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The next night, Sokka was a little afraid to go to sleep. He’d been off-balance all day. He was lucky that Suki was off with the Kyoshi Warriors; Sokka had a feeling she would’ve ferreted out the cause of him being so preoccupied. He told himself that with time, the intensity of that disturbingly realistic dream would fade. The problem being that with time came the need to sleep again, and he wasn’t sure what would happen when he closed his eyes.

Another dream of Azula? One where he felt the same overwhelming urge to cheat on Suki—or at least, to imagine he was, with way too much vividness? And now he knew how good it felt to be unfaithful, if you could consider sex with a dream to be an affair. Though it couldn’t be. Whoever heard of having an affair with a dream? It was nonsense. Totally absurd. Suki was way too level-headed to be jealous of a dream.

And he was too smart to be scared of a dream. What was he, a child? If he got his head cut off in a dream, he just woke up. If he cut Suki’s head off in a dream, he’d just wake up and it would be right back on her pretty neck. No need for an apology because nothing had really happened. So he had no reason to be wary of going to sleep. Let Azula be there. He’d do the same thing to her all over again.

Sokka snuggled himself up in his bedroll, nice and cozy, and went to sleep and there Azula was, same beach, same insane Firebender.

“Oh, for the love of…”

“What, you’re not happy to see me?” Azula asked sardonically. “Can’t imagine why. You certainly seemed to enjoy yourself last time…”

“You remember that? Of course you remember that. You’re in my head. You probably remember what I had for lunch in the sixth grade.”

No,” Azula drawled, “we’re still in my head, and for some reason, I’m dreaming that I’m getting fucked by a particularly worthless Water Tribesman.”

Sokka raised his eyebrows. “Worthless, huh?”

“With a comically undersized dick.”

“That right?”

“Don’t feel bad. I notice most of the men in the Water Tribe are underendowed. One shudders to think what it’ll be like when the Avatar dies and the new one is born in blue. Probably won’t have any cock at all.”

Sokka put his hands on his hips. “Well then, I’d thought you enjoyed yourself, but since you didn’t, let’s see if there’s anyone else who can pay a visit from my subconscious…”

The bare flesh of the their bodies sparkled in the sunshine coming down on them. They wore little—Ty Lee’s two-piece bikini, Mai’s bandeau and sarong, Sokka’s fundoshi. In the typical surreality of the dream, none of them had paid too much mind to each other’s state of undress. It just seemed to fit the bizarre circumstances: the beach, the people, Azula being there.

“Mai? What are you doing here? I thought I was going to sleep but—oh, you’re in my dream! We’re dream friends.”

“It would appear so,” Mai said with her customary chill.

Sokka would’ve said that Mai and Ty Lee just appeared out of thin air, but it was more like they’d been there all along and somewhat, he just hadn’t noticed them until right that second.

Ty Lee was as lithe and bouncy as ever, with that chipper attitude that Sokka had always thought would make her a joy to fuck—her going off like a cheerleader with every thrust, every stroke. Mai the opposite, dark and brooding, a good match for Zuko. This being his dream, though, Sokka still wanted to fuck her. He wanted to break through that icy reserve, really get her hot, fill her to overflowing with passion, until she was moaning and crying out like Azula had been…

That reminded him.

“I don’t know about you,” he said to Azula, “but they seem like much better company than you.”

“Good. A weakling like you should hang out with traitors. It’ll make it easier to have you executed en masse.”

Sokka tsked at her. “Attitude like that, no wonder your own brother has you locked up. I’ll tell you what—since you hated last night so much, you feel free to sit this one out.”

Azula crossed her arms. Every last finger, as it curled on her bicep, seemed to crackle with imperial disdain. “Your magnanimity stuns me.”

“But, since you likedlast night so much, feel free to watch, too. I’m sure Mai and Ty Lee won’t mind.”

Abruptly, Azula found herself bound and gagged. She quivered under the weight of her chains, then fell to her knees. Fuming, she screamed into her gag. After the novel change of pace that had been dreaming of Sokka dominating her sexually, now she was practically back in Boiling Rock.

“Hey Azula, hey Sokka!” Ty Lee cried, running over to join what seemed like the only other two occupants of this beach, this world. She got a closer look at Azula. “Oh, Azula, you’re being hard to get along with again, aren’t you? You should be careful. You’re going to get a red aura if you keep being so disagreeable…”

“Can anyone tell me what’s going on?” Mai asked with weary disinterest. “I’m not in the habit of sharing personal information, but this is definitely not what I usually dream about.”

“You don’t dream about me?” Ty Lee asked haltingly. “Then… this is the first time we’re dream friends!”

