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Quentin really wanted her to come, wanted to mingle his exploding cream with hers. He rammed himself into her harder, in time with his finger impaling her asshole. Madison held him tight in the trap of her thighs, opening and closing them with his powerful thrusts, and he knew she was approaching climax. Quentin kept up his merciless rutting. All the strength he possessed went into fucking Madison with his prick and his hand.

Agghh, fuck it, that’s right, lover, fuck me hard! Fuuuucccckkkk!”

Madison kept chanting more encouragement, drawing each syllable out, spurring Quentin on to greater heights with her obscene words. Her heels pounded rhythmically at his back. She jack-knifed her legs up until her knees were pressed to her tits, offering Quentin all of her upturned groin. Her eyes rolled back in her head, face contorted with lust as she got closer and closer to her imminent release.

And then: “I’m… there… Oh God… I’m there! I’M COMING!”

The words burst from her straining body in a banshee wail, piercing Quentin’s ears in low-level payback for how he had impaled her. She pulled her thighs back tighter to her chest until all of her cunt was presented like a sacrifice to Quentin’s pistoning hips. Her ankles locked over his shoulders. Her hips writhed under him in an ecstatic tribal dance, like she was working out the orgasmic scream that finally gushed from her widespread lips.

Quentin felt the warm flow of her liquid climax as it frothed around his pounding cock, quickening in response to how he slammed her body with his. Madison locked herself around his cock with all the strength in her thighs, her cunt pumping convulsively against his manhood. There was an unbearable heat building in his scrotum, swirling upward and upward. Quentin gasped, gasped again, and finally his load got loose from his bloated balls and began its frantic rush through his shaft.

He spurted his hot seed into Madison’s sucking pussy, a seemingly never-ending explosion that emptied out his very being. All of it was accepted deep, deep in the folds of Madison’s lusting cunt. A small eternity later, he moaned out the final ejaculation, and then his cock could no longer stay swollen. It flagged even as he pulled it out of Madison, trailing gossamer-thin trails of cum along Madison’s thigh as he rolled over beside her, his mouth open and panting. His breath seemed to have to burrow to get to his lungs.

A long moment passed, filled with the ringing satiation of their shared orgasm.

“That was incredible, Quentin,” Madison said in a low voice. “It really was… I can’t remember the last time someone fucked me like that, but I wish it wasn’t so long ago.”

Quentin only lay there, not answering. He was satisfied. In fact, he was completely fulfilled. And he knew he should feel guilty now. Not just guilt, but remorse and shame and empathy for Alex that she’d been cheated on. But all he felt was virile, hot-blooded, like a real man. The kind of man who could satisfy a woman like Madison, and in pleasing her, he’d been satiated himself.

He was strong, powerful, Madison’s enjoyment and his own contentment going straight to his manly ego. With Alex, he wasn’t able to give her the submissive delight that he had given Madison, that could only be forced upon her. And so no matter how pleasant the sex was, how much Alex was pleased with his body and he with hers, there was always a veiled sense of inadequacy, a thread of frustration underlying their sex life. As if he were unable to reach Alex on the level of her deepest, most hidden feelings.

Alex Munday. Her name rang again and again in his mind. A small part of him tried to make the necessary angst come, but his newfound sense of potency chased the obligation off. So he simply laid there, feeling the soft warmth of the woman next to him, smelling the scent of her perfume and the permeating musk of what they’d done. Its flavor was as good as it had felt.

Madison stirred, then was on all fours beside him, her head floating over his belly, her hair trailing down to his limp cock. It glistened with remnants of her last orgasm and she seemed as enthralled by the evidence as she had been hypnotized by the experience itself.

“I’m not done with you yet, Quentin. I don’t just say that shit because it beats an awkward silence. I’m gonna pay you back for treating me to that lovely fuck the way you did…”

Quentin pressed his lips together. They were dry again. He ran his tongue over them. He didn’t know what else to do with it, what to say.

Her head dipped, soft and slow, down to his cock. Madison’s tongue lolled out, the dangling tip first brushing against his cock, then flicking over his glans. A slender trickle of semen, the last of his orgasm, was teased from the tip of his cockhead. It disappeared into Madison’s flashing tongue.

A tremor coursed through his groin. Could he get an erection again so soon? “Yes,” he answered himself, “yes, pay me back, you evil temptress bitch!”

Her tongue washed over the flaccid length of his cock, down to his wrinkled scrotum, lapping up her own orgasmic cream from his member. Madison moaned to herself as she worked at her task; Quentin’s cock was getting hard again, quivering with every moment that passed of her expert oral attention. She drew her head back and showed Quentin her smile, teeth pearly with the cum she hadn’t yet swallowed.

“I’m going to kiss this sweet cock until it’s hard enough to slap the taste out of my mouth. Then I’ll suck it some more. Would you like that?”

“Yeah. Hell yeah.”

“After that, we’ll go out into the yard. You can fuck me under the sun. Have you ever done it outside, Quentin?”

“No, but it sounds awesome.”

“It will be,” she assured him. “For both of us.”

But not for Alex and her little friends, Madison thought as she lowered herself to his prick again.


By the time Quentin finally lost consciousness, Madison had greatly enjoyed herself. She loved fucking outdoors. The feeling of the wind on her naked flesh was nearly as delicious as the motion of a man’s cock inside her juicy little sheath. She’d come again, and well, but Quentin was still just a man. A guy. There were others who could screw like he could, but no one else she could use to get back at the Angels.

Still, Madison really envied them—Alex especially. That bitch had lucked into a real stud. She didn’t deserve him. But he wasn’t really hers anymore, now was he?

She dialed Alex first. Of course, Alex answered.

“Come on over, Alex,” Madison said. “Quentin’s eager to see you again.”

