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The grounds of the Mansion were green and clear, the landscaping undisturbed, the lawn unharmed long enough for the grass to grow to a respectable height. The Professor had kept it at that discretely manicured country club height, like he was ashamed that all that green was alive, but Scott let it grow. The longer it grew, the bigger the victory.

He knew this place. It was about the only time SHIELD had shown up at the Xavier Institute, in the form of Maria Hill, her body long and lean and every inch of it cradled by her SHIELD jumpsuit like a knife in a sheath. A hard face, strikingly even-tempered, close-cropped hair, breasts small but neatly fitted to her body, ass flat, all of her toned and hardened. The reason the jumpsuit was so unforgivingly tight as to leave no doubt: it hid no weakness, no excess, no softness. She was as sharp-edged as she looked, inside and out.

Down boy, Emma thought-cast. This was back when they were on thinking terms with each other.

Maria was here with the Devil’s deal, just sign on the dotted line. Scott remembered the SHRA, the Civil War. He’d steered clear of it, watching the proceedings with a bit of bemused bitterness. Back then, he’d been a little ashamed of how cathartic he’d found it to watch Captain America and the rest get the mutie treatment.


He and Emma sat down at the garden table with Maria. Emma poured for them from the carafe of iced tea, Scott wondering if she knew yet just how submissive she could be.

SHIELD’s SHIELD’s butch-in-chief? Scott thought to the Phoenix, sitting at the fourth chair. Didn’t know she was your type.

She could be a powerful ally in times to come. As long as you have something on her.

Guess I’d better get on her then.

They weren’t in the shadow of the Sentinel meant to keep them from going off the reservation, literally, but they were close. Scott sent his thoughts to Emma, wondering if it were possible for mental wires to get crossed.

Emma, what’ve you got?

Emma gave him the briefest look, evincing surprise, before casting. The great Scott Summers asking me to violate another’s mental privacy?

When I asked what have you got, I meant besides sarcasm.

She’s SHIELD. She has the best psi-blocks in the world.


Emma smiled for him: She thinks you’re handsome, has a lot of daddy issues, and is so into being dominated that she keeps thinking about Nick Fury pulling her over his lap and tanning her hide.

So just about what I expected for a top-ranked member of the United States intelligence community.

Pretty much. Are you planning something?


Maria was talking, as always. “I realize you’ve already graciously met with Tony Stark, but I was hoping to make a clearer impression on you. While we are following Iron Man’s lead in allowing you to remain neutral, for now, you’re not exempt from the law. You X-Men will be part of the Fifty States Initiative, and your students will be trained in a method consistent with Camp Hammond certification. The days of the X-Men being a glorified mutant pride parade are over.”

“Are they?” Scott asked.

Maria blinked, surprised at his blank insolence. He hadn’t said it as a challenge, but in almost a curious manner, like he knew something she didn’t. “If not, they soon will be. There won’t be one system for mutants and another for everyone else. You’ll follow the example of Beast and Wolverine and be a part of the program.”

“And what if we don’t?” Scott persisted. “What happens to mutants who take our cue? Are you going to put four point five percent of the population in Project 42? I’m not sure even the Negative Zone is big enough for that.”

Now Maria really blinked. After a stunned pause, she jerked to her feet. “How the hell did you know about that?” She stared at Emma. “You can’t have gotten past my blocks, not that far, you can’t’ve!”

Scott casually rose, patting Emma on the shoulder as she looked at him questioningly. “That’s the problem with declaring war on mutants and not on superheroes. They wear bright costumes and drag capes behind them. Us—we’re everywhere. The X-Men, X-Factor, just the type of the iceberg. We look sexy as hell and we make a lot of noise, but the real damage is done when one of us is in the White House, or the Senate… a nuclear power plant… a missile silo…”

Maria gritted her teeth. “How dare you threaten me. How dare you threaten the American people—“

“What? You don’t like living in fear?” Emma asked acidly, following Scott’s lead. Now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure she knew exactly how submissive she could be. “Funny. You humans spend enough time worrying about violent videogames and people saying ‘happy holidays.’ I guess us homo superior have the luxury of real problems.”

