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Clark leaned toward Lana’s pussy. It seemed such a fiery cauldron to his enhanced senses that he feared to stoke the flame any hotter, even as his prick throbbed wildly in his pants and his breath came in ragged gasps. But Lana called to him, a siren song, her legs spread lewdly, needfully. Without Lois to serve as a reason not to, he had no defense whatsoever. He could only lick his lips in anticipation of this new, old taste.

“Lick me, Clark. Please lick me…”

Her groin jumped into the air, pumping itself against Clark’s open mouth. He could smell arousal slipping and sliding on every fold of her sex, ready to ease his passage inside her. His eyes flicked up to Lois and he could see that she was aroused by the enticing scent. Not just permitting him this, but sharing it with him. Lana noticed it too, leaning back into Lois’s body, rubbing herself against his wife in grateful ardor.

“I want you to lick me until I come,” Lana cooed. She wasn’t quite pleading, or even flirting, but sharing a secret with him and Lois that was as much a confession as a come-on. “It’s been so long since I’ve come… I feel like such a—”

Shh, shh,” Lois breathed in her ear. “It’s not your fault. And it’s not being unfair to… him. It’s just the way things were. Let them go. All that matters is what’s happening right now.”

Carefully, Clark pinched the hem of Lana’s tanktop between his thumbs and forefingers, holding its bottom out of the way as he ducked his head and ran his tongue over Lana’s slit. Both he and his wife felt Lana starting at his touch, her pussy trembling, becoming wetter than ever. Her midsection jerked spasmodically. Lois put her hands on her belly, feeling how Lana’s slender abs coiled and tensed at the touch of Clark’s mouth.

“That’s good, isn’t it?” Lois whispered to Lana. They shared a smile, Lois’s cocky as usual, Lana’s a little frayed and disbelieving. “Yeah.” Lois rested her forehead against Lana’s. “That feels good to you. Go ahead. Enjoy it. Don’t you know how much Clark likes it when a woman is enjoying herself?”

“It—” Lana began breathlessly. “It just feels so fucking nice!”

Lois tittered in a little laugh and like that had finally pulled Lana fully to the other side of her reluctance, suddenly she was grabbing Clark’s hair and pulling him deeper between her thighs. Her legs scissored together, locking around his neck, and she rocked her cunt against his lapping tongue. Lois had to hold on tight to her as she rutted and bucked hard enough to throw herself out of the reporter’s lap.

“Oh! OHH! I almost forgot how much a tongue can do in—in my pussy!” Lana husked, half moaning, half laughing. “Shit, Clark, do my clit now! Lick my clit! LICK MY LITTLE CLIT!”

His nose nuzzled into her pubic thatch, brushing against her clitoris, and Lana’s whole body jolted with the contact. At the same instant, in a burst of sudden impulsiveness, Clark thrust his tongue into her pussy with Lana still reeling from having her clit toyed with.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!” Lana gasped. “This is amazing!”

She ground her sex against his mouth in a slow, ecstatic circle, trying to fuck herself on every taste bud of his tongue. His mouth was sealed to her pussy, his tongue deep inside her, his lips kissing her labia.

“Eat me, Clark!” she cried shrilly. “Eat all of me! I want your tongue hard and deep… I want it to set me off!”

“You heard her, Smallville,” Lois said smugly, gratified to find that Lana was having much the same reaction to Clark as she did. “Show her just how much she gets to enjoy having your tongue in her snatch.”

She’d always been a little worried that she was just something of a slut, maybe even a fetishist, enjoying sex with her alien husband as much as she did. But no. If a badass like Lana Lang couldn’t resist him, no woman could. The man just knew how to eat pussy.

Clark swished his tongue from side to side, pressing it against the trembling walls of Lana’s passage. It sunk deeply into the soft moistness of her. Her inner muscles contracted all around it, as if trying to suck it deeper into her. Clark pulled his tongue back, licking his way out of her crushing pressure.

Lana moaned with disappointment to relinquish him. Tightening her grip even harder, as if trying to pull his dark hair out by the roots, she yanked him back to her. Ground her hips into his face, smearing her sexual wetness all over his sculpted features, her mons tingling as they felt the roughness of his stubble. Discomforting as that was, it increased her passion instead of diminishing this. Nothing, it seemed, could stop her rocketing ascent.

