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Barbara did this to make sure Courtney got the full impact of the blow. Whack! Whack! Whack!

“OHHHH! GOD! Hold on a minute, Mommy, please, wait… ohh…” Courtney twisted and thrashed like Yolanda had never seen anyone do before. It was incredible to watch. Courtney was pumping her pussy, offering it up like the body part itself was begging for relief. And Yolanda knew her mother was going to give it to her.

Barbara reached up to Courtney’s wrists, bound above her head, and undid the lock. “Down on all fours, little girl!” she ordered, pushing down hard on the back of Courtney’s neck.

Courtney fell to her knees, then obediently prostrated herself as well, though her feet stayed cuffed to the ground. Barbara knelt down behind her, like she was going to take Courtney doggy style, as a bitch in heat.

Instead, she strangled Courtney’s slender waist with one hand, holding her in place, while her other hand raised the cat. Then she was smacking Courtney’s ass, coming down hard on it, giving it to her with no relief, no respite, making her take it from the ripest curve of her buttocks to the back of her creamy thigh.

“SHIT! MOMMY, PLEASE!” Courtney’s words were garbled by the gag she had on—more of a bit like a horse would wear, an O-ring, holding her mouth open, ensuring that she couldn’t deny anyone its use as a fuckhole. Yolanda doubted anyone was actually going to take her there, but it added to Courtney’s submission to see her mouth offered up as just another part of her to be played with. “WAIT A SECOND, YOU HAVE TO WAIT! YOU’RE KILLING ME!”

Tears were coming out of her like a faucet that had sprung a leak. She wept and sobbed with her ass bright red, swelling up around the welts that the cutting blows had left on its buoyant flesh. She’s really taking a beating, Yolanda thought. Much worse than she’s ever gotten as Stargirl…

She was getting hot just from watching. Her cunt was wet, swollen, on fire… she was so damn curious, wishing that she could do that same to Courtney’s juicy ass, or maybe that she could feel something of what Courtney was feeling—what Barbara was doing to her—God, it looked so much more intense than anything they’d done on their own. Even Cindy hadn’t reduced Courtney to such a writhing, helpless state as this.

Barbara got up. She let the cat hang down, its thongs pooling on the supple curve of Courtney’s lower back while the girl panted and moaned, trying to regain her equilibrium while her ass throbbed away.

It reminded Yolanda of a sex toy, the way it trembled like a vibrator would between her legs, and she thought it must work a little bit the same way… pouring sensation into Courtney until she was all filled up. Yolanda almost moaned, thinking of getting eaten out by Courtney while her ass was red and pulsing like that. Or maybe fucking her asshole, knowing every rutting pump made Courtney re-experience just how intensely her ass had been ravaged.

She had to squeeze her thighs together, nearly coming from the feeling that rippled through her… and how would it feel if her own ass looked like that, red and visibly, almost audibly, aching.

Barbara came around Courtney’s prostrate body to face her. “Have you had enough?” she asked sweetly, sending a little flicker through the cat, brushing its thongs a fraction of an inch over Courtney’s flesh. Not nearly fast enough to sting, but any motion whatsoever on Courtney’s skin had to remind her of the immensity of what she’d experienced.

She mewled in excited agony: “No… not yet… don’t stop… I wanna spend more time with Yolanda…”

Her golden hair was stirring around her face. Her breasts were heaving, shining with sweat and flushed with exertion. Barbara crouched down to take one of her tits in hand and give it a loving squeeze.

“I’m so glad you inherited my boobs, Court. They’re really spectacular, aren’t they? I think I’m gonna give your ass a break, just so you can sit down sometime in the next week, and whip your tits instead.”

“No!” Courtney gasped. “Not that! I can’t take it! Please!”

Barbara grabbed her daughter by the hair and wrenched her up onto her knees, her breasts swinging around before her, exposed and ready to be attacked. “Then you want to stop?” she spat.

