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“Madison…” Her name rasped through his closing throat, but only that. Quentin couldn’t say anything else. All he could do was stare at her, see her loveliness, take in her wanton pose and all its implications.

Tightness descended into his loins as his cock began to maddeningly pulse, willing him closer to fulfillment, culmination, sex. He could barely even think to deny himself. Really, he couldn’t think at all.

Slowly and slowly, Madison lifted her hands. Her eyes were locked with his as she slid her palms up her lean waist to the swells of her cleavage. She cupped her breasts, squeezed them lightly, then pushed them out at Quentin as if to present him with a gift. Then she was lowering her hands again, although her tits barely sagged from the upright position she’d held them in.

Her fingers stroked down her belly, fluttering over the toned abs until the tips of her pink nails were just touching the fleece of her pubic hair. She held herself like that for a long moment, fingers splayed over taut belly, their tips pointed where Quentin would like to go, frozen and awaiting satisfaction. Quentin was denied even the sight of Madison doing what he desired. He knew instinctively that if he wanted to be satiated, he’d have to do it himself.

Quentin stood as if hypnotized, unable to move or speak, all of him captured by the allure of the woman before him—the sudden crash of complete animal sensuality into a dully normal day. His cock was screaming with his ever-growing arousal but so far, he was too flummoxed to even try to sate his own transfixed lust.

Madison’s hands moved downward again, her fingers dipping into the soft down of her pubic thatch, reaching for her slit. When she touched it, the pads of her fingers dug into her labia and she spread her glistening lips, opening up her pink inner flesh to Quentin’s lustful gaze.

With him watching, she traced her right forefinger over her clitoris, stroking along its tiny contours, titillating one part of it then the next, until rivulets of her arousal trailed down her inner thighs. And while she touched herself—stroking, pleasuring with maddening rhythm, making a man wish she would speed up and truly thrill herself—she spoke in a droning, enthralling voice.

“I want to fuck you, Quentin. I want to fuck you like no man has ever been fucked before. I want to feel your finger in my asshole while you’re fucking me. And I want to suck your fat cock, suck it until I’ve milked you dry. And then you’ll lick my asshole—put your tongue inside me until you’re hard again. I want you to kiss my pussy. I want you to suck my tits. I want your tongue where my finger is, touching me just like I’m touching myself, because I can see you watching, memorizing the way I like it, and I know you’ll like how I taste too…”

She went on and on, filling the space between herself and Quentin with her fantasies, her perverse imaginings of what she’d like him to do to her, the obscene things she’d like to do to him. The words she intoned lashed Quentin’s mind into a frenzy—he felt like he was in the middle of sex with Alex, approaching climax he pounded into her harder and harder, only he wasn’t fucking, he wasn’t even undressed.

Shit, he had to fuck her. He didn’t think about Alex, he wasn’t thinking about anything, he only knew he needed to act on the lewd words Madison kept pouring in his ears. They sounded too good to him, too good from her pillowy lips, for him to let them go unheard. And the sight of her touching herself, just beginning to satisfy herself when her real craving was for him… it made his own groin surge with heat, his cum boiling in his balls, begging for release. He had to be inside that perfect body, yes, he had to fuck every last inch he had into her!

It was like he couldn’t stop himself even if he wanted to… like he was seeing himself from outside his own body, watching as his flesh went off without him, the legs striding, the feet striking the ground, everything bringing him closer to that girl. He saw her fingers stop their play, ready for the real thing. Her sultry smile became one of triumph—she knew she had him. His hands went out to her, cresting her smooth shoulders… but Madison slipped back, speaking softly.

“Not here, my love. In the bed. When you’re fucking your way through me, I want something nice and soft to be holding me up.”

He followed her in mute, rapt excitement, like a dog trailing after a piece of meat. His body and mind felt only consuming passion. She led him to the bedroom, to the bed, lying back on it with her legs open wide.

“Take your clothes off. I want to see that big cock of yours,” she breathed. “I wanna see how much prick you’re gonna make me take when we fuck. Show it to me, baby. Let me see it.”

With numbed fingers, with mindless obedience, Quentin undid his belt. He took off his trousers and his shirt and skinned off his boxers. Then he stood there, waiting for her approval, his thick, blood-filled erection standing out from his groin, quivering in the air, precum leaking from its tip.

“Oh, that’s beautiful, Quentin, just beautiful. I knew you’d have a lot to fuck me with.” Madison laughed very softly. “You are going to fuck me with it, aren’t you? Tell me you want to be inside me—that you want to enter me with that fat cock.”

“Yes… yes, I want to put my cock inside you!” The words leapt out of Quentin. He didn’t recognize his own voice.

“You want to fuck me with that big, hard prick, don’t you?”

“Yes, I want to fuck you hard!”

“How hard, baby? How hard do you want to fuck me?”

“As hard as you can take it!” he cried. “Harder! I want to fuck all the way into your womb! I want to make you scream for me! I want you to never think of sex again without thinking of me!”

“Yes, baby, that’s how I want it! That’s the way I want you to fuck me!”

A tortured cry was wrung out of Quentin’s body. He flung himself onto the bed with Madison and took her in his arms, not caring about anything but how soft she was and how warm she was and how good her naked body felt pressed tightly to his flesh. He was dimly aware that later, when the fire inside him had cooled, there might be regret, but at that moment, it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered—the woman in his arms was his whole world.

