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Red slept late. She’d had a long day yesterday, her clothing destroyed in another battle, and she hadn’t bothered to dress herself before bed. She lay naked, her bedsheet twisted around her to leave much of her body exposed. She’d also left the door slightly ajar, not that she cared. She looked good naked and if she looked good to any of Hulk’s surrogate family, that wasn’t her problem.

Red rolled lazily onto her back and watched her breasts shimmy around with the motion. She gazed down at the pubic triangle between her legs and the chiseled abs like a cobblestone path on her belly. She looked like exactly what she was: one hell of a fuck.

It was then she sensed that she wasn’t the only one appreciating her body. It was more of a feeling than anything else, but she rolled onto her side, facing away from the door, and murmured drowsily as if she were still asleep.

Then she arranged her legs to make her labia part. If it was Bruce, or Hulk, she had nothing to hide. If it was Skaar, she didn’t care if he saw. She even hoped it was. She’d been looking to even the score on all the women her husband(s) had enjoyed while she was out of the picture, so long as the sex was good. The problem was, who of Hulk’s enemies could she count on for a good fuck? The Leader? Abomination? Certainly not Red Hulk—that was too kinky even for her.

But Skaar… well, it wasn’t like he was her son. That was the problem. But he was Bruce’s, and that brute body of his looked like it could work wonders on luscious flesh like hers. And it would drive Hulk nuts.

Red heard the door creak and knew it was being opened wider. She held perfectly still while her heart raced. Whoever it was, they were walking into the room. Falling for the bait.

She wondered if it might not be Jen. Now that would be kinky. It probably wouldn’t get to Bruce as bad, since the green bitch had already fucked half the people who even came close to her on the ol’ power grid. For God’s sake, the Juggernaut… and people gave her a hard time for blowing Tyrannus.

Red felt a presence next to her bed. She shoved her face into her pillow and flung an arm out to expose her right breast. Not knowing just who was seeing her made the experience more of a turn-on. And if whoever it was ended up being someone she didn’t want to fuck… well… how could she know who it was when she was dreaming?

Red parted her legs a few more inches as she hugged her pillow. Shifting her ass up, she gave her guest a better look at her pussy. Whoever it was, they moved to the side of the bed and lay down next to her. Red took a deep breath. Maybe she was too horny for her own good, but she felt incredibly aroused, not knowing who it was and waiting for what would happen next.

Then she felt a warmth breath touch her snatch. Whoever it was, they were bringing their face closer and closer to her sex.

Red felt her pussy moistening—as if to make it a better feast for whoever was about to eat her. It had to be Skaar. Bruce, even Hulk, they didn’t have the balls to do this. So it must be Skaar and Red shifted her ass, driving him back a step apprehensively, just to tantalize him.

A pregnant moment passed. Red wondered if perhaps she’d scared him off with her little movement hinting that she wasn’t as unaware as she was faking. Then she felt his mouth on her pussy and gasped, right through her pretended sleep.

His tongue pressed her slit until it opened up, but he didn’t press too hard—only licking over the inner folds of her vulva. Only teasing her right back.

Sighing softly, as if in a dream, Red rolled onto her back and allowed her legs to fall open. She flung an arm over her eyes. As if that unwitting blindfold gave him permission, Skaar licked the petals of her sex from her clit almost to her asshole. He moved her budding clitoris up and down with what had to be only the very tip of his tongue; Red opened her legs even wider to let him touch her snatch as much as he wanted.

Now Skaar climbed between her open legs. He pressed his broad mouth down hard against her splayed pussy and worked his tongue deep into her folds. Suddenly his hand was clutching one of her decadently sized breasts, big fingers digging into her breast hard enough to bruise.

Red’s eyes flew open at the rough grope. She saw Skaar’s shaggy head between her legs, bobbing over her slit. He took her clit between his thick lips and sucked on it, then lavished her juicy opening with his tongue.

Red’s eyes were wide open. She was staring at him, but Skaar didn’t care. “What do you think you’re doing, kid?”

Skaar stared right back at her, his lips smeared with her juices. “I saw it. I wanted it. I took it. You haven’t stopped me yet.” He squeezed her tit even harder. “Gonna stop me now?”

“You’d better hope your father doesn’t find out,” Red teased, her head drifting back as she pushed her cunt up to his mouth.

“Aren’t you hoping he will?” Skaar retorted, locking his lips to all of her slit.

