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A part of Liv would miss happy-go-lucky brain, but ever since the boat, she preferred to take life as it was, rather than how she’d like it to be. Otherwise, she would’ve taken a Scientology pamphlet a long time ago.

New brain was a case of autoerotic asphyxiation, and in a woman no less. Liv almost felt proud. Took dedication for a girl to be that into masturbation. Fifteen minutes and counting on new brain, and she didn’t feel like choking herself. Well, no more than usual.

Quiet evening at home. Let Ravi worry about rats and Utopium. She was going to enjoy a little literature.

Five minutes later, Liv tossed her Kindle aside. Fifty Shades of Grey? Whose bright idea had that been? Clearly, coffee brain had been way too over-caffeinated. The only thing that author knew less about than sex was bondage. A litany of inaccuracies suddenly occurred to her, like when she’d watched The Day After Tomorrow on physicist brain. And suddenly, a wholly unnerving possibility occurred to her.

Googling new brain’s name brought it all into focus. Rosita Maverick (no, really), was also Mistress Darkh, who demonstrated the pain she could inflict on men by first going after the English language, apparently. Looking at the offered images of Darkh’s dungeon (or dhungeon, rather), Liv suddenly had a vision of…

Well, she’d been angry at Major plenty of times, but she’d never wanted to do that to his penis. She didn’t even have one, and hadn’t had a brain attached to one in a month, and she still crossed her legs.

Okay, I’m definitely a dominatrix, Liv thought. No big deal. Not gonna make a difference in my life unless I need to tie any knots. It’s not like a dominatrix is some kind of nymphomaniac. It’s just her job. I’ll be fine.

Then Liv noticed that she was adjusting her bracelet. Tightening it.

It felt good tight.


As it turned out, dominatrix brain was a fiend when it came to plants. Liv found herself going around her apartment, watering all the plants she’d bought to assuage pothead brain, then neglected while on Republican brain. She played them music, did minor surgery on one, and found herself complimenting another’s leaves.

On second thought, maybe she should’ve stuck with beating information out of someone’s penis. But, all in all, this brain wasn’t giving her that many problems. At least it didn’t give her an Zimbabwean accent. She’d had to pretend she had a cold around Clive for days.

But of course, it would end up that she wasn’t on nun brain or something when she found out what Gilda’d been doing with Major.


She should’ve just punched Gilda in the face and told her to get the fuck out. But that would’ve been too quick. Not very satisfying. And she deserved satisfaction, satisfaction in return for all the satisfaction Gilda Rita Whothefuckcares had gotten from Major. Even if Liv couldn’t be with him, that didn’t mean Gilda was welcome to get her germs on him, drive Liv crazy with paranoia, and get orgasms from the whole arrangement!

Well, if she wanted orgasms, Liv would fucking give them to her.

She waited for night to fall. Gilda was a horny bitch, and Liv had walked in on her enough times to know that she ended every day with a hand of poker. Liv waited outside her door in the darkened apartment until she heard a moan, and dominatrix brain was like a bloodhound with that shit. She could tell Gilda was feeling thrills in her pussy, stroking her wet little cunt, the bitch. Liv wondered if she shaved or was a firecrotch. Either way, one of those hellishly manicured fingers had stole up inside it, and judging by the increasing moans, it was sliding in and out. Liv could tell Gilda really wanted it now, could taste it.

With her dead to the world, or at least the portion of it not between her legs, Liv eased the door open and slipped inside. She didn’t recognize any of the furnishings inside, so she guessed Major was the only thing Gilda had stolen. Well, that and her peace of mind, her future goodwill towards redheads, and all enjoyment of that story she’d written on fanfiction brain about Uhura sleeping with both Kirk and Spock with neither of them knowing about the other. Hot on the Enterprise, not in real life.


Safely ensconced in her sheets, Gilda was actually thinking about Liv at the moment. However, if Liv knew, she would hardly be flattered. Gilda was thinking of sucking Major off while Liv was there, maybe inside Max Rager’s zombie lab, watching while Gilda deprived her of brain in all kinds of ways.

It was a pretty sick fantasy, she’d admit, but having Vaughn Du Clark as her daddy, she was pretty sure she’d been screwed from birth. Might as well embrace the Chaotic Evil.

Then she felt her blankets move, something soft and feminine joining her in the warmth of her comforter. A gentle hand reached down and took hold of her wrist, Gilda more amused than anything else as her wet fingers were pulled away from her cunt.

