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Lori Lombard-Thurol—the One-Woman Adversary Chamber—couldn’t believe it. Here was Heartiac, the partner of her arch-enemy Kal Kent, sobbing outside the walls of her fortress moon. Lori quickly activated the holo-projector, confronting Heartiac with an outsized rendering of her gorgeous face.

“What do you want, Heartiac? Where’s your big buff boyfriend to break into my asteroid base and haul me to the Pluto asylum? Just because you’ve found my hideout, don’t think I’ll be easy prey.”

“You think I want to fight you?” Heartiac sobbed, her voice broken into a series of hitching wails. “I don’t care—I don’t care anymore! Kal’s gone! He’s… there’s another woman!”

Lori bit her lip, considering the Coluan’s heartbreak. Was it a trick? She doubted it. A twelfth-level Compassion wouldn’t lie about a thing like that. All their emotions were utterly sincere, even if they were wholly in control of them. So how did it benefit Heartiac to sob and wail like this? The mystery was too much for Lori’s brilliant mind to resist. And besides, if Heartiac had been wronged by Kal Kent as well, robbed of her due affection as his most eligible mate—and Lori had to admit, after her, Heartiac was perhaps the most suitable person Kal could possibly continue the Superman Dynasty with—she might make a powerful ally. The Superman Revenge Suitors. She liked the sound of that.

In short order, she’d brought Heartiac inside and drawn her a quantum bath in a large, galvanized tub. Steam rose from the surface of the ultra-pure water, the water so refined by its crucible of perfect heat that its very perfection had to steam away from it, letting in the flaws of the air around it to balance it out for existence on the material plane. Although even Lori needed instruments to detect the stunningly small amounts of imperfection in the big sunken tub.

“Into the tub,” Lori told her. “You’re dirty from your travels and your make-up’s all a mess. Soon, we can discuss how that beastly man mistreated you—and what to do about it.”

Heartiac stripped out of her white costume, leaving herself in only her reddened skin, flushing even brighter with the heat of the bath sending billowing fog through the air. She stepped into the water and instantly found it warm and soothing. Its heat would’ve instantly incinerated many non-super beings, and the water was only able to stay in liquid form due to its sheer purity, but the constant state of boil—foaming bubbles piled atop foaming bubbles, all infinitesimally small, forming a liquid that seemed to quiver in place more than anything else—was exquisite to her senses. Heartiac picked up a rag from the small stand beside the tub and started soaping herself with it, as the washcloth was woven out of textile soap.

Lori crouched down beside the sunken tub, loosening the collar and gauntlets and boots of her armored bodysuit. She felt hesitant to speak, licking her lips a few times to steel herself. She had loved Kal Kent so deeply that sharing her heartbreak now, even with someone who could truly understand, seemed impossible.

“Heartiac, have you considered what you’ll do now that Kal has denied himself to you?”

Heartiac shook her head sadly. “I’ve never thought about it—never let myself think about it—but now this new woman… I don’t know what to do!”

“Neither did I,” Lori told her. “Kal was always the only man for me. Why should I settle for less than the best? But there’s less and then there’s… different.”

“Different?” Heartiac looked at her. “Different how?”

Lori conjured up a cloud of narco-air, breathed it in, then blew it out again as if the stream of smoke might form the shape of what she had to say. She turned back to look Heartiac in the eye. “You’ve thought about how good it would feel to have Kal’s manhood moving inside you. But imagine a woman’s tongue doing the same thing!”

Heartiac grew solemn, her face showing her contemplation of what Lori had revealed. “And that feels… as good?”

“I couldn’t say. Only that a woman knows how to please a woman in ways a man could never know. Even a Superman. After all, those fifteen senses of his can’t tell him what it’s like to be a woman, can they? So only a woman can know what a woman likes best. Turn around. Let me wash your back.”

“So primitive,” Heartiac mused, putting her back to Lori so that the other woman could take the rag from her and soothe her with it. “But there’s something satisfying about it… ohhh… the organic in me… you really do know how do it feels, don’t you?”

“And how much it hurts,” Lori said, eying the blast marks on Heartiac’s back. Mementos from some misadventure with Superman, she supposed, not that he appreciated her devotion. He certainly hadn’t appreciated that of Lori. They were fading now, and Lori gently patted them, soothing them as even time couldn’t. “And how good it feels when the hurting stops—even when it only hurts a little. That’s us, isn’t it? We’d go so far as to let Kal hurt us, but he’s too nice to do even that. He just ignores us, so we never get any attention at all. That’s all we need, just a little bit of attention… we can do the rest… we get so ready, don’t we? Are those marks still sore, dear?”