Courtney bit her lip hard. “No, Mommy… I wanna spend time with Yolanda… wanna be her bitch too…”

Barbara didn’t ask her any more questions. She raised the cat over one shoulder—her eyes meeting Courtney’s, seeing the fear and supplication in them—and she brought it down right across Courtney’s chest.


Courtney cried out in agony. Her body rolled and undulated in the most sensual display Yolanda had ever seen. She couldn’t help herself anymore. She brought her fingers down to her pussy and began to rub herself. Even if she wasn’t being whipped, she wasn’t in control.

Barbara was the one in control. She looked over to see that Yolanda was doing. Yolanda got the feeling she was going to be punished for this, punished severely, but that thought couldn’t get her to stop. It only made her do it harder.

Yolanda was burning too hot to really think, she could only feel. She felt so sexy, so proud that Courtney was doing all this for her, to be her sub…

Barbara whipped Courtney mercilessly, slashing chalk-white lines across her chest, again, then again, crisscrossing them with reddened welts as she whipped harder, more aggressively. She only stopped when she drew blood, thin little trickles running out of the cuts in places, and then she stepped in to angrily slap her free hand against the welts she’d just inflicted.

Summoning the pain back up, giving Courtney a transfusion of it that had her quaking and moaning and finally slumping down, her head bowled over, body weaving from side to side as if she were going to faint. Then Barbara dropped her hand between Courtney’s gorgeous thighs—Courtney stirred—feeling what Barbara was doing to her pussy—the same thing that Yolanda was doing to her own cunt.

Courtney threw her head back and groaned. “MMMMHH!”

“Your cunt’s so wet,” Barbara breathed.


“You liked me whipping you.”

“It hurt…”

“Tell me the truth or you’ll never see Yolanda again.”

“No! Mommy…”

“Tell me.”

“I liked it… liked it…”

“I know.”

“I want more…”

“You’re going to get all you can handle, little girl.”

Yolanda couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She knew Courtney was a bottom, knew how submissive she was, but not that she was this submissive—that after all Barbara had done to her, she’d only made Courtney beg for more…

And even then, Barbara wouldn’t give Courtney what she wanted. She was going to get what she wanted. She sank down to her knees and kissed Courtney’s feet, sucking on her toes, licking her way up the girl’s sculpted calves.

A look of total pleasure covered Courtney’s face. Even now, doing this, Barbara didn’t look submissive. She was just claiming her prize, getting all of it, enjoying every taste. And Courtney loved it.

Barbara went slowly, working her way up higher and higher, her hot tongue making its way at her own pace to Courtney’s thighs. Until she was kissing, sucking at the insides of them. Courtney looked even more delirious than she had when Barbara had been whipping her, sweat coursing down her face, a blush burning in her cheeks. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

“Higher,” she sighed. “Please, Mommy… I need it so bad… don’t you like the way I taste? Why won’t you taste me?”

Barbara worked at Courtney’s pubis, the last inch of skin before her slit, her tongue being used like a chisel finishing a sculpture. Courtney moaned and sobbed, trying to compel her mother to claim what she most wanted to give her, but Barbara wouldn’t be moved. Not until she reached a hand up to Courtney’s groin and opened up her slit with two fingers, letting a river of her daughter’s juices gush down her thigh.

Courtney whimpered ecstatically while Barbara drew her tongue up the trail of honey, over Courtney’s labia, almost to her slit—then she traipsed to the other side, peppering little kisses on the slope of Courtney’s mound, sampling the sweat of Courtney’s feverish arousal as a chaser after imbibing her cream.

“Mommy…!” Courtney keened pitifully. “I’m yours, Mommy, yours… you can do whatever you want to me… but please, Mommy, please eat my pussy… I know I’ll taste good, Mommy, I promise I’ll taste so good… I’ll do anything you want… I’ll be the best sub ever… Mommy, you’re embarrassing me in front of Yolanda!”

