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Emma regarded Raven. They were both bitches, Emma just self-aware enough to admit that they had that in common… but damn, did she not get along with her. While she kept the Xavier’s-dream-stuff at arm’s length, Mystique had dived right into all Magneto’s rhetoric. Irritating. And there was her stubborn refusal to really reform, which made Emma feel consistently outdone. It was like she was a suburban housewife with a baby and a dog, while Raven was still out there riding motorcycles and knocking back vodka in seedy clubs.

It just got annoying after a while.

And now here Raven was, crawling back after some escapade on Earth-Who Gave A Shit? The one with the lame knock-offs of the Squadron Supreme. Which meant not only did Emma have to clean up Raven’s mess, but she had to put up with Jubilee asking about that little Jewish boy she’d crushed on.

“You went to an alternate universe,” Emma said. “And you stole something?”

“Yes,” Raven agreed, managing the impressive trick of being ingratiating and aggravating at the same time.

“You traveled the multiverse,” Emma continued, “for burglary.”

“They had teleporters.”

“We can teleport,” Emma pointed out.

“Without smelling like rotten eggs?”

Emma sighed and didn’t admit Raven’s point. “There’s one who’s exactly like what would happen if Thor and Captain America had a baby, and he’s insisting we turn you over. It’s like having an entire club of Jean Grays nagging at me. Is there a reason I should help you?”

Raven thought about it. “I do anal.”

“This isn’t the 90s, Smurfette, I’m not impressed…”

“While in whatever form you like. Let’s face it. Summers is way too much of a tightass even for your four hundred dollar lube.”

“It’s five hundred dollars,” Emma told her.

“It’d be worth every penny if you used it on me.”

Emma thought about it. “Not Summers. Storm.”


“And I want you to talk about how I’m far too big for you.”

“You drive a hard bargain.”

“I drive harder things…”


J’onn did not care for Earth-616.

He knew such an attitude was unbecoming. It was just a ‘gut instinct,’ as the Earthers might say. On other worlds, even on the Earth-3 of the Crime Syndicate, he could find common points, anchors to keep himself grounded. Superman was Superman, Flash was Flash, Batman was Batman. Even if Superman were Barack Obama, or Batman, Thomas Wayne, they were still anchors for his psyche, reference points as he submerged himself in the collective unconscious.

But on this, a world so vastly distant from any common ground that even their Captain Marvel was unrecognizable, he felt adrift. And as lost as he had been when he’d first come to Earth from Mars. When he returned home, the background hum of surface thoughts would once more flow around Lex Luthor, Big Belly Burger, Soder Cola… not Mary Jane Watson, Senator Kelly, and Inhumans.

The woman he dealt with now, Emma Frost, would be considered quite beautiful by human standards. She had devoted a great deal of her mentality to this, as humans often did. But her mind was equally enriched. Through formidable defenses, he could sense ample stocks of experience to draw upon, a great bedrock of learning and emotion and life to use in centering herself, weaving illusions, and other points of psychic pride. He fought the urge to consider her a kindred spirit.

“Mystique is a 616 problem,” Emma said, calmly looking over the menu in the bistro she’d invited him to. “We can’t set a precedent of turning over our citizens to extrauniversal forces. I’m sure you understand.”

“The crime she committed was on my world. She should face judgment there.”

“She’d wanted for crimes here as well. Why not let her be punished here? Surely it’s all the same.”

“On our Earth, Mystique will be punished. Here, she might very well escape all consequences, even being treated as a hero.”

Emma sniffed, “That’s unlikely.”

“Wasn’t Magneto once a supervillain?” J’onn pressed.

“Yes, well…”

“Wasn’t Sabretooth?”

“In a matter of speaking…”

“Weren’t you?”

Emma blinked. “Why must you make things personal?”

“I do not say these things to cast judgment. Only to underscore why we cannot trust our universe’s defense to another universe’s… standards.”

Emma picked up her napkin and idly blotted her lips of what was left of the appetizer. “It’s a moot point regardless. The X-Men are quite busy. We see no reason to revive a cold case on your behalf. You can try the Avengers or the Fantastic Four, but they’re even busier than us, and with less knowledge of Mystique to go on. I suggest you write this one off.”

“I cannot state that I believe you are being truthful.”

