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Taylor suddenly felt Harlan’s hand on her knee. It rested there, squeezing a little, but otherwise not moving. Taylor smiled and put her hand on top of it.

Then, slowly, experimentally, the fingers began to stroke her skin. Taylor glanced at Harlan, but he was completely poker-faced, looking straight ahead at the screen, Katy still lying dazed on his shoulder. But even as she watched him, his palm flattened out on top of her thigh. It started to move, inching up Taylor’s leg, the friction sending even more heat into her body than his caressing fingers had. His touch was quickly headed underneath her skirt.

Taylor looked around to be sure no one was looking at them. Then she spread her legs in the most unladylike way, allowing Harlan to touch her however he wanted to. She’d show him that Katy wasn’t the only one who could be naughty. She’d make him regret pulling Katy to the side for whatever he’d done to the slut when he could’ve done it to her.

The hand slid along her slender alabaster leg, caressing her smooth thigh as it went. The screen grew fuzzy. Taylor wore a hapless smile. She held her breath for a long moment, then let it out with a hiss.

Her hand moved from her armrest onto Harlan’s leg. She squeezed the firm muscle above his knee, thinking how it corded when he fucked her, fucked Katy, pounding and pounding into them both. Was that what he’d done while she’d been getting seated? Had he given Katy the fucking that whorish dress was asking for? Taylor didn’t think so. Katy must be barely able to breathe in that dress, let alone fuck. There was no way she could’ve gotten Harlan’s cock. But Taylor could.

Harlan took her wrist with his left hand and drew her fingers to his crotch. The bulge was big, rock-hard, running up from his fly to almost his belt. Taylor bit her lip, thinking of how easy such a massive erection would be to see it if she took it out. Oh, why’d he have to be so big?

“Go ahead,” Harlan whispered from the side of his mouth. “Treat yourself.”

Taylor unzipped his fly and reached inside; his cock practically sprang out to meet her hand. She wrestled it through the seemingly undersized opening of his downed zipper until finally she could see it in the glare from the projector. His cockhead was big and red, with a drop of precum hanging from the tip.

“Oh God,” Taylor whispered hotly.

"Katy got it nice and clean," he husked. “And I can probably last a while, considering how hard I got off in her whore throat.”

“That slut,” Taylor moaned. “That dirty, dirty slut…”

She played with his rigid prick, with his balls, and Harlan moved his hips upward, growing hotter and harder in her stroking hand.

“Suck it, honey,” he gasped under his breath. “Suck Katy right off of it.”

Compulsively, Taylor looked around to be sure no one could see what they were doing. Only that wasn’t right. Anyone could see what they were doing, only no one was looking. They had the privacy of no one paying them the slightest attention. All eyes were riveted to the battle between good and evil on the screen.

Taylor bit the inside of her cheek. This was crazy. It had been crazy to touch his cock, crazy to take it out, but it would be craziest of all to actually suck it. She couldn’t believe she was even considering it.

Then she looked at Katy, resting her head on Harlan’s shoulder like he was her boyfriend, like they were seeing the movie together, and knew that if Katy finally came to with Harlan’s cock out like it was, she wouldn’t waste time in getting it into her mouth. Taylor was surprised his musk hadn’t woken Katy up in cock-sucking mode already.

She knew what she had to do. She had to show Harlan that, even if she wasn’t a slut like Katy, she was still a better fuck. She could satisfy him. She could follow through where Katy could only tease.

God, she was so turned on…

Taylor slipped down to the floor between Harlan’s knees. In lockstep with her, he leaned forward, putting his elbows on the seat in front of him to hide her body with his own. Taylor dipped her head into his lap and slid her lips all over the seeping knob of his erection, anointing them with his precum before she opened her mouth and took his swollen cockhead in.

Harlan groaned, shifted in his seat, while Taylor wrapped her lips around the thick hunk of meat he had to feed her. It felt good in her mouth. It tasted good on her tongue. It was hers, not Katy’s. The cum in his bloated balls belonged down her throat or on her face or in her pussy, not anywhere Katy could enjoy it.

