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Someone had left the TV on in the Kompound. Roxy went to turn the blaring light of it off, only noticing as she aimed the remote that the screen happened to be on one of Tana Moon’s news reports. Roxy froze for a moment, staring at the pretty Hawaiian and wondering just what was so special about her, even if she was hot. It wasn’t like there was a shortage of hot people. Kon was a superhero. The only people he even knew seemed to be hotties.

Roxy flicked off the TV. There was no reason for her to be jealous; she wasn’t jealous. Sure, Kon was dating Tana, but only in secret. They had to pretend to be simple friends in public. Kon couldn’t show her off or really introduce her to any of his friends.

He had the exact same relationship with her, really, that he did with Roxy. Even if she was just his roommate. They still had an understanding. Both of them young, sexy, single, living under the same roof, there was no reason not to indulge themselves, particularly with each other. And, as so often was the case when she was reminded of Tana and her technical status as Kon’s girlfriend—not roommate—Roxy decided to avail herself of the ‘free Kon’ she was entitled to.

She went to Kon’s bedroom, thinking about how Tana might be his girlfriend, but they lived apart. She lived with Kon, with almost 24/7 access to him and his body, while Kon had the same access to her and used it plenty… Though not at the moment, Roxy noted. That made her feel a little antsy; she hastened her steps.

Kon was free to stare at her, feel her up, even fuck her. So why wasn’t he? Was it just that there was more to him than simply being a walking hard-on all day? Of course, that was it. It wasn’t that he wasn’t interested. Who wouldn’t be interested in Roxy Leech?

Roxy threw open the door to Kon’s room and caught him totally unaware. That was to her advantage. She found him lying down with his young, naked body totally exposed, the bedsheet thrown off of him, his legs sprawled slightly apart. His manhood was absolutely stiff, standing up rigidly from the curls of his pubic hair. He had his right hand around the base and he was slowly, lusciously jerking himself off.

Roxy stood transfixed, drinking in the sight. She was shocked by its lewdness and surprised by how much it excited her. No matter how many times she’d been with Kon, seen his naked body, felt his hands on her and his cock inside her, she still felt a rush of desire for him. And it wasn’t even for his muscular, sculpted body, but for his prick—big, long, and as hard as anything could be.

She watched as Kon rubbed his erection up and down, the blunt purple head gleaming as it was covered by the precum his stroking fist smeared over it. Every downward thrust led her eye off his strongly muscled shaft and down to his two hairy balls. She knew how voluptuously Kon ejaculated, but seeing his swollen, bulging testes made Roxy quiver with lust. There was no doubt in her mind how much cum he had, waiting to be put wherever Roxy wanted it. All she had to do was offer and she’d possess his cock instead of just looking at it.

Kon had his eyes closed, the tip of his tongue sticking out from the corner of his mouth. There was no telling what lascivious images he was seeing on the insides of his eyelids, but Roxy’s mind jumped to the thought of him imagining Tana as he masturbated—wasn’t that what a boyfriend would do with his girlfriend?—and she put a stop to that by clearing her throat. Kon opened his eyes and found himself staring right at his so-called roommate.

His fist kept pumping for another few strokes, then he yanked his hand off of his throbbing erection like he’d accidentally touched something boiling hot.

“Jesus, Roxy, what’re you doing here?” Kon asked, automatically reaching to pull his sheet over himself. But his cock was still so stubbornly hard that the bedsheet snagged on it, ending up puddling obscenely at his hips with his manhood still shooting up into the air, uninhibited, the blanket wrapped around it.

“Watching,” Roxy said, amused, slipping closer and closer as Kon gawked at her. “But I could lend a hand too, since you seem to be having trouble doing it yourself.”

Smiling delightfully, she reached out, took hold of the sheet that’d caught on Kon’s prick, pulled it back, then threw it over his lower body so it properly covered his stiff member. Kon’s face went spastic, trying to contain his reaction as the sheet tented over his engorged cock.

“There,” Roxy cooed. “Is that what you wanted?”

Kon’s mouth struggled to form words. He blinked repeatedly. After all this time, he still didn’t know quite what to do with Roxy. She wouldn’t want it any other way.

“This is what I wanted,” Roxy added, reaching out to close her fingers around the tentpole holding the bedsheet well clear of Kon’s body.

She touched it with just her fingertips, holding onto the big glans of his cockhead, and squeezed just lightly enough to make him feel the soft silk of the bedsheet. Kon opened his mouth in a low groan of gratification. He stared at her through slitted eyes, his lips quaking in an uncertain grin.

A part of Roxy wanted to just jump into bed with Kon and put that big hard-on to its best use, until it was exploding with cum deep inside her sex. But she thought it’d be more fun to tease him some. Get back at him for thinking of Tana. Not that she was sure he’d been thinking of Tana—why should he be, when she was right there?—but why hadn’t he come to his roommate to play with her instead of his own prick? It’d serve him right if she left him to go back to servicing himself; he’d definitely be thinking of her then.

But she’d come this far and Roxy didn’t intend to back down an inch—much less a full foot.

With her fingers still wrapped around Kon’s blunt bruiser of a cockhead, she lowered her face down to his and whispered to her teenage stud. “You know when you’ve got a big bone like this, you bring it straight to me. I’d love to take care of it for you. The same way you love taking care of me. Don’t you just love taking care of me?”