“Well, Mr. J’onzz, we mutants are used to negative perception. We just worry more about the ones within our own universe.”


Of course, J’onn didn’t trust her. He made it a point not to trust anyone with such potent psychic abilities as her. He let her leave, projecting a stewing resentment for her to pick up on as if he were ruing being defeated, then a simple shift to intangibility and invisibility, shielding his thoughts as he followed her.

She didn’t go far. Couldn’t, not in those heels. Parked in a nearby alley was a van. There was someone seated behind the steering wheel, eyes glowing under the downturned brim of a baseball cap, body lost in a raincoat. It was obvious that whoever it was, they were admiring the nubile socialite. J’onn felt the mental appreciation of her over thought-waves, like a perfume in the air. Emma got into the back of the van and the lustfulness took a jagged spike, her own mind spilling over with ardor.

Could it be Mystique? Her thoughts were indistinct, hard to read, as the shapeshifter’s had been when encountered previously. Perhaps Frost was sheltering her in exchange for sexual favors? He hadn’t been able to pry too deeply into the blonde’s psyche, but judging from what little he’d been able to glean, it seemed characteristic of her.

He needed to ascertain the truth, and though respectful of human concepts of privacy, in this case, he would have to intrude. If it was not Mystique, he would leave with the two none the wiser. If it were…

He was hovering toward the van when it hit him. A sudden wave of psychic lust. This wasn’t the background noise he had picked up earlier, the passive scent he was able to process. This was a direct transmission, the feelings and sensations of sheer ecstasy being shared between his consciousness and a powerfully erotic mind.

He could feel, as he had not since Mars, the physical ardor of sex: the strain, the tension, the pending release brimming in pleasurable outpourings. But also the mental aspect. It was like being inside the head of a connoisseur sipping wine, or a master composer listening to the opera. He experienced, through that wonderful lens, the subtle interplay of dominance and submission, the rutting tangibility of flesh upon flesh, the need, the satisfaction, the allayed fulfillment.

Unthinkingly, J’onn reached into his pants, stiffening himself gradually as he pictured Emma in his mind, now harshly aware of her charms—unable to stop thinking of fucking her with the erection he was working on, because he could feel how good it would be to fuck her, how good it was to be fucked, how much she enjoyed it…

His cock got fat and firm, looming in his fist as he pumped it. He could sense how much of a slut she was, see the pleasure she took in promiscuity. She wanted him, he could feel it as intensely as he felt her wanting the fuck she was currently getting. She wanted both of them. And J’onn was magnanimous. He’d let the other fellow have her ass.


J’onn opened the doors of the van and got a real surprise. Several, in fact.

First, that it was a woman who had hidden herself under the raincoat.

Second, that she was naked, a beautiful azure blue in the mode of some alien species J’onn had encountered (he recognized her as being named Raven, though that was the only knowledge about her that he could call up).

Third, that she was fucking Emma with a strap-on.

And fourth, he supposed, that Emma was a lesbian. From her mentally vocal appreciation of the dicking she was getting, she’d seemed like a glutton for prick to him.

Although he was surprised by, and didn’t quite understand, what he was seeing, J’onn found it tremendously exciting, watching Emma Frost being fucked, Raven’s ass and hips pumping inside the raincoat, the raincoat hanging off her, showing off her bunching shoulders and bouncing breasts as she delved into Emma.

They both looked back over their shoulders, grinning, not at all ashamed over being caught.

“Care to join us?” Raven asked. Her eyes danced down J’onn’s body, smiling eagerly. “Emma’s been in your head and she said you’re not compensating for anything…”

J’onn stepped into the back of the van and closed the doors behind him. Then he dropped his pants.

“Oh shit!” Raven squealed.

“As advertised, huh?” Emma giggled.

“He might as well be a horse…”

J’onn stepped forward, stroking himself to see if he could get any harder. (He couldn’t). “Will you take it?” he asked Raven, regarding her ass, slowly bunting forward just hard enough to make Emma grit her teeth as the two waited for J’onn to join in.

“All I can get,” Raven shot back.

He pulled the tail of the raincoat out of the way and manhandled himself against her, grinning as he found his way into her from behind. Her cunt was soaking, gaping wide open, and J’onn grinned even wider as he imagined Raven having been tongue-fucked by Emma before he’d joined them. His huge cock sank in easily; he jerked it further in smooth as silk, fucking Raven from behind while she pumped her dildo into Emma.