“No,” Heartiac said. “Not much.” She shivered, feeling something almost like electricity, only she couldn’t quantify it at all. Lori’s lips were touching her where the washcloth had, soothing her as that wet rag never could.

“Your ancestors never kissed a hurt to make it better, did they?” Lori asked, feeling Heartiac shiver under the pressure of her lips.

“No, we… somehow missed that… we should’ve incorporated that… into our data sets.”

“Would you like me to incorporate you now?” Lori asked drolly.

“Oh yes… yes, please!”

Bidding Heartiac to stand up, Lori ran the washcloth all over the supple muscles of her bare back. Then its soft caress went even lower. She followed the tapering trickles of soapy water down over Heartiac’s curvy cheeks, that fittingly heart-shaped ass that with the woman’s red skin, looked as if it had been spanked to a fine blush.

As Lori washed the crimson flesh clean and clear of soap, she stuck out a finger and let it trail down the dividing valley between Heartiac’s buttocks. She was expecting some kind of protest from the tempting young Coluan, but like a computer immersed in a complex operation, Heartiac made no sound at all. And by the time Lori’s finger had reached the bottom of Heartiac’s divide—the sensitive perineum that led inexorably to her sex—Heartiac moved her legs apart slightly. Perhaps not an invitation, but there was still no doubt as to her readiness.

Lori scoured her cheeks with the washcloth, up and down, leaving every bulging inch of her ass sparkling clean. Each time she swiped the washcloth down the curve of Heartiac’s thick, full ass, she moved it closer to the engorged lips of Heartiac’s slit. But she never touched them, although Heartiac felt herself tingle and moisten as surely as if Lori had.

In fact, Heartiac felt wetter standing above the water than she had when she’d been immersed in it! She didn’t question the sensation. She let it—every new aspect of it—wash over her until she was lost in its pleasure, far from any awkward questions. Finally, her longing for more grew until she was encouraging Lori in heavily laden whispers. “It feels good… relaxing… please don’t stop! Keep going!”

Heartiac’s words didn’t make Lori any bolder, only gave her license to give into the urges she’d been barely stifling up until now. She moved the cloth down to the smoothness of Heartiac’s inner thighs, letting it brush against the wrinkled folds of Heartiac’s mound, which quivered so hard that Lori could feel the motion even with her hand inches away.

“Wash my cunt, Lori,” Heartiac moaned, her mind now little more than the entreaties to Lori, the desire to give into her, the thought to open her legs wider and let Lori provide more of that sweet feeling to her pussy. “Wash my dirty cunt nice and clean!”

Lori moaned, her growing urges finally being unleashed. She had felt desire mounting in her ever since her first look at Heartiac’s naked body, but she had held back. She had massaged Heartiac to the point of surrender before making her move. And now that Heartiac was yielding to her, she would do everything she wanted to do to the girl.

“It’s so dirty, isn’t it?” Lori simmered. “So damn dirty.”

She fell to her knees and folded her arms around Heartiac’s slender legs, pressing her cheek to the wet skin of Heartiac’s thigh. Her hands slid up the backs of Heartiac’s legs to cup her ass, fingers digging into that hearty flesh, feeling how much give there was in Heartiac’s fat ass before she got to the firmness that kept it so pert and supple.

Heartiac reached down to stroke Lori’s bald head, finding the skin soft and creamy, as good to the touch as Kal Kent’s hair might’ve been if he were embracing her instead. “Love me, Lori,” she said softly. “Love me like you wanted to love him…”

Lori pulled away from her, standing up, then embracing Heartiac in both her arms and her mouth, her kiss covering the other woman’s lips. Their tongues met between their merged mouths, stroking each other as her hands explored Heartiac’s red skin with light, searching caresses.

Heartiac gave in to her touches, her experience, her skill—when Lori moved her hands down to Heartiac’s plump ass and prompted her upwards, Heartiac jumped up and wrapped her hands around Lori, allowing her to carry her to the bedroom with her hands underneath, fondling Heartiac’s creamy ass with each step. They left a trail of dripping water all across the floor before the bedsheets toweled them dry.

Almost submissively, Lori let the other woman undress her, peeling her bodysuit from her pert flesh strip by strip. Her top came off, fluttering to the floor, exposing the ample curves of her full breasts. Her nipples were as hard as marbles, her areolas dark brown, while Heartiac’s small nipples were a pale pink, their shade surprisingly light compared to the deep red of the rest of her skin.

