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Suddenly Natasha thought of Peter. Her sex contracted wildly. She wondered what it would be like to fuck him. She bet he had a big cock, far bigger than the dildo Natasha was playing with. Then Natasha had another thought that made her blush crimson.

She wondered if Mary Jane had a dildo she used, maybe that she played with in front of Peter. The redhead probably would. Peter and his woman didn’t seem like the type to be embarrassed about sex the way that so many would. Mary Jane would probably tell him about whatever new sex toy she’d bought and Peter would eagerly urge her to show him how it worked. Then it would excite him to see her using it on herself. He would fuck her—show her that no cold, dead toy could compare to what his cock did to her.

Natasha’s pussy climbed towards orgasm, clenching harder and harder as her thoughts grew more fervent. She thought about Peter fucking Mary Jane and her breath drew in sharply. She wished that she was fucking his cock instead of this artificial one. Maybe, if she befriended Mary Jane, really got close to her—MJ would let Peter fuck her. Then Nat wouldn’t have to content herself with a fantasy. She would know all the exhilarating things Peter did in bed.

Natasha’s wet dream got still more real as the bullet whirled and churned against her sensitive folds. She’d had plenty of kinky experiences, watched even more in the course of her business. She’d tried to keep a weary, jaded eye, but now, thinking of Peter doing those things, her masturbatory vibrations seemed to have more and more resonance.

Would he lick her pussy? Bite her tits? Natasha couldn’t imagine that a woman like Mary Jane wouldn’t have a husband who did those things. She wished she knew what it was like with Peter though. Natasha wanted to try every perverse fantasy he had, see if she could find where things got too filthy for MJ and then take them even further. Wasn’t that always the way, though? The men were dirtier than the women. Except for Natasha. She knew how lovely it was to be perverted.

Even if Peter was stolid, with no real fantasies, that just meant there was more for her to show him, to dazzle him with. There was nothing wrong with an act as prosaic as sucking a man’s cock. She’d enjoy it fine. But Natasha also wanted to feel Peter’s member slide up her tight, steamy ass. She wanted to be fucked twice over, maybe using this exciting little vibrator while Peter’s cock was in her mouth, or even her asshole.

The buzzing vibrator was working away Natasha’s malaise, making her find sex lively and exciting again. She felt lewd, fun, new—the newness of taking a fresh lover, even if she didn’t yet have Peter. Wanting him seemed exhilaratingly debauched, but also the start of something. Foreplay that Peter didn’t know he was performing on her.



The delicious slow burn continues!