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Dick’s arms were tightly coiled around his chest. In a normal man, it would just have looked like someone crossing their arms, but Diana could see the strain of the muscles, hear the rush of blood as he forced himself to remain neutral.

“Catalina Flores,” he said simply.

Diana didn’t flinch from his anger, tightly controlled as it was. “I’d hoped I wouldn’t have to earn your trust anymore.”

“Trust isn’t the same as blind obedience. Now what’s that woman doing here?”

Diana paused for one sweep of the rolling tide across the beach, watched the white foam be sucked back into the surf, then seated herself on a rounded boulder, smoothed into compliance by the punishing high tide. “Sit with me.”

“I’ll stand.”

“Dick, please.”

Teeth gritted, but with a certain looseness easing into his rigid muscles, Dick sat down beside her. He’d come expecting a fight, Diana knew. In some ways, he still thought every authority figure was Bruce.

“I’m sorry for this hardship,” she said. “You shouldn’t be subjected to it. But as an Amazon, you’re held to a higher standard. You must treat your friends better than an ordinary man. And you must treat your enemies better as well.”

“She’s not an enemy, she’s a monster.”

“You saw good in her once,” Diana pointed out.

“And you know where it got me.”

“Your mistake wasn’t in trying to ally with her, but in being too weak to be able to maintain loving authority.” Dick winced at the word ‘weak’ and Diana shook her head. “It wasn’t a moral failing. You were pushed past the point of endurance and she was able to exploit that, just as any truly weak person would. Killer Croc would’ve tried to kill you. So would the Penguin, the Riddler, Harley Quinn. But you could forgive any of them, couldn’t you?”

“It’s not the same and you know it.”

“No. It isn’t. This is a trial no mortal should bear, but it is also a flaw no Amazon can possess. Tell me, how would you fare if you fought Black Manta in battle? Or the Trickster? Or General Zod?”

“Well, if it was Zod, I’d probably die.” Dick grinned weakly. “Anyone else, I’d do what I was trained to do. Try to talk them down, but if civilians are in danger, then engage them, do whatever I can to ensure no one’s injured.”

“And if it were Flores?”

Dick was silent. It took a moment for him to even mouth the words. “I don’t know.”

“It’s very easy to talk about forgiveness in terms of people who haven’t wronged you. But the fact that she has wronged you makes it all the more important that you forgive her. If you can conquer your own rage, justified as it is, then you are Amazon.”

Dick stood up abruptly, sand skidding from his feet. Diana almost smiled. She knew he wouldn’t go down without a fight. He was Bruce’s boy.

“So, what, we give everyone a free pass? Do we rehabilitate the Joker next? Or Black Mask? Or Dr. Psycho?”

“There are those who are beyond help…”

“How do you know Flores isn’t one of them?”

“I don’t know. I believe.”

Dick pointed a finger at her, hard, cold. “You wouldn’t ask this of any native Amazon. This is all just some fucked-up test to make me prove myself to you!”

“You’ve proven yourself an Amazon a hundred times over. But an Amazon isn’t something you are, it’s something you do. Now I’ve explained myself to you. Do you wish to defy my authority or will you accept it, whatever your reservations?”

She held out her hand. Gently, forced gentleness, Dick chopped his against it in the greeting of the Amazons. “At the end of the day, you and Bruce have a lot in common, you know that?”

“I would hope so. He’s a great man. I admire him tremendously.”

“Yeah? Well, he isn’t such a good friend.”

As he left, Diana was already thinking. As angry as he was, Dick didn’t trade in falsehoods. It was very possible, at the moment, that what she was doing may have made her a good Amazon, but a poor friend. She didn’t like the idea. But this course of action had been agreed upon by Hippolyta, by Athena. She submitted to them even when she herself was unsure, the path murky.

And just as she submitted to their authority, Donna submitted to her. She was a good friend, whatever Diana was. It would fall on her now to be a friend to Dick. He needed one more than he needed an Amazon.


Some days, Dick felt like he was a block of clay Bruce had molded into his old image. And all his life, he’d painted that statue, put Titans colors over it, dressed it up as Nightwing, even made it an Amazon. But scratch the surface and there was still Wayne.

