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“It wouldn’t be fair to you and it wouldn’t be fair to Scott either,” Betsy continued. “I couldn’t have been with you all summer and then gone back to him like nothing happened. And I couldn’t be with you while acting like I wouldn’t be ending up with him. Don’t you see—I don’t want to hurt either of you, but it’s like there’s no way I can avoid it. I don’t know if I can even manage not to hurt myself.”

“Do you know what I think?” Kitty asked softly, stroking Betsy’s bare shoulders with her hand.


“I think you don’t know which of us you really want—Scott or me.”

“Maybe not… I don’t know.”

“I know you don’t,” Kitty said tenderly. “When I came in here, you were touching yourself. Who were you thinking of? Which one of us?”

Betsy’s eyes averted themselves from Kitty’s searching gaze. “You,” she whispered.

A surge of relief filled Kitty, then crackled into hope like a fire catching. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe she could still have Betsy for the summer. As much as Betsy had looked down on the prospect of being with Kitty and then going back to Scott, that consolation prize was looking pretty good to Kitty just then. Maybe just because she was at the beginning of summer and not the end of it, when she had to let her go.

But who knew? Maybe in the coming months she could prove to Betsy that she had more to offer than Scott, show her what she would be throwing away if she went with him. It was a slim chance, but it was so much better than nothing.

“I knew it,” Kitty said. “And I’ll bet you wanted, more than anything, for me to be touching you instead of you touching yourself. Isn’t that right?”

For almost a minute, Betsy gave no answer. Then her head bobbed up and down. She lifted her eyes to Kitty’s. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, her voice tearful and strained. “I really like him, Kitty.”

“You like me too,” Kitty laughed. “You like me too.”

Impulsively she tightened her arms around Betsy’s body, squeezing their flesh together until their lips met. She slid out her tongue and found Betsy’s lips parted, letting in the thrust of her kiss. Kitty moaned softly as she slipped her tongue into Betsy’s hot mouth and felt the answering contact of Betsy’s tongue on it.

“Oh baby! Baby!” Kitty whispered, breaking the kiss to lower Betsy down onto her back. She climbed onto the bed with Betsy, nestling their bare flesh together. “I’ve wanted to have you in my arms again for so long. You don’t know how it feels to me, being in your arms too, touching you all over and having you touching me…”

“Don’t,” Betsy keened. “Please don’t say anymore…”

“I love you,” Kitty said. “I’ll always love you. That’s why it’ll always feel this good, why you’ll always want it, because we’re meant to be together.”


“Don’t fight it, babe. Don’t keep pretending this isn’t what you want. Give in. Be free, like you were before. Don’t be scared. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just going to make you feel like you used to feel…”

She started kissing down the side of Betsy’s face, onto her delicate neck. She heard Betsy whimpering, softly protesting from deep in her throat, but she was sure Betsy was doing that more to convince herself that Kitty wouldn’t stop—that she might as well go along with this feeling that she really wanted herself—than any earnest desire for Kitty to halt. If she did, Betsy would just go back to whinging over how much she cared about Kitty, wordlessly asking for her to do what she was doing right now.

“We shouldn’t,” Betsy sighed, Kitty reaching down to open her legs and then lowering herself down between them.

Betsy tensed, feeling Kitty’s mouth moving from her neck to her chest, over the slope of her tits. Her nipples tingled, feeling the approach of Kitty’s warm, licking tongue. When it finally touched her nipples, Betsy felt like an electric shock had just run through her.

Kitty’s lips closed around one of the stiffening nipples. She sucked it until it was a hard little bullet, then moved to the other one. She’d almost forgotten the taste of Betsy’s nipples, but having them back in her mouth brought the memory rushing back, made her mind swell with new ideas for things she wanted to do to Betsy’s lush body. Her mouth grew more forceful, demanding more sensation from Betsy’s sensitive body to go with her own mounting passion.

“Touch me, baby,” Kitty muttered, taking her lips off Betsy’s nipples to look up at her. “Please? I love touching you, but it’s only so good when you’re not touching me. I’ve waited so long to feel you. Just put your hand on my breast. Squeeze it. You know you like the way it feels…”

Haltingly, Betsy reached down to Kitty’s breasts. She seemed to be having trouble making it all the way there, like her hand wanted to go in two directions at once. She wanted to say no to what was happening between her and Kitty, knowing what would happen, and yet her body craved what she knew would happen. An excited sigh broke free of her lips as she touched Kitty’s breasts, finding the nipples as hard as her own.

“Oh, yes, Betts!” Kitty gasped. “Squeeze them! Your hands feel so good! You can touch me anywhere—touch me down there…”

Betsy’s eyes shifted down to Kitty’s pubic thatch. She’d played her fingers through that hair so many times, run her tongue through it. She knew the smell of Kitty’s sex and its taste, and its feel, but her hand was reluctant to rediscover it.

“Please?” Kitty sighed. She took Betsy’s left hand in hers and pulled it down between her legs. Her thighs closed on it, trapping Betsy’s fingers in her silky bush. “Oh yes—YES! BETSY!”

She let go of Betsy’s wrist and reached down her body, over her bare belly and into the tuft of hair protecting her slit. She was surprised and delighted to find how wet it was. However Betsy protested, her pussy wanted this. It wanted Kitty.

“I want you too,” Kitty moaned, pressing her fingertip against the lips of Betsy’s pussy.

She felt their tightness, a tension at her touch, then a relaxation as she drifted the pad of her finger up and down Betsy’s slit. It let her—it invited her—to probe her finger deeper. Inside of Betsy’s sweltering cunt.

“Let me make you come. If you don’t want to again, I won’t bother you. I promise, I’ll let tonight be the last time. But don’t leave me like this. After I’ve dreamt of it for so long, after I’ve gotten a taste of you—let me have all of you. So I can commit it to memory, always remember how good it was.”

“I-I don’t know, Kitty,” Betsy whispered. “I want to, but—I don’t know if I want to. If it’s what I really want or… oh God… just how it feels…”

“Let me see,” Kitty grinned. “I think I know what you want…”

Moving away from Betsy’s hand, she dropped down onto her knees, taking a worshipful place between Betsy’s open legs. She bowed her head to the furred softness of her mons.
