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Sometimes Emma liked to have her pussy eaten while she was wearing panties or pantyhose. It felt nice enough to have her cunt licked and sucked with the added sensation of wet nylon insisting upon itself. But what she really enjoyed was knowing that the other person was straining, laboring, going through a hardship, her pleasure coming at their expense. It was like she was dominating them even more than just making them go down on her—getting them to pain themselves to please her.

Women seemed more affected by her little fetish than men. In the past, when she’d gotten Jean to eat her pussy with pantyhose in the way, Emma could see that she was bothered by it. Maybe she thought Emma’s cunt wasn’t clean… and maybe it wasn’t. Emma, of course, cleansed twice daily, one shower and one bath, changing her outfit as many as three times over the course of twenty-four hours. But Scott still had his right to her. After a whole day of teasing and flaunting herself before him, there was no telling what might happen. Just how dirty she’d get.

And if Jean didn’t like that, tough. She had to lick Emma’s slit with or without panties in the way. Emma didn’t much care whether she liked it.

Now, though, she had the crotch of Jean’s panties before her mouth. For the first time, Emma understood how difficult nylon made it to eat a woman out. She didn’t know if Jean was clean or not; she smelled nice. Like talcum powder and Lancome. And she was wet. Almost dripping.

Emma wouldn’t let Scott’s cock in Jean’s mouth take all the credit for that. She knew she was getting to Jean, much as the redhead pretended it was all Scott, that she was just being her usual generous self in letting her man fuck Emma’s brains out so regularly.

Scott smiled in his sleep, feeling his prick going hard from the touch of Jean’s hand. With how Emma was eating her out, Jean couldn’t do much more than squeeze his member. She had to focus not to squeeze too tightly, as the pleasure Emma was bringing her swelled and surged, making all her body tense up in the flutters leading to orgasm.

Concentrating hard, she put her mouth to work—Scott gasped with pleasure. Thanks to her telepathy, Jean was well aware of how good what she was doing felt. Like warm wet velvet, her mouth cocooned Scott’s most sensitive place in ecstasy. His cock became engorged, lengthening and hardening to fill more of Jean’s mouth. She had to back off it, letting some of his increasing length out of her mouth before it gagged her. And the girth stretched her jaw…

Jean knew from experience that he wasn’t too big for her mouth, but when he stiffened in her mouth like this, it always felt like he was bigger than he’d ever been before. Maybe it was a secondary mutation. He was coming for both of them now, dousing both Emma and Jean with cum when they had their little parties, yet Jean’s share never seemed to be any less than what she’d gotten when she’d taken Scott on her own…

But even her anticipation of having all that cum to herself once more—of getting everything while Emma went without—wasn’t enough for Jean to focus while Emma’s tongue was at her cunt, teasing and playing and dancing with her folds, turning the sodden crotch of her panties into a sex toy. Its warm, leaden wetness in a seemingly continuous caress of her trembling labia.

Jean quivered, the little tremors were carried by her drenched panties and pushed back into her sex, and before the echo of sensations could die down, Emma’s mouth was back on her. Setting off the chain reaction again. Even the angry demand of Scott’s throbbing erection in her mouth couldn’t hold Jean’s attention when she was lost in a haze of enjoyment.

She had to pull herself off of Scott, instead sliding her face along his manhood, basking in its heat while she absorbed how Emma pleased her. “Oh, take it easy, Frost! Not so fast! G-gentle! Ah, God, yes—that’s much better… long, slow licks… inside of me, pull my panties out of the way and… yesss… fuck, you’ve got my clit so stiff. Nibble on it, yes, bite it, OH SHIT! Want you to eat my pussy all night… you’re such a horny little—what? What are you doing? Nnnhh, no, not down there, not in my ass—GOD, Emma, you’re licking my ass… fucking my ass with your tongue… Jesus, push it in deeper, go all the way, yes, lick, fuck, God, Emma, that’s amazing! Christ, how can you be so good at this goddamn lesbian stuff and still… holy SHIT… want Scott?”

If Jean was too beset by sensations to do more than nuzzle her sweaty face against Scott’s member, she was certainly too preoccupied to keep him under. Scott came to, groping silently for the spare set of ruby quartz glasses in the nightstand. There was a horrid wakefulness to his thinking. He knew he wouldn’t get back to sleep, or if he did, it wouldn’t be nearly as restful as the sleep they had taken him out of.

Still, despite his nap being ruined, he was awake. And now watching Emma sensuously lead the panting Jean on. He leered at her with as much amusement as lust. Fatigued as he still was, Scott couldn’t keep his body from joining in on the depraved excitement the two women felt. For God’s sake, there was Jean urging Emma on to eat her pussy. His prick hardened, even without Jean attending to it. It rose up in the air with imperious need. Scott pumped his hips a few times, but Jean was too far gone to notice, even as drops of precum impacted her flushed face.

“God, your tongue!” Jean sobbed. “Your fucking mouth, Emma, it’s driving me crazy! I want to come in your goddamn mouth! You evil fucking angel—suck harder, harder, really fuck me with that hot tongue, you bitch!”

Call me sweetheart, Emma teeped to her, and Jean accepted the harmless-seeming entreaty without reservation. She didn’t want to make Emma speak aloud, not when her tongue was doing things so much better than forming words.

“Sweetheart! Sweetheart! Eat my pussy, sweetheart! Make me come—no! No!”

Jean wrenched herself away from Scott’s cock, sending out a wave of psychic force that knocked Emma back as well. Scott remained motionless. Despite him having put on his sunglasses, neither woman had noticed the change. As long as he stayed still, his open eyes hidden behind the ruby quartz, they’d think he was still asleep.

“What happened to ‘I get his prick, you get my pussy’?” Jean demanded.

