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Tana arched her spine, pressing her shoulders back against her chair. Her fingers curled and uncurled, unable to stay as fists when such intoxicating feelings kept fluttering through her body. She felt tiny teeth digging into the tender pinkness of her nipple, chewing the sensitive flesh—then letting her feel the pulsing itch as the little nubbin swelled. Tana bit down on her lower lip until she tasted her own blood.

Kon was toying with her now, trailing his psionic touch over her chest, letting it breeze around Tana’s quivering chin before it touched her other nipple. Cool. Firm. Risky. Ecstatically dangerous, even while she knew Kon wouldn’t hurt her. Tana glanced down, knowing she couldn’t see, yet somehow feeling the jaws of the pretend-clamp open.

She waited, looking at what wasn’t there, until the jaws snapped down on her already engorged nipple. Tana grinded her teeth together, keeping in a whimper that left her jaw aching. Kon’s power felt like two goddamn piranhas devouring her tits—yet she loved every bite they took. She was woozy with pleasure; her eyes crossed, pupils dilated.

And the bitch of it was, if only she didn’t enjoy it so much… if only it really truly hurt… Kon would stop. He only wanted to make her feel good—he wanted it more than she did—her gift and her curse was having a boyfriend who only (only-only-only) cared about her pleasure.

“I know, I know,” Kon said with satisfied sympathy. “It bites.”

Then the teeth pulled at Tana’s nipples, like there were wires behind them drawing taut, tugging her breasts out into the shapes of ice cream cones. Tana’s eyes rolled back in her head. She couldn’t bear to look down at what her chest was doing anyway. Kon might as well whip his cock out and fuck her on the floor; she would let him do that too…

The pressure abated somewhat, just when Tana’s nipples had felt like they were about to pop off. Now they merely felt suspended, a steady pulling keeping them from returning to their normal position. Although Kon’s power was obviously still there, Tana felt his focus move.

It ran across Tana’s slit like a bold, tender touch—sweeter than the outright sexual grip on her nipples—a romantic brand of caress she wasn’t ready for. Tana keened through her flared nostrils, quivering while Kon stiffened his touch and pushed it inside of her tight, wet cunt.

Uhhhh,” Tana droned under her breath. She simply could not keep silent, could only keep her outburst at a manageable level. It still rang in her ears like a pin dropping in a monastery.

Tana wrestled against the steel holding her wrists—more of Kon’s power—her legs flexing and tensing and unable to get free either. She felt her inner muscles clenching around the telekinetic probe, massaging it while another psychic touch came down on her clit. Tana moaned, the sound almost resembling a cat’s purr.

Damn him. How could she want him to stop? How could she want it not to feel this good? She didn’t care if she was a slut, at least she got to feel this fucking amazing sex…