Red circled her hips and Skaar moved with her, his lips sucking so hard at her womanhood that they wouldn’t come free. He met her eyes and Red laughed, running her hands through her dark hair. This was much better when she could watch him eat her.

“This isn’t a bad way to wake up,” she said.

“Not a bad breakfast either,” Skaar said.

He sat up, wiping his mouth with the back of his fist, and only then did Red realize that he was naked. He didn’t wear even his loincloth, not even his boots, so there was nothing to take off before he mounted her.

Skaar took Red in his arms and kissed her. She tasted her own fragrant cream on his lips. His chest crashed down on her breasts, pressuring them like a tight leather band wrapped around their fullness as the two passionately kissed.

It was impossible not to notice Skaar’s erection, its lustful pulse chiseling like a jackhammer at Red’s thick thighs. She dropped her hand down and took hold of it, stroking him down to his balls and then giving those fat nuts a squeeze. Skaar rolled onto his side, facing her, and let her play with his stiff dick.

“You hoping it was me?” he asked.

She jacked his cock up and down. “I knew it was you.”


“No one else had the balls to fuck the Hulk’s woman.”

“You’re the Hulk’s woman?”

“Not anymore.”

“No,” Skaar said firmly. “You still are.” Then he took her right breast into his mouth.

He sucked it hard, grinding his teeth into it, his tongue running roughly across the nipple. Red gasped and moaned, thrashed and writhed. He had a big steam-shovel jaw, big enough to take a lot of her boob, really make her feel what he was doing to it.

Then he brought his head off of it and gave her tender breast a smack with his hand. Red cried out, coming a little from the sudden burst of pain in the flesh he’d made so sensitive. Skaar laughed and dropped onto his back, his prick lancing up into the air, standing up from his loins like an lighthouse.

“Take it in your mouth, woman.”

Red crawled between his legs. “You better make this worth my while.”

Skaar put his big hands under his head, raising it up to watch. “I just did,” he grinned.

“You didn’t even do both my tits.” She grabbed his prick with both hands. “You’re really gonna have to get me off to even the score for this.”

“Hope that big mouth can do more than boast.”

“Shut up and give me some cum.” Red lowered her mouth to his cock, still pumping it even as she took his knob into her mouth.

“Oh fratz, that’s good!”

Red’s striped hair fell forward to tickle Skaar’s thighs. She slid her circled lips down to the base of his cock, then dragged them slowly back to his glans, scraping her teeth along his girth.

Then she was bobbing her head, taking his brute cock deep into her mouth. She tried to rub the underside with her tongue, but it was throbbing so hard that it shook her dainty little tongue away.

Mmmmm,” Red moaned around his prick.

“Suck it, Mommy,” Skaar growled, shoving his prick into her receptive mouth.

He rolled over, topping Red so that she was on her back while he straddled her breasts, pumping his cock into her face.

Ggk! Ghk!” Red happily gurgled as Skaar’s knob pressed against the opening of her throat. She gripped his tautly muscled ass, groping it hard while he sawed between her lips.

“You’re one good cocksucker,” Skaar gasped, feeding Red most of his cock before he pulled back again. “Can’t believe Daddy keeps fucking other women.”

Red growled, turning even redder, her eyes glowing. “Fuck my mouth and let me have your cum, you little motherfucker!”

Skaar didn’t bother to needle her about how he wasn’t a motherfucker—his father had knocked up another woman, not her. His balls were bursting and it wouldn’t be long before he flooded Red’s mouth with his cum anyway.

“Mother knows best,” Skaar panted, thrusting through her open lips again.

Ahhh,” Red hissed, feeling his prick slot into her mouth, swelling, about to spill.

She stretched a hand down to rub her clit as her first helping of cum boiled out from Skaar’s length.

Mmmmm! Unnhh!” she moaned, swallowing his seed. She smacked her lips on more and more of the delicious taste as her fingers rubbed her clit into orgasm.

“Suck it, Mommy! Eat my cuuuum!” Skaar gasped. He drove his prick into her mouth until his bloated balls were perched on her chin. Then, with another heave, he was emptied.

Skaar slumped to the side, pulling his drained cock away from Red. She smiled and licked the last traces of his semen from her swollen lips.

“I got tired of your father’s dick. Don’t know if I’ll ever get tired of sucking yours.”