They fucked in unison, J’onn slamming into Raven who slammed into Emma. J’onn had the unmistakable impression that he was fucking Emma right through Raven, responsible for both Emma’s needful moans and Raven’s breathy sighs. Raven’s hips ground between the two lovers who had boxed her in, sandwiched between them as she enjoyed the best of both worlds, the pleasure of giving and receiving.

The light through the van windows cast auspicious shadows on the floor, showing a kali-esque massing and gathering of frolicking limbs as J’onn reached around to fondle Raven’s swinging tits, as Raven reached back to hold his balls, as Emma felt around their mingling crotches, fingering her cunt lips, Raven’s groin, J’onn’s prick as it fucked in and out.

On a sudden whim, J’onn pulled out of Raven’s pussy and nudged himself underneath her, feeling Emma’s pussy. To his delight, Raven was fucking Emma’s ass. Grinning, J’onn DPed her, fucking merrily into her, her sodomized body sucking on his cock just as tautly as it was Raven’s. He switched from Emma to Raven and back again, loving the contrast in their delicious holes.

“You will soon experience my ejaculation,” J’onn panted out, and felt a surge of desire in Emma, her mind begging to feel the flood of her crevice with his cum.

J’onn grunted, firing into Enna’s hot cunt, making her squeal. He whipped his prick out of her and shoved it into Raven, just barely able to hold back long enough for his second spurt to pour out into her. He emptied himself inside her cunt, while Raven fucked away and made Emma cream, fucking her through the waves of her orgasm.

Spent, J’onn pulled out, sighing as his formidable cock weakened slightly. Raven drew herself out of Emma’s cunt as well. As if the penetration had been the only thing holding her up, Emma fell naked to her knees, her voluptuous body giving an almost defiant jiggle as it landed, ass and pussy both well-used and running with seed.

Emma barely had time to gasp for breath before Raven grabbed her by the hair and jerked her head back, feeding Emma her dripping prick from above, to suck her own juices from. Laughing, J’onn offered his own as well, and Emma slurped it just as happily, purring as she relished a fascinating mixture of juices: her own, Raven’s, and J’onn’s, all heated by his powerful cock.

Both Raven and J’onn laid their cocks across Emma’s upturned face for her to lick, J’onn shocked by how realistic Raven’s strap-on looked. It made the ones Diana owned look like they were made of Play-Doh.

Wrenching her way out of Raven’s hold on her hair, Emma turned around and began kissing Raven’s cock head-on, then her belly, then hungrily moving up to suck on her breasts. She knew it would excite J’onn to watch.

As she rose, Raven lowered, kneeling down to lick at Emma’s crotch, sucking J’onn’s cum from it, holding her head angled so that J’onn could see her swallow it.

“I love drinking cum out of your cunt, babe,” Raven purred, driving J’onn crazy with the thought.

“You should try licking it out of my ass,” Emma rasped, driving J’onn even crazier with the idea of fucking Emma in the ass before Raven ate her out. “Or letting me have some of yours…”

They traded places, Raven licking her way up Emma’s body, Emma running her lips down Raven’s. J’onn started to stiffen again as he watched them reenact that initial submission, Emma kneeling before Raven and yet demanding the cum inside her.

“Have all you want…” Raven tried to gasp as Emma’s tongue fucked into her.

“I know I can,” Emma smiled, giving Raven a reassuring squeeze and an arousing swat on the ass.

She understood all the emotions her exhausted lover was experiencing, the beautiful warmth of coming down from being the container of two whole people’s lusts. It must’ve been awhile since Raven had had it last, but now she’d gotten the taste back, literally, the wonderful taste of cum on her lips and the wet, sticky heat of a load in her tight cunt.

Holding Emma’s head tightly to her cunt, Raven knelt down, lowering Emma to the ground, straddling her face, Emma eating her out the whole time. Then she worked backwards, twisting sinuously around until she was lying on Emma inverted to her conquest, the fertile ground she literally occupied. Emma’s depraved smile would’ve given even J’onn pause as she searched with her hot mouth for Raven’s hot cunt.

“Unnnh,” Raven moaned at the plying touch of Emma’s loving tongue.