“It certainly does leave us few illusions about our place in the food chain,” Scott said. “We may not be on the top, but we’re certainly above you. And we can act like it anytime you want. Policing Magneto, ‘the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants,’ that was a courtesy. Do you really think you can give us more trouble than them?”

Maria’s lips curled in distaste. “Do you know how many times someone has recommended just hitting this place with a missile and being done with it? The surveys say our poll numbers wouldn’t even quiver.”

“It’s not the poll numbers I expect to quiver,” Scott said. “It’s you. Emma? Be a dear?”

Shifting into diamond, Emma reached across the table, grasped Maria’s hand, and pulled her down facefirst into the table. Maria gasped in exertion as she hit the grated metal; Scott was suddenly behind her, holding her down, while Emma pulled her arms up and out, keeping her from getting loose that way. Suddenly, Maria Hill was completely trapped.

“You know,” Scott said, “I’ve always wondered how you get these jumpsuits so tight. We use unstable molecules, but surely you couldn’t afford to give everyone an unstable molecule wardrobe? Maybe that’s why I’ve been seeing some of you in business suits lately…”

“You kill me, SHIELD will retaliate! You’ll have a Helicarrier here within the hour! This place will be burnt to the ground!”

“Oh, we’re not going to kill you, Director Hill. This is a school.”

Emma smiled, right in Maria’s face. “We’re going to educate you.”

And she turned back to flesh, Maria watching her own resilient face disappearing from where it’d been reflected in Emma’s diamond skin. She knew this meant Emma would now be able to use her psychic powers and redoubled her efforts, trying to pull free of Emma’s weakened hold on her first, but it was too late. Suddenly, she felt Scott’s cock suck its cum-strewn way out of her pussy, and she groaned her welcome to the soft lips that claimed her flooded crevice. Her hands sought red hair, pushing Jean’s mouth more firmly against her cunt, hot tongue slithering into cream that Emma hadn’t thought could get any hotter, the blonde and Maria sighing at the suction that began drawing Scott’s seed out of her sex…

Maria was burning up with excitement now, with pure frantic want, wishing Scott’s massive cock was inside her right that second, no, no, that was Emma, those were Emma’s sensations, she didn’t want Scott going over to the couch, putting his hand on Betsy Braddock’s head, running fondling fingers through her shiny black hair, taking a moment, two, not stopping the petting of her hair until she gave in and cooed, and then he pulled her face down to his groin. Betsy gave another moan. She enjoyed sucking Scott’s cock…

Emma had let her go. The sudden loss of her warm hands from Maria’s wrists felt… chilling. Lonely. Maria knew she could break free, she could remember her training and attack Scott, he wasn’t that powerful, a well-timed combination could floor him, but she didn’t, she knew it was only a matter of time before Scott lost his load, she wanted very much to see him cum, to see exactly how much semen would be produced by those balls of his. Even more than that, she wanted to taste him, swallow him, carry his warmth around in her belly. Slowly, she began to gyrate her hips, moaning slightly, licking her full, blue lips.

“You can have my ass,” Maria said along with Emma. A part of her had known that of course Scott and the White Queen of the Hellfire Club would be into some kinky shit, but a part of her, her religious upbringing and conservative outlook, couldn’t believe Emma would enjoy, had enjoyed it, had asked for it.

Scott had let her go too. She was free. She didn’t have to… have to…

“Let’s see,” Emma whispered, “what the Black Queen has to offer the White.”

