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The fucking bitch had cheated.

That was the only explanation for it. Tory had challenged Sam to a one on one match to settle their rivalry, no Cobra Kai, no Miyagi Do, especially no Robby or Miguel. Just the two of them handling their business.

It seemed obvious now that Sam had set her up. Tory couldn’t figure out how—as hard as she’d fought, somehow Sam had still managed to get her in an armbar, forced her to submit. Then she’d revealed that she’d set up a camera before the fight. Tory would have to submit a lot more if she wanted to avoid that footage getting out. Tory Nichols, begging for mercy… it would destroy her at Cobra Kai. She’d be the laughingstock of the entire school.

“What do I have to do?” Tory finally grumbled, after calling Sam every name under the sun, which the bitch had actually seemed to enjoy, knowing that all Tory’s rage was impotent.

“I want you to come to my house tomorrow. My parents are gonna be gone all afternoon. But there’s a dress code. You know what a Laker Girl is, don’t you?”

So there Tory was, dressed in purple and yellow, half a tanktop and half a skirt, the cheerleading outfit amounting to the tightest skirt and top she’d ever worn. Fine. Let her look good for Sam. She’d show her what a real woman looked like. She wanted Sam to learn that Tory made this costume look better than she ever could.

She showed up at stately LaRusso manor at half past twelve. Rang the doorbell. No answer. She knocked at the door. No answer. She tried calling Sam’s cell phone. No answer. She waited fifteen minutes, alternating between ringing and knocking and texting Sam, before she finally moved to leave. Only then did the door swing open.

“Tory, hi!” Sam said, all sunshine and lollipops. “So good of you to make it.”

“What the fuck ever,” Tory snapped, pissed that she had fallen for this bitch’s gay little power-play. “Where do you want me?”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “Let’s go to the home office for now. All this Cobra Kai stuff is sort of the family business, so that seems like the right place for it.”

The ‘home office’ thankfully didn’t stink of Daniel and his wife as much as Tory feared. It was an anonymous, spacious room centered around a nice desk. Sam probably did her homework in here, feeling like a good little yuppie the whole time. Whore.

Tory sat down across from Sam and crossed her legs. She smiled, seeing Sam’s gaze go to her expanse of exposed thigh. Yeah, you wish, LaRusso.

Sam folded her hands, steepling her elbows on top of the desk. “What can I do for you, Tory?”

“The fuck do you mean?” Tory demanded. “You asked me here, remember?”

“Right. Right, right, right,” Sam said, pursing her lips and furrowing her brow like she was talking to a crazy person. “Then this is about that video where you were crying and begging me to let you up—“

“Fuck you, LaRusso, I tapped out, that’s it.”

“Not the way I remember it.” Sam opened up the laptop sitting on top of the desk. “Would you like to review the footage?”

No,” Tory stressed. She knew it wasn’t that bad, but it was pretty bad. Sam had really made her ask nicely for the fight to be over. “What do you want, huh? Money? My solemn vow to stay away from Robby? Or Miguel? Or both—fuck, have ‘em both. I don’t care.”

“And in return, you want me not to release the footage?”

Yes,” Tory said, emphasizing the word even harder than her ‘no.’ She shifted her position in the chair. “What do you want?”


Tory scoffed. “I don’t understand. You told me to come here—“

“And now I’m telling you to leave,” Sam said. “You think you can come into my house, cop an attitude, and I’ll give you anything you want? Uh-uh. You lost. I won. As far as I’m concerned, that makes you my bitch. Start acting like it. Isn’t that how it works at Cobra Kai? ‘First place is everything’? Isn’t that why you swallowed your pride and came here, to beg me not to make you a pariah with all your fascist friends?”

“Then tell me what you want!” Tory insisted.


“Why not!?” Tory had started pleading now. Everything was spiraling out of control.

“I told you why not. You walk in here like you’re champion of the world and act like you’re doing me a favor by using my air conditioning. You don’t make demands with me, bitch. You do what you’re told or you fuck off. So fuck off.”

“Wait!” Tory pleaded. There were tears in her eyes now. Fuck, she hated this, but she hated the prospect of leaving empty-handed more. How long would Sam wait until she posted her humiliation on the internet? Would it be five seconds after Tory left or ten? “You’re right. I did lose. You made me your bitch. And I’ve been a cunt to you for a long time. Let me make it up to you. Just say what you want.”

“So now you want to be my bitch?” Sam asked, putting a lilt on the last word that stung Tory’s ears.

“Yes,” Tory said humbly.

“Alright,” Sam said. “Beg me.”


“Get down on your knees and beg or get the fuck out of here.”

Tory thought she had some pride left. She thought she wouldn’t allow herself to be humbled any further. But she had to do what Sam asked.

She got down on her knees and begged. “Please… please let me be your bitch, Sam… let me do whatever it takes to be your bitch, just don’t release that video, please, I’ll do anything…”

She kept going for what felt like hours. Sam sat there, her face hard, listening as Tory groveled like a beaten animal.

“That’s all well and good,” Sam finally said. “But anyone can say what someone wants to hear. I’m not sure you mean it.”

“I mean it!” Tory assured her. “I’ll do whatever you want. Anything. Please, just tell me—“

Sam held up her hand, silencing Tory. “Alright. I’ll let you prove you’re not just talk. I’ll let you show me you’re my bitch.”

Sam got up and walked around the desk to her. Tory was still down on her knees. In front of her, Sam casually unzipped her pants and took out a strap-on dildo. She let go of it; it dangled in front of Tory’s face. Tory couldn’t believe it, but it made a warped kind of sense. This was what she would’ve expected from any guy in Sam’s position. This was just a girl doing it.

“Well? Don’t you know what a bitch is supposed to do with one of these?” Sam asked her.

