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“Do you want to…” Kitty began gently, pressing the warmth of her sex against Betsy’s leg. “I mean… I want to…”

“Not tonight, lover,” Betsy sighed, knowing full well how addicted she’d end up by the time Kitty finished with her, if she let Kitty do as much as she wanted. “I’m quite tired and it’s so late and…”

“I understand.” Kitty smiled lovingly. “It’s cool. It doesn’t matter if you’re… tired… right now. I told you, I just wanted one last time. That’s what we had. And if you change your mind… if you want more… we are here all summer, together, aren’t we?”

A little shudder ran through Betsy’s body, indecipherable as either fear or anticipation, but whatever it was, she tried not to let it show on her face. She only kissed Kitty goodnight stoically.

“Everything’s going to work itself out,” Kitty assured her, as she phased neatly out of Betsy’s bed and walked to her own. “You’ll see. Everything’s going to be just fine.”

She felt Betsy’s eyes on her naked body as she walked away. And Ms. Purple Hair thought she was a psychic…


“Did you ask them?” the girl whispered fearfully, as Monet St. Croix closed the door of the campers’ cabin and entered the shared sleeping space of the dozen girls that were Kitty’s responsibility.

“Yes,” Monet murmured, “I did indeed ask.”

“What’d they say?”

“Kitty said that there were no mountain lions in these woods, just like I did, so there’s no point in staying awake when you need to sleep.”

Satisfied that her fears had been dismissed—and by someone more reputable than the disagreeable Monet—the girl rolled over in her bunk and closed her eyes.

Monet, however, didn’t even try to get to sleep. She was as worn out as anyone else from the hike and the activity of getting settled into the camp, but instead of being tired, her senses were keen, her energies reawakened. After what she’d seen in the cabin shared by Kitty and Betsy, she felt ready to take on the world—in all kinds of ways.

I knew it, Monet thought, climbing into her own bunk, but only to meditate, to plot, while keeping up appearances of obligation and obedience. The way she stared at me, I thought she might just be admiring my beauty, like anyone would. But it was more than that. Oh yes. So much more. She wanted me, and I just saw what she wanted me FOR.

A few minutes ago, the little girl had gone over to Monet’s bunk and asked what they would do if mountain lions attacked them. Monet had known it was a ridiculous question. She shouldn’t have coddled the girl, but after her initial denial that there were no mountain lions anywhere near the camp, the girl had begged her to check with Kitty and Betsy, just in case.

Again, Monet should’ve told her to fuck off, but she’d just given Monet a legitimate reason to get out of the cabin for a few minutes and enjoy a cigarette. As annoying as it was to do the little urchin any favors, at least she’d be suffering while getting her nicotine fix too.


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