Heartiac moved down to Lori’s exposed breasts, kissing the hardness of her nipples, polishing them with her soft lips. Her wet tongue flicked over them, teasing their stiffness into being just a little harder, a little more sensitive, until the lightest touch nearly floored Lori. “Oh yes, YES! We’re both dirty, aren’t we? And we’re both going to get so clean…”

The rest of Lori’s catsuit was pushed down her widely flared hips, Her pubic hair was dark and luscious, in sharp contrast to her completely shorn scalp. Heartiac was no less bald, but her pubic thatch was a ginger wisp, shaved into a tiny heart. The ornamentation looked neat and delicate. Lori couldn’t wait to see how that hair looked after their cunts had gone a few rounds.

Then she gasped, feeling Heartiac push a finger inside of her—then move a pliant tongue over her bush, as if grooming the black hair, only barely pressing through it to get to the softly yielding flesh of her mons. Lori grabbed onto Heartiac’s tiara—a series of interlocked hearts bound in metal around Heartiac’s shaved head—and held on for dear life, ensuring Heartiac went nowhere but deeper into her juicy slit.

“Lick it, girl, lick it!” Lori whispered, barely able to speak. Even more than pleasure, she shook with anticipation. She knew how wonderful that tongue would feel once it went deeper. “Oh, if only you knew how good this feels—if only I’d taught you yet. Soon… soon… then you’ll know what a good girl you’re being!”

Her mind was racing, her every thought of pleasuring the young woman—teaching her to turn those lessons around and service her in ways only two women could.

“Oh, I love you!” Lori cooed, stroking the cool metal of Heartiac’s tiara. “And I’m going to show you—OH—all the ways—HHH—everything Kal should’ve done—NNGH—the stupendous fool! He could’ve had the best woman in the galaxy! He could’ve had both of us! We’ll show him… show him how good it feels without him, without even thinking of him!”

Stepping fully out of her bodysuit, Lori was as naked as Heartiac. They both moved onto the bed. Heartiac immediately tried to pick up where they left off, but Lori—too far gone for words—outmuscled her, forcing her down to the bed. On top of her, Heartiac’s slender body in her arms, she kissed her—her tongue pure passion in Heartiac’s willing mouth.

Their hands caressed, stroked, and explored, as avidly as if they were pleasuring themselves with each touch. As they learned each other’s bodies, they left nothing, no single inch of skin untouched. Their breasts crushed together, their slits grinded almost into the same flesh. They gave each other the same treatment they demanded for their own flushed, lustful bodies.

Until finally, Heartiac’s small body laid on top of Lori’s muscular, voluptuous physique. Her face was in Lori’s thatch, luxuriating in her obvious arousal, the liquid sex that soaked her pubic hair, while Heartiac’s own position had her pussy before Lori’s willing mouth and tongue.

Their faces were buried in each other’s cunt, each with their own way of teasing the pleasure out of the other, but equally effective at instilling passion in the female body. Lori had put in a lot of practice, sating her urges for Superman with other women, while Heartiac was a quick study. The room filled with their moaning and mewling, an unintelligible clamor marking their progress towards orgasm.

They worked in surprising symphony, slowing or speeding their efforts so they stayed together on the climb to release. And their coordination was perfect—they peaked within seconds of each other, coming so hard, with wave after wave of ecstasy, that all awareness of who had come first was lost in the din. And still they licked and sucked at each other, not stopping until the last tremor had finally gone through them, their cunts left leaden and unresponsive except for soreness.

After the echoes of their orgasmic cries had died down, they heard the clapping.

Looking at Superman, it was no wonder they both wanted him so bad. Other boys were cute, but none had the effortless masculinity that he did. His body was heavily muscled, his beatific expression dominated by dark eyes. His hair was cut short, making his face look boyishly handsome, even though his body could not be called anything but manly.

“How did you—“ Lori began, barely able to summon up the words in her leaden afterglow, before Heartiac put a finger to her lips.

“I forgot to tell you. Kal’s new woman? It’s you. And the reason I was so sad… well… it was because you were out here, stewing in your bitterness, instead of enjoying all the things he can do to a girl.”

“But he…” Lori tried again, before Heartiac slipped her hand all the way over her mouth and shut her up for good. Or at least until Kal Kent gave her something to talk about.

“Believe me,” Heartiac said, “I enjoy those things that only a woman can do to another woman. I really enjoyed them. But there are some things only a man can do to a woman. And we both get to enjoy that now. Together.”

Heartiac took her hand away from her mouth and Lori felt her spread her legs. She didn’t try to stop her. Lori stared at Kal, knowing Heartiac was letting him see between her legs, to her cunt, to how wet she was. Heartiac was making her a part of this and Lori couldn’t, wouldn’t stop her. She let herself be given over to Kal’s devouring eyes. Then the rest of him came to take possession of her.


