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1944: Burma is stranded in the jungle with orphaned youngster Willow Belinda, who has been roughing it since her parents were killed by invading forces. Burma takes the young woman in as the two are rescued by Terry’s Army Air Force unit. Fearful of being flown out to India and then arrested by the British Crown for piracy, Burma poses as Willow’s English tutor. Grateful to Burma, Willow allows the deception—even as she falls for Terry, not knowing he has a lingering flirtation with her ersatz mentor…

“You’re horrible!” Willow shouted, before looking abashed at having raised her voice.

Burma took it in stride. She had the air of a woman who’d been called worse and now, bemusedly, she focused on stirring her drink. “How am I horrible, child? Please don’t tell me it’s my singing voice.”

Willow’s lips screwed up as she summoned her courage. “It’s Terry! You know—knew—I liked him, but you never told me that you and he are…”

“Are what?” Burma interrupted, though the only thing she overrode was Willow’s trailing silence.

Willow’s cheeks turned red with frustration. “Ohhh—don’t tell me you and he are just friends! I know you know each other! And he’s your fellow, I saw you together!”

Burma laughed richly. “Little girl… are you jealous? Had your own sights set on Terry when you found my dart in the bullseye?”

Willow crossed her arms, tucking her hands deep in her armpits.

“Oh, fiddlesticks, you’re being ridiculous! He’s not my fellow! We’ve had some laughs, but Burma’s not the type of girl to get tied down. And Terry’s hardly the marrying type—“

“Don’t say that! He’s not some tomcat!” Willow protested.

“You do have your sights on him!” Burma exclaimed. “Well, here’s where I pay back that young man for all the niceness he’s shown me. And you at the same time—how’d you like to take him off my hands, lock, stock, and quite a lot of barrel…”

Ohhhh!” Willow cried, flustered again.

Burma tried not to enjoy Willow’s offended innocence. “His chest, I mean. He is getting rather broad-shouldered, isn’t he? Listen… I’ll set the two of you up and put the fix in so his wandering eye never even looks at another woman. But how bad do you want him, huh? Because you’ll have to do exactly as I say for this to work, no matter how crazy it sounds. And I’ll be enjoying my work, believe you me. If that’s a problem for you… if you’d rather just gaze at that boy from afar and think up names for your children without ever working to see they’re born… you’d better come up with that answer now, because I’m going to drive that boy half out of his mind. You’d best be ready for a whole lot of man, because he won’t be a kid by any stretch once I’m through with him! Not to mention you, Willow Belinda. You’re gonna put the finishing touches on one heaping helping of male—after that, he’s your problem! I just put you in the driver’s seat, sister, I don’t follow you off the lot!”


Even in the guise of a proper British tutor, Burma wouldn’t consider herself much of a woman if she couldn’t liberate some alcohol from the local soldiers. She set out two bottles in the small cabin that she and Willow had been situated in, with three glasses to go along with them. Then it was all a matter of waiting for the evening, when she could invite an off-duty Terry to spend some time with her and Willow. Terry eagerly accepted, but Burma doubted that in his wildest dreams he would ever suspect how lucky he was to be their guest that night.

Terry showed up, having found time to pick a bushel of tropical flowers that Burma eagerly showed off to Willow. He seemed nervous in their combined presence; Burma got the feeling he had an idea that they both had an interest in them. Oh well—the drink would help with that.

Burma poured for all three of them and they sipped and chatted lightly, chiseling away at the tension by catching up on how their lives had gone in the time they’d been separated. It didn’t take long for Willow to see Burma less as a rival and more something of a confidante… somehow supporting her in her attraction to Terry, even as he obviously longed for Burma.

It was a pitchy position to be in. Burma was too young to be the aunt Willow saw her as, but maybe too old to be the lover Terry wanted. Still, she took advantage of the fact to put Willow at ease. Let her think Burma was too old for Terry. Let Terry think on how Willow was girly as he was boyish. It would all sort itself out as the drinks continued to flow and Burma showed them what to actually do with all they were feeling.

“It’s good that we can all sit down and share a drink,” Burma cooed, slanting her eyes from Terry to Willow. “Nothing like putting on a war to remind us we’re all on the same side. Terry, Willow here is simply ga-ga for you and Willow, yes, you’re right, I’ve got some fondness for the boy. I’m not yet so old that all I want from a man is help crossing the street. But let’s forget all that for a moment—I can see the two of you have taken on enough water to see there’s no need getting het up over who’s smitten with who. Besides, my dolls, why get worked up over some smooching when I’m the only one here who knows how it’s done? Let’s get you two some experience… then you can feel free to be as jealous as you want, at least knowing what it is you’re wishing someone else would do with you!”

She could’ve laughed at the lily-white looks on their faces. Lips parted, eyes like saucers, unable to believe her stream of verbiage, with each new sentence a twist on where they’d thought they were standing.

“Now take it from me, lovely Willow, you’ve got good taste. Terry’s got all the ingredients of a fine lover. And you’ve got everything you need for him to properly love you up. If you’ll indulge me a little… or a lot… I’ll set the mood and show you how it’s done. Assuming I’m right, Terry, you’ll be begging to have Willow in your big, strong arms. And Willow, you’ll be bugging him to death to stay in his grip.”

Her teenage audience giggled and exchanged glances as Burma stood up, finishing her drink, then dropping it with a chitter of ice down into the rattan chair where she’d been sitting.

“First, let’s relax the dress code. You two kids have got a lot to offer, but no one buys from a market where they can’t see the merchandise. Here, I’ll go first, just so you know a girl won’t burst into flame without her petticoat—even if a guy’s un the audience.”