“What did happen to it?” Emma asked. She literally licked her lips, everything but a stray feather on her chin to make her look like the cat that’d gotten the canary. “I know your mental blocks are quite strong, but as far as I can tell, you were enjoying yourself—“

“But not Scott’s cock,” Jean interrupted, planting her hands on her hips. “Which is the only reason why I agreed to this arrangement at all!”

“Yes, you’re quite the martyr,” Emma agreed laconically, nodding her head slowly. “Poor dear, having me make you come—do you have any idea how many people would die to have them do what I just did for you?”

“Even knowing I’d come back, I still wouldn’t,” Jean snapped. “And don’t pretend you’re some giving lover, swept up in charity and generosity—“

“No, no, that’s your bit,” Emma muttered.

“That was all about stroking your own ego, getting one over on me! You were only eating me out so I couldn’t enjoy Scott’s prick!”

Emma batted her eyelashes. “Oh, dearie, don’t pretend you’re the kind of cum-happy little slut who would enjoy sucking him off that much. It takes one to know one and you don’t look that familiar.”

“It’s still mine! We agreed!”

Emma sniffed. “It’s hardly my fault you can’t… multitask.”

“Because I’m not a cum-happy little slut like you?” Jean accused.

Emma nodded. “Yes, precisely.”

Jean turned away from Emma in disbelief, focusing her attention on Scott’s prick again. It’d gone down, flagging despite the stamina he usually showed. Christ, he really was tired. But above her sympathy, Jean felt the pressing memory of how wonderfully hard it had been, how stiff and long and throbbing, promising her pure pleasure.

She couldn’t believe Emma had tried to cheat her out of that, just to be a bitch. Well, okay, she could. Emma had probably gotten off as hard on costing Jean her shot at their mutual man as she would if she’d been riding that cock herself.

“Well, if you’re not satisfied with our little arrangement, how about a game? Or rather a challenge, let us say?”

“I’m listening,” Jean said warily, sure Emma was trying to back her in another corner. Her pussy throbbed. Could not believe it…

“Do you think it’s fair to say that whichever of us wants Scott’s affection the most should get it?”

Jean just scowled at her.

“You’re the one who accused me of being willing to forego all that… affection… just so I could prank you,” Emma said innocently, her eyebrows knitting together in a mock-hurt expression. “If you sincerely believe that, well then, you must want it more than me. Don’t you?”

“Where are you going with this, Frost?”

“If you love him so much, surely you can love all of him. All of that big cock, say. Get every inch of it into your mouth? Throat him?”

“What makes you think I haven’t already?”

Emma just smiled at her—a dazzling smile of warmth and good cheer. Only the context made it sickeningly sweet. “When Scott and I first became involved… he was not a man that regularly enjoyed being deep-throated. A lady knows these things.”

Bitch, Jean thought inwardly, refusing to give Emma the satisfaction of resorting to name-calling. The cunt. “And you fixed that, didn’t you?”

“Even I have my limits, dear. The man’s twelve inches long. Hence the challenge. We’ll see who can leave her lipstick the furthest down that magnificent specimen. Whoever wants the most, and gets the most, gets it all night.”

Jean scoffed. “Didn’t you just admit to being a cum-happy slut?”

Emma smirked. “Then you admit that I can outperform you? You’re conceding?”

Fuck the satisfaction. “Bitch.”

“Scott’s bitch,” Emma said with a proud sneer.

“Just because I don’t prance around in lingerie all day doesn’t mean I don’t know my way around a cock. As I recall, everyone in the Hellfire Club was obsessed with me in black, not you in white.”

That wiped the smile off of Emma’s face. “Then it’s a bet?”

“Challenge accepted.”

“You go first then. Show me what to do with his prick, since you are the voice of experience with it.”

Jean simultaneously felt stung and an odd ray of hope. She was, of course, well-aware that Emma was more sexually experienced than her. That was never in doubt. Jean had never been to any orgies. If Emma’d been with Scott when Betsy was sniffing around him, Emma would’ve probably sold tickets. But she’d never seen Emma take all of Scott’s cock. Emma had to be bluffing. All Jean had to do was force down as many inches as she could into her gullet and she’d put Emma into her place.

Jean set her stance firmly. She knelt at the foot of the bed, Scott lying on it, his knees hooked on the edge of it, his legs dangling down to either side of her. His cock was right in front of her. She took it in her right hand and discovered that it was hot, a massive flare in her palm, the heat running up her arm. Jean brought her left hand to his testicles, felt their weight, then tried to tamper down her excitement. She didn’t want to squeeze too hard and hurt him.

She lifted her hand up, Scott’s balls cupped in her hand, but the wrinkled skin spread out to the sides of her palm. His bag was too much for her small hand. His cockhead bulged massively, but the shaft didn’t erect itself. He wasn’t getting hard.

Swallowing hard, Jean forced herself to speak. “He’s not… swelling.”

“Must help for him to be awake. That man’s determination makes all the difference.” Emma sighed with longing. “It only counts if he’s hard, though. So get to work.”

Jean bent down to the reddened tip of his glans, snugly held within his foreskin. She played her thumb over the skin, but her mouth had left it too slippery. She couldn’t peel it back. The musk of Scott’s groin suddenly overcame her, wafting thickly into her nostrils. She choked, shook, wanted to scream out her need.

Get hard for me, Scott! A voice within her demanded.

The glanshole quivered with a pearly drop of precum, about to spill out of his tip. Jean wanted it. Inches away, feeling like her core was on fire, she couldn’t resist—even in front of Emma.

She wetted her lips and brought her mouth to the fisted cockhead, sucking that first seminal drop from his glans.

“Cum-happy little slut,” Emma pronounced, sounding oddly proud.
