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Karen remembered how much Harley had enjoyed Kon fucking her in the ass, so she eased her finger away from Harley’s pussy and moved it instead to her anus. She was groping blindly between Kon’s thighs, feeling mostly how his firm muscles clenched and shook as Kon kept pumping himself into Harley’s fountaining sex.

A burning touch and Harley keened, scrambling to get her legs under herself enough to lift her ass up and give Karen all the access she wanted. Karen circled the pucker of Harley’s sphincter, finding all the lubrication she could ever want in the juice and precum and sweat that covered Harley’s groin from all the hard fucking Kon had given her.

As she tormented Harley’s anus, Karen slid closer and closer to Kon’s bobbing ass. Then, without even thinking about it, she licked one of his firm cheeks. She wanted to devour all of his toned, muscular physique, wanted to taste everything he had to feed her, but right now, all she could get at was the sweat he had built up from fucking Harley’s brains out.

“Fucking Rao!” Kon snorted as her tongue crisscrossed his flexing ass.

Without missing a stroke, he opened his thighs to make room for her. His fucking went from claiming as much of Harley’s depths as possible to rolling and undulating against her pert ass, keeping himself deeply inside her cunt to limit the movement of his hips.

Karen buried her face between his cheeks, extending her tongue to where his balls swayed with his rushes into Harley’s sex. She lapped at his scrotum, moaning at the taste, the sweat there thick with his masculine musk.

Aaww!” Harley moaned herself, Karen forgetting about her, her finger still in Harley’s needy anus. “Don’t stop! Dontcha stop, dontcha stop, I want your finger in my butt while I get my pussy reamed! C’mon, Peej, you ream me, he’ll cream me! Let him knock me up while you give me a butt-fuck!”

“Stop trying to rhyme,” Karen growled, the warm exhale of her words washing over Kon’s balls and sending a shudder through him above and beyond what he was feeling in Harley’s cunt.

Karen felt him stiffen, spasm. On the tip of her tongue, his balls clenched. He was coming, she could feel it, she could practically taste his seed as its heat flared from his balls and ran down into Harley through the bridge of his cock.

Karen’s sex quivered itself, shaking with frustration as she lifted Kon’s twitching balls with her tongue like a spatula, feeling them issue out his cum while her finger felt Harley receiving it.


Harley spasmed with each rope of cum Kon fired into her, but soon that was replaced with a driving, shaking pressure. Worried Harley might hurt herself, Karen let her finger be pushed out of Harley’s asshole and pulled her face back from Kon’s dime-bounce ass. Cursing her horniness, she stooped to wash her hand off in a pool of stagnant rainwater evaporating nearby. As for her face—fuck it—she was kinda proud that it smelled like Superboy had sat on it.

Harley had been more or less ruined by her work as a shared Kryptonian fucktoy. Kon’s ejaculation had shoved her forward so hard, her boobs had popped through the peek-a-boo window in her costume, while her juicy little ass still hung out of the tramp stamp cutaway in back of her costume. She looked so destroyed that Karen was dubious this was as regular an occurrence as Harley had made it out to be, but then, if anyone would subject themselves to being ahegao’d out over and over again, it seemed like it would be Harley.

Karen looked at Harley’s fucked-out body and ruined costume for a moment, finding the sight strangely appealing, before she turned to Kon. He too was staring at Harley, her eyes crossed, her tongue drooling out of her mouth, quakes of afterglow satisfaction making all the curves of her nubile body jiggle. His cock was thoroughly deflated, but it rallied the longer he looked at her.

“So, Supertoy.” Karen straightened her boob window, centering it so that none of her hot pink areolas showed. “How do we usually wrap these things up? I buy you a hot dog or something?”

“No, we, uh—“ Kon was terrible at secret identity crap, which he supposed this counted as. “We usually just go our separate ways. Places to go, people to see, y’know.” Clark would’ve handled it so much better, but then, Clark wouldn’t have gotten to have a threesome with Harley and Power Girl in the first place.

Karen’s resting bitch face looked as dubious as ever, but then she smirked, seeming to accept his words as in-character for her. “Fine by me. I’ll take the toy girl with me. I’m guessing she usually doesn’t get this much of your… services.”

“No,” Kon said with veiled honesty. “This is a bit of a first… I could always take her off your hands for a while, if you’d like… she seems like a lot.”

Karen glanced down at his rising erection. Harley wasn’t the only thing that was ‘a lot’ in the area. “No, I think you can take a rain check on repopulating the Kryptonian race by yourself. But make sure you do your fair share of fly-bys in this neighborhood. In case I need to take the edge off again.”

Kon would’ve liked to tell Karen how exuberantly he welcomed being of assistance to her, but perhaps fortunately, his Titan communicator went off then. Karen’s eyes dropped to the source of the noise. “Your pants are going off.”

“It’s the Teen Trouble Alert.”

Karen grinned. “Little late, isn’t it?” She scooped up Harley under her arm. “I still can’t remember being your lover. Next time, try harder to remind me, okay? Bring some old favorites out. I didn’t know I was bisexual until just now—I’d love to see what else you can help me discover about myself.”

“Hell, I wouldn’t mind just watching you discover yourself,” Kon quipped, dumb grin in place before he could think better of it.

Karen returned his smile. “And maybe something to tie Harley up with. We might not want to have her getting in the way next time.” Then Karen patted Harley’s ass. “Then again, maybe we do. Play your cards right and I’ll let you decide.”

“Oh, is that one of your old favorites? Cards? Like—a coupon for a free backrub or… I’ve seen those suggested a lot. I’ll make some. I don’t think we’ve tried that. We haven’t tried that. But let’s try that next time and it could be one of your new old favorites…”

Karen smiled and shook her head. “You weren’t lying. We do just go our separate ways after the fun stuff, don’t we?”