Look at him. He got angry and what did he do? Went to take it out on a training dummy. He would’ve gone out and beaten up some skels, but—not many of those on Paradise Island.

“You seem upset,” Donna opined, managing to seem more amused than accusatory.

Dick looked at the training dummies. One had his escrima stick through its heart. The other had its head knocked off. The remaining stick was tightly clenched in his hand, rattling against the heartbeat thudding in his palm.

“You know, your sister, she wants me to forgive the people I hate. Who has she ever hated? Who has ever hurt her?”

“Attacking the speaker rather than the wisdom shows you know the wisdom cannot be attacked… is what Diana would say. But I’m not Diana and I’m not here to tell you Flores belongs on this island. I’m here to find out how you’re doing.”

Dick pulled his lost escrima stick from the dummy in a spray of the rice it was filled with. “Not very Amazon-y.”

“You’re a great Amazon, Dick.”

“I want to be; not the same thing.”

“And why do you want that?”

Dick stopped short, not expecting the question, and Donna smiled at his confusion. Watched as he thought, his escrima sticks rotating in his hands, arms mindlessly crossing and weaving through supple patterns. “I want to be at peace, like you are. Like Diana is. Me, Bruce, even Clark… none of us seem to be centered like you are.”

“It’s not easy.” Donna reached out and laid her palm on a punching bag, giving it a gentle shove. “You’ve seen the rewards, you’ve felt them, but it’s earned. And it’s harder for some to earn than others.”

“Figures. Even Paradise Island isn’t fair.”

“Not fair, no. Just. I, all of us, we want to give you all the help you need. Just like we will for Catalina.”

Dick hung his head. “Can you tell me what help I need? I really don’t know. I thought I just wouldn’t feel this way, being an Amazon. But I do. I’ve failed you…”

Dick forgot how fast Donna could move. Suddenly she was next to him, holding him. “I love you. And I love Roy, and Garth, and Wally, but none of them can share this with me. You can. Don’t ever sell yourself short; you disrespect an Amazon.”

“So what does an Amazon do with their emotions when all they feel is anger?”

“The same thing we do with all other emotions. Find a way to express them, to pay homage to them without being conquered by them. Come. It would be good for Kara to help you with this.”


The red sun room was one of the newest constructed by the Themysciran architects, seemingly springing up overnight upon Kara’s induction. It was meant as a start to exploring Kryptonian artistic trends within Amazonian society, a topic their new recruit was greatly interested in, but for now, the red sunlight generator was chiefly used for Kara’s training. Under its dull maroon glow, Kara’s training garb looked otherworldly—just a touch more alien than Dick was used to from the thoroughly assimilated expatriate.

“We’ve been training Kara in basic combat without her powers,” Donna said. “Let’s see what you think.”

“Trying to take my mind off my troubles?” Dick asked wryly.

“I don’t think there are enough distractions in the world to manage that,” Donna replied.

“This is a waste of time. You can teach her way more than I could. I should get back to Gotham, Bludhaven, the Watchtower… wherever. See what I can do.”

“Or you could stay here and live up to the title of Amazon,” Donna said.

Dick stared at her.

“Just a thought,” Kara put in.

“Two rounds of sparring,” Donna suggested in her compromise voice. “If you beat first Kara, and then me, you’re free to go.”

“And why don’t I just walk out?”

“Because I’m your friend and if I think it’s better for you to go a few rounds with us first, then you accept my judgment.”

Dick sighed. “I’m not going to cripple her, am I?”

“The red sunlight’s only at partial power. She’s still tough, just not impenetrable.”

“Oh, I’ve never been impenetrable,” Kara said innocently.


As expected, Kara went down easily. She had some training, but she didn’t have the experience to compensate for powerlessness, like Dick could fight outside of his costume, without his gadgets, without the night.

Then he fought Donna. She was a tough nut to crack. Even with Amazon techniques dialing her powers down as far as they’d go, she was still fast, experienced, and coolheaded. It frustrated Dick, how cool she was when he was burning hot, and he let the frustration fester and go and their evenly matched fight turned into a rout, him flat on his back.

She helped him up. He fought Kara again. The red sunlight weakened her enough that he wouldn’t break his hand hitting her, but wouldn’t break her jaw either. It was a little like sparring with Aqualad.