“Madison?” Alex gasped. “How are you not dead?”

“We can survive all sorts of things. We’re already Angels. Speaking of, any of your sistahs there? Put someone else on the line and I’ll tell you where Quenty is…”

There was a brief silence before Natalie was brought to the phone: “What the hell do you want, Madison?”

“I want to help you Angels save a sinner. Quentin’s been a very bad boy. Well, maybe it had something to do with the tripanmarzipox I slipped him. I trust you know what that does?”

Natalie’s terse voice came over the line frosted with hatred. “You’re a cunt.”

“So you do. Then you know how important it is that Quentin gets some relief, and very soon. I took care of his first not-so-little problem, but with this new dose I’m giving him, I think I’ll leave him tied to the bed. You can save him or you can just let him die. I know what I’d do if my man cheated on me… a lot. Hey, if Dylan isn’t there, can you get a hold of her for me? Tell her to come over too, and wear something nice.”

“Where are you?” Alex demanded—had to be cheek to cheek with Natalie for them both to hear Madison’s voice over the phone.

“Just a cozy little cabin in the woods. Quentin did tell you where he was going this weekend, didn’t he? I hope so. I’d tell you myself, but I really hate to involve myself in these little domestic squabbles. Kiss-kiss, Nat. Alex, ciao. And tell Dylan I said hi.”

She hung up, cutting off whatever venomous outburst she’d no doubt provoked from the two. That was okay. Imagining it was good enough for her.


Madison misjudged the Angels. They spared no thought for her. They were busy coming up with a plan. It was ready within moments of the line going dead.

Tripanmarzipox was an ER-quality stimulant. One of the side effects was extreme sexual arousal. It could also lead to cardiac arrest. The endorphins released by orgasm caused the symptoms to subside, so the native tribes that had discovered it, used it as medical treatment coupled with recommendations of masturbation and intercourse. But that was with a small dose. Easy money was that Madison hadn’t let Quentin off light.

Alex and Natalie quickly came up with a plan. Alex would go to Quentin first, take the edge off. Natalie would find Dylan and follow her. To keep the Angels’ secret, they would play the parts of prostitutes Alex had hired to show Quentin a good time. With a little luck, the aphrodisiac could be chalked up to an odd allergic reaction from being out in the woods. It might sour Quentin on nature, but at least he’d be alive.

In under a minute, not bothering to dress in more than the T-shirt and shorts she’d been wearing around the house—no bra, day-old panties—Alex was in her car. In thirty seconds, she’d broken the speed limit.

“Hang on, baby, I’m coming,” she said aloud. “And I’m gonna show you what a real woman can do.”


Quentin had woken up with pounding headaches before, but never an aching stiffness like he felt in his crotch. He remembered the wild night—and day—with Madison, but despite reason insisting that should’ve drained him dry, he felt like he hadn’t fucked or even jerked off in months. Years.

And he was aroused. Holy shit, was he turned on. Even just the feel of the bedsheet over his naked groin was like getting a lapdance from two or three strippers. He couldn’t believe he was this horny and this turned on and felt so godawful deprived. He instinctively moved to relieve himself and his hands stopped short. His wrists were cuffed to the headboard. He couldn’t move them more than a foot in any direction.

“What the fuck is this? Hey. Hey! Is anyone here? This isn’t funny! Somebody get over here, let me out, LET ME—“

“Quentin, baby, is that you?”

Alex’s voice. Quentin felt a pang of weirdness that it was her, the girlfriend he’d cheated on… not so much because he hadn’t been monogamous, but because he’d been so damnably blasé about it. Usually, he loved to care about her feelings—soothe her, make her smile, make her happy.

However, the swell of feeling quickly passed. What mattered was that she was rescuing him. Whether or not he deserved it.

Quentin heard a martial arts cry, then the resounding impact of the door slapping down to the ground. Holy shit, he thought. He knew Alex was in great shape, but had she really kicked the door down?

Apparently so. The next thing he knew, Alex was in the doorway, looking as incredible as she always did, only moreso—less clothes in the way.

Quentin looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time in his life. God, she was an attractive woman. He did feel ashamed now—ashamed he’d bothered with another woman when Alex offered so much to love. His erection strained even harder, topping off at its full height, displaying every thick inch ready to be used on Alex… and desperately willing.

“I’m sorry, Alex,” Quentin whispered, not sure if he was apologizing for his unfaithfulness or his shamelessly potent reaction, overreaction to the sight of her. No, not overreaction. She really did look that good.

“It’s okay, Quent,” Alex replied softly. Her eyes automatically went to his prick, observing his meaty length, glazed with a tempting residue of old cum. She couldn’t be analytical about this. There was no other way to think about Quentin’s prick than as pure sex. “It wasn’t your fault. Your… doctor called. He said you’re having an allergic reaction.”

“Allergic reaction?”

“Yeah,” Alex nodded with frantic conviction. “It’s a new tree—invasive species—the pollen is doing this to a lot of people. The effects will pass in time?”

Quentin sounded as dubious as she did. “Effects? Pass in time? What are you talking about?”

Alex forced herself into motion, taking a hairpin out from her luscious mane to pick the locks on his handcuffs. Quentin’s breathing rushed as she leaned over him to get to the cuffs. His erection seemed to strain upward, trying to reach her supple body…

“We’re just going to have to treat the symptoms until your body produces enough… antibodies… so I should just make you comfortable. Is there anything I could do to make you more… comfortable?”

Quentin’s heart pounded in his throat. It seemed absolutely like a miracle, a blessing from God that was almost upon him. “Would you like to—“

“Yes,” Alex interrupted, leaning over him again. She spat in her hand, then put her fingers around the base of his sticky cock to rub some lubrication into his length. “Oh fuck yes.”



Ok, that was neat.