Taylor lathered his big cock with her saliva, then relaxed her throat. Slowly, she slid his thick shaft into her gullet. Harlan dropped a hand down to crown her head, then reached a hand to her ponytail, holding onto both for sanity with his elbows still propped against the back of the seat in the next row. Taylor luxuriated in the feeling of being so accepted by him. He was absolutely dying to be blown by her, gagging for her blowjob—and she was gagging too, taking the massive erection into her tiny throat.

“God, Taylor, you’re the answer to any man’s prayers. Shit, where’d a good girl like you learn to suck cock like that?”

Taylor looked up at him with her eyes delightfully narrowed, enjoying the weird symmetry of this oral fuck. He was ready to facefuck her, almost raring to do it, but she was overloading him with the sensation of the blowjob. He already couldn’t take what she was dishing out, so there was no point in fucking her mouth. All her big, dominating man could do was let her suck him until he came. She bet Katy hadn’t done that.

Half of his thick cock was down his throat. Taylor bobbed up and down on it, helpless to stop her saliva from trickling from the corners of her mouth, running down his throbbing shaft and dripping on her cleavage. But she didn’t really care. Except she wished her breasts were exposed—that she could feel her spit and Harlan’s precum soaking into her tits instead of her dress.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her head went lower, and lower, and lower. Until she had all of his prick in her mouth, down her throat, her upper lip in his treasure trail and her lower lip against his scrotum. Harlan moaned and bucked his hips, grinding his pubic bone into Taylor’s nose. She stuck out her tongue, laving it over his balls with his cock still down her throat.

Harlan couldn’t take anymore. His hips spiked and he came, huge wads of cum thundering into the back of Taylor’s throat, bypassing entirely her decision to swallow it or not. She sputtered, feeling his river of cum swell, ebb, swell again, ejaculation after ejaculation flowing down her throat and into her belly until she felt like she’d drunk an entire protein shake.

In a way, she supposed she had.

She was so overwhelmed by how Harlan had come for her that he had to reach down and pull her back up into her seat, Taylor settling bonelessly back where she’d been when she’d started doing this. The movie was still on the same sequence as when she’d begun. Taylor couldn’t believe it—blowing Harlan had seemed to take forever.

He reached over to put his arm around her slender shoulders. Taylor happily let him, satisfied she’d proven what a good girlfriend she was—above and beyond whatever he’d done with Katy. She didn’t have the energy to urge him to tuck his cock away… it hung limp between his thighs, hidden in the shadows of his athletic thighs… but after what they’d done already, that hardly seemed like a risk. It was like the drooled precum, like melted candle wax, on Taylor’s pert breasts. Taboo, secret, delicious proof of how two people could enjoy themselves without being a pair of porn stars like—well, like Harlan had been with Katy.

But now he knew better. Katy was all talk. There was no way she’d gotten Harlan off anywhere near as well as Taylor had.

It was another half-hour before Katy came to her senses. When she did, it was to realize that Harlan had his arm around her shoulders, his hand stroking the flesh of her bicep. Playfully smoothing out and then wrinkling and then smoothing out again the fabric of her sleeve.

She looked down into his lap, expecting him to be hard, and then saw that he had his cock out. And he was hard, but not as hard as he could get. Not as hard as she could make him.

“I guess Taylor doesn’t fuck around,” she said huskily, turning her face to whisper in his ear. “Or did you get your ticket taken with that thing hanging out?”

“You’re the only one doing the taking tonight,” he said curtly.

“And you’re giving, huh?” Katy chuckled. “Start giving, mister. Or did Taytay take it all out of you?”


He reached into the cutout in her gown—that beautiful window into her expansive cleavage—and filled his palm with one naked breast. His cock jumped to life, lifting up so far that Katy could see it in the light spilling off the screen. Her own nipples were stiff with blood. All of her felt hot-blooded. Only her pussy was empty, tight and twitching, ready to be stretched and opened like her throat had been.

“I want you in my cunt,” Katy moaned hotly.

Taylor leaned over, looking past Harlan’s body to what Katy was doing on the other side of him. “Katy, people are trying to watch the movie.”

