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Taylor looked at him, her soulful eyes dubious. “What do you need to talk to her about?”

Harlan patted her on the ass, a dismissive little slap. “I’ll tell you in the theater. Go on now. You don’t want to miss the trailers, do you?”

Too out of sorts to deal with this new wrinkle, Taylor dutifully went on ahead into the theater. Harlan, meanwhile, pulled Katy around the side of the building, into an alleyway between the theater and the next building over. They were still in full view of the assembled press corps interviewing and photographing the arriving guests, but no one had their cameras turned that way. Only touches of the flashing lights and snippets, shouts for comments and poses, reached them.

Katy bit her lip, now that Harlan had her ‘alone’. “What do you want to talk to me about, Har-lan?”

“The hard-on you left me with.”

He pushed Katy down onto her knees, then unzipped his fly. The flashing lights from the cameras splashed against his face and vision, but except for the hot knot of his arousal, he felt at ease. He fished his cock from his underwear and it pointed straight at Katy’s face, stiff and swollen.

“Take care of it,” Harlan told her, putting his hands on his hips, his prick quivering out from his groin.

Katy reached out and stroked the underside of his erection. “Do you take that tone with Taylor?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

Katy looked up at him. With her hand rocking up and down his length, its tip bobbed in the air, rubbing against her lips. “I wanna find out,” she cooed temptingly.

“Get your mouth around that cock or you’ll find out what it’s like to be skull-fucked.”

Katy grinned at him. “Bad boy.” She really couldn’t wait to see what he and Taylor got up to in private. It had to be good, what a nice girl like Taylor and someone like him did together.

But for now, she opened her mouth and used it to embrace Harlan’s cockhead. With him in her mouth, she stroked his glans with her tongue, making eye contact as she did it, seeing Harlan relish the massage he was getting between her lips. Then she slowly pulled back, slurping her way off of his helmet, until the tip of his cock had emerged from her clinging lips.

“Yummy,” she mewled, smacking her lips, savoring all she had gotten of his hot precum.

Harlan leaned forward, resting his weight on outstretched hands against the wall while Katy bowed to his prick, taking more of it into her mouth now. He felt her tongue running along the underside of his member, his shaft responding, rushing with hot blood, while his balls drew up tight with tension.

Then Katy pulled back again, until his manhood popped out of her plump lips. He felt her saliva dripping from his burning length while she smacked her lips together, this time with a tiny hum of appreciation for the taste he’d anointed her tongue with. She still knelt before him, but a change had come over her. Her body was so ripe that, even still fully dressed, it seemed obscene. Her breasts were swollen, nipples turgid with excitement, and her clenched thighs flexed, stretching her dress’s material over them until it seemed skintight. She looked, as she so often did, like she was posing for a centerfold.

Harlan thrust his hips forward. His cock slapped against her face. She opened her mouth; he quickly pulled back and shoved it into her lips, sliding in until he was at the back of her throat. Katy closed her eyes as she swallowed it. Her jaw was forced open by the girth of his manhood. Her lips circled his shaft, ringing it like a tight collar, while her velvety tongue stroked the sides of his length, drawing precum from the tip of his member.

Harlan’s groin ached with the desire to come, Katy’s mouth was so warm and welcoming. The urge grew even stronger when he imagined stuffing her gullet full of his seed, filling in to the point where she had to walk into the theater with rivers of his steaming cum running down her chin.

Katy slid her hand into his open fly and fondled his balls. Her head pumped back and forth, working his erection in and out of her sucking mouth. Harlan felt his cockhead wedge between the base of her tongue and her soft palate. He groaned, his fingers raking over the exposed brick of the wall he was leaning on, feeling like he’d rip it to pieces if he let out how good this really felt.

Katy blew him slowly and sensually, taking as much of his cock as she could get down her throat without gagging. Her throat gurgled rebelliously as she stuffed herself with him, but she managed to keep suckling at his cock.

Harlan threw his head back, trying to memorize the exquisite feeling of having all of his stiff erection buried in her lips. But then he realized that seeing her lips stuffed with his cock was part of the pleasure of a blowjob—seeing Katy’s cute face occupied with something so whorish.

He looked down at her, watching how her lips stretched around his bulky manhood. Harlan debated grabbing her by the hair and pumping into that gorgeous mouth until he’d used it for all it was worth, but he decided against it. Seeing her practically fuck her own mouth on his erection was too much of a thrill, a testament to how much she desired him. He’d rather see that than her willingness to let herself be used, even if he was curious how much Katy could take, body and soul.

