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There were times Dick wanted the whole damn world to fuck off. Now, finally, it had happened.

Or, depending on how you looked at it, the world had finally gone so far as to kick him out. Now here he was on Earth-11. It was much like his own world; the Nazis weren’t in charge or anything. The biggest difference seemed to be that just about every hero worth mentioning was a woman.

Sometimes it was Batwoman instead of Batman, as in Kate Kane being Gotham’s foremost protector and not Bruce Wayne. Sometimes it was that there simply wasn’t a Superman, aka Clark Kent, only a Supergirl—Kara Zor-El. Dick didn’t try to understand how these things worked. He’d asked a question about the multiverses (plural) and the dude had flipped the map over and started going on about the other side. Of the map.

Some things, Dick supposed, mortal man was not meant to understand.

He wasn’t too sorry to find himself on Earth-11. Between Spyral and ‘Ric Grayson,’ he’d screwed up his life back home pretty much beyond repair. Both Kory and Babs were dating other people and, honestly, Tim was beginning to look at him a little funny. So if he were stranded here, Dick tried to be copacetic about it. Hey, a world where everyone in costume was a woman was at least better than one where everyone was a man, at least according to his tastes in skintight spandex.

And if nothing else, there were still bad guys to whallop. Thankfully, the local heroes were as used to this sort of weirdness as he was, so when a crisis interrupted the ‘getting to know yous’, he was off with Batgirl in a flash.

Weirdly, this Barbara Gordon was a damned sight younger than him, barely in her twenties, but with the same lithe body and jubilant curves as ever. And nothing brought them out like her skintight black suit, accentuated by the yellow of her belt, emblem, and cape. Not to mention boots and gloves, though Dick’s gaze favored her lean torso.

And this Batgirl didn’t ride a Batbike. She drove the Batmobile. But she was still as sharp as ever, noting Dick’s surprise when she led him up to it.

“Well, I am a delicate little girl,” she explained. “I need the protection of a great big car. Now, someone as tough as Kate, she can get around on nothing more than a motorcycle. What about you?”

“I have a motorcycle,” Dick admitted.


“Huh? No.”

“Weird. No one ever has a sidecar, and yet, there are so many of us.” Barbara shook her head, red hair trailing in shimmering waves behind her cowl. “I keep trying to get Cass and Steph to go for one…”

Dick had to admit, riding shotgun to Barbara—not even Kate Kane, but Barbara—queered the familiar thrill of charging into action from inside the Batmobile. Another way everything on this world was just familiar enough to be unfamiliar.

They still shot down the cave, blasted out of an opening behind a waterfall, then made their way into town by winding, little-used roads. The buildings had the same gothic architecture. Dick recognized local landmarks—hot dog stands, graffiti, even a few distinctive cars going about their rounds. But the real kicker was when they were halfway there and the console computer shifted to communications mode, displaying Kate’s cowled face.

“Batgirl, Nightwing, cancel the alert. The riot at Arkham’s been contained. Robin and Blackbat attended to it.”

“Seriously?” Dick asked. He was used to Arkham riots being a whole thing, making the monthly highlight reel. Even here, they had to be dire enough to get an alternate universe boy like him called into action. But apparently this one had just fizzled around.

“Babs, he’s all yours,” Kate said. “Show him a good time.”

“Roger,” Barbara said. The feed of Kate’s face blipped out, replaced by the familiar GPS map. Dick’s idle perusal of it turned up that a few street names were spelled differently.

He looked at Barbara, resisting the urge to run his hand through the crimson hair spilling out the back of her cowl. Not his Barbara, not her hair. Even if it was the exact same luscious shade…

“So, what now?”

Barbara smiled at him. “I don’t know. Can’t really show you the sights—you have ‘em all back home.”

Dick shrugged. She made a good point.

“So how about you fuck me?”

Open-mouthed, Dick stared at her. “What?”

