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Silvia Loft graduated from high school and spent the next two years living with her parents and working at odd jobs, while spending her free time dating and more than dating. She met Chuck Fogarty while working as a car hop at a drive-in. Chuck fell in love with her the moment he saw her proud breasts jiggling under her name tag. Later that night, he really felt in love, as she sucked the cum from his balls again and again.

Chuck was different from most of the men Silvia went out with. At twenty-four he was older, and he had a real job as a traveling salesman. With the money he made, his company had big things in mind for their young, handsome, hard-working employee. Chuck was the ideal catch.

Sexually, though, he was innocent. He mistook his feelings for Silvia’s breasts and cunt and lips, for his feelings for her. He kept courting her long after most men would’ve realized Silvia wasn’t the type to settle down with. His parents and friends told him to find another girl better suited to climbing up the corporate ladder with him. Even Silvia’s parents hinted to him that she wasn’t ready for marriage.

Chuck didn’t care. He proposed to Silvia shortly after her twentieth birthday and went honeymooning with her in Vegas. It was there… and in the coming vacations back to the aptly dubbed Sin City… that he discovered his wandering eye hadn’t stopped wandering just because Silvia gave him so much to look at…

Chuck started going out with Honey Bare because she was the best piece of ass in Vegas and every time he was in town, he fucked her brains out as much as possible. He shared with her things he couldn’t with Silvia, like how his company had refused to promote him—too embarrassed to after they’d heard some disturbing rumors of how his wife had made some extra money before they’d married, and even sometimes after.

Chuck didn’t care what magazines Silvia was in or even what movies. As far as he was concerned, it was no different from the girls who posed in dresses or swimsuits, or who acted on TV. And he wouldn’t dare tell Silvia how, hearing the unvarnished reason he’d been denied his promotion, he’d quit on the spot.

It’d been a hard few weeks in Honey’s arms he’d spent after that, not knowing what he would do when the money ran out. Then he hit on the idea of fundraising. There were plenty of gangsters in Vegas—so many that a guy could make a good living just whacking those that needed to be whacked.

But Chuck was no killer. He figured that in all the gangster pics, the guy getting hit promised his killer all sorts of money to let him go. Chuck could pretend he’d been contracted to kill someone, let them offer up a fortune, then simply take the money and walk away. No one got hurt, except the bank accounts of rich slobs who had too much cash in the first place.

His billfold was flush again. Silvia had plenty of money to keep house, while he could take Honey out and paint the town red. Life was good.

Then came San Francisco, and Marcus. He was with Honey then, and she got the feeling something had gone sideways. The papers said Marcus was dead—Honey knew Chuck was no killer as much as he did. He told her it was a coincidence, some other guy had taken out Marcus after he’d been there. But from then on, Honey felt her man was avoiding her.

He fucked her every night, of course, but his performance was almost mechanical, as if he were only fulfilling his manly duties while his mind was elsewhere. Honey couldn’t stand it. She’d always been a very passionate woman and that had never been a problem for her before, but now she craved a desire that Chuck just wasn’t showing her anymore.

She found herself staying home and pleasuring herself a lot, using a vibrator as a substitute for the cock she’d once taken such joy in. When she was with Chuck she thought only of his massive prick thrusting inside of her, but when she was alone, other fantasies drifted into her thoughts.

And they were bad fantasies, taboo, forbidden. More and more as the days passed, Honey dreamt of fucking another woman. She pressed Chuck for what it felt like—being with a girl—and he finally seemed to come alive as he described the feel of a woman’s skin and the heat of her body and the press of her inner tightness competing with the throbbing stiffness of his erection. But he slipped up. He said how good it felt to pull on red hair while he was fucking a girl. Honey’s hair was blonde.

If Honey caught the slip, she didn’t mention it. But all this talk to Honey of fucking women, and her evident interest in the idea, planted a thought in Chuck’s head. When he slept, he dreamt of him and Honey fucking Silvia. Silvia fell onto her back under the two of them, Honey sucking her nipples, Chuck ramming three fingers into her soaked slit. His cock hardened, both in the dream and in reality. He shoved it inside of Silvia’s swollen pussy and fucked her savagely until she screamed, twitching uncontrollably for a whole minute. Panting and moaning feebly, Silvia went limp and still. Then Honey pulled him on top of her body and as he fucked her, Chuck realized he wasn’t dreaming anymore.

Under him, Honey was loving the fuck she’d woken up to. She felt a thrill to have his cock inside her pussy that hadn’t been there in a long time. This had vitality, an electric quality to it that only got more intense when she came. And she realized Chuck hadn’t been able to control himself either. He’d been enjoying it as much as she had.

Rolling off her, Chuck realized he didn’t feel the usual fatigue he did after an orgasm. He was refreshed and rejuvenated. In fact, he’d never felt better. It was all thanks to the dream he had, that dream that had spurred on some of the best sex of his life. It was a sign from the universe. This was the solution to his problems.

He came out of the bathroom after shaving and approached the bed, where Honey was still in the position he’d crushed her down in with his love. “Hey, Honey,” he said enthusiastically. “Why don’t you stay home from work today?”

“Why?” Honey asked dreamily.

“Why do you think?” Chuck asked with a seductive smile.

Honey grinned knowingly in return. “Okay,” she agreed.

He sat down on the bed with her. “Actually, it’s not what you think. Not quite,” he explained. “You see, there’s another woman in my life.”

He dipped his hand into his trouser pocket and came out with the wedding band he wore when he wasn’t visiting her in Vegas.

“You crumb,” Honey said, but it was without rancor, like she was just an actress running through her lines before she really gave a performance. After all, she’d been thinking herself about how sweet it would be to make it with a woman. She couldn’t deny Chuck the same thing.



Oh. Yeah. I've been waiting for this.