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As harrowing as the thought of losing her virginity to Sam’s strap-on was, Tory was really afraid of being fucked in the ass. She’d heard enough about that experience to know it would hurt. But she wanted to feel Sam’s cock in her sex. She forced herself not to tense up as Sam got behind her—fucked into her hot, wet pussy, deep inside it.

“Oh yeah, bitch,” Sam breathed. “You’re plenty tight in there. Let’s work on that. The next guy who fucks you—tell ‘im Sam LaRusso broke you in.”

She fucked Tory in slow, deep thrusts. The tip of the dildo went deep into Tory’s sex—she cried with pleasure every time it shifted inside her. The dildo was so big, Tory felt its girth brush against her clit on the way in.

“Oh yes!” she gasped. “Fuck me, LaRusso! Fuck me hard!”

“Yeah, I’m going to fuck your ass off!” Sam promised her.

She was pumping her strap-on into Tory as hard as she could. Tory made animal noises as she was fucked. She thought that the sounds of their fuck could be heard throughout the house, that maybe Sam’s family, maybe her friends could be all piled in there with them, listening in to her degradation. But that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that she was getting fucked.

“You’re a sweet bitch,” Sam breathed. “I bet I could fuck that tight pussy for a thousand years and it wouldn’t ever open up more than it is now.”

Tory groaned in turn. “I’m coming—oh shit—I’m going to come—oh FUUUUCK!”

It shocked her, how suddenly her orgasm was upon her. Hard spasms shook her body; she convulsed on the desk like she was trying to get away from her own impalement. But she would never want to stop being fucked by that thick dildo. She pushed back against Sam as a flood of her juices ran from her sex.

Sam laughed at the way she writhed around and pistoned into her a little harder. She was practically beating Tory with her strap-on, but Tory knew Sam hadn’t lost control. Her Sam could only ever be in control.

“Yeah, bitch,” Sam grunted. “Shake that fat ass for me. It’s getting my big dick real soon. That hot ass is getting dicked so fucking soon!”

Tory kept moving, but she couldn’t make Sam lose control, and not just because the cock was fake. Sam was simply too masterful. It didn’t matter whether she used her tongue, her fingers, or even just told Tory to fuck herself. Tory’s ass was hers no matter what.

Sam took her strap-on out of Tory’s cunt. “It’s good you’re being so obedient, bitch. I’m gonna give you a special treat and let you have lube. You want lube, you little bitch? You want me to lube your ass up before I fuck it?”

“Yes, Sam, please, please don’t go in dry, please lube your little bitch’s ass up before you fuck it!”

A grin twisted Sam’s features. “That’s more like it, Tory. You have a real good attitude after you come. Maybe all this time, you just needed to get laid. Too bad you don’t have a boyfriend to take care of that… my bad!”

Sam went to the desk, picking up a bottle of hand lotion she’d put in a drawer earlier. She squirted some of the fragrant liquid onto her fingers and then was rubbing it into Tory’s pink little asshole. Her slippery fingers circled the opening, spreading lubrication all around the outside of Tory’s sphincter. With her other hand, she squirted another helping of lotion onto her fingers and added it to the area around Tory’s grommet, massaging it into the skin, then dipping slightly into Tory’s anus. She squeezed the bottle again; more lotion coated her fingers.

Tory felt Sam’s fingers press against her throbbing asshole, enter her slightly, moving back and forth over the half-inch just inside her to spread the lube along the inside of her sphincter. The fingers withdrew—Sam squeezed the bottle again—they returned wetter than before, pushing in deeper, the cold feel of the lotion smearing all over Tory’s rectum.

Tory’s eyelids flickered. It felt good, if uncomfortable. Sam’s fingers were too small and slender to hurt… nothing like the massive strap-on she threatened Tory with.

“Now, that looks like the asshole of an anal bitch!” Sam chimed. “Ready to have me up your ass?”

“Yes, go ahead, fuck my ass!”

Sam dropped the bottle of lotion onto the desktop beside Tory’s head. “Here. Rub that on my cock. When you’re done, lean over again and hold your ass wide open. I’m going to fuck it so good…”

Tory turned around to fill her own hands with the slippery lubricant. She grabbed the big strap-on with one hand to steady it and, with the other, she pumped the shaft of it in hurried strokes. She could’ve sworn the cock was throbbing and pulsing in anticipation of getting her ass, but it had to be her own racing heartbeat filling her body. The warmth she felt on it, though—that had to come from when Sam had so casually taken her virginity. Like it belonged to her.