His prostate knotted tightly, feeling like it was swelling with the pleasure he felt. It was like he hadn’t come for a week. His balls must’ve filled with gallons of cum in the limo ride, but instead of getting off, it’d all been saved up for now. He was on a hair-trigger—Katy didn’t need to suck his cock with any skill, but she was doing it, milking him of his cum like a born slut.

She felt Harlan reach his orgasmic threshold and drew back, leaving his manhood throbbing in the air, seething on the brink of ejaculating. Katy smiled up at him, more camera flashes reflecting in her eyes and bouncing off her pearly white teeth. She truly didn’t give a shit whether any of them caught her blowing him.

“Not yet,” she whispered to his prick, nuzzling her ruby-red cheeks against his throbbing shaft. “I love having a big cock in my mouth too much to let you shrink down now.”

If he weren’t so breathless from being brought to the peak of his arousal and then left toing the line, Harlan would’ve been upset. But he knew what Katy was playing at. She wanted his cum, wanted as much of it as she could get, and so she was teasing him to make his final ejaculation as voluptuous as possible.

So Harlan blanked his mind out and let himself drop away from the brink. The only thing worse than a denied orgasm was a weak, piddling one when he could’ve surged into Katy’s mouth like a dam bursting.

He was past that danger now. His cock even softened a little. Then Katy wrapped her lips around his manhood once more and blood rushed back to thunder in his erection once more. It stiffened and swelled until it filled Katy’s mouth, while Harlan’s hips spiked, pinning Katy’s head against the wall.

He groaned as the pleasure, the anticipation of coming, threshed in him once more. Though he hadn’t had Katy before, not really, Harlan knew this kind of delayed gratification added a crazy stimulus to an orgasm, almost a pain, as his cock made up for lost time. It would give Katy so much cum it would be like it was punishing her for the wait.

Katy’s head popped back and forth, back and forth, and Harlan felt himself rising swiftly up to orgasm again, though he fought it, wanting to give Katy time to do all the cocksucking she wanted. He didn’t much care if the flashing cameras caught them either.

But Katy’s fellatio worked him up inexorably to the point of climax, worked him into his cock swelling and his cum surging in his balls, before she drew back, so close to the end that he almost came in her face. She smiled innocently up at him, giving Harlan the impression she wouldn’t mind wearing his seed into the theater.

He reached down and gave her a small, sharp slap, Katy gasping as pain now intruded on her tender, worked up body. She breathed hard as she looked up at him again, her eyes wide with feeling.

“Suck me,” he told her firmly. “Or I’ll rip you out of that dress and fuck you. And believe me, then I’ll finish.”

Katy took an even deeper breath, her tits swelling as much as they could. She seemed on the verge of orgasm herself. “Okay, Harlan. I’ll be a good girl. Just don’t tempt me. You know Taylor would never forgive us if we fucked where she couldn’t watch.” She squeezed his balls gently in assurance, then took his cock into her mouth again.

Harlan just looked at her as she went from willful little rebel to willing cocksucker. He felt hot blood pounding in every inch of his erection. His cockhead stung as she suckled it hard. Her tongue massaged all the stiff flesh she managed to choke down.

She pushed her head forward relentlessly, getting his prick to the back of her throat despite how engorged it had become. Katy gagged on it, but she didn’t let that stop her. Her eyelids seemed to flutter with joy at having to throttle herself to get him off.

Katy pressed her tongue tightly against the underside of his cock and moved her head back and forth. Her hand kneaded his scrotum, the warmth of her grip seeping into his balls, making his cum feel like hot wax ready to flow. Her other hand rubbed at his inner thigh, stroking and caressing the flesh through the leg of his trousers.

Harlan shuddered on the jagged crest of a climax, fought to hold it off for as long as he could. Katy pressed him across the edge by touching one fingernail to the seam behind his balls and drawing along it for a few inches. It was like putting a match to the fuse of a cannon. Harlan’s balls seized and a hot eruption of cum blasted down his shaft, slamming into the back of Katy’s throat so hard it shoved her back against the wall.