And moving quickly, Selene lowered her sex to Emma’s face. The White Queen knew exactly what to do. A few light kisses, just to let Selene know she wasn’t serving her, that she was deigning to let Selene share this with her. Then, Emma showed her she knew exactly what to do. She ran her tongue up and down Selene’s dripping pussy, increasing her torment, making Selene wonder just how many hours it might take for Emma to let her come, then she fucked her tongue deep inside and made the bitch squirt then and there—

Maria’s head whirled with shocked, stunned lust. She had never known sex could be so intensely… craven. It had always seemed so disappointing to her, not a big deal, her own fantasies of being dominated just compensations for how boring she found the act itself. Now, envy and need shot through her. This was what she had been missing! Emma had had it all along!

“Mmmmmm,” Emma moaned, lifting her hips so Scott could slide her panties off under the blanket. “You might have to gag me. It wouldn’t be good if they kicked us off the plane right in the middle of the Atlantic.”

“I’ve got a nice big gag for you,” Scott said, now reaching under the blanket to expose himself.

“Though that won’t do anything about the noise you make,” Emma said, wrapping her hand around his offered cock, squeezing lustily. “You make all kinds of noises…”

Scott was unable to silence a loud groan. “Yeah… guess I’ll have to work harder at being repressed.”

“Just lie back and think of England,” Emma suggested, leaning over to rest her head on his shoulder. Then sliding it lower. Lower. “I don’t know how I flew before I met you. To think, this tense grip could’ve been wasted on an armrest instead of you…”

Her head dropped down to his lap, under the blanket.

“Feed me a creampie like you did She-Hulk,” Emma breathed, a harsh intake of breath in the middle as Scott’s fingers slid over the creamy expanse of her panties.

“Suck me, suck me,” Scott insisted, as if she had any intention of stopping. No, not even if the plane crashed. She would suck him dry!

Maria had felt the gnawing, empty feeling in her pussy before, but now she could admit it was horniness, admit that her eyes had followed Scott’s every movement, feeling this way. She wondered if she could purge her body of this torturous feeling by masturbating. God, if she could, she would do it right now, rob herself of this confusing feeling forever, stop trying to figure out if it was good or bad. She felt so damned guilty just feeling it she was sure that she would burn in hell if she touched herself. It had to be a sin. It felt so good it would have to be a sin.

“You made her come… all those times?” Maria muttered in disbelief.

“I think she’s coming, the little minx,” Emma said casually, as if they were discussing Maria’s cunt over tea. “She really is undersexed.”

“Coming without permission? She does need discipline. Ah, here’s the zipper. I was wondering how she went to the bathroom…”

Maria heard the telltale whistle of a zipper going down and abruptly came back to herself, realizing where she was. She jerked, but her response was sluggish, and Emma shifted back to diamond to grab her hands and kept her stretched across the table.

Her ass was now on full display, her carefully concealed culo jutting out from her unzipped jumpsuit like it had burst at the seams, not at all as unimpressive as her censoring uniform would have one believe. With only a thong cutting between the ample set of buttocks, there was no denying how curvaceous Maria truly was.

Scott let out a low whistle, taking a closer look as he pulled the secondary zipper lower, between Maria’s legs and over her taint. Emma took it from there, pulling it over her pussy to reveal the wet expanse of her panties, plastered to her labia by dampness.

“My! What an ass she’s been hiding!” Emma chortled. “Bet it’d be hard for all her SHIELD lackeys to take her seriously if they saw all that swinging behind her.”

“Though they might enjoy working with her more. Or at all.”


“Well, that’s not a very good reason to let her go,” Scott said consideringly.

“Maybe we should give her a reason to stay,” Emma suggested.

“Or at least a reason not to come without permission like a disobedient bitch.”


Scott unbuckled his belt, and the metallic sound sent a quiver through Maria. She was suddenly aware of how close he was, standing behind her. How close his cock was. She could still picture it in her mind. Was it really as big as Emma remembered? Had he really… with She-Hulk? Okay, most everyone had with She-Hulk, she’d even hit on Maria once, but… Psylocke too?

