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Normally, Galvyn’s insatiable lust could be put off for hours. He could spend half a day riding about before the vibrations on his cock got to him and he either had to stop at whatever farm or town was nearest to find a woman, or relieve himself with a quick bout of masturbation.

The fact that he’d just had something of a threesome with Corria and Dolina, the twin princesses of Nestingland—although threesome was putting mildly how he’d roughly deflowered both in public, one after the other, while putting an end to their power plays by framing each for witchcraft—well, normally, putting his oversized prick to that much use would satisfy his virility for at least the better part of the day.

However, with the twins disgraced and deposed, Galvyn had convinced Nestingland’s new leader, Vivianna Vergamon, to give him custody of them as he left the country. They’d both been marked now with magic-draining runes, though dark-haired Corria—man-hater and cock-lover—was the only one he knew to have any actual magic.

Winding tattoos, somewhere between a goat’s spiraling horns and the coiling body of a snake, burst like inkblots on various locations on their bodies: a bicep, the lower back, between their breasts, on the pulse point, and on the thigh. For no reason Galvyn could discern, the runes were different for each. The ink on Corria’s lower back ran down over the tops of her buttocks, while the ink between Dolina’s breasts rose up to her collarbone and spread out to either side as if to outline the slopes of her cleavage.

Galvyn could see all this because, when he’d awoken cured of the poison—another tool the sisters had deployed in their war games—Corria and Dolina had both been naked, left to him as his slaves to do with as he wanted, so long as they were out of Nestingland and out of Vivianna’s hair.

He’d ordered them both to wash up, tossing a bucket of sudsy water over both of them. He’d also stipulated that they were only allowed to wash each other, not themselves, and while they’d each cleaned the other’s body, he’d jerked off fruitfully, watching every furtive little move of sponges, the women both aroused and ashamed by their incestuous attraction, or at least by him seeing it. Both how clearly turned on they were and how embarrassed he made them fueled Galvyn’s masturbation. He could’ve watch them rinse and wipe at each other’s skin for hours.

He was well within his rights to fuck them both, of course, but the way he’d been ill-used over the past week had left him wary. He’d gotten into plenty of trouble over pussy before, but now that he had a limitless supply of two of the best cunts he’d ever gotten into, Galvyn felt he might as well take the opportunity to take a step back and be a little more cautious. He was in no mood to go through being cured of another dose of poison.

So he’d put off fully breaking the sisters in, letting them anticipate and dread his lust, further ruminating over how he’d already taken everything from them with that first bout of sex that had left them no longer royalty any more than they were still virgins.

And he’d wrapped it up quick. His cock was on a hair-trigger, plenty of cum built up while he’d slept off the antidote, and as he watched Corria and Dolina scrub a soapy lather into each other’s naked bodies, his erection had done what came naturally. To his amusement, the sisters had cried out in fright as he came, dousing them with ropes of his cum while they could do little more than cower, his seed covering their wetly gleaming skin like zebra stripes—not that anything was dark about them except Corria’s hair. Their flesh was pale perfection and his cum was a blinding, gleaming white. It was like the runes marked them as powerless and his ejaculation marked them as his.

Then he’d taken another bucket, this one full of clean water, and thrown it over them. It’d rinsed off the soap and cum, but only so much. It would take a really deep lather to wash off how much he’d spent and Galvyn wasn’t interested in that just yet. The sisters could use a little time to get used to smelling like cum.

Galvyn was still in a hurry to leave after that, but he’d stopped long enough to buy two men’s shirts from the nearest tailor. They fit the short princesses down to the knees, but the tailor had skimped on the fabric. The shirts were nearly translucent. That was okay by Galvyn; he’d gotten what he’d paid for, barely a handful of bronze coins. All he’d really wanted the clothes for was to ensure that no one could see his property naked. He planned to eventually turn them out as whores, once he’d grown bored of them, but the bitches were so good-looking that staring at their naked bodies and jacking off was better than at least a quarter of the sex Galvyn’d ever had. He’d hate to give out free samples that way. Unlike him, the vast majority of men only had one load at a time in their balls.

And so, with the sisters smelling of sex but nowhere near sated, he’d invested some of his gold winnings in something actually important to him: a wagon with a good team of horses to pull it. And for the next day, he’d driven them out of the country, away from Vivianna’s threats and any residual power the princesses might’ve called upon.

As said, he’d expected to get a good distance before his fat cock needed to be quenched again. But he’d underestimated the effect it’d have on him: the near-naked Corria and Dolina right there, his fucktoys to play with as he liked, seething with bitter resentment and stewing in lust, practically begging to be broken in… well, it got to him.

After consulting his map to see the next kingdom was miles away, Galvyn decided he might as well take advantage of the privacy isolation brought. He tugged the reins, bringing the wagon off the road, into a copse of trees growing by a fast flowing river. He judged that, even if there were any other travelers on the road, they wouldn’t see the wagon from it. With the last bits of his patience, he tended to the horses, clicking his tongue at the princesses first to get their attention.

“Pay some mind to this,” he told them, rubbing the horses down. “From now on, this is going to be your job.”

“You honestly want us to be your… stableboys?” Dolina asked.

“I won’t do it!” Corria cried. “I refuse!”

Galvyn snorted. “Ladies, ‘refuse’ is one word that isn’t in your vocabularies anymore. I just thought you’d want a little something to do to break up the monotony of being my cockpuppet.”