Tory almost wore her fingers to the bone, twisting and grinding the lotion into the dildo, then she squirted more lotion onto its cockhead and rubbed its phallic length to spread the lube evenly all over it.

“Trying to use up all my lotion?” Sam demanded. “Is that what you do with other people’s property? Just waste it? I should’ve put this cock in and let you get used to it the old-fashioned way. I wouldn’t feel any pain. And anyone who sucks at fighting as bad as you should be used to getting hurt.”

She thrust Tory down on the desk, folding her over it. Then her strap-on pressed into Tory’s snug little anus. It felt big. Even bigger than it had in her pussy. Big enough to tear her in half.

“Relax, bitch, I was just kidding,” Sam laughed. “Stay calm… nice and calm… you’ve had a good climax, so you’d better be relaxed. I didn’t give you that O just because I thought your cunt would look nice wrapped around my dick, now did I?”

Tory had no chance of relaxing. There wasn’t any chance of her stopping Sam or trying to stop her either. She belonged to Sam. There was nothing to be done about it. She wouldn’t have enjoyed being Sam’s bitch so much if she weren’t meant to be Sam’s bitch. She could either be angry and bitter and sarcastic, like she always was, or she could come like Sam had made her come.

She could come like Sam’s bitch.

Sam moved forward slowly, her dildo popping inside of Tory’s rectum. “Only a bitch like you would let me do this,” she muttered, watching the shaft disappear inside of Tory’s ass. “Only my own, personal, anal… BITCH!

She pushed harder. Tory screamed, the pain intense—Sam wasn’t taking it easy on her. And she kept pushing. By now, her cock had split Tory’s buttocks in two. She felt like she was going to die. Sam pushed again and her strap-on slid into Tory’s ass, into her bowels. It filled her anal passage up. She kept shoving.

“Jesus, you’re killing me!” Tory cried.

“Like Tory Nichols was ever not gonna die from getting fucked to death,” Sam told her smugly.

She shoved one last time and the strap-on went all the way into Tory’s tiny asshole. Sam stopped there. She gave the hyperventilating Tory time to get used to how she’d been impaled before she started the massive strap-on moving again.

“Yeah, bitch,” she breathed. “You just relax. Relax and let me fuck your useless brains out. You’re so much better at getting fucked than you ever were at karate.” Then she was fucking Tory’s ass with deep strokes.

Tory had never felt anything like this before. It’d stopped hurting, except for how uncomfortable it was, how degrading it felt to be fucked this way. But she understood that she was Sam’s bitch. In fact, Sam had been putting it lightly. She was more than just a whore. She was an anal slut.

“Start lifting your ass,” Sam moaned. “Yeah, like that. Fuck yourself on this dick. You’re not a bad fuck, bitch!”

Tory bounced her hips up and down, twerking, tightening her asshole around Sam’s dildo, rubbing her pussy against the cool wooden desk. She matched the rhythm of her bounding ass to the strokes of Sam’s cock. Her breasts and Sam’s jiggled at the same obscene pace.

By now, Tory was enjoying herself intensely, though she didn’t know why. Sam’s prick was still ramming hard and fast into her surrendered body. It wasn’t much different from how Sam had fucked her pussy, but she felt much closer to orgasm now. The only way she could understand her own pleasure was the strange combination that had culminated in her being ass-fucked:

Hatred. This was her arch-rival doing this to her. That alone spiked her emotional involvement in the fuck.

The fight had been a thrilling kind of foreplay. The wait afterward for Sam to claim her reward had turned her on even more. She’d been simmering and frothing until now, when the sodomy finally put an exclamation point on the match, gave her closure in losing to Sam.

Now the long, hard strap-on reaming out her asshole. For the first time, she was experiencing anal sex. Sam was fucking her with all the power she’d used to defeat Tory in battle. And it was amazing. Tory loved it. She wanted more: deeper, harder, faster!

Her senses soared upward and she came, reaching down to clasp one hand over her pussy. Her fingers dug deep into her sex, sending up answering pleasure in her cunt to the strange climax Sam had given her in the ass.

Her dual orgasms burst like a skyrocket, illuminating her body with lusty happiness. Tory’s eyes rolled up in her head as she came and came hard, so much harder than she’d come to her own masturbation, harder than when Sam had taken her virginity—being an anal bitch was better than all of that. Her lust-heated juices spilled out of her empty pussy, like that was its part to play in this oddball fuck that had otherwise bypassed it.

Tory groaned—finally not minding that she’d lost to Sam LaRusso.

“Holy shit,” Sam cried. “Did you just squirt? You really are such a fucking whore… I’m so glad I taped that.”


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