She heard the leather of his belt swishing out of its loops, being doubled up into a switch, and once more was brought back to reality. It was like she was at war with herself, trying to focus, to resist this desire, these things Emma had shown her, but they were so real, realer than her duty, realer than her pride…

Scott stepped to her side. Moving in lockstep, Emma pulled Maria over the table so now she was no longer bent over it, but belly-down on it. She held Maria’s arms, and Scott caught Maria’s ankles in the crook of his elbow, totally capturing her like a prisoner on the rack. Without her feet on the ground, Maria felt even more helpless, and there was a depraved intensity to being exposed, bound, living in anticipation of pain. She had a flash of Emma wearing a ball-gag, and wondered what it would be like to have one of those too, to be able to scream as loud as she wanted for once in her life. There had to be something she could say to make them let her go, but she couldn’t think of it, didn’t want to think of it.

And before she could force herself to rally and dismiss all these sickly warm feelings Emma had infused her with, Scott cocked his belt and sent it flying through the air, under-handed. It landed on Maria’s cunt, actually ripping her panties, and she arched her hips in response as pain shot through her. Pain and something else, something equally excruciating, but that felt like she’d been waiting for it…

Still, she screeched, twitching convulsively on the tables, her wrists and ankles aching as the two X-Men held her fast. She was suddenly aware of a warm, wet sensation between her thighs, something leaking, and she almost would’ve thought it was blood except for something undeniable that told her it wasn’t. It was her arousal.

Maria didn’t understand, couldn’t fathom being turned on by such cruelty. She looked back at Scott, who smiled at her. His slacks were contorted with a bulging erection, and Maria could guess at the size, believe that it really was as big as the memories showed. She faced front, away from Scott’s gaze, and met Emma’s eyes. Even though Emma was diamond and there was no way she could know what Maria was thinking, she gave the SHIELD agent a leering smile and nodded her head.

It wasn’t the pain that broke Maria, but the thought of continued wondering, continuing this confusing mix of sensations, this overwarm feeling in her belly, this enjoyment of her own defilement. “Please! No, don’t whip me anymore!” she begged in a high-pitched voice, betraying her horror at her own sick arousal. “Please, I can’t stand it! You’ll kill me!”

“I actually think you’d prefer that,” Emma said.

“No, Maria,” Scott said, tightening the loop of leather with a crisp snap. “We’re going to keep going. We’re going to keep doing what you’re enjoying so much.”

And Maria’s clit stood up stiff and erect.

Krak! Maria flinched and tensed her muscles, trying to draw away from the thrashing belt leather as it slashed into her pussy. The buckle actually touched her clit, protruding from its fleshy sheath, and the treacherous thing throbbed and spasmed and Maria screamed. She was more turned on than ever, her body quivering uncontrollably, making her feel how tense her powerful muscles were, how tight, that feeling she liked so much at the peak of a hard work-out, but now it wasn’t hers, it was centered around him, her whole body was clenching and tightening and he wasn’t even in her, the bastardo, he hadn’t even given her his dick!

Feeling herself on the verge of climax actually made her angry enough to speak. “You son of a bitch! You’ll be sorry! Damned sorry! I’m going to kill every damn mutant I see, I’m going to program the Sentinels myself, this whole school is burning like Genosha!”

Emma quirked a crystalline eyebrow, making the sun glint off her forehead. “This one has a lot of issues to work out.”

“Let’s get hands-on,” Scott said, and took Maria by the arm, pulling her along to a patio chair. For some reason, Maria didn’t think to resist, not until he had sat down and pulled her over his lap. She could feel the heat of his groin against her belly. Like a deer in the headlights, it paralyzed her.

Scott raised his hand high into the air, and for a confused moment, Maria thought he was looking for a high-five. Then he brought his open palm down across her buttocks. It was a powerful slap, one she felt in her pelvis. She cried out, not even cathartically anymore, not in rage, but just in sheer animal reflex. She was completely beholden to her sensitive, overheated body now.