The mixture of Raven’s wet cunt and J’onn’s hot seed was, once again, delicious to Emma. She licked over the subtle curves of Raven’s labia, then deep inside, her tongue devouring all she could find. Then she moaned her approval as Raven’s warm tongue reciprocated. The two women mounting and being mounted, they began to sixty-nine.

J’onn smiled to himself as he watched the women bury their faces in each other. The show was just the thing to get him in the mood. He rubbed at his crotch, starting the hardening of his limp prick, broadcasting his growing arousal into the two women’s minds, feeling Emma’s enjoyment of his lust for her. She gave Raven’s ass a clap and it began defiantly wagging, Raven swaying it back and forth to entice J’onn into more potent lust. J’onn felt himself harden back to fullness, ready for more, even if he had no idea how much more he would get.

He knelt down behind Raven, working himself into her cunt from behind, Emma wide-eyed as she watched him enter her. She’d had no idea how it looked for a pussy to stretch that much. Now she sucked both of them, lapping at his balls as they swung against Raven’s taint. J’onn was so pleased that he pulled his prick out of Raven and slid it into Emma’s mouth, the redhead humming as she gleefully sucked the cunt off his cock.

“Does that feel good, baby?” Raven giggled back to him. Every languid lick of J’onn’s fat cockhead ended with Emma’s tongue tapping against her loins.

“Moons of Mars,” J’onn panted, head craned back as he lost himself in Emma’s talented mouth.

“For her too,” Raven continued. “You have to about the best fucking cock either of us has ever sucked. God, I wish I had a cock like that…”

“Wait a minute and I’ll give it to you,” J’onn promised, eyes closed, not imagining that Raven could grant her own wish.

Raven wiggled out from under them, J’onn barely noticing as Emma cupped his heavy balls in her hands, teasingly playing with their weight as her mouth raced up and down over his thick cock. She parted J’onn’s legs as Emma continued to mouth his cock, J’onn mindlessly acquiescing, then spat in her hand and massaged the warm saliva into J’onn’s asshole, preparing him for the full insertion of the weapon she’d grown from her crotch. J’onn groaned happily.

Raven willed her cock to lubricate, rubbing the seeping, slippery precum of it all over the shaft. J’onn’s asshole was fully prepared to receive the thrust of her member. “Now how do you like my cock?” she asked him, pressing her cockhead to the ring of his asshole, gently, working the knob easily into his orifice. J’onn tried to tense up, but Emma slurped hard on his cock, bringing him almost to climax, and his hole opened sufficiently for Raven to prod the head in.

J’onn jerked away, but only into Emma’s mouth. She took him into her throat, wrapping her arms around his waist to hold him in place, groaning and gurgling. Half his cock was down her throat and her tongue was a whip, lashing back and forth across the sensitive underside of J’onn’s cock.

“Make him come!” Raven ordered as she ground herself against him. “Make him enjoy it!”

When his ass had accepted the glans of the cock, she jerked her pelvis forward and sent the shaft up his rectum, feeling all ten inches greasily sliding inside him with ease. Slowly, she began fucking him in the ass, pressing his bulging prostate as hard as she could.

Through her psychic power, Emma could feel the cock being clenched by J’onn’s asshole as Raven pumped in and out. She broadcast the feeling to Raven, letting her know that J’onn was enjoying it. Knowing that it would finish him off, Raven shifted the cock she had manifested, twisting and turning the heavy shaft, reaming him out.

Emma felt J’onn’s cock throb in her mouth. It made her seethe, a heat flowing out from her cunt like sweat rolling over her body. She eased back, dragging her teeth along his blood-gorged shaft. His cock was soaked in her saliva, glistening and fully erect.

With just the head of his cock in her mouth, she wrapped her fingers around him and jerked the skin back and forth, drool seeping over the cockhead in her mouth, his hips helplessly driving forward with Raven’s thrusting, gouging his cock past her lips. Every time it reached the back of her throat, she gurgled.

J’onn was overheated and anxious. He groaned, his lips curling, drooling as Emma’s tongue whipped over his plowing shaft. His neck strained, his head lifted as Raven jerked in and out of his sucking asshole.

The suddenness of her power over another person—over a man—turned Raven on immensely, and Emma was happy to share that psychic sensation between all three of them. She watched his muscles tense from the reaming she was administering to his asshole. She put her hand to her cunt and began rubbing herself passionately, feeling the creaming of her sex, feeling her own wetness drenching her trembling hand. She’d never been so aroused.