“That,” Liv said, “seems like it should be getting old by now.”

“Want me to put on my chastity belt?” Gilda shot back, smirking.

“Oh, definitely not,” Liv said, and was gratified to see Gilda’s jaw fall slightly as her fingers started playing with Gilda’s arousal. “But I do myself with the massaging showerhead, you diddle yourself under the covers… maybe we should pool our resources. For the sake of variety.”

“And how much variety can you provide?” Gilda rasped hotly.

She felt something rub against her face. A length of nylon cord, held in Liv’s other hand. “Turn over,” Liv commanded softly. “Lie face down on the bed. Spread eagle, Gilda.”

Biting her lip, Gilda did as she was told. God, she would fuck both of them. She would let Liv make her come while the stupid bitch had no idea she was eating out the same cunt her boyfriend had filled with seed. It was worth it just to see if Liv recognized the taste.

Liv securely roped her wrists and ankles to the bedposts. Oh, so Liv thought she was a dominatrix now? This would be even more amusing than she thought.

She twisted her head around to see Liv pulling the sheets off the bed, leaving her bare, and then undressing herself. An oddly tingling shiver of excitement mingled with a note of adrenaline in her blood. Her pussy was still wet, and didn’t seem like it would stop for a while. She noticed Liv’s eyes were on her ass, and gave it what sashay she could while bound.

“Yeah, can’t blame you for coming over to the Dark Side,” Gilda teased. “Bisexuality’s fun, ain’t it?”

Liv didn’t answer. Her eyes ran over Gilda’s soft, silken skin, raked over the breasts pressed to the mattress, the ass perfectly burgeoning against the straight line of her back and supplely muscled legs. A wild tingling shot through her lips and tongue.

Major had probably enjoyed himself, fucking Gilda. She wondered if he’d done that cute, dimpled ass. She felt the tingling in her legs now, in her cunt. She went to the bed, climbing on top of it, then onto Gilda’s trembling body. Her breathing set a hard pace as she crawled over Gilda’s satiny back, her breasts running over the muscles of Gilda’s back, nipples coming to a rest at the hardness of Gilda’s shoulder blades.

Liv reached underneath her, seizing Gilda’s lusciously warm breasts. She undulated her throbbing sex onto Gilda’s plump little ass, squeezing Gilda’s tits with the same tenderness, the same slow appreciation. Gilda felt so good… her body was like a warm bath for Liv to sink into. Major must’ve enjoyed it. He must’ve held her in his arms, keeping that lovely warmth, that softness, pressed tightly against himself. Tawny, summery, not cold like Liv. Not pale or infected.

Gilda wrapped her bonds up around her palms, pulling herself tighter to the bedposts. The feel of Liv’s cool breasts swaying against her back, the mock coitus of Liv’s warmed wetness pressing against Gilda’s ass and then pulling away, those snow-cold fingers massaging and caressing Gilda’s heated tits, they all combined to find a fierce, buried excitement inside Gilda. She remembered the last woman she’d been with, the shockingly brutal, violent orgasms she’d had. She felt the same maddening state of almost unwanted lust descending upon her.

Gilda began panting steadily as Liv slid back down her naked flesh, almost worshipping it, her lips trailing wet fire down Gilda’s spine and her fingers running like trickling ice water over Gilda’s back. Then Gilda felt both, fire and ice, as Liv lewdly drew a bite of Gilda’s ass past her cold lips and into her warm mouth. Gilda moaned outright, flushing in embarrassment, as Liv suckled her hard enough to leave a hickey, right on her ass.

“Oh God,” Gilda hissed, wrenching at her bonds out of sheer instinct. “I was going to wear a thong tomorrow…”

“You still can,” Liv said. “In fact, I want you to.”

Then, spreading Gilda’s cheeks, Liv traced the tip of her tongue down along the crack of Gilda’s ass. The redhead jerked helplessly, thinking no, surely not as the tongue crossed her anus, lingering, almost dipping inside, but pulling back at the last moment. Gilda didn’t know if she wanted Liv to take her anal virginity. But she could feel her cunt throbbing harder than ever.

Liv’s coldly burning tongue shot deep into Gilda’s burning cunt. Gilda yelped, shuddering from head to toe, feeling like she was on fire, feeling like she was freezing to death. A blazing series of clenches rippled through her, gripping her feverishly sucking pussy, making it come alive as Liv ate and sucked and kissed her slit with all the hunger in the world.