A liquid barrage followed. Jolt after jolt of thick jism spurted into Katy’s mouth, overwhelming her gulping throat. His burning cream pooled in her mouth while his cock lurched and flexed, adding to the sea of cum filling Katy’s blown-out cheeks. She swallowed and the feel of his seed seeping down her throat, washing warmly against the sides of Harlan’s cock, triggered a new series of pumping and even more cum.

Finally, Harlan’s body shuddered, pleasurably emptied. His crotch was one delectable ache. He pulled himself free from Katy’s gaping mouth and zipped up his fly. Katy swallowed some more, her pupils dilated, barely conscious from how much air she’d lost trying to gulp down all Harlan had fed her.

Harlan pulled her to the feet, wiping the saliva and cum from her lips with his suit’s pocket square. Katy still looked cum-drunk, her eyes huge, her tongue sometimes absently licking her lips with their conspicuous lack of make-up, but as before, Harlan hardly cared if anyone saw them and came to the right conclusion. He put an arm around Katy to guide her drunkenly alongside him, into the theater.

“Next time I take you anywhere,” he whispered to her, “wear something it’s easier to fuck you in.”


The movie they were seeing was Wonder Woman, which was just to Taylor’s liking. Nothing dirty, nothing too adult, just something innocent and moral and feminist. She didn’t even mind, really, Harlan taking Katy aside to—do whatever he had to do with her. To her. Being alone gave Taylor a chance to decompress from the sensuality of the limo ride, relax into the cartoonish world of superheroes fighting for truth, justice, and girlpower.

The dirty secret of Hollywood premieres was that most celebrities either didn’t want to actually sit through them or didn’t have time to, so they slipped out before the movie had even started. And so though the theater was supposedly booked full, Taylor’s row was really deserted.

She, on the other hand, actually wanted to watch the movie. It gave her a buzz to really be supporting women this way. Other ‘celebutantes’ might have their social media team tweet about this movie, but Taylor would truly give her unvarnished thoughts about it—think for herself. And she was sure she’d love it.

At first, she did. There was a nice, innocent scene on Paradise Island with Diana as a child. While she was watching the movie, trying to take in every little detail she could for future reference, Harlan moved into the seat beside her. Katy was with him, reeling blindly until Harlan situated in the seat on the other side of him. When he sat down, Katy rested her head on his shoulder. She seemed exhausted, but Harlan didn’t pay any attention to her. He studied the screen intently, his hands folded in his lap.

Taylor returned her own face to the screen, smiling secretly to herself. Maybe Harlan would learn something from seeing these women, so empowered and capable and supportive of each other. They all got along so well because none of them were whores like Katy. If she were on Themyscira, the place would probably sink within a week.

Then the scene switched to the present day and Taylor gulped. She hadn’t remembered, in the last movie, Wonder Woman’s skirt being quite so short. Gal Gadot was as strikingly lovely as ever, with her black hair styled into gorgeous black ringlets Taylor wished she could have. But it wasn’t her beautiful face or luscious hair that kept getting Taylor’s attention. It was that unbelievably short skirt.

When Diana bent over to pick her lasso up off the ground, her skirt covered only half of her curvy ass. Under it, she wore blue panties that were cut as skimpily as possible, so that Diana was casually displaying her near-naked ass. Even when she stood up, it was on display, her skirt doing little more than preventing from Taylor from getting used to the sight, because every time she moved, it was out of the way, drawing the eye to the naughty taboo of looking at what was underneath.

Taylor had an irresistible urge to reach out to that giant screen and feel her way from Diana’s finely tapered thighs to her well-rounded buttocks. She had to fight with herself that it was just a projection to stop herself from trying, Diana just looked so good with that pert ass on display, every inch of her perfect, bare, booted legs adding to its splendor.

Harlan would have a field day with that ass, Taylor thought to herself, squeezing her thighs together with a rush of pleasure, only to then wonder what the hell she was thinking.

Wonder Woman was a role model—how could she be thinking of her boyfriend fucking the woman’s brains out? What was wrong with her? Why would she want to see such a lovely, powerful human debased and degraded and covered with cum?

Yes, she enjoyed that, but Wonder Woman couldn’t possibly—she wouldn’t—but the more Taylor looked at her, the more she was convinced that either Wonder Woman or Gal Gadot would love to be bent over and fucked right in that naughty little ass. And, secretly, she didn’t think Gal Gadot was a good enough actor to make Wonder Woman such a slut unless she was one herself…



Well, that ending is certainly intriguing


This is my favorite series right now!