Kon gulped and nodded—Roxy felt a wild throb going through his erection, vibrating against her fingertips. She could feel how much it wanted her pussy, but right now, it would settle for her hand, if she’d just tighten her grip a little.

“You weren’t saving some of that nice hot cum up for Tana, were you? She doesn’t appreciate it the way I do.” Roxy hissed softly, her words sounding like struck flint to Kon. “I appreciate it so much, I’m willing to give you the best fuck of your cloned life, just so long as you come in me. Or on me. I look just as good covered in cum as I do stuffed full of it, don’t you think?”

Her words hovered in the air, pulling heatedly at Kon’s imagination. His boyishly handsome face lit up, going from confusion to carnal desire. And now that she’d totally given into her urge to tempt Kon, Roxy could hardly resist going even further, seeing if she could get his cock diamond-hard. Some days, she thought she wouldn’t be satisfied until she tantalized Kon into throwing her down on the floor and having his way with her right then and there. It wasn’t as if she wouldn’t enjoy that, after all.

“Would you like to fuck me, Kon?” she breathed to him, brazenly making herself sound like a whore. “Would you like for me to take off all my clothes and lie down on the bed with my legs open so you can get as deep as you want into my wet pussy?”

“Fuck yes! I want it!”

“I want it too,” Roxy crooned. Then, as a parting shot, she wrapped her hand all the way around his shaft and inched it downward until she’d touched every last inch of his swollen length.

Just feeling the bestial ardor of Kon’s prick made Roxy clench inside, her liquid hotness trickling into her panties to make for a spongy, leaden warmth against her own squirming mons. She couldn’t wait anymore. She was trembling like a leaf already, wet and ready to feel the joy his erection always brought her. She was hot enough to get off on her own wet panties, couldn’t resist doing so, so she might as well have the whole thing instead of weakly taking the edge off.

Kon couldn’t wait either. Whereas normally Roxy would wiggle out of her clothes, this time they wiggled off of her—Kon actually using his tactile telekinesis through the hold she had on his cock to unbutton and unzip her clothing and pull them off.

He couldn’t entirely get them off, of course, not without tripping Roxy or breaking her grip on his manhood, but he still fairly made Roxy’s ensemble explode off her body. She took a quick step back to whip what remained off of herself and step out of her downed pants and panties, then got up on the end of Kon’s homework desk and laid back.

She was unsurprised to find his unfinished assignment touching her back, the crisp paper blunting the otherwise smooth, cool feel of lacquered wood under her. With her legs dangling over the side of the desk, she spread her firmly toned thighs. Kon moved between her bare legs.

“Who are you thinking of?” Roxy giggled, safely assured that Kon’s one-track mind was now entirely on her.

“Who do you think?” Kon shook his head with a laugh and pressed his thick cock into her juicy sex.

It slid easily into her wetness, until his balls were set against her fat ass. Roxy whimpered to feel him enter and fill and spread her, all at once, pulling all of her body into suddenly being fucked. Going from simply being turned on to being his cock holster felt like as extreme a change as being set on fire. From the look on Kon’s face, she could see that his bout of masturbation had hardly prepared him for this pleasure either.

Quickly pulling back, Kon withdrew his cock until only the bulging head stayed inside Roxy. A moment later, he packed it back into her, groaning at the feel of her gripping pussy all over again in such rapid succession to his first experience with it. Even if he wanted to, Kon couldn’t hold back after that. His hands on her naked hips, he pumped into her, going harder and faster with each passing moment.

“God! Such a sweet fucking cock!” Roxy keened, writhing on the desk. She grabbed onto the sides of it, trying to hold herself in place to better take Kon’s thrusting. “Unnh! My pussy’s throbbing already! Pound me, Kon! Pound me really hard! Make me come!”

Standing over her and shaking the desk with his strokes until the drawers stuck out ajar, Kon slammed himself into Roxy’s wet snatch. His hips pumped back and forth between her open, quivering legs. All of his throbbing cock jetted again and again into the blonde’s cunt. He already felt his cum boiling in his balls, but this wasn’t about coming anymore. It was about paying Roxy back for how hot she’d gotten him, and Kon didn’t know whether that was a punishment or a reward.

Roxy gripped the edges of the desk so hard that her fingers turned white, her bare ass flattening against the desktop with each thrust. She groaned with pleasure as Kon kept hilting himself over and over again inside of her tight pussy. Her whole body flowed up to meet his thrusts, Roxy delighting in impaling herself on Kon even faster than he could slide his erection into her.

“Make me come!” Roxy breathed, her voice already lost in hoarse cries. “Ohhh! That big dick feels great going into my pussy! It’s in so deep! Gggh! Faster, Kon! I wanna come right now! I wanna come hard!”

Her head rolled from side to side, her flailing hair upsetting even more of Kon’s forgotten papers, while her thighs tightened around his hips. Finally, her desire overcame the pleasure she was feeling. She wanted more even more than she wanted to enjoy what she was already getting. Struggling against her own overwrought feelings, Roxy managed to wrap her slender legs around Kon’s midsection, her burning thighs hugging him tight to her body, like he represented the release she was striving for.

“Push your cock all the way in! I want all of it!” Roxy gasped, speaking with the same frenzied need as the motion in her squirming body. “Ream my cunt with that stiff prick! Give me every inch of it! Ohhhh! GOD! I can feel it in my asshole—feel myself dripping! I’m getting wetter every time you ram it into me!”



Love! It!