Full on zombie mode, Gilda thought as her mouth babbled on without her: “Unngh, oh, God, getting hot, making me hot, oh Jesus, Liv, oooh, starting to come, come!”

Liv hummed with depraved joy as Gilda’s honey poured into her mouth, gushing out with the same furious passion as was in Gilda’s voice. She had only meant to tease Gilda, torment her with arousal and then leave her hanging, but that juicy little cunt was too delicious to stop. Didn’t even need Cayenne pepper…

Liv hugged the feverish warmth of Gilda’s ass to her face, stinging deeply with her tongue, squirming and wiggling it around inside of Gilda, stopping only to dip her tongue inside of Gilda’s tiny asshole. Gilda sang out with bliss and strained violently at the cords, venting her unbearable excitement with a strain on the bedposts.

“Eat me, eat me, eat me!” she cried, her hotly sucking cunt demanding Liv’s tongue with wetness and tightening. “So fucking hot!”

Liv had to marshal her will, resisting the urge to stay in that sweet, even soothing warmth, but she finally pulled her mouth away from Gilda’s boiling cunt. She ignored Gilda’s wails of protest—“I’ll wear a thong, I’ll wear a thong!”—and went to her clothes to get the riding crop she’d kept from jockey brain. The moment her hand was around the corded handle, a shiver of lust went through her. She panted as she got back up on the bed, straddling Gilda, her knees dug in on either side of Gilda’s ribs. She grabbed that slutty red hair and jerked Gilda’s head up.

“You’re going to be a good little bitch now,” she said in a sickly sweet voice, like she was reading a storybook to children. She felt power, felt right. “You’re going to eat my cunt, roomie, and I hope you’re good at it, because when I’m not getting off, this happens.”

She flicked the crop down viciously on Gilda’s naked ass, marking it a with an angry red welt, shoving Gilda’s head down so the pillow consumed her wild scream. Then she pulled Gilda’s head back up and slashed the crop into her cheek, just because she liked the look of her with a cut on her cheek. Gilda’s mouth gaped open, but no sound came out. She seemed in shock as Liv got off the bed, paced to the foot of it, and jerked Gilda down by the ankles, sending pillows tumbling as she was racked away from the headboard.

Then, while Gilda’s body heaved with sobs trying to catch her breath, Liv circled around the other way, getting onto the bed, sitting back against the headboard, spreading her legs like her thighs were pillows.

“Well?” Liv asked. “Your dinner’s getting cold.”

Gilda crawled forward on her belly, shivering breaths issuing from her, but then Liv robbed her of even that initiative. She grabbed Gilda’s hair again and crushed her mouth down to her throbbing slit. Obediently, instinctively, Gilda lashed eagerly into Liv’s cunt, her tongue going deep. And Liv could see, as Gilda sucked and kissed and lapped at her, there were profound tremors of excitement shaking Gilda’s naked body. Her wounded ass especially seemed to wiggle.

Liv sucked in breath, heady with power. “You’ve been fucking Major, right?”

Gilda looked at her, eyes dewy with unshed tears. “No, Liv, I wouldn’t—“ A stroke of the crop changed her mind. “Aaargh! Yes, yes, yes!” she cried as Liv brought the lash down viciously, again and again, making each pert cheek match on that perfect ass.

“You were trying to steal him away from me, weren’t you?”

“No, it was just—just let me eat you, Liv, please—“

“Unless you hate sitting down, you’d better tell the truth, Rita!”

Gilda sobbed. “Yes! But I won’t anymore, honest!

Then Liv stopped, heaving for breath, and nearly came when Gilda weakly kissed her cunt. But Gilda was unable to do more, resting her head against Liv’s thigh, struggling to catch her breath, that sweet mouth so close to Liv’s soaked cunt.

Liv brought the crop down, touching it to her sex. It felt warm. “You’ve been fucking Major and now you have to be punished,” she said softly. “And you’re going to make up for it, too. By licking my pussy, every last inch. Like the whore you are.”

Gilda didn’t know what to think. Liv had struck her as the rough type before—always the quiet ones—but now she looked… deranged. Gilda wondered if Liv was going completely insane, about to kill her?

