskiness in her voice, it was clear they both wanted to see more.

“More!” Kon said in a strangled voice. “Oh god!”

He nearly came in his pants as Lana pulled the nightie fully up over her quivering buttocks for his perusal.

“Oh shit. Holy shit,” Kon gasped, thoughtlessly putting his hands over his eyes—then more thoughtfully peeking through his fingers at the luscious globes of her ass.

“Do you like it?” Lana asked, canting her hips to the side to show off her bare ass in a jaunty pose.

“Oh yeah!” Kon cried loudly. “I don’t believe! I just don’t believe it!”

“Oh, it’s happening, alright,” Lana replied. “This is all very real. You can touch it and see.”

“Touch you?” Kon gurgled, not sure he’d heard her correctly. The blood in his ears sounded like it was having a party. “You mean, with my hand? And your body? And no screaming or throwing things?”

“Yes,” Lana cooed. “I mean reach out and give my ass a feel. I know it’s not quite as pert as it was when I was in high school, but then, I didn’t have a Kryptonian back then who was as… open… and honest… as you are either. So you give it a feel… pretend it isn’t as fat and soft as it is… and tell me what you would’ve done, back in Smallville, if you were in Clark’s shoes.”



Damn near perfecti!