Then she was up, up, and away.

Kon pulled up his pants. He’d had sex before, but this was the first time he’d both busted a nut and still been so turned on he was hard after. He couldn’t even feel guilty about the little white lie that he was Karen’s boy toy—well, not much. She’d definitely gotten as much mileage out of that BS as he had. Even Kal-El wouldn’t think he’d been taking advantage of her when she was the one licking the sweat from his ass.


Divine followed Kon with her supervision, watching as he flew up into the clouds to wash himself off in the rain waiting to fall. After a thorough rinse, he went above the dark gray clouds, to strip off his clothes, wring them out, dry them with heatvision, then pull them back on. Soon, he was so presentable it was as if nothing had ever happened.

Divine also kept tabs on Power Girl. The dumb bitch flew off without a second look, too stupid to realize that just because her awe-inspiring body had netted her a man, didn’t mean she could necessarily keep him.

Kon flew up into low-earth orbit, where the gravity didn’t exert itself enough that he had to work at flying. He drifted there, in the warmth of the sun, recharging after expending so much energy.

Divine kept an eye on him while she went to work. She already had on hand everything she needed to impersonate Power Girl. The white costume, blonde hair dye, and of course, the clone body. Complete with superspeed, so she only needed a minute to get into character. Then it was just a matter of flying up to Kon and mimicking Power Girl’s voice. Not even that was hard—it was Divine’s voice, after all. She just had to talk friendly. Not even very friendly. Just not a total bitch.

Divine still didn’t like it, but it was easy.

“Good boy. You didn’t go far. Now we know you can follow instructions.”

Kon startled, staring at her. He would’ve thought that after all he’d done with her, the sight of Power Girl in her leotard wouldn’t have such a hold on him. Instead, he found her more arousing—and intimidating—than ever.

Now he had skin in the game. If he messed things up, he might never sleep with her again. And if he didn’t…

“Hey P-P-Peej,” he said weakly, well aware of his racing heartbeat and cold sweat. Acutely aware of it. It was like his supersenses could detect nothing else. “Where’s Harley?”

“Sleeping it off,” Divine answered laconically, as if the answer was that obvious. “I thought I’d let her talk to herself some—it’s her best dialogue. Meanwhile, I get you all to myself.”

Kon laughed nervously. “That’s me… all yours… I, uh, I thought of some of your old favorites…” Actually, he’d thought up about a million ‘old favorites’ the second Power Girl brought the idea up. Now, though, he’d had the time to work up the courage to mention a few to her.

After all, he now knew she was at least kinky enough to sleep with Harley. Even that freaky Batman didn’t do that—Kon didn’t think.

“Shut up,” Divine told him, smiling evenly. “You think I need your pea-brain to tell me how to get myself off? Look at me. Just look. I know things about sex that would blow your mind. There are positions that’d made you come if I just described them to you. How about it, Boytoy? You gonna volunteer that big dick to get me off, or would you rather try to talk me into trying whatever Urban Dictionary entry is your fetish?”

“I, uhh… I don’t know… maybe?” Kon shuffled uncomfortably, not even able to shift his weight from foot to foot while he was floating there.

For some reason—well, for a pretty predictable reason—he was hard, could feel his stiff cock pressing against the front of his jeans. He didn’t know if he hoped Power Girl wouldn’t notice or if maybe it was what she wanted from him. He hadn’t been this confused since Knockout was trying to rape him and he was wondering what it would be if he let her.

This woman had given him the best sex he’d ever had—pretty much the only sex he’d ever had—and the last thing he wanted to do was offend her. Just to play it safe, Kon tried to force his cock to soften by sheer will, but it refused to budge, even after all the times he’d come in the threesome. Kon was torn between being self-satisfied and angry with his stubborn erection.

Abruptly, Divine laughed at him. “It’s called role-playing. Don’t tell me this is your first time with it, Superboy—haven’t you ever pretended that you’re Mister Miracle and some lucky lady is your Big Barda?”

“Huh? Oh… yeah… all the time!” Kon said haltingly, but with growing confidence. He knew role-playing—that was pretty much just bullshitting people. One of the few times being half Lex Luthor could come in handy.

“Good.” Divine eased closer to him, reached out and tickled his chin. “I thought you’d like being my little sex slave. Now how about we go somewhere more private? I’d hate for some asshole in a Cessna to interrupt our fun.”

Normally, Kon was all for privacy, being a teenage boy and all, but at the moment, his hard-on was painfully compressed inside his jeans. He’d give anything to let it out the way he had the last time and fuck Power Girl right here. “I’m sure there can’t be too many people flying around up here… not after 9/11.”

Divine smiled condescendingly at him. “Superboy, don’t you know John Travolta has a pilot’s license? If he can get one, anyone can. Come with me. I know just where to put you…”

Divine flew with Kon on her tail—and oh, how he’d like to be in her tail, seeing the world’s most perfect wedgie every step of the way to Starrware.

The secret entrance scanned Divine; unsurprisingly finding that she was Power Girl’s exact genetic match, and thus Power Girl. It opened up, letting her into Karen Starr’s office. It was dark inside the room, but the huge wooden desk was still obvious, its top virginally clean, its heft monolithic.



Well this is a whole lot of fun. I could nitpick, but why?


Hey, Mobofair, is there any chance you could do a story based on Icon issue 15, where Superboy meets Icon's sidekick Rocket during the Worlds Collide crossover, but the story veers off and Superboy sleeps with her?