He showered her face and her throat and her breasts with burning kisses. His hands moved over the rolling hills of her ass, cupping them and squeezing the luscious flesh. She breathed into his ear with her arousal, hot and trembling. Her tongue flicked out to dance over his earlobe. She reached down between their bodies and found the steely hardness of his erection.

Quentin gasped, feeling her fingers searingly close over his rigid manhood. His mouth pressed to hers and their tongues swirled together as if seconds away from blending together. Madison crushed her body against his and ground her pelvis into his lap. Then her muscles flexed, pulling him into embrace, wrapping her legs around his waist. Her sex flared open, wet and waiting.

Her hands ran up and down his body, tracing the firm muscles of his physique from his shoulders down his back and into his ass, exploring all the power he’d be using to fuck her. His cock pressed to her thigh, dribbling precum onto her silky flesh. Madison arched her back, levering their joined bodies up into the air. She reached down to once again draw her labia lips apart, opening herself up to Quentin.

He felt the sizzling heat of her arousal and worked his hips toward it, prodding his erection into the narrow slit of her pussy. Madison gasped at the contact, his cock lying cradled against her throbbing groin. Then she relaxed into how they were entwined, lowering her body back to the mattress, his rigid shaft trapped between their bodies, rubbing against her down-soft mons.

He worked his hands between her body and the bed, did his own exploring, trying out the soft feminine curves of her back and hips, the breath panting out of him as her flesh proved as much a temptation to touch as it was to see.

She undulated her body, caressing him with it in a slow, teasing rhythm. Her sinews rippled lightly underneath her supple skin, confirming the power she held in her toned muscles and long, tawny limbs. The cords in her thighs tightened, forcing their tenseness into the outside of his hips where they wrapped around him. Quentin’s fleeting thoughts wondered how they would grip him in a minute, when he was pumping deep into her innermost core.

“God, you feel good,” she mewled. “All of you feels good, but your cock feels just perfect.”

Her nails pulled down his back, leaving little red scores behind. Quentin pushed his hands further underneath her, cupping the fullness of her plump ass in his greedy hands. He pulled her groin against his and rutted his body, pushing hard and fast against her fiery sex, feeling it grow wetter as her passion seethed like his was. Her hips circled and stroked, trying to add friction to the rubbing, until her legs tightened around him, calves locking against the backs of his thighs, pulling them closer together.

Oohh! Fuck me!” Madison wailed. “Fuck me now, baby, yes, yes, give it to me!”

He started to thrust forward, but her hands were already between their bodies, taking hold of his throbbing cock to guide it into her sex. Quentin groaned animalistically, feeling her rub him against her thighs, against the soft and fleecy hair covering her groin. He knew he couldn’t hold back for another second. He had to fuck her now!

Quentin flexed his hips, pushing himself with a sudden driving thrust into the receptive opening of Madison’s pussy. He entered her with his rock-hard erection, not caring at all how much she could take, only how much of his desperate stiffness he could sate by hilting it in her cunt.

Aaaarrrggghhh!” Madison cried beneath him.

He felt her inner muscles slip wetly, heatedly, around his erection, her tightness consuming him as he raced inside her, her folds stretching to take as much as they could. Then there was no more to give—his balls slapped with a resounding impact against her ass, an almost punishing blow, and Madison moaned from it.

Oooooh! That’s it, baby, that’s how you fuck me! You make me take that big cock!”

Quentin ground his manhood into the pliant flesh under him, making Madison’s writhing body center around his long, firm strokes. She strained up to him, lifting her cunt up for him to fuck, raising them both up a few inches off the squeaking, squawking bedsprings.

Madison gasped and cooed with his driving thrusts into her body, squeezing and unclenching her thighs around his hips. She worked herself up and down in a decadent rhythm, her mouth gaping wide open, her head thrashing from side to side in the insane abandon of her pleasure.

Ohhh, it’s… wonderful, Quentin… like I knew it would be… ooohhhh YES! That’s the way, that’s how I like to be fucked! Now shove your finger in my ass! Do it, Quentin, fuck my ass too! Finger my ass while you’re fucking my cunt!”

Without even thought of disobeying her, Quentin reached under her body and between her juicy buttocks. He separated the cheeks of her ass and then stretched his middle finger to her anus. A stream of moist arousal had ran down from where he drove his pistoning cock into her sex; it lubricated her tightly puckered sphincter, letting him probe easily into her sucking hole.

Quentin thrust in with his finger, hard, feeling the anal orifice yield and let the first knuckle of his finger in. Feeling the sudden pain of being entered there, Madison lunged upward, her body slapping against Quentin’s with a wet smack of flesh. Then she was crying out, screaming for him: “Ggghhh! It hurts, it hurts, but I think I’m gonna come!”

Quentin pushed harder, driving his second knuckle into Madison’s ass.

Oooohhh! Yessss! That’s it! Hurt me! Hurt me while you get me off!”

He felt Madison jam her ass down onto his snaking finger, sinking her anus down on it until he had her ass cupped in the palm of his hand. He wiggled his sunken finger inside her passage, eliciting an equal amount of pain and pleasure from Madison’s baying lips.

He felt through her body the underside of his pumping cock, its friction as it rolled over where his finger was buried. Quentin timed the movements of his finger with the strokes of his steely manhood, impaling Madison twice over. She groaned wildly, feeling his cock swelling and surging inside her until she didn’t know how it hadn’t burst already. Quentin, feeling the exquisite pressure building in his scrotum, didn’t know either. He was going to come soon, he had to, had to—if he didn’t come, he’d go out of his mind.

Jesus Christ, I never knew it could be like this, this good, not ever, not ever…