Kara lasted longer. Warmed up and engaged, she was able to put up a fight, and she showed some skill. Klurkor, Kryptonian martial arts. She fared about as well as an agent of Kobra or Checkmate. She’d last on the streets of Gotham, but she was no Cass Cain. With the anger marshalled from his interlude with Donna, Dick overpowered her and manhandled her into submission.

It made him feel a little better.

Another round with Donna. He was on fire now, a good sweat worked up, but he knew he’d have to cool it to beat her. The voice in the back of his head told him that. But it felt too good to cut loose, and when he came at her, it was all offense. It felt good to land hits, strike her, hurt her, a savage glee in forcing her back, and when she rallied and took advantage of his rage and slipped behind him and into a hold with the simplicity of a first-year student, that pleasure curdled into an equally immense rage. He struggled feverishly against her grip, even though he knew he couldn’t break it, knew it was time to submit…

Choking back words of wrath, he tapped out on her shoulder, marched up to Kara, downed her in one blow that sent her flying. Donna jerked upright from her own brief cooldown: “Kara!”

Kara got up. The punch had done no more than sent her flying, not with her resilience. “I’m fine. Is his hand okay?”

Dick didn’t bother to examine it. “C’mon, Donna. C’mon.”

“That wasn’t fair, striking when she wasn’t ready.”

“She should’ve been ready,” Dick retorted. “Are you?”

“You know I am.”

A fierce gratification in how hard-pressed she was to keep up with him. Arms blocked arms, blows landed on forearms, wrists circled, holds were grasped and broken, bone against bone, force against force. It was like he could just muscle it all away. If he just got angry enough, if he just used enough of his strength, it would all break.

He shoved her away instead of letting it keep going. “I’m leaving.”

“You’re angry,” Donna called after him.

“So what?”

“Exactly. So what?” She followed him. “Do you think that makes you a bad Amazon? A bad person? I don’t think less of you for being upset.”

“You should. I nearly took your head off.”

“You nearly sparred with me.”

Dick turned back. “Maybe here, you can turn a healing ray on someone and they’ll be good as new, but I go into Gotham like that, I could cripple someone for life, or worse.”

“But you haven’t,” Kara pointed out, standing at Donna’s side. “You’ve just… been angry. Is that so bad?”

Dick fixed Donna with a look. “He’s angry. All the time.”

There was only one ‘he’ in Dick’s life. “And being angry doesn’t make you him.”

“No, what doesn’t make me him is deciding to walk away—“

“From your feelings? We’re not afraid of them, Dick. We don’t love you any less because you get angry.”

“Take it from a Kryptonian,” Kara said. “There’s a difference between controlling emotions and not having any.”

Dick pointed at the sands of the arena, still cruelly scarred by their foot movements, disturbed by slamming bodies. “Do you know what I wanted to do to you over there? What I wanted to do? I didn’t just want to win, I wanted to beat you, I wanted to hurt you, I wanted to make you submit—“

“Then do it. You’ve seen the Amazons, you know our ways. Do you think that disturbs me? Do you think that frightens me? Show me, Dick. You can show me.” A simple reach to the back of her halter top and Donna’s costume came away, peeling from her torso and being scanted down over her hips. It seemed almost an obscenity, looking at that work of art in the state Dick was in. “Kory’s my sister. She showed me all the pain she was in and it only made me love her more, knowing what she’d been through to be so kind. I know how kind you can be, Dick. Now show me how you hurt.”

Dick’s heart beat with furious anger. It seemed to radiate from the center of his chest and down through his abdomen and into his groin. He looked at the two women and felt murderous. Don’t repress your emotions. Get it off your chest. Let it all out. Fine. He’d show them. He’d let them see why Bruce had been so adamant about control.

Kara was a Kryptonian. She could take it.

He grabbed her roughly by the arm and pulled her to one of the room’s spectator benches, yanked her across his lap. Kara went pliantly, balling her fists, waiting for the resounding smack of his hand against her ass. His cock pressed through his closed thighs and up against her navel, throbbing heartily. He brought his hand back high over his head and then down solidly across her buttocks.

