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“It was simple, in the end,” Peter said, his voice darker and more serious than Felicia had ever heard it. “I want you all to be safe. I want you all to be happy. So, to do that, I have to make you do what I say. That means I need to do something to get you to fall in line.”

It’d been a long time since Spider-Man had webbed up the Black Cat. Even back then, he’d only left her for the authorities. Now he’d picked her up like a laundry bag and was lugging her around town. Thankfully, his strength made Felicia feel light as a feather, which was a nice ego boost. But otherwise, she absolutely hated it.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to explain this with a bunch of quips and nerdy references, so here it is: from now on, you’re my sex slave. You do what I want and you’ll get to come. You don’t, and you won’t. The first thing I want you to do is get along with Mary Jane. Don’t worry, she’ll be reaching out to you too. Once she knows how good you are at eating pussy, I’m sure the two of you will get along famously.”

Felicia couldn’t believe what she was hearing, but they were coming up on Peter’s building and if this was some sort of joke, she doubted Mary Jane would be involved. She didn’t even think Mary Jane would like hearing that Peter was kidding around about this kind of thing. But Peter swung with her in his arms, landed on the side of the building, and carried Felicia inside his apartment through the window.

Felicia gasped. Mary Jane was on the bed, naked, her milky white skin ever so slightly freckled from the sun. It melded with the sky blue of the bedding like a cloud on a summer day. Her hands and feet were bound to the bedposts, more webbing, with a blindfold over her eyes and thick earmuffs keeping her from hearing anything.

“Peter? That you? You’ve kept me waiting long enough—I really need it now!”

Peter set Felicia down, hog-tied, on the bed between Mary Jane’s legs. Mary Jane’s cunt—a vivid pink, like another shade of her glorious red hair—stared Felicia in the face. “You heard the lady.” He put a finger in Felicia’s platinum blonde hair and pushed her leadingly downwards. “Start making friends.”

Felicia stared in a panicked daze at Mary Jane’s quivering pussy, inches from her mouth. There was cum all over her folds, matted into her red pubic hair. It had to be Peter’s. He had thoroughly satisfied Mary Jane before going off to catch Felicia. Was that what he meant by keeping her in line?

Judging by the way Mary Jane didn’t seem to have minded being left bound and blindfolded for however long it had taken Peter to find her, his system of sexual dominance had worked. At least, on MJ.

Peter put his hand on Felicia’s choker, using it like he was dragging a recalcitrant dog around—bringing her down between Mary Jane’s open thighs even more firmly.

“Let me go, Spider! You can’t do this to me! You can’t just… own me!” she gasped, pulling her head against Peter’s strong grip.

With Mary Jane’s earplugs in place, she heard nothing.

“I can’t?” Peter asked. “You’ve come to me begging—in your own feline way—for my cock enough that I think I can. But it’s not like I’m going to whip you. I’m just going to fuck Mary Jane in front of you, so you can see what you could’ve enjoyed if you’d been a good girl. Then I’ll haul you off to jail. You can tell me if prison showers have a massaging showerhead.”

Then Felicia felt the touch of a man’s erection against her ass. It was through her costume, but the fabric was already so thin that she could tell how hard Peter was. This was turning him on. He was getting off on being a dom.

She could already hear the gears turning in his mind. If Felicia agreed, he’d rip open her catsuit and fuck her right through it. If she didn’t, he’d turn her in just as he’d promised, and no one would believe her wild story about him trying to entrap her into sexual servitude.

“One last chance,” Peter said. “If you lick that pretty red-haired pussy in front of you, I’ll fuck your ass. If you don’t, you don’t get fucked at all.” He ran his cock over the trembling flesh of Felicia’s luscious ass. “I know a girl like you can have a lot of fun in a woman’s prison, Cat. But I also know that right now, the only thing that’ll satisfy you is cock. You can be a satisfied slave or a free woman… in jail.”



What a good story! I hope this story will have update.

kopis117 .

I like it. Please, please don't let this turn into superior spider man though?


Well that's interesting