“Spoiled rotten,” Barbara sighed. “Can’t go two minutes without having an orgasm. You’re lucky you’re so cute when you come, little girl.”

Then she was licking and lapping at Courtney’s mons, driving her wild, and before she could even get used to that, Barbara plunged her tongue inside of Courtney’s opening. Keeping it in there while she adhered her lips to Courtney’s sex and sucked at her folds.

Courtney was driven mad, absolutely mad: “GGGHH! YES! MOMMY! OHHH! I’ll be such a good girl for you, Mommy, yes, Mommy, be your good girl forever!” she panted all in a rush, her hips thrusting wildly as if she were being fucked. And she was being fucked, as surely as Yolanda had ever done with a strap-on, only it was Barbara’s hot tongue doing the deed.

Yolanda wondered what Courtney would do if Barbara told her that the only way she could keep seeing ‘Mistress Yolanda’ was not to come. She doubted Courtney would even begin to pass that test. But Barbara wouldn’t force anything that sadistic on Courtney. She wanted Courtney to enjoy herself. She couldn’t go more than a few moments with Courtney begging to come before giving into her. Maybe the only reason Barbara was the dom was because Courtney was just such a bottom.

There was nothing Courtney could do to stop herself, nothing at all she could do but come. She wanted this, wanted as much as she could get, and Barbara was giving it to her, just as Yolanda had given it to her.

The basement was filled with the smacking of Barbara’s tongue at Courtney’s sex. Both of them were getting off on it. So was Yolanda. As she rubbed at herself ecstatically, she knew it was only a matter of time before she was doing more than watching… before all three of them were even closer together than they were now…


Courtney rode her mother’s tongue like a bucking bronco, loving it, loving what it was doing to her, wanting even more. She fucked herself on Barbara’s tongue, trying to somehow get more of it than she already had. It had to be good for her, because it was just as good for Yolanda to watch, to hear. Her own mouth was watering. Courtney looked too damn good, so hot and willing, pumping hard into the laps of Barbara’s tongue, her creamy skin turning a passionate red as she sped towards orgasm…

Barbara could sense it too. It struck her as a good time to truly spoil Courtney, spoil her rotten. She thrust three fingers into her daughter’s cunt, holding them there while Courtney had her orgasm. Heedless of their surroundings and who might overhear, Courtney let loose with a scream that should’ve alarmed half of Blue Valley. Let all of them know what a dirty, bottoming slut she was.

Yolanda had to cover her ears. She’d never heard anyone come like that. Courtney was wailing like a banshee. It made Yolanda think of how lucky she’d been to find Courtney. Not just a superhero, not just a great friend, not even just an amazing person, but this—insatiable sex doll, made for loving and dominating and being fucked in that perfectly fat ass.

Yolanda couldn’t help herself. The thought of getting her own session with Courtney, whether it was in an hour or in a week, was too damn exciting. She entered herself with her fingers and began to stroke the same sensitive inner folds that Courtney was clearly enjoying having. Already she was hot, on fire, and it was no more a secret to Barbara than Courtney’s overt pleasure had been to Yolanda.

Still working on Courtney, Barbara turned her head to see what Yolanda was doing.

Yolanda’s blood ran cold. She wondered if she’d gone too far. It seemed obvious that she wasn’t the dom that Barbara was, couldn’t make Courtney come like Barbara just had—but still—what was she to Barbara? Were they co-doms, sharing Courtney? Was she a protégé, being made into a better top so she could better dominate Barbara’s beloved daughter and give her more pleasure? Or was she another bottom, to be made as submissive and as pliant as Courtney was?

Yolanda held her breath, not knowing, until Barbara waved her over with a smile. “You want to see how big an orgasm you can give the little slut, don’t you?”

Yolanda nodded.

“Yes… please…” But it was Courtney who spoke, her eyes rolled back in her head, her energy utterly drained by the strength of her ecstasy, but still begging for more.



So damn hot! I can't wait for Yolanda to get Courtney to herself again for a while!