“I’ll never get tired of giving it to you,” Skaar grinned. He grabbed the red streaks in her long mane of hair like they were handles and pulled. “And since I’m not tired of giving it to you—you’re still going to get it.”

He pulled her down to his crotch, but Red eagerly began sucking him. She slurped at his prick until it was back to a fine erection, which didn’t take long. But as her head started to bob, pumping on his prick like she was milking it for more cum already, Skaar pushed her off him. His cock whipped free of her exquisite mouth.

“Don’t get me off,” Skaar grunted at her. “That hard cock’s going in your ass.”

A thrill coursed through Red. She liked the sound of taking it in the ass, but for obvious reasons, no one had dared to take her anal cherry. She spat his prick out and climbed up onto his broad chest, straddling it with her pussy open and wet.

“You think you’re Hulk enough to ream my asshole?”

Skaar laughed. “You’re enough of a slut to take it.”

“That’s one of the benefits of fucking a chick old enough to be your mother.”


“Yeah. She’s bored of how your dad used to fuck her. She wants something new.”

Red’s cunt flashed with heat, remembering that just a day ago she had fucked Hulk. It hadn’t been boring at all, but the taboo of fucking both father and son was making this sex so much better. She grabbed Skaar’s head and pulled him up to meet her mouth; sucked at his tongue and pretended that it was his father’s delicious prick. She would imagine it was Skaar’s cock the next time Hulk fucked her.

“Stick it in my asshole, kid.” She wrapped her arms around his thick neck. “Just don’t wreck it too bad. I might wanna let someone else have it someday. Maybe another hulk…”

She slid down into his lap and took his dick into her mouth. Her cheeks dimpled inward as she sucked on it again, just to make sure he was fully engorged. Then she drew herself off him, keeping only his bloated cockhead in her mouth, resting on her tongue. Sucking one last taste of Skaar’s cum off his glans, Red rolled onto her belly and presented her ass to him.

Skaar ran a hand over her sumptuous buttocks. “What a lucky guy my father is.”

“You’re the lucky one now,” Red said, grabbing a pillow to rest under her head.

She felt Skaar stick a finger into her anus and stir it around. He muttered something Red couldn’t hear; she closed her eyes and savored the beginnings of the sensation she knew would soon be raging through her.

Skaar wet his fingers on her dripping sex, then used two of them on Red’s anus. Red was quick to replace the fingers he’d taken away from her pussy; she played with herself right in front of Skaar. The feel of being fingered in the ass while she masturbated ignited Red. She hummed happily while teasing her clit and having her sphincter loosened by Skaar’s probing fingers.

Then his fingers were gone, so fast that they left a gaping emptiness in Red’s asshole, and before she could even begin to tighten, he was fitting his cockhead to her anal entrance. Just as it did when she was fucked in the pussy, the first penetration took her breath away. Mousy little Betty always worried it would hurt. Red hoped he was big enough that it would—and with Skaar, that was a certainty.

She sucked in her breath as Skaar wedged himself into her anus. His fingers gripped her hips hard, then he grunted and lunged into her. Just like that, he was sodomizing her.

It hurt like hell. Red loved it.

“Holy fuck!” she rasped, burying her face in the pillow to keep from being heard for more than a block.

“Not done yet,” Skaar husked.

Only half of his length was up her ass so far. He wasn’t letting the rest stay outside. Red felt her anal muscles stretch as he pushed the next few inches up towards her bowels. The sensation drove her wild; she panted for breath as he filled up her anal passage.

Skaar still wanted more stimulation. He moved his prick back and forth, in and out of Red’s ass. Each fresh thrust loosened Red up and sent a jagged feeling of arousal through her already inundated body. All of her red flesh felt alive—she shivered as the first of her orgasms coursed through her.

Skaar felt it in how her body clenched up, her thick buttocks practically clapping together around his cock. “Once someone gets you going, you really are one hot piece of ass!”

“The hottest!” Red growled, her voice seeming to strain with just how impaled she was by his endowment. “The hottest there fucking is!”

Her boast made Skaar hornier than ever. He wanted her to prove it. He wanted to fuck the hottest bitch there was. Reaching around her to squeeze her dangling breasts, he clenched his cheeks and forced his way deeper into her. They both groaned lustfully as his meaty cock bored into the furnace-like heat of her bowels.

But as much pleasure as he felt, it was Red who howled with ecstasy when his prick exploded inside her and together they enjoyed the feel of his cum stuffing Red’s ass.
