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And then, out of nowhere, Yolanda yanked on Courtney’s ankles—pulling her legs out straight behind her, then jerking her like a ripcord off her comfortably bent over position. She crashed down onto her belly on the floor, Courtney wincing as her sensitive skin was suddenly rubbed the wrong way by the carpet.

“What are you doing? What’s wrong? Yolanda, I thought we were going to—“

“Fuck you up the ass? You like having a cock in there, don’t you, Court?” Yolanda asked breathlessly. “But I think first we’d better have a good long talk about what you’ve been up to while we were ‘on break’.”

“Wh—what do you mean?” Courtney stammered nervously.

“What do you think I mean, Courtney? I know how you get. Two weeks with no sex, no anal—you’d be so much more antsy than you are. I can see right through you,” Yolanda said with a cold smile. “You’ve been getting it somewhere else, haven’t you?”

Courtney blushed and turned her face away from Yolanda. It felt exactly like Yolanda could see through her, just like she’d said, and now Courtney’s face flamed at the thought of all she’d kept from her.

“Admit it.” Yolanda spoke softly, but there was one hell of a tense undercurrent in her voice. “That’s the first step. It’s Cindy, isn’t it? Did the pictures not work? Have you been letting her fuck you for some reason? Oh my God, are you into her?”

“No! Of course not!” Courtney gasped in breath, grateful that Yolanda was so off-base. She didn’t have to lie; she just had to tell a portion of the truth about Cindy, leaving out how on-target Yolanda was about Courtney… cheating on her? Was that what she’d been doing? Wait, did that mean they were dating?”

Courtney started to get up, but Yolanda put her bare foot between the blonde’s shoulder blades and pressed her back down to the carpeted floor.

“Admit what you’ve done. Tell me right now. Was it Cindy’s mother?” Yolanda demanded insistently.

“No, no—not her mother…”

“Then who?” Yolanda pressed, digging her heel into Courtney’s back.

“I—I… oh God, Yolanda, I fucked my mommy! I let her eat me out! I licked her pussy until she came!” Courtney blurted out, lifting her tear-filled eyes up to where Yolanda towered over her.

Yolanda looked down at her with a burning intensity. “Your mom? Your… actual… mom? And she… she fucked you in the ass?” she asked, reaching down to Courtney, helping her up. Courtney tried to turn around to face her, but Yolanda’s hands kept her firmly facing forward. She rubbed Courtney’s shoulders. “And you enjoyed it?” she asked, her massaging hands pulling Courtney close, up against her body.

Courtney was speechless. All she could feel was Yolanda’s big hard strap—damp from Courtney’s own mouth—pressing against her ass. It never got soft, but the way Yolanda held it made it feel like it was stiff with lust, pounding with readiness to be sodomizing some tender young thing like Courtney. She felt her own pussy moistening with arousal.

“You enjoyed it, didn’t you, Courtney? Tell me now,” Yolanda said hoarsely, drawing slightly away from the confused, overwhelmed girl. Her hands slid down from Courtney’s shoulders.

“I did, I did, I loved it!” Courtney cried, feeling Yolanda looking over her shoulders, down at her breasts.

She felt Yolanda’s hands shake as they gripped her biceps—nervy with want for her—and knowing Yolanda was feeling as passionate as she was felt even better than the massage had. She closed her eyes and moaned softly.

“You’re one sick bitch,” Yolanda breathed, but her hands stayed on Courtney’s arms, still trembling, and she made the words ‘sick bitch’ sound not like a pejorative, but like the other names she’d called her. Ass-slut, anal bitch, all the little endearments that had to be crude to fit to the rough fucking they went with.

A powerful feeling of lust swept through Courtney’s body, as powerful as it had ever been before, and she knew at that moment that no matter what she felt with her mother, it would be as good as it ever was with Yolanda. She still wanted to feel Yolanda’s big hard strap-on thrusting into her little ass as much as she ever had.

She pulled away from Yolanda and looked her straight in the eye. Then she backed away from her, swiveling her body with deliberate seduction until she reached the bed again. She perched herself on top of the mattress, crossing her legs to draw her skirt up to the tops of her creamy thighs.

“Do you think I’ve been naughty?” she asked with a smile. “Think I need to be punished?”

“Punished? You want me to punish you?” Yolanda asked, a gleam in her eyes even as her lips curled with a bit of distaste.

“I know… I’m a sick bitch… I’d probably enjoy it some,” Courtney reasoned with a casual shrug of her shoulders, though her little pussy was burning uncontrollably. She didn’t show it, but she was desperately hoping she’d get what she needed from Yolanda. “But won’t you enjoy it too?”

“I can’t believe someone made you a superhero,” Yolanda breathed. “Just such a kinky puta—getting off on all kinds of shit. You’re probably going to be in a donkey show one of these days, dirty bitch.”

“No donkey could fuck me as good as you can,” Courtney replied saucily. “Not that I deserve to have you make me come. I deserve to be spanked.”

Yolanda sucked in a hot breath. “I might just do that.”

“If you want to,” Courtney taunted, hopping off the bed. “If you really, really want to.”

“I want to,” Yolanda gasped, seeing Courtney turn her back to her, sticking out her ass provocatively.

“But can you?” Courtney asked teasingly, giving Yolanda her sexiest grin as her hips swayed back and forth. “Nah, I don’t think you can do what you want to do to me.”

“I’ve done everything else to that ass. You think I can’t spank you?”

Courtney bit the fingernail of her pinky. “Oh, is that what you want to do to me?” she asked, affecting innocence. “Hmmmm?”