Katy only smirked at her. “So you already had your fill of his cock?”


“Because I haven’t. I haven’t been filled yet.”

The movie switched to a night scene, the darkness plunging the theater into its own kind of night. Taylor gasped—she could feel Harlan’s lust bound up. She knew him; he couldn’t call himself a man if he wasted this opportunity. He was going to fuck Katy; he was going to fuck that little bitch.

Taylor’s breath rushed and her heartbeat flew. She tried to ignore them, turning her eyes to the screen, but instantly she looked back. She had to see what that slut Katy did. Had to know what Harlan’s cock looked like going into her. She’d seen it at the party with Rihanna and it’d been torture—a sickly sweet arousal she’d had no idea what to do with—but having Harlan go off without her and fuck that cunt was far worse. Taylor had to know what they did together. She had to know what a whore Katy was.

Harlan grabbed Katy by the shoulders and pulled her over into his seat, his lap, letting her feel his cock against his legs. Katy moaned, both at the feel of his prick and the thought of it staining her dress. Then his lips locked onto hers, his tongue probing into her mouth, hers submissively stroking his in deference to how intensely he’d embraced her.

A deep, aroused breath rattled through Taylor. As if that had spurred her on, Katy snaked her tongue into Harlan’s mouth, pressing it hard onto his, then swirling it deliriously through his mouth. Her arms wrapped behind his neck. In a moment they were grinding together, their breath coming hot and fast, their bodies aching to burrow into each other.

Katy panted in feverish anticipation. She would’ve thought the blowjob would be enough to sate her lust, but now rippling currents of desire ran through her body like she hadn’t had a man’s touch, a man’s cock, in months. She cooed at the feel of Harlan’s stiff erection pulsing through her dress—she could feel its need for her in her smooth, soft flesh. Her nipples were jutting out, engorged with lust. They burned.

Their lips were trapped together by the pleasure they were feeling, until Harlan ripped his way from the sweetness of her mouth and ran a path of hot kisses along her cheek and down her neck. His hand moved up the long, smooth length of her thigh, so powerful and yet so gentle, that Katy couldn’t bring herself to worry about him ripping her dress. Slowly but surely, he moved his fingers along her groin and around her hips, easing them closer and closer to the mound of her wet pussy.

Katy’s lips were locked together, barely able to breathe as she struggled to keep in her moans. No amount of satiation was enough to pacify the lust she now felt—Harlan’s touch made her come alive with explosive passion. Every nerve in her voluptuous body was twitching with lust. Just feeling the palm of Harlan’s hand brushing over her sex was enough to drive Katy senseless, the gaping abyss of satisfaction that she’d been in after he’d fucked her face yawning open for her once again.

There was still no way for him to get to her cunt, with her dress falling down to her ankles, but through the fabric, he ran his fingers up and down until he’d scraped her panties down. Lower, then lower, then lower. Katy held still, her breath coming fast, her breasts heaving in hard swallows as if to throw the swells of her chest up to his gaze. Harlan stared into the deep, tempting cleavage as she shifted her legs, helping him get her panties down around her thighs.

“God, woman, you have the most gorgeous tits there are.”

“You can touch them,” Katy breathed. “You can suck them!”

His hands reached up to the jubilant slopes of her proud breasts. She quivered with anticipation, swollen with excitement at the feel of his touch. His hands painted over the glossy sweat that covered her breasts, slid into the warm valley between her throbbing globes, underneath the dress still halfway preserving her modesty. Each of his open palms moved over her ripe hills, squeezed their plump curves and tantalized her stiff nipples.

A jolt of excitement raced down Katy’s flesh, hitting her moist slit like she’d been impaled. The brunette’s mouth fell open. She halfway felt like Harlan had just forced himself inside her, she could feel her cunt so vividly. It was so empty. It needed to be full so much!

“Put my hand on your cock, you little slut,” he ordered her. “Feel how hard it is. You’ve forgotten how good it felt pumping in and out of you. You should’ve been begging me to rip you out of that dress instead of letting Taylor suck me off—swallow the cum that you could’ve had spurting down your throat.”