With a shriek, Kara grabbed Dick’s thighs and dug her nails into his skin. She’d expected it to hurt, but it felt like a shotgun being unloaded into her! She felt the warmth of the red splotch on her skin spread, covering her ass as Dick brought his hand up once more. Kara was flinching against the arm that held her to his lap. But she was held tightly and there was nothing she could do to get away, save asking Donna for help. For now, though, Donna was just watching. Dick could spank her all day and night.

Almost from the first slap, Kara’s pussy was tingling with pleasure, sending a burning ache up into her belly. She lowered her soft mound down against Dick’s knee, rubbing the bony hardness against her tingling clit, her wetness. Letting his spanking jar her against it. She wasn’t screaming anymore. She was moaning.

Kara still didn’t know how it could turn her on to be humiliated by a lover. The Amazons had a lot of lessons and teachings about it, but the cold logic of her Kryptonian education could make little sense of it. But if there was one thing she’d learned on Earth, or Man’s World, or whatever you wanted to call it, it was not to question a good thing too much. Kara bit her lip and struggled to restrain the wetness flowing deep inside her. It was useless, though. While she didn’t understand it, her cunt grew hotter the more her ass stung.

“Unnnhhhh!” Kara moaned. She tried to repress it, but it wrenched its way out of her of its own volition. She groaned again, more loudly. Then she realized how she was wiggling her ass, grinding herself onto Dick’s knee. He finally noticed the noise, the way she was fucking herself on his leg. He stared at her wonderingly. The spanking paused.

“Does it turn you on?” he asked in a harsh whisper. Perspiration dripped from his contorted face, running off his nose and onto her bare back. “You little whore. Does getting your ass whipped make you hot?”

“Fuck me,” Kara whimpered, feeling stripped of all pride, relieved of a burden, relieved to feel only need for a stiff cock thrusting inside her. “Oh please, Dick, fuck me haaaard…”

“Goddamn whore!” Dick threw her off his lap, sending her sprawling onto the floor as he stood. Donna looked down to his groin. His throbbing hard-on had turned the crotch of his pants into a tent. Donna’s hand slipped over it and dragged out his cock. It was nice and hard, all stiff and throbbing.

The sight of his lovely erection made Kara shudder. One hand dropped to her sex, rubbing obscenely at the soaking wet pink between her legs. Dick looked at her in disbelief. Then sighed as Donna worked at his cock, her hand moving up and down, getting him even harder.

“Keep going,” Donna whispered. “It’s alright. We like it.”

Seething, incapable of speech, Dick grasped Donna by the back of the neck and forced her over to where Kara was kneeling. Supergirl started to get on, but Dick grabbed her shoulder and forced her back to her knees. Then he shoved Donna into Kara, backing her ass into Kara’s face until Donna was literally sitting on her face, resting all of her weight on Kara’s superhuman body.

“Ohhhh!” Kara gasped, her mouth pressed against the soft skin of Donna’s ass. Her own ass burning, her ears on fire from what Dick had said to her—she felt deliciously naughty. She reached out with her tongue, running it lightly into the dark valley of Donna’s ass, then deeper, along the inner curves, then the line of the crevice, finally finding the pink button of Donna’s anus. She lapped at it, wetting Donna with her saliva. Donna lurched against her tongue and moaned.

“Licking me—she’s licking me…”

Hearing the words, a shudder of pleasure wiggled down Kara’s tongue and through her body before stilling in the walls of her pussy. Her moist pink tongue fucked into the puckered grotto, her lips sucking on Donna’s slippery asshole. She wondered if Dick would fuck it, after she got it all wet for him. She wondered if Donna would be a whore too.

And with Donna seated on Kara’s face, Dick gripped his namesake in his hand, stepping between Donna’s spread legs and pressing himself against Donna’s thigh. The Amazon gasped, her eyes going wide as she felt the heat of his cock, its size, the glossy wetness of the precum running from its tip. She opened her thighs, reaching behind herself to grip Kara’s hair. It turned both of them on to see Kara being used as a living piece of furniture.