Yolanda’s eyes widened. She felt the looming hardness of the strap-on she wore, the rushing cum inside it ready to spurt—she wondered how this situation had so quickly gone from her shock over Courtney’s incest to them being on the verge of fucking.

She felt a surge of anger at this upstart bitch for being so damn sexy, turning her on, having Yolanda wrapped around her little finger no matter what fucked up thing she wanted from her. “Maybe I shouldn’t spank you,” Yolanda said, trying to sound nonchalant, but she knew Courtney could hear the lust in her voice. “You’re a good girl, after all. A superhero. I’m sure you feel bad enough about being such a slut. You don’t need me to punish you.”

“Oh, but I do. I need to be punished for fucking my mommy because I loved it. Do you hear me, Yolanda? I loved the way my sexy mommy fucked my tight little pussy with a big hard strap-on. I loved licking her cunt and sucking her dildo, even when it’d been in my ass. If that doesn’t deserve to be punished, I don’t know what does!” Courtney cried, her eyes blazing with desire.

Madre de Dios, you really are a slut,” Yolanda said with a disbelieving chuckle.

Courtney giggled: “I know I am! That’s why I need to be punished! Come on, Yolanda, you know it’ll be fun…” Courtney said leadingly, lifting up her skirt slowly to display her naked ass once again.

Yolanda felt her jaw drop open. After all the times she’d fucked Courtney’s ass, she had no idea why the prospect of spanking her, punishing her, was so enticing. But it was.

Maybe it was getting to dominate Courtney harder than ever, appealing solely to the top in Yolanda. Maybe the orgy with Cindy and learning of Courtney’s relationship with her mother had touched off some fucked up competitive instinct in Yolanda, making her want to reclaim Courtney’s body as her own personal property.

But either way, she knew she couldn’t resist. However Courtney frustrated her, she at least had to take out that frustration on Courtney too. Why not, when just the idea turned blondie on so much?

Yolanda held back more to let Courtney keep degrading herself, keep permanently searing this night into Yolanda’s spank bank—it felt like the moment Courtney left, no matter how hard they fucked, Yolanda would be in the shower, fucking herself while thinking of this.

“I’ve been such a naughty girl, Yolanda. I’ve been very, very bad. Don’t you think you should punish me—see if you can make me a good girl again?”

Courtney flopped down onto her back, then rolled over, making sure her skirt stayed raised above her ass. Her legs trailed off the side of the bed so that once more, she was bent over it, her ass in the air, waiting for Yolanda to use it. Only this seemed infinitely more smutty.

Yolanda didn’t know how things could get any seamier than fucking her weird-ass girlfriend up her butt, but this whole punishment thing… the way Courtney begged for it… if Yolanda ever stopped fucking her, she didn’t know if she’d ever stop touching herself after.

“C’mon, Yolanda—do it to me,” Courtney intoned, her voice getting hotter and huskier with each passing second. “You wanted to be class president, right? Show me you know how to discipline the student body.”

Courtney glanced at her maybe-girlfriend over her shoulder, seeing the look in Yolanda’s enthralled eyes. In that moment, Courtney knew that no matter how hard Yolanda dominated her, she had her beloved Wildcat exactly where she wanted her.

Yolanda didn’t bother to answer her. She kept looking at Courtney. Once, she might’ve been disgusted by what a whore Courtney had revealed herself to be—her own mother, ¡A la verga!—but now, all the degradations Courtney flaunted at her just increased Yolanda’s longing, her hunger.

Yolanda wouldn’t say she decided to fuck Courtney. It was more like she gave into gravity. She knew it was fucked up, that she was surrendering to the same depraved urges that had made Courtney fuck her mother. Indulging Courtney once had already led to the orgy with Cindy—she didn’t know where this would lead. But she did know she’d enjoy it. Órale, she’d enjoy it so much, it’d be worth being as big a goddamn slut as Courtney.

“I know you want to. I can tell. Don’t lie and say you just want to fuck me up the ass like always. Superheroes aren’t supposed to lie. Tell the truth, Yolanda. You want to turn my ass red before you fuck it.”

Courtney’s smile widened, seeing that she had Yolanda. She knew it was a little cruel to taunt Yolanda this way, just because she missed her so much, wanted to be fucked by her again so bad. That still probably didn’t give her the right to seduce Yolanda the way she had.

After all, you never could tell how much pressure someone as repressed as Yolanda could take before she blew. But she didn’t think Yolanda could ever hurt her, no matter how much pressure she was under. And besides, Courtney reminded herself hotly, she was so turned on that it was well worth the risk to get the punishment and the sodomy that she needed so bad.

Plus, she got to feel this tremendous sense of sexuality—here her mistress was, squirming and trembling, almost a slave to the lust she felt for Courtney. Courtney knew she was a bottom bitch, but she was still the star of the show.

With a happy laugh that would’ve sounded wholesome under other circumstances, Courtney spread her legs apart. Then she reached behind herself and dipped one finger into her pussy. She moaned, not at all surprised at how wet she was, but a little shocked by how tender her cunt was to the touch. Maybe Yolanda wasn’t such a good dom; maybe Courtney just happened to come really, really hard…

“Mmm, I’m so wet, Wildcat. Don’t you want to feel my cunt? Hmmm?” she asked throatily. “Save me, Wildcat. My pussy’s just drowning…”

She turned over, her back on the bed now. Her legs were open and she ran two fingers into her sex. Looking down, she felt like hiding her smile in her arm, she was beaming so brightly over how Yolanda was staring between her thighs.



So very hot! 👍