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The plan went along well. Talia allowed Manitou Dawn to escape, using a hide-out they would’ve abandoned anyway as her prison, then simply letting her tear out of it. Then it was a simple waiting game, and with Jason around, Talia had a great deal to occupy her time.

Finally, it was Dawn’s turn at monitor duty. Talia called her up from a very comfortable recline on her sofa, already smug over the fact that the phone number they’d gotten from her was still active.

“It’s time,” she said simply. “I want you to put it on a false report on priority alerts coming in from Venezuela, then disregard all priority alerts you receive from them for the next six hours. Otherwise—“

“Fuck you, bitch.”

Talia paused. It was as if she’d been addressed in a foreign language. She couldn’t parse being spoken to in such a manner. “What was that?”

“I said eat shit and go fuck yourself.”

“Ah. You seem to be covering most of the formulaic insults.”

“Release the tape! Go ahead! See if I care!”

“A very poor choice, my dear, and not at all in your best—“

Dawn hung up on her.

Talia didn’t swear, didn’t scowl. This was the problem with dealing with heroes. Very frequently they could just not be rational. Still, the venture of gaining a mole within the Justice League had been worth the risk. Now, she would just have to settle for damaging the League’s reputation and making it clear that HIVE was not to be trifled with.

The bitch had hung up on her. Swearing was one thing, that was only to be expected from peasants, but interrupting her? Talia couldn’t wait to spray her cunt all over the airwaves.

Another dial connected her to the tech division. “Alfonso, release the video. Full spectrum. Every TV station and all the torrenting sites as well. Plus, ask Netflix if they want the streaming rights. If they don’t, tell them we’re getting offers from Amazon Instant.”

She turned on the TV. It was standard operating procedure for any supervillain worth their salt to be able to interrupt broadcasts, insert themselves into the ToshibaVision screen at Times Square, but this had to be the first time they’d shown a sex tape this way. She wondered if she should be worried about children seeing it? Oh well, it was after nine on a school night, they should be in bed already.

She watched the feed cut in, flickering with static and artifacting—she could see Jason and Dawn kissing passionately. Her own body shivered in lascivious delight, tingling and quivering with sympathetic excitement. She gaped as she watched Jason’s mouth cover the woman’s, forcing his tongue deep between her lips.

It made her think of Bane. She had lusted after the Batman for a long time, but never had him. He was too stubborn, too strong-willed for that. Bane had been the one to actually introduce her to the pleasures of the flesh. Not through courting her, not through forcing her, but as simply and as directly as tempting her. She had gone into his quarters one night to deliver a message from her father—somehow he’d known to expect her. She had found him stroking his cock—his large, erect cock—and had watched, fascinated. Perhaps it was that he showed no fear or embarrassment, and so there had been no need for her to respond in kind. But he had kept stroking his cock, sliding his fist up and down, knowing she was watching.

When he came, it’d taken Talia’s breath away. She’d watched his thick white seed spurt high into the air, as if reaching for her, before splattering back onto the floor. She’d been excited. She’d been very much excited.

Then he had asked what she wanted, as if nothing had happened, and she’d delivered the message, as if nothing had happened. The next day, she’d volunteered to deliver another message to Bane. Again, he had known she was coming. Again, he was waiting for her. Again, she felt the warm tingle between her thighs, especially when he came. Soon, she was asking to watch him jerk off in front of her. And he asked her to expose herself to him. Talia didn’t mind. It made him come harder, further. Sometimes, she thought she could feel the heat of his seed as it flew towards her. But she never stood that close.

As Bane advanced in the League of Assassins, they would fondle themselves, watching each other, and Talia would learn the pleasures of her body far beyond what her father would approve of. She’d been sitting on the floor at Bane’s feet, looking up at him as he pumped his cock, he looking down at her as she moved her middle finger inside her cunt. When Bane came, his jism splashed over Talia’s open thighs, and the feel of his cum on her skin had made her pitch, convulse, nearly seize. Later, she’d realize it was an orgasm. Her first shared orgasm.

They soon began making each other cum. Bane playing with her cunt while she ran a tight fist up and down his throbbing cock. When he came, his cum would run over her hand, her wrist, sometimes as far as her elbow. Then her cunt would grab at his buried fingers, the clenching sensation like her whole body was bent around his hand.

He never tried to fuck her. Perhaps it was out of deference to Ra’s al Ghul, perhaps he was leaving that step to her, perhaps it was simply in violation of his code. But she still wanted more. And if it didn’t occur to her to let him inside—if it couldn’t occur to her—then what did enter her mind was a question. How did his cum taste?

She did not put her mouth on his cock.