Keeping her right foot on the gas pedal, Barbara spread her left leg away from the right, daring Dick to look between her thighs and see how tight her suit adhered to her groin. “I’ve gotten some real good fucking from the other Bats over the years, but none of them are men. I’d be interested to see how a male Bat does. Call it a scientific experiment.”

Dick wet his lips incredulously. “Don’t tell me—I have to kill someone first to prove my loyalty.”

Barbara giggled. “You don’t have to do anything, except let me have your cock.”

“You mean a gorgeous girl like you… all you want is to get laid? And from a complete stranger?”

“Well, I’m a complete stranger to you. Don’t you want to fuck me?”

“…yeah,” Dick said, feeling like he was repeating some mystifying fact he’d just been told. “You wanna do it here or…?”

“I think this car already smells enough like sweaty people in skintight rubber. Let’s go to the lake. You want to drive?”

“Why? Don’t you know this city better?”

Taking a hand off the steering wheel, Barbara reached under the waistband of her bottoms and began to run her hand over her sex. “I’m already in the mood, but I’d like to get a little more in the mood—if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. Pull over. I’ll drive.”

“I certainly hope so,” Barbara grinned, sliding another finger into her pussy.

They switched places like they were as synchronized as people from the same universe. Barbara slumped down in Dick’s seat—still warm from his body—spread her legs wide and fingered herself as hard as she could.

“Let’s go to Lake Halsey,” she said. “Is that as romantic in your world as it is in mine?”

“I guess we’ll see,” Dick said, shifting the Batmobile into another gear.

“And as long as we’re discussing where you’re going to fuck me, I suppose I should make it clear I want you to fuck my face.”

“Jesus,” Dick breathed.

“Then you’d like to fuck me there?”

“You kidding? Hell yes.”

“And fuck my throat hard and fast? With lots of hot cum for me to swallow when you finish?”

“Shit, Babs, you’re going to make me come just talking about it!”

Barbara smiled and sank back into her seat. “I love a man who goes fast,” she said, nearly dizzying herself by looking out the side of the windshield at the cityscape screaming by. It was astonishing that Dick was able to navigate at these speeds—risky too—she shouldn’t do anything to distract him—but she shouldn’t be in skintight leather, fighting maniacs either.

Especially on a school night.

“Can’t you make this thing go any faster?” Barbara teased. “You know how I hate waiting to get your prick in my mouth. I can almost taste it right now…”

“Jesus Christ!” Dick blurted out. “You wait… I’ll give you all the cock you can handle!”

“That much cock I’ve never seen,” Barbara retorted.

“You’re about to,” Dick promised her. “You just wait.”

“Just don’t keepme waiting. Hurry.”

“You know, I’m beginning to think you’re a little horny,” Dick quipped.

“You’re not?”

“You kidding? I haven’t gotten off all week, haven’t gotten a good blowjob in a damn near a month.”

Barbara rubbed her thighs together. She really was starting to enjoy herself. Dick was good-looking and amusing; teasing him was fun. After all, it wasn’t like she didn’t intend to deliver…

“A whole week?” she repeated, mystified. “A well-built guy like you? What do they do all day in your dimension that’s so much more important?”

“All kinds of things—but at the moment, I can’t think of anything.”

“Well, I feel sorry for you, but I’m a little glad.”


“That you haven’t come in a week. It means you’ll have a lot for me.”

Dick felt lightheaded. As sensual as ‘his’ Babs was, she was never this openly… slutty. “You like that too?”

“Why not? It comes with liking cock, doesn’t it? I can never get enough of either.” Barbara flashed a dazzling grin at him. “I’m going to suck you dry and fuck you limp. I’m not leaving a single drop left in your balls. And I hope you plan on painting every inch of me.”

“Oh yeah, you’ve picked the right guy. I must have a half-pint for you.”

“I wish it was a quart,” Barbara laughed—her fingers played up and down Dick’s leg as he drove the car past Gotham’s city limits. She slowly worked her way to his groin. Dick groaned and spread his legs apart, his right foot heavier on the gas pedal.