The muscles of Dick’s forearm strummed as he forced his erection downward, making its simmering head rub against Donna’s oily slit, all along her quivering, slippery folds, the woman sighing, helpless not to imagine him finally thrusting himself inside her. But he didn’t, he went even further down, as far as her tightly clenched taint and Kara’s chin, the blonde still licking at Donna’s asshole. She gave an extra shudder as Dick rubbed his cockhead against her throat. Just as with Donna, it was like Dick was forcing a thought into her, this time the imagining of him jamming himself down her throat, making her swallow all of him, letting him come directly into her belly. Supporting herself on just one arm, Kara reached under her skirt and penetrated herself.

She came almost instantly.

Then Dick reversed his motion, rubbing the tip of his tool upward along Donna’s crevice. “You want my cock. You want it real bad, don’t you?” He spoke softly, calmly, but with the controlled rage Donna knew well. It was only tempered by the cruel pleasure he took in savoring her evident need for him. “You want me to shove my cock all the way in…”

“You know I do,” Donna replied. “I want you so far in me that Kara can taste you on her tongue—“

Dick licked his lips hearing her, his cock jerking madly up and down, his balls on fire. He stepped right up against Donna’s body, grasping her asscheeks with startling roughness and fucking himself into her wet, open sex with slow pressure.

“Look at your cunt take my cock,” Dick gritted out. “Like it was born for it.”

Then he was thrusting into her with no concern for her well-being, brutally, savagely, knowing in the back of his mind that she could take it, if not that she could enjoy it. Donna groaned as her vulnerable cunt was plundered almost beyond endurance, her ass forced against Kara’s face, fucked onto Kara’s tasting tongue.

Her pussy flared, the tight lips of her labia opening up to receive the delicious assault on her body. Her hands wrapped around his back, nails gouging a red-stained path down to his flexing ass, where she hauled him deep inside herself, shoving her fleece-covered belly up to be skewered on his cock, her cunt trying to suck the life from it. She kissed him, drawing his pleasuring tongue deep into her mouth. Her sleek, uncontrolled body was matching his battering plunges, thrashing with its own pleasure.

“Yes, fuck you, bitch, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” Dick chanted as he had her, too engrossed in her tightness, in the thrusting and jerking to notice that she was wiggling her body against him, gripping him with her thighs, bending her knees. Even if Donna would’ve wanted to resist, her body had taken over, fucking him as much as he was fucking her.

Still Dick babbled, the crude words said over and over, making Donna hotter, making her feel like she was taking even more of his cock than he was ceaselessly pounding into her. Deep into her, as if all the way beneath her little white belly, reaching into her with long cruel strokes.

Dick could feel the white-hot seed amassing in his balls, resounding every time his testicles beat a tattoo against Donna’s splayed ass. He could feel the fuse lit on the explosive, the flame drawing close to the bomb. Wildly, he thrust his tongue into Donna’s mouth, claiming it as he had her cunt. With harshly kneading hands, he clutched the cheeks of her luscious ass, pulling it wide open as he slammed himself to the hilt in her soft, unresisting sex. Kara’s tongue went deeper than ever.

Then Kara’s knees slipped out from under her. She fell onto her back, then saw Donna’s body being flung down on top of her, Donna straddling her face with her flaming cunt. Then Dick mounted her, Kara watching as he fucked her from behind, his impossibly huge cock going impossibly far into Donna’s cunt. Kara laid there, paralyzed, as Dick’s weight forced Donna’s body, her sex, down onto Kara. She could feel Dick thrusting into Donna, his cock aimed at Kara’s face, the force of his strokes slapping her. Helplessly, Kara stuck out her tongue and began to lick Donna’s splayed cunt. She got fleeting tastes of Dick as he railed in and out of Donna. Then he thrust into her and didn’t come out.

Donna felt a new, sweet pain inside herself as Dick sunk into her, tormenting her with his cock, holding it inside her as it flared into an immensity that felt like it would explode out of her. Then he spurted, the white flood shooting into her, sloshing inside her like a stream of molten lead. She felt the enraptured answer of her sex, flooding with her own cream as she came with him, jerked along for the ride as if his all-consuming lust were useless to resist on any level.

It was maddening, magnificent. Donna was going out of her mind with ecstasy. She couldn’t let it stop.

“Fill me, fill me, darling!” Donna cried, unintelligible, then stripped of even speech as Dick wrenched her head to the side and filled her mouth with his plundering tongue. She sucked at it, just as the quaking walls of her pussy sucked ravenously at his spewing cock. Under the duel assault, Dick’s cock offered one last convulsive leap, the last dregs of his seed sucked from it.

