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Tanya Adams ran as fast as her young legs could carry her, but she couldn’t outdistance the Soviet sniper that was chasing her through the wartorn Molovian countryside.

“You can’t get away!” the tall, athletic Soviet shouted, taking long, bold strides. Her legs were bared by her shorts, long and powerful with muscular thighs. She was gaining on Tanya fast.

Tanya knew she was in trouble. Out of ammo and with her squad wiped out in an ambush, her only hope was fleeing. She might be able to take Natasha Volkova—who she recognized from Allied intelligence files—in a straight fight, but Natasha had her own unit, a wolf pack also in pursuit of Tanya. Natasha might be hot on her heels, but her men were cutting Tanya off. Tanya glanced around frantically as she ran, trying to spot an escape route or hiding place—one that didn’t hold a Soviet lying in wait for her. She cursed her luck.

Natasha was right behind her. She spat profanity as she ran: “Fucking cyka! You won’t escape!”

Reaching out with a thickly muscled arm, she grabbed Tanya by a strap of her top. Tanya spun around and her top ripped—it already only covered her cleavage. She lost her balance and dropped, but was back on her feet in an instant. That was too late, though.

Before she could take another step, Natasha’s big fist thundered into the back of her head. Tanya saw stars. She had no sense of direction, no understanding of up and down. She only knew she was falling from the ground reaching up and enveloping her.


When Tanya woke up, she’d been stripped. Her trousers were off, leaving her in her dainty white panties, while her top had been left on—such as it was, with one shoulder strap dangling down her lean stomach. Her gear had been taken from her and a noose had been tied around her neck, the other end wrapped around a concrete pillar. Not a noose, then. A leash.

She was in some sort of bunker or underground chamber, beyond the chance of rescue. Natasha and her men were there. Tanya started to count them before giving up. They easily outnumbered her. Seeing just how much only depressed her.

Her Russian was rusty, but she caught some names in their ongoing conversation. Alik, Ilya, Fedor. They all looked alike to her, dark-faced Tartars with bristling facial hair, strapping muscles, and boasting voices. Natasha held court over them, her shorts and belly-baring uniform top showing off just how powerfully muscled she was, from her tree trunk limbs to her rigid abs. She looked like she could beat them all into submission; even Tanya didn’t have that kind of power. She wished she did.

“Look who’s back awake again,” Natasha said in halting, thickly accented English. “Let show her Russian hospitality. Alik… I know what good fuck you are.”

They all collapsed with laughter and Tanya winced, knowing now that just because she was a woman, didn’t mean Natasha would show any sisterly sympathy for her.

“You have her first. Show her how she been wasting beautiful girl time with Western cock.”

Alik went to her—a tall, masculine figure and the only one there who looked like he could take Natasha to bed without being broken. He grabbed the crotch of Tanya’s panties.

“Get off me, you son of a bitch! Don’t you dare!” Tanya wailed as Alik pulled them down. She clapped her thighs together to keep her panties on her legs, if not covering her. He gripped the little thong tight and pulled the material out until it was about to tear.

Da! Go, Alik, go!” Ilya yelled, slugging back a mouthful of vodka from a flask before handing it to Natasha.

“I swear to God, I’ll fucking kill you!” Tanya cried.

Alik hesitated, as though intimidated by her shout—then he pulled at her panties, slowly, but with growing force. The seams ripped, the stitching giving way in a series of jerks. With a final tug, Alik ripped the panties entirely off Tanya’s body, then held them up as a trophy. All cried out triumphantly, even Natasha, who was taking a dose of vodka. Some spilled out, washing down her chin.

Tanya’s face was red with shame. She was naked from the waist down. Even her boots had been taken off her. Her top was barely a tanktop in the first place. It showed off as much of her belly as Natasha’s did. That was meant to be a distraction in battle, but these troops were all too distracted. Now they could see her cunt and even the hardened commando felt tears welling up with this awful humiliation… and what it was precursor to.