Clark stroked his hands along Lois and Lana’s legs, finally cupping them underneath Lana’s tensed buttocks, allowing him to pull her to where he wanted her to be without her erratic yanking throwing him off. Once in place, he lapped eagerly, tonguing his way from her clit down to her opening in long strokes. Until a shuddering spasm wrenched through Lana, coming out of her mouth in a dazed moan.

“I’m going to come, Clark… come from you licking me… your tongue in my little box…” she sighed like a woman already overwhelmed by pleasure. Only in Lana’s eyes sparked the intensity of what she was feeling. Otherwise, she seemed hypnotized by the sheer magnitude of the pleasure he was bringing her.

Clark kept licking over her clit, aware of how intensely she was feeling his efforts from the shudders that pealed through her luscious body. He tongued down hard on her clit, pressing it back into its protective bud, until only the super-sensitive tip was accepting his lapping tongue. He stroked the tip frantically, like he was kindling a fire, pleasuring Lana in a wild rhythmic beat that extended from her burgeoning clit to the inner folds of her slippery pussy, quivers of ecstasy shooting out of both at the end of his tongue.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Lana trilled, eyes crossing like she’d been struck dumb. But even in a fugue state, she managed to vocalize all she was feeling. “I’m coming! Coming! OOOHHHHH!”

Her hips pumped at Clark’s handsome face, as though trying to discourage him from eking even more rapture out of her battered clit. He licked it, lashed it with his tongue, laved it, and all but swallowed it. He felt Lana explode from her clit into the rest of her body.

“You did it; made me do it!” Lana groaned. “I finally came! Shit, Clark, thank you! Thank you so much for making me COME!”

Her body quaked from the fringe of her hair to the tips of her toes. Clark could feel the convulsions claiming her. She broke like a dam, all the pleasure her body could possibly hold stored up behind her repression. Lana tensed, stiffened, relaxed, then clenched in one long gush of her cream, spilling forth from her endlessly pleasured sex as she moaned in delirious enjoyment.

“Keep me coming, I need to keep coming!” she pleaded. “God, Lois, don’t let him stop! Make him keep his tongue in my pussy! I wanna come again!”

Lois ran her fingers through Lana’s hair, petted her shuddering body. As much as she enjoyed feeling the flaring heat of Lana’s flesh through the thin layer of cotton that made up her tanktop, and the curves underneath, she equally enjoyed feeling Lana’s bare, supple skin on her arms and thighs. The layer of sweat provoked by Clark’s ministrations made it divinely slippery; she could feel how Lana was enjoying being eaten out by Clark as much as she ever had.

Lois ran her hands over Lana’s body, drying them on the tanktop, then soaking them again in the sweat of her lower belly. Her hands glossed right down Lana’s golden tan, between her thighs, meeting the wetness left behind by Clark’s tongue. Both his saliva and… not.

Lois swiped three fingers through it, barely daring to touch Lana’s slit—she knew Clark was the one Lana desired, not her, and could only hope that Lana would come to reciprocate how attractive she found the other woman. How much she wanted to join Clark in satisfying her.

She brought her wet fingers up to her mouth, tasting the sweetness she’d collected on them—and sucking it eagerly past her lips. The flavor of Lana’s cunt was delicious. She knew she was tasting Lana’s orgasm; the orgasm she’d been given by Clark. Her husband enjoyed it as much as she did: he ran his tongue in and out of Lana, sending it into her, then pulling it all the way back until it was gone enough to let Lana’s clenched labia close. Then he shouldered her folds aside again, thrusting his tongue back into her contracting passage.

“Yes, more! More!” Lana gasped, actually drooling with the appetite Clark had endowed her with. Now that he’d shown her what sex could be, should be, she couldn’t get enough of it. A woman after Lois’s own heart. “Keep going! I’m not done yet! I NEED MORE!”

Clark met Lois’s eyes, then regarded Lana’s flushed, panting face, eyes glazed over, too far gone to see anything even if she bothered to look at it. His erection was stiff and unyielding. It told him in no uncertain terms that Lana definitely wasn’t done yet. But, much as she might wish it, her next climax wouldn’t come from his tongue. It would be with his cock deep inside her wet cunt, using it as it was meant to be used and making Lana feel all the things her body was meant to feel.

Lois ran her hand down the side of Lana’s face. Fingers wet from Lois’s mouth. Warm from Lana’s cunt. It brought the other woman back to herself, as much as Clark not yet licking her pussy.

“Do you really want more?” Lois asked. “Or do you want more?”


