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Rachel and Amara had tried and failed to bring Selene to justice, instead falling into the clutches of the Hellfire Club just as Selene became the new Black Queen. Before the door was shut on their prison, Selene insisted on getting back the maid outfits that they’d stolen to infiltrate the place. There was no resisting her. And so they were locked away naked, trying to get used to both being naked and having a naked cellmate.

For two days, depowered and demoralized, they languished, waiting for whatever was planned for them. On the third morning, Amara was taken away. Rachel didn’t wake up for it—they must’ve gassed the room, as they had done at random intervals over the past couple days. When she did finally wake, she almost didn’t notice Amara’s absence. Selena and Tessa were there to take up her attention, the covers pulled back on Rachel’s cot so they could examine her naked body.

“You’re healing nicely from that fight you put up,” Selene commented. “I’m glad. You looked so… ornamental in those clothes you borrowed. It’d be a shame if that was the last time you looked so lovely… spread your legs now.”

Rachel whimpered under her breath, her eyes on the whip Selene carried at her side. Then she slowly opened her legs for her. The flesh parted to show her red thatch and the cleft of her pussy; Rachel felt a twinge of lust. As much as she’d grown used to being ‘on display’ over the past few days with Amara, she’d known she wasn’t looking at Amara and Amara wasn’t looking at her. Selene’s bold gaze changed everything.

“Spread wider,” Selene demanded, her dominatrix garb of black panties, black corset, and cape giving every order a sexual charge.

Rachel experienced another surge of feeling as she displayed herself to Selene’s stare as well as the uncaring gaze of Tessa. It was hard to say which was worse, Tessa’s nonchalance or Selene’s open enjoyment of Rachel’s surrender.

“I bet it’s been a hard two days—waiting for us to do something to you—always waiting—wondering when we’re finally going to degrade you…” Selene said softly, looking into the bud of Rachel’s clitoris like a psychic looking into tea leaves.

Rachel sucked in air. It was true and she hadn’t admitted it until now, with Selene’s undeniable words. As much as she wanted to be free, there was a part of her that wanted sex, and it had wanted more and more while she waited in perverse anticipation… wanting it any way she could get it! It was horrid. Rachel bit her finger and looked away from Selene.

Yesssss,” Selene purred. “Remember being a hound, Rachel? You didn’t just serve humans—you served their great big pricks. Do you ever dream of how they fucked your mouth, spurted all over your face? I bet you’d love to get that kind of attention now. I think you’d prefer having a cock in those hungry lips again to spending another day on your own, with no stimulation, no play… no fun.”

As she spoke, Selene reached out to massage Rachel’s dampening cunt. Rachel sighed, bit into her knuckles, trying not to give into the pleasure—it was too late to stop herself from being aroused. She shook, tears of frustration running from her eyes.

“They hated you so much, you little mutie, and they fucked you. They fucked you with their hatred. I don’t care enough about you to give you that kind of fuck, but I think I could satisfy you. Imagine I bring a man down here, and I say to you that you’ll be whipped until you’ve sucked all the cum from his balls. How would you feel, do you think, as he slides his cock into your open lips and you feel it pushing into your throat and you’re tasting him with every inch of your mouth…”

Ggghhh!” Rachel sobbed, her body roiling in the most obscene stimulation. The irony of it was, she did want Selene to whip her, even fuck her—anything, so long as she stopped talking and making Rachel imagine (remember) these awful pleasures.

“Imagine the first touch of the whip on your luscious ass,” Selene whispered to her.

Rachel cried out as she lost control. Her hips twitched, wrenching about, the sensations inside her climbing closer and closer to orgasm.

Fuuuccckkkk!” Rachel screamed. “No, don’t, don’t, please don’t, no, I’m coming!” She blushed in terrible shame and grabbed for Selene’s arm to force it harder against her cunt.



Well, that escalated quickly