Whimpering in pitched arousal, Gilda sucked on Liv’s swollen clit and Liv fucked her mouth savagely. Gilda felt weak, helpless, complete vulnerable—and she loved it. Every time she paused, even for a moment, to catch her breath, the stinging crop tore across her ass and a bolt of pain shot through her. She loved that, too.

Liv loved it too, loved her power over Gilda, her dominance, loved Gilda’s submission, loved that Gilda wasn’t just eating her out but was doing it because Liv had told her to, because Liv had reduced her to this, because Liv had made Gilda her bitch.

Liv dug her heels into Gilda’s back, pumping her hips rapidly as she came into that frenzied mouth. “Beautiful… oooh… sucking little… mmm… bitch! Oh, you angel, yes, suck it, suck!”

Gilda was wild with lust, with need, with surrender. She rammed her tongue into Liv’s anus, then into her gushing pussy, even bit Liv’s inner thighs in her wantonness, in her passion. For a whole minute Liv shuddered in spasms of uncontrollable ecstasy as Gilda swallowed all that Liv fed her, from the juices running down her taint to the blood that welled up from the bite mark. Sweat ran freely down her body, burnishing the alabaster flesh, and her hands rubbed lustfully over her heaving tits. Finally, Liv pulled away from Gilda’s greedy mouth, gasping for air as she crawled away, Gilda ramming her head against the bedspread.

“Eat me now!” Gilda begged frantically. “I’m so hot, eat me, please!”

Like I need to be on slut brain again, Liv thought. She still wasn’t sure about her relationship with Drake. Hell, she might not even be straight. She stared at Gilda’s flushed body, the ass reddened, the skin glimmering with sweat, the hair darkened by the same (as well as whatever fluids of Liv’s Gilda had failed to devour).

While Gilda kept begging, kept pleading, Liv went to the dresser. She knew what would satisfy Gilda. Gilda had shown it to Liv herself when the mailman finally delivered it. Behind Gilda, where she couldn’t see, Liv strapped in on, staring down at the monstrous dildo now projecting from her groin. She wondered if Gilda had used it on Major. Experimentally, she pressed the remote it came with; the vibrating head obediently buzzed. Liv looked from it to Gilda’s pussy, so wet, so tender, so helpless.

“I’ll go crazy if you don’t eat me!” Gilda whined, thrashing her curvy body all over the bed, as far as the nylon cords would let her. “So eat me!”

“I’ll do much better than that,” Liv said in a husky voice, a commanding voice, one she barely recognized. She approached the bed from behind, crawling up between Gilda’s wide-spread thighs, idly running her fingers over the wetness of Gilda’s cunt for a few seconds. Then she poised the strap-on right next to Gilda’s sex. She hunched her hips back, winding up, and pressed the button on the remote.

A moment later, Gilda screamed in shattered joy.


Gilda wailed as she felt herself being reamed. The pain was almost unbearable, relieved only by the pleasure, and she still nearly blacked out. Her wrists and ankles were burning from the cords that dug ruthlessly into her flesh whenever she moved. She was drowning in a sea of pain, being filled with degradation. But her screams of protest and agony only seemed to arouse Liv further. When she did catch a glimpse of Liv’s face, it was a vicious look that she saw on it.

Gilda’s soft belly lifted off the mattress six inches as Liv slid another inch of the humming dildo deep inside her. Being subjected to even more of the electric, shuddering vibration seemed to drive all the air out of Gilda’s body, smash down her resistance, rob her of all self-control. The vibration was teasing and thrilling every inch of her tender cunt, sparking waves of pleasure that reached her lips as wild screams.

“Like it, huh?” Liv whispered in her ear, her own excitement at a fever pitch. Gilda’s satiny skin was hot enough for both of them, trembling under Liv’s naked body, her silky ass thrashing against Liv’s crotch as she struggled to process the wanton joy Liv was inflicting on her. “Why are you such a whore?”

“My mother was a whore,” Gilda moaned. Her pussy felt like it was burning up. She bucked and writhed below Liv, straining uselessly at her bonds, pain and frustration in her words. “Had me out of wedlock… cheated on her husband!”

Liv shook her head with disgust. “Hunh. Guess it runs in the family. Maybe I should fuck her too.”