Three more times in quick succession he spanked her, the reddening flesh only growing more sensitive, more pained, until Maria let out a shriek. Tears in her eyes, she looked back at him. She could discern no pity, no remorse on his hardened features. Only a knowing glee.

If she could feel his cock, then he could feel how wet she was.

“I’m going to fuck you, Maria,” he said evenly, once again using her given name as if she were no more than a student under his tutelage. He put no more passion into his next words than if he were outlining a class syllabus. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week. Now get up. Show me how hot you are for my cock. Pull your cunt open and let me see.”

Maria was shocked by her sudden freedom. She wasn’t held down anymore. She actually trembled as she got to her feet, her mouth falling open.

She no longer believed she could attack them, or even run away. Any of the measures that should’ve prevented this or allowed her to summon a reprisal had obviously been counteracted by Summers. It might’ve been that there was nothing she could do to stop this… this ravishment of her body.

Still, she could retain some dignity. She could keep her self-respect. Though she’d been beaten by this man, tormented by him, she could still refuse him, stand proudly in her SHIELD uniform and know she had lived up to its standards.

Panting with exertion, Maria shoved her hands up the backs of her thighs. She found the zipper gaping open. It wasn’t the only thing.

Her mind suddenly blank—no more concerns, no more worry, no more endless planning and second-guessing—Maria turned around. She arched her back. She pulled the wet lips of her pussy wide apart for Scott, and tried to lift her ass higher. Scott licked his lips as he watched her. He unzipped his pants. He unsheathed himself.

Maria gasped as she looked back. For once, Emma Frost had been telling the truth.


“Don’t you dare try to make him come, bitch,” Emma said, adjusting her phone to get a better angle on the action. It would make quite an interesting video. Maria wasn’t short, but she wasn’t tall either, and Scott’s large, brawny cock seemed almost too much for her tight little cunt. In fact, his rod, surrounded by her dark cunt hair, looked as if it were splitting her in two.

But Emma knew full well that appearances could be deceiving. Maria was surprising her, holding all of Scott’s cock inside her, not showing any pain except for thrilling lingerings from being whipped, the welts aggravated by Scott fucking her ass into the ground. But despite that pain, Maria not only held his huge cock inside herself, but rutted up against him, as if she wanted even more.

But Scott’s weight and strength dominated her. Every time he shoved himself into her, the force of his thrust slammed that voluptuous ass against the lawn. Emma wondered if there’d be any blood afterward. That certainly would make a fitting final frame for her little movie.

“Ay dios mio!” Maria panted, her running commentary a particular delight. “Keep that prick in my cunt, you mutant son of a bitch!”

Scott ignored her, not saying a word, as if she were beneath his notice. Indifferent to her pained sighs and her moans of pleasure alike, he kept his rhythm, fucking her without mercy.

“Shove that big mutant cock in me!” Maria shouted. Her hands left red furrows on Scott’s back where her nails dug into him. Next time, Emma thought, they’d have to do this in the uniforms.

Uniforms were always fun. Maybe they still had the black leather ones somewhere…

Scott wasn’t fazed. He kept fucking Maria at his measured pace, his cock ceaselessly driving in and out of her, thrusts keeping her down with every stroke. Maria came and even then Scott neither slackened nor increased his speed. He fucked her almost as if her reactions didn’t exist. Emma found it very erotic. Especially when he would totally disregard Maria to meet her eyes, almost making sure to give Maria a particularly hard thrust as he did so. The last time, Maria had screamed in both pain and pleasure then, loving his cock in her cunt, loving her wounds being aggravated even more.

“I think we’re about done with you,” Emma said, and stepped in. She unzipped Maria’s little catsuit in front, pulling it down until the slider was up against the other slider they’d used to unzip it in back, leaving Maria essentially naked except for where the two sliders clinched her undone clothes together.