What she did was open her mouth the next time Bane came. She caught his cum in her mouth, on her tongue, and it was so different from what she’d expected. Not gross at all, but thrilling, the taste hot and sweet, and the sensation! To feel the surging power of his ejaculation, the hot, sharp spurts of it kissing her mouth…

Her cunt went from ecstasy to ecstasy, squeezing his finger hard. And after that, after knowing how much more intense her orgasms could be, she took his cum in her mouth every time.

Sometimes she simply leaned over his cock as he came, but usually she would sit on the floor, or even lie on her back, her face tilted, mouth open, and let Bane fall upon her like a river flowing downhill. Sometimes his ejaculation couldn’t be controlled even by him, and her face would be drenched with cum, but she didn’t mind. The thought of it, the anticipation and the sigh, they made playing with herself irrelevant. All she needed to make her come was his manful groans, his hot seed in her mouth and on her skin, and her pussy would give her a delicious orgasm in return.

She swallowed Bane’s cum every day until she left the League. But she never forgot the satisfaction he gave her. Remembering it was more pleasurable than watching this video, Talia’s eyes closed so all the grunts and groans could do was remind her of the strange affair between the two of them. Her pussy ached and she wished that big fucker was there right now, to relieve the horribly empty feeling in her sex. She touched herself and wondered if Jason would like to watch the broadcast with her. Maybe he’d even jack off with her… while she laid underneath him… her mouth open…

Something was happening on the screen and Talia fuzzily registered something wrong. There was another woman there, wearing a revealingly diaphanous nightie. Talia didn’t know why there’d be someone else in the sex tape. Perhaps it’d be more scandalous for one of Jason’s dalliances to join in with Dawn, but it could just as easily shame the HIVE. Perhaps people would even see it as empowering rather than embarrassing. You never knew with people.

As Talia stared, the newcomer slipped out of the gown and walked gracefully to where Jason and Dawn were resting upon the bed. Talia recognized her now—Cheshire. That horny slut. Of course she wouldn’t care who saw her naked.

Stirring her finger gently within her womanhood, Talia watched with heightened interest, luxuriating in the arousal of her sensitized body. She could blame the glass of wine at dinner, the surprising nostalgia for Bane, the triumph of her plan coming together, but she refused to feel sinful, no matter what her father would’ve said. Nothing he said could be as bad as how good this felt.

She saw Cheshire join the lovers on the bed, and as Jason rolled aside to give them room, Talia received an electric jolt. It wasn’t Manitou Dawn that Cheshire was caressing, pushing her naked body against, fondling and kissing. No, it was Blackrock! She could plainly see the shaven mound she was so proud of grinding into Cheshire’s dark one, and she sucked in a deep breath as Blackrock wrapped her legs around the other woman. Talia’s finger refused to still within its sheath, even as she thought that she’d been tricked, tricked into letting Manitou Dawn with nothing to show for it, tricked into embarrassing herself and her organization on national television.

The camera held on the women, and somehow it seemed less dirty now. There was something gentle in the way they were caressing each other, a tenderness that Jason hadn’t shown. Their hands fluttered like butterflies, treating each breast, each drop of sweat, each lock of hair as a flower to be visited, slowly, beguilingly, and Talia wondered if it could be this way with a man—beautiful, not being rammed into savagely, like a lust-driven animal.

Blackrock was kissing Cheshire’s breasts now, nuzzling each nipple in turn, and Talia’s fingers began to move with a new firmness, a new fervor. They teased into her slit, seeking her clit again. Now Cheshire was lying on top of Blackrock, and Jason was kissing them both, rubbing his member along their gleaming thighs. They seemed to pay little attention to him, thrusting together, grinding their crotches into trembling oneness, kissing more heatedly than ever. The camera moved close and Talia, wide-eyed, could see how the two slits were meeting, stimulating each other in voluptuous symmetry.

She began to build up the magic rhythm she’d had with Bane, her eyes fixed on the screen, her thighs spreading themselves wide as she rutted deeper with her fingers, imagining she was one of the women, about to experience Jason’s love all over again, about to find out what it’d be like with another woman—

“Mmm,” she murmured. “It’s… so… good!”

Furiously she rubbed her clit, plunged her finger into the suctioning grip of her womanhood, rolling her buttocks and gasping as leaden pleasure invaded her body. She had hoped it would be as wild as it’d been with Bane, but it was even better. Talia let out a soft cry as she came, her bare heels drumming a tattoo upon the luxuriant carpet.

Slowly, she came back to the world around her, to the sounds issuing from the television and the flashing colors still on display. Jason’s skin, Cheshire’s skin, Blackrock’s skin. Her head was spinning, but she knew what must be done. When she picked up the phone this time, it was to call security.

And outside her room, Nyssa al Ghul shut the door, grinning to herself. She could hardly believe it. Her sweet and innocent little sister, masturbating! She wondered what other secrets Talia had. Maybe there was a way to arrange something.

Her smile widening, Nyssa went to the nearest security station. She had a feeling there was about to be quite the show at Jason’s room.


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