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“What… do you think?” Cass asked haltingly. Usually, there was a confidence, no matter how much she paused and thought her way through a sentence. She seemed a little nervous now, which didn’t at all fit with how good she looked to Kon.

The weird part was that it wasn’t like she was wearing anything too different from the usual dominatrix catsuit gimp thing she wore. She still had the high boots, the pointy cowl. Her firm breasts still jutted proudly from her chest, her slender waist rounded at the hips with just the right curvature, all outlined perfectly by skintight leather.

Only not as much skintight leather as usual. Like a cowboy’s chaps, it abbreviated at the crotch, leaving her groin and buttocks bare before the costume resumed along the outsides of her thighs and on her belly. The exposure highlighted her bare skin, the pale flesh seemingly shining against the matte-black costume surrounding it. Her pubic thatch looked like it had been recently clipped, the hair cut into a tiny heart. In back, Kon knew, her pert buttocks were equally on display.

Another cutout, like Power Girl’s boob window, opened over her cleavage. But unlike Peej’s, the one Cass wore uncovered her entire chest, letting their nubile heft all the way out into the open.

Cass’s breasts were sizable, made to seem larger by her lanky frame. Freed from the skintight leather, they looked big and full and round, with thick brown nipples shooting defiantly out from the apex of her curves. Kon’s eyes were glued to the springy globes as they heaved with every breath Cass took.

Finally, there was the vinyl hood she wore. It was almost identical to the eyeless mask Cass usually wore, but this one had a zipper covering her mouth. It was pulled open, letting Cass’s lips peek out through the opening, the moist pink of her tongue and mouth drawing the eye in the sea of black that surrounded them.

It was astonishing, Kon thought, how a little deliberately bared flesh could so sexualize an entire outfit, make all of it kinky. He’d seen Cass with battle damage exposing as much of her skin—not in the same spots, true—and yet, the fact that Cass had willingly chose to wear this, maybe even had it made… or that she’d seen it somewhere and decided to buy it… did she know what it was meant for? She had to know. Anyone who read body language for a living had to know what it meant to flaunt those parts of her body.

“Well…?” Cass prompted. “Do you… like it?”

“I like you,” Kon blurted out. “I like anything that shows you off. That shows off a lot of you…”

“So you like it… a lot?” Cass ventured. Through the mesh of her mask’s eyeholes, Kon could feel her scrutinizing him. “Would you like it… if someone else… were wearing this?”

“No, I don’t think I would,” Kon answered honestly. “I can’t imagine anyone else wearing something like it. If they were, they’d probably be trying to… uhh… make friends with me. I think you’re just trying to look good for me.”

“I’m already… friends with you,” Cass said.

“Yeah, there’s that…”

“So don’t you think… I could be trying… to seduce you?”

“I, uh, oh…”

“I dressed this way… to make you want… to do things with me… why are you making… me wait?”

“I… guess… I thought it might be better, maybe… if we waited.” Great, now she had him doing it.

“Do you still… think that?”

“Cass,” he said lovingly, “I don’t think you should ever have to wait again.”

Kon reached out to her—first gently playing his fingertips across her lips, then reaching down to her breasts, feeling each in turn, making her nipples stiffen. As he played with them, his cock grew hard in his jeans. Cass noticed; her breasts got more sensitive, heaving in his hands. Which only made Kon more engorged. Cass liked arousing him as much as Kon liked being aroused.

“Don’t stop, Kon,” Cass moaned. “Don’t stop, ever!”

Kon’s answer was to embrace Cass, thrusting his denim-clad erection against her bare pussy, giving them both a jolt of immense sexual pleasure, like the fuck itself had leaked into the middle of their foreplay.

“I’m not stopping,” he promised her. “And I’m not going anywhere. So let’s go all the way!”

A gust of wind came from Cass’s dropped jaw. All the way?

Kon kept working on her. “Why not?” he asked her. “You’re dressed for it!”

“You’re not,” Cass replied, moving her hips in time to his rutting cock, even if it was still trapped behind his zipper.

“How about I do something about that?” Kon suggested.

“Let me,” Cass retorted. “I seem to be… the expert.”

She reached down and unzipped Kon, then fingered into his fly to draw out his cock.

“Leave the rest… on,” Cass told him. “You’re fucking… Batgirl… I wanna… fuck Superboy.”