Utterly unself-conscious, Burma began a slow, provocative striptease. Usually, she only did this to a few ritzy undergarments; a surprising amount of guys preferred the sight of a girl in stockings and garters to the unvarnished thing. And of course, no one wanted to see a gal without her face on. Men preferred her in a Far East veil to that!

“Put on a show for the boy, Willow,” Burma breathed, peeling off her blouse and coyly showing off her lacy bra. “You’d be surprised how much it gets to you, watching a wolf bay at you. In fact, take a look at Terry right now. I bet it doesn’t even matter that it’s me he’s getting hot for. The raindrops are starting to fall anyway, just seeing his engine turning over. Then again, I bet it’s helping the key slide into the ignition that you’re here too, enjoying the show with him. To say nothing of how I bet you’re glad you bought a ticket…”

Willow giggled nervously, watching the slow striptease. She showed as much interest as Terry, but it was hard for anyone to tell if she was just admiring Burma’s movements, taking note of how she flaunted her body, or if she actually craved that naked flesh the same as Terry did.

Burma slipped off her skirt and paraded sensuously in front of the boy and girl, now wearing only her bra, panties, and high heels. She lowered her gaze down to Terry’s crotch and saw a very good omen. Slowly, she unclasped the hook of her bra. When Burma’s luscious breasts bounced into view, Willow blushed a scarlet red, her lips parted in a silent gasp.

Terry licked his lips. He’d been close with girls before, but still never seen anything as sumptuous as Burma’s heaving breasts and stiff nipples. He grinned broadly, remembering Burma’s words about Willow enjoying the show too. He didn’t find it perverse or unladylike at all. Maybe it was the beer, but the whole thing just seemed sensible. Why would anyone not be attracted to this gorgeous creature, showing herself off so beautifully?

“Are you beginning to feel a little tingle, honey?” Burma asked Willow, standing so close to her that Terry thought she might be able to feel Willow’s blush coming off her like a space heater. And maybe Willow could feel Burma’s warmth as well. “Ooh, where is it?”

Willow’s blush deepened. “It’s inside… feels hot… and… it’s damp,” she admitted.

“I bet you’ve wanted Terry to play with your breasts plenty of times. But now you want to play with mine, don’t you?” Burma asked casually, keeping her tone light.

Willow squirmed nervously beside Terry, but finally nodded. “I don’t know why, but… I want to suck on them. That’s what you do with boobs, isn’t it?”

Burma laughed richly, her peals of laughter like something candy-coated. “It certainly is—for starters. Why don’t you stand up and give them a feel? You’ll enjoy it, it’ll give Terry something to see… and most importantly, I might like it too.”

Willow looked over at Terry’s lap and instinctively bit her lip when she saw the thick bulge straining against his tight-fitting uniform. Terry saw the look in her eyes before they flicked up to meet his. They shared a look.

Whatever Willow’s thoughts were—and they seemed anything but unreceptive—Terry figured he was far better off allowing himself to be swept along with the orgy Burma was cooking up than trying to back out of it. He flashed Willow a lewd grin as he slowly pulled down his fly.

“Maybe Burma isn’t the only one here you want a look at it,” he whispered.

Willow averted her eyes, but her gaze went straight to Burma. That was no safer than what Terry had to offer, but she didn’t know what to do with Terry—didn’t know how to handle him—and she trusted Burma to hold her hand and guide her down the path. All she had to do was give in to Burma and soon, Terry would be hers. And she’d have a taste of Burma as well. In fact, at that moment, Willow didn’t know what she wouldn’t be getting. She wanted it all.

Willow rose to her feet. Nervously, she reached out and cupped Burma’s proud breasts. Her fingers felt cold to Burma, in their tentative fumbling, but Burma could see on Willow’s face that she was getting hotter all the time. She took the opportunity to reach around Willow and unzip her dress. Reaching inside the parted zipper, she unclasped her bra.

Willow touched her fingertips to Burma’s stiff nipples, even as Burma slid her hands under her loosened bra and felt out her shapely young breasts. Willow’s eyes dilated. Burma could just about hear her heart pounding, her arousal at a fever pitch.

“Go on, honey,” Burma cooed to her. “Lick my nipples. Suck on them. It’ll feel good. It’ll feel even better when I return the favor.”

She smiled as Willow timidly leaned in, opening her lips next to the blonde’s jutting nipple. She moved her mouth over it, then gently closed her soft lips on Burma’s areola. The blonde gasped, reveling in the feel of Willow’s warm, moist tongue circling around her taut nipple with a never-ending crackle of pleasure flowing out of it like a flash flood straight into her sensitive breast.

“Mmm, honey, that’s right,” Burma muttered. “You’re doing just fine. Keep going! Ooh, I hope Terry treats you like this once he finally gets the shirt off your back. And I don’t mean playing poker!”

Willow grew bolder under Burma’s encouragement, under Terry’s watchful eye. She audibly sucked on Burma’s responsive nipple, moaning as both the taste and the energy of Burma’s reaction impacted on her tongue.

“That’s it, a little harder now, babycakes,” Burma mewled, delicately cupping Willow’s breasts under her dress. “Yes, oh, YES! More! Take all of my tit into your mouth if you can! Yes! That’s right! Ooooo, SUCK! Damn, you’re just getting me hotter and hotter! Don’t stop! Let’s see if you can make me come!”

Burma’s rampant lust came to the surface, flushing her face and sweating on her brow, and it was not at all an overreaction to how Willow eagerly licked and sucked Burma’s teat. Willow was giving Burma every reason to be aroused, working her lips and tongue on her nipple to make it feel like even Burma couldn’t, not if she had an hour to masturbate.