Emma slammed her face forward until her lips touched the fingers gripping the base of J’onn’s cock. She squeezed them tight, using her throat muscles like a wet vise around his cockhead as well. Once J’onn had groaned in agonized pleasure she eased back. Then slammed forward again.

J’onn lunged to meet her, hard driving slams straight down her throat. Emma was forced to pull her hand away. His cock went deep with each thrusting stab, but it wasn’t J’onn doing it anymore, it was Raven, fucking Emma’s throat right through his body, just like he had with her and Emma.

J’onn’s precum was seeping from his cock. Emma could taste it and she liked it from the source even more than she had from Raven’s cunt. She caressed his balls, knowing there was a delicious more just waiting for him to give in. She sucked, swallowing the seeping appetizers, whisking them off his cock with her tongue after each jam.

And Raven slammed away with her circling, expanding cock, mercilessly reaming out J’onn while she fingered herself, riding her hand with her creamy cunt, fucking and being fucked at the same time. It gave her the most incredible orgasm she’d ever had, and she was so ecstatic that she thrust the cock up his ass just as he had when he came in her.

Emma was in bliss as well. J’onn’s cum spurted into her mouth and she swallowed it, what little she could. The rest oozed from her lips, down her chin. It seeped from her nose. She choked, but continued to swallow, to suck on J’onn’s cock.

Saliva rolled from his panting mouth. His ass banged against Raven’s crotch. He jammed forward, his spewing cock drowning Emma in white, slimy froth. She sucked wildly, refusing to be intimidated. A thick wad of cum splashed against the back of her throat and was sucked down her gullet. She gnashed her teeth, demanding that he punish her face with his driving thrusts.

J’onn rammed harder. His muscular body overwhelmed her. He jammed himself straight down her throat, almost to her belly, almost ripping her throat apart with his last powerful jab. As his mouth fell open, he let the last of his cum be sucked away as Emma’s throat muscles worked resiliently at him.

Raven pulled out of him. He pulled out of Emma, sagging down to the floor. His cock laid against his thigh in a bed of cum. This time Raven and Emma didn’t bother to lick it up.


It took seemingly hours for J’onn to reconstitute himself, but when he did, he was as composed as ever. “Perhaps it would be of greater benefit for Mystique to remain here, where she cannot be any trouble to my world. Unfortunately, our rehabilitation systems can be as penetrable as yours.”

“I’m glad you agree,” Emma said, massaging his mind with low-level bursts of her own satisfaction. Martian cum: surprisingly good.

“And even if Mystique does evade punishment by choosing to walk the path of a hero, perhaps that is for the best. Given her abilities, she would make a splendid addition to any team.”

“I’m more of a solo act,” Raven told him, still nude, her mind lazily open, little happenstance recollections of the threesome drifting within her surface thoughts for J’onn to catch a whiff of. “But I’m glad you like my abilities.”

“They were quite intriguing. For an amateur.”


J’onn shrugged as deeply as his stolid shift would allow. “Any Martian child worth their green would have learned to form such a rudimentary appendage. But, if you had practiced your shifting as I have, you would’ve been able to rearrange your internal organs and flex your spine to the point of twisting your lower body around as you and Emma ‘sixty-nined,’ thus allowing her to perform analingus on you while I achieved a more conventional penetration. And we could’ve performed oral sex on Emma together. This would’ve been greatly pleasurable for all three of us.”

Emma laughed. “J’onn, you really are a dark horse, you know that?”

“It was an obvious observation.” But what other thoughts J’onn might’ve had about the two women, obvious as they might have been, were closely hidden behind his beetle brow.

Emma considered that she might like taking another chance at that formidable mental fortress of his.

While Raven wondered if he could show her how to pull off flexing her spine.

Thoughts that both Emma and J’onn picked up on.

“So,” Emma said, “when do you have to get back to your world?”

“Not for many hours yet. I will report to them that I was unable to find the renegade Mystique.”

“It would be even better if you could report to them that she’s not on this Earth at all.”

“And we can be very persuasive.”

J’onn considered this. And Raven might not’ve had psychic powers, but she could see Emma’s smile as the blonde picked up on his thoughts.

“One word,” Emma said to Raven. “Tentacles.”


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