Liv could’ve sworn that Gilda clenched at the thought. She sank her teeth into the nape of Gilda’s neck, squeezing almost hard enough to break the skin, and she pressed the remote. Instantly Gilda gasped, her helpless body going into convulsions. It had to be the most intense feeling of her life, the sudden earthquake ripping through her crammed pussy. She fought for breath, shaking her head in disbelief as Liv rocked her hips with sadistic gentleness, shifting the dildo inside of Gilda so she couldn’t get used to its positioning.

Then Liv switched the remote off. Once more able to speak, Gilda let out a long, deep moan, quivering fiercely. She shook even harder as Liv slid the cock almost completely out, leaving only the massive head against Gilda’s labia, the heft defeating even their tightness. Liv’s thumb played over the remote’s button like a clit, and she enjoyed it almost as much. One iota of pressure… just a second’s effort… she could make Gilda come whenever she felt like it.

“Don’t stop!” Gilda forced out, twisting her head this way and that to try and face Liv. Tears were running from her wild eyes. “God, don’t stop, Liv, I’ll do anything!”

“You’ll stay away from Major?”

“Yes, yes!”

“That’s right,” Liv said viciously. “You will stay away! Because by the time I’m finished with you, you’ll be so loose you’ll need a spelunker to be your ob/gyn.”

Squeezing Gilda’s breasts into handholds, Liv fucked into her with savage, relentless strokes, Gilda screaming at the top of her lungs as her oversensitive slit was brutalized. But the pain couldn’t compete with the harsh, blazing pleasure that Liv was also giving her. In less than a minute, Gilda was jerking her hips up, unable to stop moaning.

“Fuck me harder!” she wailed, looking as if she was fucking the mattress. “Every inch! Liv! I’ll take every inch!”

“You’ll take more than that,” Liv promised her. And with a cruel smile, she triggered the remote. Holding it down for a full minute.

Gilda lost her breath trying to screams, going into violent spasms as the onslaught consumed her nerves, as her gorged sex erupted with white-hot fury, as she chattered incoherently and her mind went black.

Then she was completely limp.

Liv released the button, satisfied. She didn’t think Gilda would ever be able to come again. Not as good as that, at any rate. She’d tasted the pleasure submission could bring her, and mind games like the ones she’d played with Liv and Major would never compare.

Gilda came to slowly, aware of Liv’s soft breasts against her back, the massive potential energy seeming to pressure her tight cunt.

“I can’t take anymore,” she whimpered. “No more… I’ll die… if I come again, I’ll die. Please, Liv, take it out?”

For a few moments, Liv was tempted to keep going, but no. Seeing Gilda crying and whimpering for mercy was vengeance enough for her. She’d learned her lesson. And after all, Gilda was her roommate.

Carefully, Liv eased the strap-on out of Gilda’s ravaged pussy. She untied Gilda, then turned the limp woman over onto her back. Gilda barely moved, sniffling and rubbing her chafed wrists. A little peevishly, Liv rose back up to sit against the headboard, Gilda’s eyes automatically darting to her to see if she wanted further oral ministrations. Liv gave her a reassuring smile, though, and the tension left her body. She allowed herself to be manipulated, her head pulled into Liv’s lap, opposite the dripping strap-on, and Liv petted her hair and stroked her back.

“Sorry, sweetie, but you needed to learn,” Liv whispered, bent over her, and Gilda nodded, not really hearing her, just desperate to keep the music of that soft voice in her ears…


By the time Gilda went into work the next morning, she’d almost completely recovered from the ordeal. She wouldn’t be wearing a thong anytime soon, no, but her panties only showed pinkened skin and her buttocks only smarted when she sat. There was no real pain. In fact, she found that the mild stinging was a bit exciting. A nice little spike in a boring workday. No wonder Vaughn kept seeing that chick with the ping-pong table, as he enthusiastically overshared.

Still, next time, maybe she’d have Mistress Zombie just focus on her tits. An ass at fifty percent was no blessing when it came to office work. She squirmed about, trying to get comfortable just as Vaughn walked through.

“Back issues?” he asked in passing.

“Yeah. Get off it,” she replied.

“Told you, need a standing desk. Maybe a stability ball. With your cup size, you gotta be thinking about your spine.”

“Worried about a woman putting all her weight on a ball? Projecting much?”

Vaughn went into his office as Gilda’s phone buzzed. It was a text from Liv; a picture of Peyton Charles.

You gonna stop at Major or would you like to work your way through all my Facebook friends? 9 o’clock tonight. Wear that slut outfit you sent to Major’s phone.

Gilda texted back immediately: Yes mistress.


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