Scott pulled out of Maria, who was still coming, or had had such an intense orgasm that it still felt like she was. She watched in astonishment as Emma grabbed Scott’s throbbing cock in the one that wasn’t holding her cell phone and violently jerked it up and down, hungrily milking the cum right out of his balls. Scott’s prick swelled and pulsed in her stroking hand, the camera phone capturing the growth of the fat purple head, taping until the spongy flesh was stretched to the limit. Then Emma turned her phone on Maria and the first blast of white cum squirted out from Scott.

Maria had never seen a man shoot before—they’d always finished inside her, wearing a condom, maybe two. She could hardly believe her eyes now; had there really been that much of it all this time? No, she didn’t think any of her old boyfriends had ever come so much. Cum literally exploded out of Scott, pumping a full foot into the air, covering Emma’s hand and his own manhood with the dripping, running seed.

And Maria as well, of course. Her bare breasts, her belly, her cunt, all were covered as cum pumped out of Scott’s clenching balls again and again.

“Mmm, good thing I blew you before we came out here,” Emma said. She continued to jack Scott off, smiling with unabashed pleasure as she watched the last of his cream leave him. “We might’ve drowned the poor wretch.”

“I… I feel it all over my skin,” Maria said. “It’s warm… never felt so warm through the condom.”

“Again?” Emma asked solicitously, and Maria looked back up again to see that Scott was still hard.

Maria could only nod.

“Business before pleasure,” Emma said, and for the first time since he’d entered Maria, Scott grinned. “We came to this meeting for a reason, after all.”


The video was well-framed. It showed Maria from the chest up. She had zipped up her uniform over the cum, so that no one would notice it as she returned to the Heli-Carrier, going about her day as if she weren’t (Maria shook with the thought) Scott’s bitch.

There still remained, though, the cum that had gotten as far as Maria’s face and hair. She’d licked up what she could, and Emma had promised to help with the rest once the video was filmed.

Maria stared at the camera phone, trying to ignore Scott standing next to her. With her kneeling, she was at eye level with his cock. “My name is Maria Hill, Director pro tempore of SHIELD. And I love cock. And mutant cock is the very best…”

Maria was now no longer able to resist leaning over and licking at some of the cum still clinging to Scott’s cock. Scott let her, but when she tried to draw it into her mouth and suck, he drew away, took his cock by its base, and slapped her with its head.

Brought back to her senses—such as they were, with the lingering pleasure of multiple orgasms still coursing through her—Maria recited the date and time. “If you’re watching this, then you should know that since the day stated, I’ve been coming to the Xavier Institute as part of my SHIELD duties on a weekly basis. However, I will not be—have not been going there just for the tasks I have volunteered for. I’m going to… going to…”

Emma was standing beside Maria on the other side of her from Scott. Her hand hung by Maria’s face.

“Madre de Dios… you didn’t wipe it off…” Losing herself, Maria leaned over and sucked the cum from Emma’s fingers. Afterward, Emma scratched her behind the ears.

Maria tore herself away, back to the camera. “I’ve been servicing the X-Men Emma Frost and Scott Summers. Letting them use my body however they wish. Participating in every sexual activity they suggest. Being… disciplined by them. I’ve never felt so relieved, so little tension, so little stress. I intend to do this for the foreseeable future, and in exchange for these sexual favors, I will be acting as an advocate for the mutant cause within SHIELD and the intelligence community. I understand that if I betray them, or their people, in any way, they’ll release this video. And everyone will know what a slut I am. What a happy slut…”

Then she couldn’t resist any longer. Scott’s cock had just gotten too big. And it didn’t take much sucking on him before Emma was there too, smearing her pussy all over Maria’s face while the busy tongue of the Director of SHIELD lapped eagerly.

“Always the quiet ones,” the Phoenix said, making sure the camera phone didn’t fall from its perch with all the shaking the three of them were making. And sipping her cup of iced tea.

She’d have to get Emma’s recipe. Probably: tell the servants to make some fucking iced tea.


Aggron black

I love it. Please write more.