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This is something I'm thinking of doing when I come back, since I've been thinking of getting Lasik and it'd be cool to, you know, have money for that. But the idea was for sort of a sponsored read-through of a given comic property--I was thinking X-Men, but it'd work for Batman, Iron Man, Invincible, any floppy that's been around for a while. 

Anyone who's interested would kick in some money to the pot. With each donation, they submit an idea for a fic. Whenever the money in the pot hits a certain level--I was thinking 75 dollars--I write a fic based on one of the prompts. Hopefully, it ties in to the reading I've been doing. That's the 'lotto' idea.

The alternative is that each donation has to be fifteen or twenty dollars, but also each donation gets a fic that's around a thousand words. These would have to be pretty simple, as opposed to the longfics that the lotto idea could give rise to, but everyone would get something. 

So, which method would you prefer and what comic would you like to try this out on?


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