Tory knew what to do. She lifted her head and brushed her lips against the tip of the dildo. There thankfully wasn’t any taste to the sterile silicone, not a hint of prior usage. Tory opened her mouth and took it between her lips. She sucked hard.

This was no new experience to her—in fact, she was so accustomed to it, she could’ve sworn she felt the swelling she would’ve expected from a real cock. She moved the dildo from cheek to cheek, using her tongue to push it around.

“You’re doing good, Tory,” Sam said. “Even I’m a bit surprised Miguel left you. Maybe there’s such a thing as being too big a whore? Not right now, though.”

Tory refused to listen, focusing entirely on the dildo in her mouth. She told herself that it was rock hard, that she’d made it stiff. She kept sucking on it. Saliva ran down the sides of her mouth. Just then, she would’ve sucked a hundred of the things to get what she wanted.

“That’s enough,” Sam told her. “Why don’t you help me out of my pants now?”

Tory hurried to undo Sam’s belt and pull her pants down her legs. Sam wasn’t wearing any panties, only the strap-on’s harness. The base of the dildo pressed against her bare cunt.

Tory buried her face against Sam’s taut belly, then moved her lips back down to the dildo’s cockhead. She licked its long length, opened her mouth and sucked on the shaft. Without being told, she moved her hand up between Sam’s thighs and rubbed at her pussy.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” Sam teased. “Maybe we should move this to the couch…”

She peeled off her top while going over to the couch. Tory followed instantly, padding across the ground on all fours like an animal. She had no pride left. All she knew through the haze of her arousal and anticipation was her original goal: to make Sam happy.

Making Sam happy was exciting her like crazy.

Sam sat down heavily on the couch, but when Tory moved to start mouthing her strap-on again, Sam grabbed her by her ponytail and held her tight. Tory didn’t know if she was supposed to try and pull free to keep sucking Sam off or if she was meant hold still like a dog on a leash.

“You know what I’m going to do now, bitch?” Sam asked.


“I’m going to fuck you in the ass,” she told Tory. “I’m going to take this cock and ram it right into you. You still want that video kept under wraps, bitch, or maybe you’d like to leave with your anal virginity intact? Assuming you’re not quite the slut all the rumors say you are…”

Tory knew she couldn’t leave now. Sam knew it too. She laughed at the expression on Tory’s face, then reached down and ripped open her shell top. Tory wasn’t wearing a bra. Her full breasts popped out, making Sam lick her lips.

“Now take the rest off,” she told Tory. “Or should I rip that too?”

“I’ll take it off,” Tory said obediently.

Sam didn’t look at her as she took off the rest of her clothes—going from Laker Girl to just girl, Sam’s girl.

She was looking at the desk instead. “Go over there,” she ordered Tory, “and move everything onto the floor.

Tory did as she was told. She felt Sam looking her up and down. She knew Sam was licking her lips still.

“Now I want you face down on that desk.”

“I’m, I’m a virgin,” Tory whispered. “Wouldn’t you rather h-have my virgin cunt? You don’t have to fuck my ass, you don’t…”

“Shut up, bitch,” Sam said. “One more word and you can watch me upload that video right in front of you. Now get the hell across that desk.”

Tory went to the desk, but couldn’t bring herself to stretch her body over it. It was too much, too soon. Suddenly Sam was there, grabbing her by the back of the neck, shoving her face down against the desk. Her other hand went between Tory’s legs. She played with her cunt, two fingers up inside it, working back and forth. Tory had been tense, but the fingers stroking loosened her up. She couldn’t help herself. She started rocking against Sam’s fingers.

“Yeah, you like that, bitch?” Sam asked. “I think you do. You’ve got a hot pussy, Tory. It can’t get enough.”

She kept her fingers go, gently stroking in and out of Tory’s sex, knowing that her slight pushes and pulls were enough to utterly arouse Tory. When her fingertips brushed against Tory’s clit, she moaned softly. Sam kept going until Tory was twisting and writhing with enjoyment. Then Sam pushed another finger into her and Tory was being fucked again.

“This is what you like,” Sam cooed to her. “You like having a finger in your pussy. You’ll like having more in your ass. Won’t you, bitch?”

“Yes!” Tory moaned. “I’ll like it, I’ll like having fingers in my ass if it’s anything like this. I’ll like your cock in my ass; I love your cock.”

“You’re nothing but a cheap slut,” Sam said coolly. “You’d fuck anything that could fill that hot cunt, wouldn’t you, bitch?”

Tory couldn’t say it wasn’t true. Right now, it was true. Maybe it was always true. She definitely needed cock now. She needed something to fuck her. She moved her ass against Sam’s caressing hand. Every time Sam’s fingers brushed against her clit, Tory shuddered. God, why did she have to want it so much? Whatever humiliation the video could cause her wasn’t worth this—if it didn’t feel so good, she’d tell Sam to go to hell. But instead…

“You’re touching me so good,” she whimpered, more to herself than to Sam. She didn’t dare speak to Sam but she couldn’t keep quiet. “You’re making me feel so goddamn good…”

She felt uncomfortable on the cold desk. Her breasts were sore from being crushed down on top of it. Tory couldn’t stop herself from moving her hot ass back against Sam. She needed her fingers. She needed more of the excitement that had started when she’d sucked Sam’s cock.

“I love it.” Tory spoke to the feeling Sam was somehow summoning between her legs and deep inside her. “Keep doing that to me… I love feeling you inside me…”

“I’ve got more for you, bitch,” Sam told her, a kind of amusement in her voice, even a fondness. “I’m going to fix that tight pussy before I take your ass. A slut like you shouldn’t be a virgin. You were probably lying anyway, but we’ll find out.”


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