Corria’s jaw dropped, while Dolina stiffened as if he’d just touched her clit. She might’ve been a freshly ruined virgin, but the blonde was also the biggest nymphomaniac Galvyn had ever met. He had a feeling that life with her would be an endless battle between her own love of fucking and her umbrage at being his sex slave. Honestly, the thought amused Galvyn.

Corria, meanwhile, seemed much less conflicted. She hated him so bad that Galvyn could practically taste it. But he remembered that when he’d deflowered, she’d come as hard as her sister. For all her Sapphic inclinations and thoughts of superiority, she couldn’t deny her whorish body. That too appealed to him, the thought that however angry she was at him, she was still addicted to his cock.

Both women attracted him powerfully, Dolina with her big pink-nippled breasts as much as Corria with her brown ones, the bushy black jungle of Corria’s pussy as much as the soft golden down that covered Dolina’s. Not just one woman tending to his needs, but two—that was luxury.

“Well, we’ve put this off long enough,” Galvyn said, shedding his clothes piece by piece. Now that he was ready to fuck, he saw no reason not to do this properly. “No matter how big it is, I’ve still only got one cock, so which one of you wants to go first?”

“Fuck you!” Corria cried.

Dolina bit her lip. Whatever resistance she had to her own depravity, it crumbled at Galvyn’s open propositioning of her. “I suppose… if I have to… I might as well get your best effort…”

“Slut,” Corria snapped at her.

“At least I can admit when I enjoy myself!” the blonde retorted.

“You wouldenjoy being ravished by that brute.”

“You did too!”

“Not as much as you!”

“Ladies, ladies, please.” Galvyn had doffed the last of his clothes, which meant his patience for their shenanigans was at an end. “I thought you were both in politics—you think you’d be better able to compromise.”

He stroked his chin in thought. His cock was standing up at a nearly vertical angle, shooting past his waist and throbbing with readiness. He could ignore its siren song for now, but he’d soon have to sate it. For the moment, though, he instead relished how the princesses trembled before its mass. Just looking at it, they must’ve known it would break them all over again, just as it had in the town square. But they literally couldn’t say no to the pleasure that’s come hand in hand with that shameful breaking.

“I know,” he said at last, taking his prick in hand. “A good compromise leaves everyone equally unhappy—well, except for me, and I am the one that matters, after all. So Corria, you’re going first.”


“I know that disappoints you,” Galvyn said with mock sympathy, “but it disappoints your slut sister too that she has to wait, so let that be a consolation to you.”

“But why not me?” Dolina persisted, her eagerness to be used coming to the forefront now that she’d been denied. And considering how little she’d been able to restrain herself before, now she was practically humping Galvyn’s leg.

“And why me?” Corria demanded. “I thought gentlemen preferred blondes.”

Galvyn shrugged. “That may be true for gentlemen, but me, I always bet on black.”

Flushing with anger, Corria turned away. “Alright. Do what you want to me. But know this. You will never…”

But Corria’s embarrassment quickly came to outweigh her outrage, as she felt Galvyn’s arms encircle her slender waist. He pulled her to him, pressing her round ass into his jutting erection, moaning as the warmth of its plump softness sank into his hungry arousal. It felt damn good already, even without penetrating her. He could’ve happily spent his load on her fat ass, but why settle for that when he could have every hole she had?

Galvyn kissed the nape of her neck while a dollop of precum poured out of him and ran between Corria’s buttocks; the brunette was left too shocked to react by the dual affront. She stood frozen while Galvyn’s hands roamed over her body, refamiliarizing himself with the gentle hollows and curves of her supple flesh. Now that she was his, he planned to use her at his leisure, and very leisurely.

“Stop that!” Corria gasped. “You can’t just… wait… you won’t make me—“

“Oh, shut up and enjoy it,” Dolina told her. “I can’t believe you’d be so ungrateful after he picked you first!”

Ignoring their conversation, Galvyn pulled off Corria’s shirt. It wasn’t so roomy that it didn’t snag on her big breasts. They were pulled upward as it peeled off her, then dropped back down when they came free, jiggling in a way that brought Galvyn’s self-restraint to a definitive end.

He forced Corria down onto her back and started sucking wildly on her left nipple. He wasn’t in a frame of mind to notice much else besides his own pleasure, but he did take note of how hard her nipple was already when it went into his greedy mouth.

Tears stung Corria’s brown eyes, smearing her dark kohl. “You can’t do that!” she breathed, trembling. “I don’t want you to! You bastard, you son of a bitch, how dare you! I’m not some piece of meat that you bought and paid for!”

“No,” Galvyn snapped. “I got you for free.”

Corria lurched away from him, slipping out from under him. Without her under his body, Galvyn slipped down and crashed to the ground. Thankfully, he twisted his hips to the side at the last moment, rescuing his cock from digging a post hole. Corria scrambled on her hands and knees to get away, but almost immediately Galvyn pounced onto her naked back, pinning her in place.

“Don’t get any ideas!” Galvyn barked at the watching Dolina. “One move, one peep out of you, and I won’t so much as touch your sex-starved ass. I’ve got Corria here to do all the fucking I want; I don’t need to even look at you to get off.”

Dolina held up her hands submissively. “You can force my sister all you want; she deserves it. Just save a little for me… I mean,” she quibbled, lower lip quivering, “if you have to.”

Galvyn looked down at Corria. He shoved her face down into the dead leaves carpeting the forest floor. “Oh yeah,” he grunted. “I have to.”



Not bad. Note to self, re-read the original story