“I hope that’s all for me,” Barbara husked, feeling the hard bulge of his erection through his costume. “I can see getting you excited won’t be a problem.”

“Just try making it go down again,” Dick rasped jokingly.

“Alright,” Barbara replied.

She unzipped the fly of his costume and slid her fingers into it until she’d found the seam in his boxers. She slipped her hand deeper, to his naked prick, and squeezed it lovingly.

Ohhh—not bad!” she cooed, feeling him swelling up even harder in her grip. “Nice and hard for me. I think it deserves a kiss.”

Eyes wide, Dick nearly ran the Batmobile off the road. He couldn’t help himself. He turned his head to see Barbara’s face, ruddy with lust under her sensual mask.

“Don’t let me stop you!” he said in a choked voice.

Barbara puckered her lips. “I won’t.”

She pulled his fly down further, hauling his manhood out into the open. It sprang out from his crotch, rearing up to nearly the steering wheel. Barbara lowered her head under the wheel, taking hold of Dick’s member again to orient it to her face. She wouldn’t be able to simply bob her head up and down, not with the car as cramped as it was, but she could lay her head down on Dick’s lap and suck, suck, suck.

Gripping his cock firmly at the root, she ran her tongue over the pulsing knob, then wantonly kissed the glans.

“Jesus—suck on it!” Dick gasped, fighting to keep the Batmobile on the road.

Barbara looked up at him piquantly, but only gave him the flat of her tongue, swiping it from the corona of his cockhead to the dripping tip.

Ghgg! Holy shit!” Dick cried, vibrating in his seat.

Barbara turned her head a little, kissing his kneecap and the top of his thigh, before she strafed sideways to his held-down cock, taking almost all of it into her mouth with one single, gulping stroke.

The Batmobile lurched to the side, hitting the curb before bouncing back into the road. It took all of Dick’s self-control to focus on the steering, do nothing about the ecstatic pressure his cock felt in Barbara’s mouth.

He reached the cut-off and turned onto the narrow dirt road that was one of the hydra’s head of ways to the lake. It dead-ended in a secluded clearing overlooking the lake. Dick levered the steering wheel up out of the way. Innovative Wayne Industries design allowed it to be stowed away when not in use—although he doubted any of the engineers had built it that way with this in mind.

“We’re here,” Dick said thickly, but Barbara wouldn’t let go of his cock. On all fours now, she bent over his upright cock and bobbed her head up and down, driving Dick inexorably towards orgasm. “I guess… we’re not here yet… but we’re getting there!”

Barbara sucked him hard for minute after minute, both of them moaning with pleasure. Dick stroked her luscious hair and Barbara petted the muscles of his thighs. Then she pulled her mouth off him and licked his length from root to tip. She lavished the underside of his balls with her wet tongue and kissed her way all up and down his cockhead before finally embracing it with her mouth once more.

“Goddamn, Barbara, you really know how to suck cock!” Dick groaned, pumping his hips up from the seat to force more of himself into Barbara’s sucking mouth.

She withdrew once again, this time rubbing her pretty face and cool leather mask against the girth of his prick. Making her features shimmer with her own saliva, and the precum she’d made Dick helplessly spill. “And you know how to give it to me,” she husked. “Just get it hard and let me have all I want.”

Then she was taking him into her mouth, taking more and more of his hotly throbbing manhood in. She thrilled to his moans and signs, grazing her sharp teeth against the sides of his aching shaft to make him groan even louder.

Unnhh,” Barbara grunted herself, loving the feel of his hard member between her lips.

His hips flexed, Dick rubbing his cockhead demandingly against the back of her throat, and Barbara quivered. She heard her wet lips sliding over his burgeoning erection and the sound of her own sputtering as he prodded at the entrance to her throat. Her pussy quaked, overflowing with hot juices and twitches of pleasure.

“Yeah, Barbara, yeah! Suck it all!” Dick barked.