She was falling into despair, losing herself in recrimination, when Natasha slapped down a stool beside Tanya. Tanya stared at the solidly built wood without understanding.

“You no resist, you don’t get hurt,” Natasha explained. “But since it’s hard for proud American woman remember this, you bend over stool. Then all you have to remember is stay bent over stool. We tie your hands too—make it easy for you.”

“Fuck you, you Commie bitch!” Tanya spat.

Natasha didn’t hesitate an instant to slam her in the head. Tanya hit the ground, her head spinning again, but her instincts took over and she bounded up, moving to retaliate against the brunette when her leash jerked her to a stop. While she was gagging on having inadvertently choked herself, Natasha juked up to her and slapped an open palm across her exposed belly. Tanya winced at the surge of pain and the embarrassment that it hadn’t even been a real hit.

“You want we soften up first?” Natasha asked her condescendingly. “Maybe kick you around little, then fuck you? I wouldn’t like that, but you are strong-willed American. You can make yourself less pretty for us—we still fuck you. Me, I would take fucking, keep looking pretty. But if it make you feel better, us stomping on you some, that okay too.”

Tanya gritted her teeth together. Natasha was right. They would rape her no matter what. All she could accomplish by resisting was maybe earning a bullet to the head when they were done. And she wasn’t some Southern belle to sob over her ruined virtue. She wasn’t even a virgin. So her best bet was to stay alive, live long enough to escape and get some guns and kill all these motherfuckers.

And they could fuck her all they wanted first—she would still kill them in the end.

Tanya bent over the stool, shoving her belly onto the seat, and Natasha tied her wrists to the legs, underneath the stretchers.

“Hey, look at this!” Alik said as he ran his fingers down Tanya’s rounded ass and between her legs, to the cleft of her pussy. “Is this great cunt or what?”

The soft blonde hair on her labia was so pale it made Tanya look hairless except for a downy gleam that silhouetted her slit. Everything was cleanly on display, from the outline of her mound to the reddened inner lips that surrounded her clit and the opening inside her. The shine of the perspiration she’d sweated before being captured only made it look more desirable.

“A good cunt doesn’t mean a good fuck,” Natasha said vindictively. “She can’t ride like I ride. If she was woman enough for that, she wouldn’t be about to get fucked.”

“That’s not the point, Natasha. This is tight cunt. She could be virgin.”

“What’s the difference? She won’t be anything but fucking hole much longer.” Natasha reached down to Alik’s bulging erection and grabbed it, squeezing it, ensuring it was hard enough to do what she wanted it to do to Tanya. The only thing she couldn’t do herself. “You make me jealous. I hurt her breasts while you fuck her.”

“You do whatever you want,” Alik said, thrusting his hips forward as Tanya kept sliding her fingers over his tented erection.

“Maybe I want you come in my hand?” Natasha teased, nibbling his ear. “No. Waste of time. I’d have to get you hard again if I wanted to see you fuck the bitch.”

“Don’t make me come then,” Alik said, running his hand over Natasha’s breasts and squeezing them hard. “I’ll make you pay if you make me come.”

“What, you’ll whip me?”

“I do whatever I want!” Alik snarled, twisting her nipples roughly, making her moan in satisfaction.

“You can, if you are real man. A real man can do whatever he wants to me!” Natasha cooed, pushing her chest out into his hands, rubbing her cunt on his thigh. She moaned with lust.

“Then I tell you I want her to come when I fuck her. You make her come,” Alik ordered. “You know how to do that, yes?”

“Da. I can. But why should I?” Natasha rasped, rubbing her lips against his ear and neck.

“Because I’ll make you pay,” Alik said, squeezing Natasha’s twisted nipples until she gasped and climaxed, her cunt stroking up and down on his leg, wetting both her shorts and his trousers with Natasha’s juices.

“Mmmm. You pay all your debts, my Alik, one way or another.” Natasha pulled back with a moan. “Now fuck this Americanski cunt!”


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