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Put simply, Reed Richards solved problems. Occasionally, they were physical problems that he resolved with the use of his powers. More frequently, they were intellectual problems that fell before his mental might. He was so adept at problem solving, so gratified at the process from frustration to satisfying solution, that it was hard for him to be content without a problem to work on.

Of late, Reed had endeavored to not allow that predilection to get in the way of his personal life, knowing it had desultory consequences for his friends and family if he was ‘on’ all the time. But when the problem involved Sue, his best friend, the start of his family… then there was no way out but through.

The funny thing was, it wasn’t a ‘real’ problem. Certainly not one that Sue or another of his trusted associates had brought to his attention. It was simply a meme, a factoid, a running joke in the pop culture of the moment. But such was his sensitivity to Sue’s needs—his strong feelings on being a good husband and father—that Reed felt compelled to get to the root of the issue, real or imagined.

In this case, almost certainly imagined. It was on Twitter, after all. From there, its simplicity and the ease of its conversion into smutty humor had seen it spread to the usual cesspools of popular discourse. Radio shock jocks, late-night television hosts, even some of those adult cartoons with the art stylings that not even a toddler of marginally developed vision could love.

Everyone seemed convinced that Reed wasn’t satisfying his wife sexually.

Reed was used to the insinuation. It was the kind of thing Namor tended to say before Reed stopped trying to resolve their differences peacefully. But there was the barroom humor of a vulgarian trying to get under one’s skin and then there were people using the Impact font en masse.

It troubled Reed… not the implied insult to his masculinity, he was far beyond being concerned there, but the worry that Sue wasn’t having her needs met. He knew that her life, of necessity, had its drawbacks: them and their children being placed in danger, the demands of his own work, even the scrutiny that her high profile invited on her form in the team’s skintight jumpsuits. All of which she handled with the aplomb he so loved in her. But that very habit of placing others first made Reed worry that she was allowing herself to be underserved.

To Reed, Sue deserved the best in everything. It pained him to think he might be at the root of a lacking attribute in her life. So the problem became more of an existential dilemma than a pressing problem. Assuming that Sue was unsatisfied, or could be better satisfied, what could Reed do to improve her sex life? In this case, unfortunately, he couldn’t trust her as an interview subject. She was so fond of him that, if asked, she would reply he was a cocksman par excellence, no matter what her real feelings on the matter were. Reed would have to be more thorough.

So Reed built a machine that would observe Sue without her knowledge, look through her search history and psych evals, monitor her physiological reactions through the course of the average day, and come to a conclusion on exactly what sexual stimuli Sue would best respond to.

It took a week for the machine to gather and sift through the necessary data, but after triple-checking his results, Reed was finally sure he knew everything there was to know about Sue’s kinks. And no wonder she hadn’t felt able to share that knowledge with him. And, consequently, no wonder there’d been ‘something in the air’ that the Jungian subconscious had responded to, perceiving however dimly and accidentally that Sue was not being as superlatively contented as she pretended.

Reed would need to do some digging, personally, to get to the unvarnished truth. And the sweet little irony was that while Sue might not like his next course of experimentation…

He was ninety-eight percent sure she would climax due to it.


“Sue, dear, do you have a moment?”

Sue sighed. She had been waiting for her soufflé to rise, but it looked like that wasn’t happening. She’d just have to try again at being a domestic goddess another day; for now, she had to content herself with the one or two times she’d saved the world.

“Yes, Reed,” Sue answered, flicking her eyes up to the intercom. Her eye contact automatically opened her end of the conversation. “I live to serve.”

She yanked off her apron and tossed it aside, leaving her in the FF jumpsuit that was good for anything from meet-and-greets at the UN to fighting Ultron in low-earth orbit.

“Are you sure? This could be rather time-intensive.”

Sue took another, longing look at her soufflé, but it did nothing to gratify her. She could’ve sworn she hadn’t let any of the yellow into her egg whites… “Take all the time you need, darling. I’m free as can be.”

“That’s good to hear. Please report to testing bay seven. I’ll meet you there.”

With a blip of feedback, Reed closed the line.

“Testing bay?” Sue repeated, wondering what Reed could want with her there.

Help with some experiment? Even in her rather dazed idea of Reed’s present work, she didn’t think she could be of any use to him. Maybe he simply wanted to double-check something with her. Reed could get to be a little… thoughtless with the moral implications of his work. Both of them had agreed that, if Reed suspected there was something dubious about the line of research he was on, he might want to run it by Sue before he got too into it.

Whatever it was, Sue might as well get on with it. She marched to the elevator, keyed in the proper floor, and within a few moments, she’d made her way to where Reed wanted her.

“Hey Reed,” she greeted him.

Reed stood in the control chamber. Through the glass windows, he gestured her deeper into the testing bay. “Nice to see you, Sue. This’ll only take a moment to get started.”

“That’s reassuring.” One thing she could say for Reed—no matter how straitlaced he was, life with him was rarely boring. She walked deeper into the room. “But are you going to tell me what this is actually about?”

“It’ll be easier just to show you. Relax and…” Reed punched a few buttons. “There. We’re done.”

“Done?” Sue looked around. Nothing had seemed to change. “What happened?”

“Nothing—except on a molecular level.” Reed swept out of the control chamber and down the short flight of stairs to where Sue was. “Try to turn invisible.”

With a long-suffering sigh, Sue performed the mental leap that was second nature to her—and found nothing happened. She stared at her hand in disbelief. It should have shifted to the ghostly afterimage that only she was able to see with her equally invisible eyes, but no matter how she wiggled her fingers or shook her hand, it stayed just as it was.