She did, more from her own lust than a compulsion to obey him. Barbara sucked him so hard that her cheeks hollowed inward, her nose buried in his curling pubic hairs. His thick cockhead kept pulsing away, pushing harder at the back of her throat. The further reaches of her gullet throbbed in time, shuddering, anxious to receive the thick intrusion Barbara knew was fated to be hilted in her.

“Ghk!” she gurgled around his already choking penetration. “Ghk! Ghk! Ghk!”

Dick swung his hips upward, giving his cock a hard shove at the same time Barbara swallowed as hard as she could, trying to clear her sputtering throat. Together, they managed to sheath the full length of Dick’s manhood inside Barbara’s gullet. The virgin muscles there, never before having been used by such a long prick, immediately tightened around his trembling shaft.

Fuuuck! That’s real damn good! Yeah, Barbara, yeah, throat that son of a bitch! Make me come! I wanna know I’m shooting it right down your throat!” Dick whooped.

Dick’s efforts to sate himself only increased his lust. Barely holding himself in place by bracing his hands against the roof of the Batmobile, he pumped his hips up and down, out of his seat. Every lunge upward fed his entire length into Barbara’s gullet. And she took it, meeting his ruts with her head bobbing, her throat gulping, eagerly swallowing both his prick and the dollops of precum he shed.

As she gagged on the length of cock he was forcing into her gullet, Barbara wrapped her fingers around his balls and squeezed them, adding even more pressure to what Dick was feeling as he took her throat’s virginity. She was sucking him so hard, gagging so frequently, that she felt lightheaded. Barbara refused to stop, though. She knew that his climax wasn’t far off; she longed to have his cum filling her mouth.

“Here it comes, Babs! Holy shit! Almost!” Dick cried, his cock swelling to an iron hardness inside Barbara’s all-too-slender throat, bucking hard against her constricting muscles.

Barbara could feel the bulge in her throat, testing even the give of her costume’s leather gorget. “MMmph!” she moaned, trying to encourage him to hurry up and spurt while she still had a little breath left in her lungs.

Already she felt every lascivious tremor going through his length, but now Barbara felt it lurch uncontrollably. She squeezed his balls painfully hard, maybe delaying the inevitable or maybe causing it. All she knew was that suddenly a geyser of white-hot jism burst from Dick with a vengeance, pumping right down into Barbara’s stomach.

She pulled her mouth back, part wanting to taste his semen, part driven back by the sheer violence of his eruption. Then, with her lips wrapped around his engorged glans and her gargling, sputtering throat somewhat in control of its swallowing, she felt his thick jism explode out onto her luscious taste buds. Barbara moaned around the portion of his fat cock that remained in her mouth.

Bbhhh,” she swooned, thinking how good his seed tasted and how overwhelming the flavor was as it stretched from her lower lip to the pit of her stomach.

It—he—was warm and creamy on her tongue. No matter how much she swallowed, she wanted more, and Dick gave her more, his cum splashing into her hungry mouth. She felt every part of her mouth being thoroughly coated by his sperm. She swallowed and swallowed and there was more to fill her sense of taste.

As she swallowed the dregs of Dick’s ejaculation, her sex throbbed madly, trembling with its own climax. Barbara cried out, the seed she couldn’t swallow trailing down her chin, and came off of Dick’s member. She sagged weakly under his arm as her orgasm continued, seasoned with the delicious jism she licked from her lips.

“You’re enjoying yourself, aren’t you?” Dick asked smugly, reaching around her body to squeeze her breasts through her costume.

Barbara could only sigh and nod weakly. Dick fondled her tightly through her climax, clenching and stroking her chest until she was done. Barbara had only been still for a moment when Dick spoke again.

“We’ve spent enough time in the car,” he said, knowing Barbara’s orgasm was over—and knowing that, if she were anything like the Barbara he was used to, she’d be anxious as all hell to have another one.



These "man in a world of reverse sexual morality" stories are always a guilty pleasure to read.


An inspirational story about Dick doing the best he can with what life has presented him.


Not quite what I had in mind, but it's so hot I don't care that much.