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“Oh shit, that was amazing—just amazing!” Gaila moaned, marshaling all her energy to turn on her side and face Oola as the two laid in bed together, awash with the sense of each other.

With a giggle, Oola realized the porn hologram was still playing. She hadn’t even noticed for the last several minutes. Her mouth was smeared with Gaila’s slippery juices and she ran her tongue over her lips, cleaning them off. It was insane—she’d actually gone down on another woman, eaten a pussy. She’d always wanted to have her own licked; now she’d done it to someone else.

She found the experience incredibly rewarding, maybe even more than she would’ve enjoyed being eaten out herself.

Gaila was done trembling. She looked at Oola, smiling warmly at her. “It’s not my turn anymore. That means it must be your turn. I did promise to take care of you, didn’t I?”

Oola gave a minor nod. She didn’t want to insist—do anything to ruin the contented perfection of what she’d already experienced—but Gaila was too sweet to let her go without just because she was nervous. Maybe Orions only got a reputation because they were such giving lovers.

“But I’m not going to eat your pussy… not just eat your pussy,” Gaila said, widening her eyes mysteriously. “I’m going to make love to it. And you, of course.”

She got down on her knees before Oola. Her hands delved into Oola’s blouse, drawing it open, revealing her large breasts.

“They’re lovely,” Gaila whispered, caressing Oola’s cleavage. “Just like the rest of you.”

She leaned in and took Oola’s right nipple into her mouth. The hot, sucking wetness inside sent chills rolling through Oola’s body like small firings of thunder. Oola’s lekku fell down her chest, next to her tits, allowing Gaila to roll her cheek against one while still holding onto the nipple she was pleasuring.

Oola moaned, trying to keep the sound low, and Gaila moaned herself as she sucked gently, lovingly on the tender nipple. Her hands slid down Oola’s body, reaching her hips, then moving under her skirt. She caressed thighs and hips while her mouth greedily clung to the fat nipple she’d claimed.

Oola sighed and opened her legs; Gaila was feeling her moist sex now, touching it right through her panties.

“My, my. No hair there either,” Gaila whispered huskily. “I suppose I should be glad you’ve got eyebrows. Blue, orange, or purple, I can deal with, but you’d look weird without those.

Her fingers slid under the waistband and Oola lifted her hips to let Gaila pull them off. Oola had barely gone bare, her panties only a few inches down her thighs, when she felt a finger enter her boiling pussy. Gaila smiled at her.

“You haven’t done this much, have you?” Gaila cooed, thrusting her finger back and forth in the slender reaches of Oola’s passage. “You’re very tight… it’s making me wonder how you taste. How fresh you are.”

She shoved Oola’s skirt up out of the way, then lowered her head to Oola’s lap. Her kisses tingled along the Twi’lek’s soft inner thighs. Oola moaned, stroking her lekku with autoerotic zeal, watching with lustful eyes as Gaila’s red hair bobbed in her lap. The sight seemed almost as enticing as the licking sensation of that warm mouth…

Gaila stopped for a moment, her auburn curls tilting up, revealing her luscious face so perfectly nestled between Oola’s legs that the Twi’lek gasped at the sight of it. “Put your feet on the bed and open your legs wide,” Gaila told her. “Your pussy smells so beautiful—I want a nice, long look at it too…”

Oola had never been so excited, lekku twitching animatedly, as she was doing what Gaila asked. She felt Gaila spread her slick labia, heard a moan of pleasure from the Orion when she saw Oola’s hairless pussy.

“The humans like them bare too, even though theirs aren’t naturally that way. Maybe I picked it up from them. I get all excited over a bald pussy. Nothing smells better to me, or tastes better, than that hot… juicy… cunt.”

She pressed her open mouth to Oola’s sex, her hands slipping under Oola’s naked ass, squeezing it while she sucked in a frenzy. Oola groaned with the feel of Gail’s tongue slithering along her moist slit and snaking against her stiff clit. It felt like Gaila was trying to swallow her cunt as much as please it.

Oooooh, YES, YEAH!” Oola gasped, thrusting her pussy out in offering to Gaila’s hungry mouth. “It’s yours! I’m yours!”



Another I'd forgotten about!