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1945: Indochina. American Army and Navy forces work together with Chinese guerrillas under the Dragon Lady to construct a secret base behind Japanese lines to help carry out raids on enemy shipping. Lai is concerned that when the Japanese reprisal comes, the Americans will abandon her guerrilla forces. She has her young aide, Hu Shee, help her in abducting Terry Lee, blood brother of the American leader, Pat Ryan. She hopes to pressure Pat into taking her men along in the inevitable evacuation, not trusting that he is already doing so. Terry is suddenly in the awkward position of being held hostage by his friends and allies—and, in Hu Shee’s case, someone he’d hoped would be something more.

“With friends like these, who needs enemies?” Terry mused bitterly.

As good as Hu Shee and Lai were to look at, Hu Shee’s loyalty to the Dragon Lady was wearing thin, as were Lai’s attempts to assure him of the necessity of what they were doing.

“Don’t be so fervent in your complaints,” Lai advised him. “The Japanese would not be this kind if you were their prisoner. Many of my countrymen have suffered far worse fates than the conditions you now enjoy.”

“Gee, wowzers, that makes it A-OK,” Terry remarked sarcastically, looping around the cave where the two women had stashed him to pace some more.

“Be reasonable, Terry,” Hu Shee pleaded. “Lai is only doing what is best for our people. I’m sorry it’s had to come to this, but you would do no differently in her place.”

Terry wheeled on her. “That’s where you’re wrong! I’d never betray a friend’s trust the way you have!”

Lai laughed huskily. “The boy is even more passionate as a man. Don’t argue with him, Hu Shee. There is no need to discuss the finer points of survival. We’ll still be friends—or, at least, friendly—when this unfortunate matter is resolved. Young one, you may as well enjoy this pleasant respite from the drudgery of your duties. Perhaps for you, fighting for your country is still a grand adventure, but I’ve come to appreciate any break from the struggle, no matter why it is fated.”

Terry crossed his arms harshly. “So, you’re doing me a favor, huh? That’s a pretty self-serving way to wiggle out of what you’ve done.”

“Is it any less self-serving than to make yourself a martyr over being detained in comfortable circumstances, with genteel companionship?” Lai retorted.

Terry’s face flushed. Maybe Lai had a point—plenty of the pilots he knew would kill to be in his shoes—but he hated to admit it. “All I know is, my boys might need me, and because of you, I can’t be there for them, doing my job!” he cried, jerking a thumb into his chest.

Lai didn’t laugh, but smiled her dark smile. “I can see a lesson in leadership is called for so that we can all remain friends. Hu Shee is very fond of you, yellow-haired one. And as I said, I am no less in need of respite than any other…”

She reached to the neck of her qipao, unbuttoning the collar. Terry gaped at the swath of creamy skin now revealed down to her décolletage. Lai had never hovered too close to modesty, but when feminine wiles were in the offing, Terry was used to them being directed at Pat Ryan—not sent his way.

But then, he hadn’t been an Army Air Force aviator then, just as he didn’t think girls had cooties now.

“So,” Lai continued, “we will use the time we are given to remedy all three problems at once. Terry, you will be given far less cause to begrudge your present straits. Hu Shee, you will soon find the yellow hair far more receptive to your advances. And as for the Dragon Lady… let us simply hope I am well-pleased. Hu Shee is one of my most devoted followers. I would never allow her to be issued substandard equipment.”

“Oh…” Terry whispered, heat rising up his collar, blood pounding in his ears as Hu Shee obediently stripped alongside her mistress… then all that blood went rushing elsewhere, as the two women saw and greatly delighted in. “Gosh! What the Army isn’t called upon to do!”


Terry lay on the bed that the Dragon Lady had provided with his erection pointed at the ceiling. It was pounding too hard for him not to take it in his fist and pump on it a few times. But Terry wasn’t trying to get off. He still wasn’t happy about what Lai and Hu Shee had done, but he was no longer in a hurry to get clear of it either. After all, just because they’d been rude, didn’t give him the right to be unappreciative of their hospitality. They were both naked and he’d hate to ruin the mood by being impolite.

“You two look incredible. Absolutely gorgeous,” he drawled. “I hope you don’t intend to make me choose, because if you did, you should’ve thought about that before you took off your clothes. Now I can’t want anything but both of you.”

Hu Shee simpered, giggling a little, and Lai smiled approvingly. It wasn’t that they were twins or looked very much alike, aside from having the same petite Asian body type. Lai was taller, with long, powerful legs starting in thick thighs and wide hips. Hu Shee was shorter, but with full breasts curving poignantly from her slender chest. Her narrow waist flowed into sleek, svelte hips that looked as delicate as fine china, just as did her trim legs. Her hair was short and bobbed, while Lai’s was long and unbound. Both’s tresses were as dark as their skin was palely honeyed.

Hu Shee looked a little unsure of herself in this situation Lai had placed her in, but the Dragon Lady knew that wouldn’t last long. Her conventional, straight-forward upbringing had just left her somewhat shocked at seeing something so new to her as a naked man tending his erection. It would pass as Hu Shee gave into her instincts.

“Come now, Hu Shee, don’t be shy,” Lai said. “Terry won’t bite you. He may lick you until you think there can’t possibly be any flavor left in your little pussy, but he certainly won’t bite.”

Hu Shee grinned at Terry most lovingly. “I’m really not that shy. It’s just that this is all so new. I’ve never been with a man before…”

“Neither have I,” Terry said. “We’re even.”