“Reed, my powers—“

“Don’t worry, Sue, they’ll return shortly. I bombarded you with anti-cosmic rays. It was a cure for Ben that I tried out a few years ago, but I found it unworkable. Though as a temporary means of depowering one of our team…”

“Why would you want to depower me?”

“So that I can ravage you,” Reed said matter-of-factly.

Sue scoffed. “You hardly need to take away my powers for that.”

“Actually, I do. Your powers give you a distinct advantage as the most powerful member of the Fantastic Four. Without them, I can overpower you and overrule any objections you might have to being ravished. I’m sorry for deceiving you for the reason I’d truly brought you here, but I thought you’d be more amenable without your powers than you would be with them.”

“Reed, what are you talking about?”

“It’s simply a matter of the subconscious, dear. For the last week, you’ve unknowingly been bombarded, on a subliminal level, with sexual imagery. Microexpressions have shown that you respond most strongly to scenes of sexual violence, bondage, and sadism. In fact, last night you masturbated almost immediately after being exposed to old images of yourself being bound and held captive. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. We all have our little peccadillos. And as your husband, it’s my duty to see to yours. By giving you the unwilling sex you’ve been craving all this time, unbeknownst even to yourself.”

“Reed, this is crazy,” Sue said. “Really crazy. You’re telling me, even if I don’t want to fuck you…”

“Unzip your uniform,” he told her. “Take down the top portion. I would like to see your bare breasts, they really are very luscious.”

Sue crossed her arms. “I’m not going to—Reed, this isn’t funny. If you want to play around, bring it up again tonight. And do something to get this out of your system, because you’re not getting any while you talk to me this way.”

Reed sighed. “I know how you hate to come off as predictable, Sue, but this is proving my good foresight in depriving you of your powers before I informed you of your fetish—“

I don’t have a fetish!” Sue insisted, nearly stomping her foot. If she’d had her powers, a good shockwave might’ve come out around now.

He advanced on her. She backed away. “Sue, my darling, how could you possibly know before I’ve raped you? Now, please, do what I tell you. It’s either that or I’ll have to use physical violence. I don’t want to, but if you really want to be coerced that way, I’ll do whatever it takes to please you.”

Sue was afraid of her husband for the first time in her life. He must’ve really gone around the bend—some stress he was under—something he’d been infected with—who knew what might’ve possessed or affected him to drive Reed to this? “God, you’re insane!”

“Take your costume off. Now!”

Years of obeying Reed, both as her commander and as her husband, made her follow orders now. She lifted up her hands and unzipped her costume down the front. Sue felt like screaming. She loved her supple body, she loved showing it off to Reed, but not like this. Now she didn’t feel seductive or sensual—she felt like a victim.

She shrugged her undone costume off her shoulders, leaving her bare above the waist except for her bra. Reed crowded in on her. She put her hands against his chest and tried to push him back, but he wouldn’t be moved. Sue even tried to summon up her powers, but they were as inaccessible as they’d been before. There was nothing she could do but submit and obey.

“The bra now,” Reed said. “That’s the next logical step. And you do have such amazing breasts. They really are a constant source of pleasure, Sue, for both of us. I hope you enjoy having them mauled as much as you’ve enjoyed my more subtle efforts.”

“Please, Reed, you’re not yourself,” Sue pleaded. “Something must’ve gone wrong with one of your experiments… or something’s mind-controlling you. Please, Reed, fight it—don’t make me do anything more.”

“Take off the goddamn bra,” Reed persisted, his lowered voice threatening consequences if she defied him any further.

Sue knew she couldn’t stop him. She had no powers—didn’t know when they would come back. Physically she was fit, but so was Reed, and he had his powers as well. And she didn’t really want to fight him, not when he wasn’t responsible for his actions. Was he? It was so unlike him…

She dropped her shoulders in resignation. Reaching behind her back, Sue unhooked her bra. She let it fall from her chest. Her breasts sprang out, firm and creamy as they’d been in her youth, with the added heft from her two pregnancies. Her pink nipples shot out, fat and stiff, treacherously engorged.

“Beautiful,” Reed purred. “I don’t know how I’ve gone without assaulting you every day. It’s certainly been a mismanagement of precious resources…”

He ran his hands down her bare back and over her shapely ass. The way he was touching her, Sue felt like she’d never had his hands on her body before. He expanded his hands to grope all of her luscious ass, squeezing his fingers deep into her buttocks. Then he pulled Sue to him, smashing her buoyant breasts against his chest. Her cunt pressed up to the stiffened bulge in his pants.

“Don’t do this!” she moaned. “Please, Reed!”

“Sue, you must know by now that your entreaties are useless. You’re going to be fucked regardless of your consent.” Reed set his chin in musing thought. “I wonder if your futile pleading is another aspect of your sexual fantasy. Would you prefer to keep begging or should I shut you up? Maybe gag you? Don’t bother to answer—I realize at this stage, you can’t admit to yourself how this is arousing you. Don’t worry, though. The recording will make note of your microexpression.” He patted her ass in an almost mockingly loving fashion. “Whatever you find most arousing, we’ll do next time.”

“Next time?” Sue whimpered.

“Oh yes. You’re my sex slave now. I don’t plan on letting my new submissive slut go to waste. Just like I won’t fail to make use of that lovely mouth. Apologies if you’d prefer to keep up your pleas for mercy…”



Oh, I'd almost forgotten this was going to be a thing, and I'm loving it so far...