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This exchange was originally going to take place instead of the discussion over Black Widow's sluttiness, but I came around to thinking it just went on too long, pushed the satire too far, and as South Park would put it, just went up its own ass. But at least I got to use that Carrie Fisher line somewhere.

“It’s funny you should say, because I’ve actually visited your website.” He reached over to the sofa’s endtable, which held a table lamp and had a single drawer. He opened the drawer and inside was a sheaf of papers. “I’ve noticed in your writing, that you’ve made a lot of jokes… I’d go so far as to say attacks… on the male gender.”

He dropped the sheaf on her lap. She paged through them.

“As well, there’ve been similar insults on white people, straight people… whatever the hell cis people are…”

“But these are just—“

“Jokes?” Jeremy asked.

“It’s not the same thing,” Katie insisted.

“Flip to the end,” Jeremy told her. “You say that anyone who has to offend people to tell a joke doesn’t have a good sense of humor. Yet you offend plenty of people to tell your jokes. They just don’t seem to count because they fit into some category that you’ve decided has it coming.”

“Oppressors,” Katie persisted.

“So you’re sticking it to the Man?”


“That’s funny, because I look at you and I see a white person, a straight person—you’re probably cis, whatever that is—obviously well-to-do… and yet, you having a vagina cancels all that out?”

“I never said I didn’t have privilege…”

“It seems to me this goes one of two ways. Either you can say that it’s bad to make Jew jokes—and also Christian jokes, and Muslim jokes, and Buddhist jokes. Or you can say it’s alright to make jokes about Christians, and Muslims, and Jews. But you can’t have it both ways. Either everything’s okay or nothing is.” Jeremy cleared his throat. “Also, I don’t get why you keep writing about Princess Leia like she’s Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel rolled into one. As I recall, her biggest win was against a talking pile of fat, which is more sadly ironic than anything in The Force Awakens…”


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