She grabbed up Mai in a hug. Sokka cleared his throat. Even Azula rolled her eyes.

“One of us is having a dream,” Sokka said. He nodded to Azula. “Maybe even her. She’s about as much fun here as she is in the real world.”

“But which one of us is dreaming?” Ty Lee asked, tapping on her chin.

“Does it matter?” Mai asked. “If I’m a dream, I don’t suppose I’d know it.”

“She has a point there,” Sokka admitted. “But it seems like we’re stuck together until the dream ends. So… what do you guys want to do?”

Ty Lee bit her lip. Mai looked at Sokka appraisingly. Azula felt the energy in the space—felt the looks going between the three of them—and she let out some blistering invective against the muffling of her gag.

“I guess Azula doesn’t want to play,” Ty Lee said innocently. She elbowed Mai in the ribs. “But we’re no strangers to having fun without her, are we, Mai?”

Mai colored faintly. “I don’t know which is more disturbing—that I’m dreaming about this or that Ty Lee is.”

“It could always be me,” Sokka put in.

“I’d still find that disturbing,” Mai sighed. “But Ty Lee probably wouldn’t…”

While she’d spoken, Ty Lee had crept around behind her. Now she playfully tickled her friend. Mai pulled away from her—she turned to defend herself when Sokka’s arms came around her and held her tight. Mai kicked out with her legs, but Ty Lee disabled them with quick chi strikes.

“Hold her arms up!” Ty Lee laughed to Sokka, and when he did, she tickled Mai’s underarms. Mai struggled without success to escape the two as they worked her into a giggling frenzy. She writhed and twisted to no avail—they had her firmly in their power and kept up teasing her and tickling her until tears were running from Mai’s eyes.

“I always thought you’d have a pretty laugh, Mai,” Sokka whispered in her ear.

Mai shrieked with laughter, not feeling very pretty as her face reddened and tears streamed down her cheeks. “If you quit it, right now, I’ll leave you some feeling below the neck! I mean it! If this is my dream we’re having, I’ll do some real bad things to you when I wake up!”

Sokka and Ty Lee shared a laugh, ignoring her pleas for mercy and her threats of revenge. Their tickling fingers kept up the maddening torture until Mai was quivering between them, laughing and crying and still straining to get free. Finally, she managed to topple the threesome over onto the ground. Azula growled as some sand splashed up and dusted her bound body.

“That’s enough! Quit it! You’re going to make me pee!” Mai twisted about in the sand, laughing and shrieking while the other two wrestled with her.

“Go ahead!” Sokka taunted her. “It’s all a dream, right? Not real. No consequences. We can do whatever we want here…”

“Whatever we want,” Ty Lee repeated in a wondering tone, still participating in Mai’s assaultive giggles, but sounding far away for a moment.

Then Mai snaked free of Sokka’s hands and grabbed him by the crotch of his fundoshi. She squeezed him tight, her eyes narrowing with joy—it was hard to tell if it was sadism or sexuality.

“I’ll show you,” she said plainly, her voice just as hard to read. “I’ll teach you what you get for toying with me.”

“Ever teach Ty Lee that?” Sokka retorted.

Mai felt an enthusiastic pulse go through his cock at the thought he was conjuring.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she shot back.

“Oh, she did, she did!” Ty Lee laughed.

Mai groaned, suddenly feeling a kinship with Azula. And not just an affinity for chains.

“We have her outnumbered,” Sokka said to Ty Lee. “Why don’t we really toy with her?”

Ty Lee’s breasts heaved with excitement. “You get into her pussy and I’ll play with her tits. And we’ll keep going until there’s tears in her eyes, just like before!”

Sokka shot a glance at Azula. It might’ve been his imagination, but in her intent watching of them, he thought he detected an envious note. “Sounds like fun.”

“Don’t you dare,” Mai said with delighted frisson. “That is not fair. It’s not fair at all!”

But she didn’t protest too loudly, too strongly. She’d hate to beg for sex, to admit she wanted love, to confess to needing affection. That was what made Ty Lee such a good match for her. As oblivious as the girl seemed, she had a knack for knowing just what to do to Mai, despite all outward appearances—the persistent disinterest that was practically molded on Mai’s features. And now Ty Lee was going to use Sokka on Mai like some erotic toy. Maybe this was Mai’s dream after all.

“Don’t fight it, Mai,” Ty Lee commanded her. “We’re going to make you come whether you like it or not! And then we’ll see what else we can make you do.” She winked at Sokka, who grinned back eagerly enough that Mai wondered if it wasn’t his dream.



The plot thickens!