“I have done this before and found it most pleasurable,” Lai announced. “That is why I am doing it again. You will do what I say and you will both enjoy yourselves.” She reached her hand out to run her fingers through Hu Shee’s bob of hair until she touched her cheek. “If I have to please both of you myself, you will enjoy yourselves. You’ll see how good it is to be esteemed by the Dragon Lady. Even if her choice must go against you, her favor is nothing short of bliss.”

Then Lai reached down, placing her fingertips on her labia and pulling them open, showing Terry the pinkness of her inner folds. Hu Shee saw what she was doing and felt compelled to do the same. She even went a step further and flicked her heating clit with one finger, giving herself pleasure to accompany the lust she felt—naked with the Dragon Lady and displayed to Terry Lee.

“Come,” Lai ordered, putting her hand on the small of Hu Shee’s back and easing her forward. They walked together to the bed and climbed onto it with Terry, their pert breasts swaying under them. Lai sprawled out on the left side of Terry and Hu Shee lay on the right. Lai kissed the side of his face closest to her, then Hu Shee followed suit.

“Oh, girls!” Terry moaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. He held onto his erection like it was a joystick and his plane was spinning in, strangling it in an attempt to throttle back the overwhelming pleasure, but so turned on he nearly released even from trying to hold himself back. “This is too much—too exciting—my engine’s liable to backfire just thinking of the two of you like this—much less actually having you in my bed, being sweet to me…”

He was looking at Hu Shee as he finished speaking; as lovely as Lai was, there was just something about her that drew his eyes when he thought about a girl being sweet. Then Lai grabbed him by the chin and turned him to face her.

“Don’t hold back. We’ll enjoy this meal no matter how soon it’s ready. And you’re young. Vigorous. With much stamina awaiting a receptive audience. You’ll rise to the occasion. Or Hu Shee will know that receiving your pleasure is not her destiny.” She tapped his cheek with a light slap. “We will let you taste the victory you seek to win from us…”

She slunk down the length of his body and Hu Shee did the same, until they were perched like sitting cats at his hips. Much as it pained him to cease his self-service, Terry loosened his grip on his cock, letting go of it when Lai pried his hand away. She replaced his fingers with her own, curling a strong grip around his shaft before taking it into her mouth. Her head bobbed up and down. More and more of his shaft dipped into her throat and the feverish pleasure that caressed him between her lips.

Hu Shee watched her mistress for a moment before dropping her own head down between Terry’s legs. She rolled her tongue over his bloated balls, slurping every wrinkle and curve that his full scrotum offered. Her tongue moved up onto his phallic length on occasion, licking the base of his cock where Lai’s mouth couldn’t reach without choking herself out.

“Yes, that’s it, suck my cock and balls! Suck them both! Use your slutty mouths on all of it!” Terry groaned. “Get that member good and hard and I’ll fuck the two of you all night long!”

Lai pulled her mouth from his twitching cockhead, confident Hu Shee would satiate Terry for the moment, even if she otherwise couldn’t compare to the Dragon Lady. “It’s hard already,” she commented with her usual wryness. “Get it any harder and it’ll split poor Hu Shee in half.”

She wrapped her soft lips around one of his balls and sucked it as hard as she could. Terry felt his cock flex and clench and was sure he’d come, but while holding back was only mildly unbearable, Lai let his teste pop free from her mouth and soothingly licked over his scrotum. Then she rolled her tongue under his other ball and pulled it into her mouth.

She drew her head back as she suckled it, stretching the skin of his ballsac. Her head moved this way and that, the intensity of the feeling verging on pain, but it was never enough to do more than keep Terry from orgasm. He stayed on the edge and Lai kept raising the precipice higher and higher.

“Do you want to suck him, Hu Shee?” Lai asked. Her young friend had been watching, even her slitted eyes agog in disbelief over how Lai handled Terry. “Try it. You’ll like the taste—like having him in your mouth.”

She grinned at her friend until her lips engulfed some of Terry’s heavy scrotum once more. Hu Shee took hold of Terry’s cock and eased it towards her mouth, licking at the tip a little, then slipping her lips over the twitching glans. Her head sank down, burying inch after inch of his length within her pretty face.

Lai helped some, mouthing the base of Terry’s prick as Hu Shee had done, kissing and sucking at the portion of his length that Hu Shee couldn’t reach. But soon she left his enormous cock to Hu Shee’s equally large appetite and crawled up the bed, her usually stoic poker face now lit up with a mischievous grin. She swung a thigh over Terry’s face, then lowered her cunt down to his mouth.

“Why don’t you have a taste yourself?” she cooed to him. “Why not suck me like Hu Shee is sucking you? Wouldn’t you enjoy that? Wouldn’t I?”

Terry could not even start to think to answer before she sank down onto his mouth. Lai braced herself against the bed’s headboard and crouched atop Terry’s face, her pussy set down on his mouth. She felt his tongue come out and be greeted by the wetness of her lustful sex. It made her breathe more heavily. Then Terry licked harder, licked inside her, and she grew even less quiet.

“Yes! Suck my bald cunt!” she breathed. “Fuck your tongue deep inside me, just as you fuck Hu Shee’s mouth! Isn’t it a joy to penetrate femininity twice over—to be inside both of us at once?”

Terry certainly was enjoying himself. He prodded his tongue deep inside of the Dragon Lady’s sex while using his lips to squeeze and suck at the outer folds of her labia. But it was no small feat to concentrate on pleasing Lai when Hu Shee was slurping away at his erection as diligently as he could ever try to satisfy her boss. Then the Asiatic really came down on his cock, throating him, the too-small passage to her gullet clinging to every girthy inch of his manhood.



Absolutely marvelous