Dick fell forward, collapsing upon her back, feeling his deflating cock massaged by the mixture of his thick hot semen with her orgasmic cream. It seemed without end, his time in her, until Donna gave her own exhausted little spasm, quaking to a final weakness, her legs falling and protruding lifelessly on either side of his body.

Dick breathed deeply, then pulled himself from the semiconscious woman, his half-hard cock sliding from her ravaged cunt. She whimpered as he left her. He rolled Donna off Kara, then offered his cock to her lovely, spent face.

“Oh, Dick, it’s beautiful,” Kara said, mindlessly speaking in Kryptese in her ardor. Then she opened her mouth and let him clean his cock inside it.

Donna rose up, only to listlessly collapse against Dick’s kneeling body, letting their weak embrace hold her up. “You really came hard that time, didn’t you? It’s going to feel like I have you inside me for days… I don’t think even Kory could get all your cum out of me…”

Dick sighed. His chest heaved up and down with panting breaths. His grin was broad with satisfaction before his face fell. “You don’t have to pretend to have enjoyed it…”

Donna took his face in either hand. “I did. So did Kara. I felt her come, just from watching how you treated me. And just look at her now? We both love to suck your cock and watch you come.”

Dick just shook his head. “How could you enjoy that? How could you possibly enjoy—“

“Why shouldn’t we?” Donna retorted before he could even finish. “What was wrong with that? Any of that? You took your anger and turned it into love.”

Dick snorted, and pushed Kara away from him. “Some love.”

“Yes,” Donna insisted. “It was. It’s not just holding hands and cuddling. Sometimes it’s this. It’s us. Do you think me and Kory have never done anything like that?”

That surprised Dick, and it made Donna giggle to see the unfamiliar expression of shock on Dick’s face, shooting up his eyebrows and making his jaw drop a little.

“Since Diana initiated her, Kory’s been… interested in trying new things. She’s always been fascinated by my lasso, but I don’t think she’s ever been able to admit what she wants to do with it. Not until lately. And I’m sure a man of your expertise has almost as much ideas there as me. Imagine Kory running through the jungle, trying to get away from you. If she makes it to the beach, then she wins the game and gets a prize. But if you manage to catch her, restrain her, then you can do whatever you want with her.”

Kara let out a little interested sound. She could see Dick growing firm again. When she leaned in and kissed his cockhead, he didn’t resist.

“A fun game, no?” Donna asked, her eyes briefly flitting downward as Kara took him in her mouth again. “We Amazons play it often. And perhaps you’d enjoy being the hunt? Seeing if I could catch you, or Kory, or Kara? And if we lose, you could do this to us again. A nice consolation prize for us.”

“And you’d like that?” There was something almost innocent in Dick’s question.

“We would.” Donna laid her chin on Dick’s shoulder. “I know why you’re so hesitant, Dick. It isn’t you. It’s Flores. Having her here is stirring up so many awful things. But that’s in the past. You decide what you like and what you enjoy. If you don’t want to play a certain game, do a certain act, then there’s no need to. But choose that because you truly don’t like it, not because you think it’s wrong.”

“So you wouldn’t mind if I used you as a footstool while I fuck Kory?”

“Only if you don’t include Kara. We’re becoming quite the little squad.” Donna reached down and tangled her fingers in Kara’s hair, playfully holding her back as she tried to attend to Dick’s growing hardness. “As long as we’re trying new things, I think Kara might like a turn… while I sit back… catch my breath…”

“I think I could handle that,” Dick replied, giving Donna a quick kiss as Kara pulled away, spreading herself out on the ground to await his attentions. “So… any other surprises I should know about?”

“Not much. Although I did hear Diana was thinking of bringing Jason Todd over.”

Dick took a stiff breath.

“More stress relief?” Kara asked.

“More stress relief,” Dick answered. “Turn over. Hands and knees.”

Kara obeyed. “Are you going to spank me again or fuck me?” she asked eagerly, looking over her shoulder.

“Face front,” Dick ordered, and watched her eyes snap forward. “It’s a surprise…”


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