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It was a surprisingly simple matter for Bruce to find Talia al Ghul. As the Daughter of the Demon, she was untouchable as far as most organizations were concerned. True, there would be an added layer of security in concealing her whereabouts, but Talia had enough disdain for her father not to wish to rely too heavily on his resources or give in too deeply to his paranoia. She was staying in Gotham at the moment, at a currently vacant summer home owned by a vassal of the League of Assassins. Bruce drove the Batmobile up to it, seeing no need to conceal himself either.

The summer house was on the outskirts of the city, not far from Wayne Manor in fact. It was smaller—only twenty rooms—and built in an Art Deco style, the blocky white limestone catching the moonlight with a spectral glow. Bruce swept towards it, his cape rustling in the wind behind him.

As with Wayne Manor, the heavily forested wilderness enfolded the house on all sides—the winding road Bruce had driven up to it was the only means of accessing the place. That and the cliff face. The manor was built overlooking a cliff that dropped down to the rocky shoals of the coastline. The manor was surrounded by a bony black gate, but it didn’t extend to the towering drop-off. There was nothing keeping anyone away from the edge of the cliff but common sense. Seeing the three-sided fence balanced out by open air gave Bruce a precarious feeling.

He also noted that the front gate was open. Possibly custom, but it was also possible that he’d been expected.

The door was unlocked as well. Bruce discounted custom. That was as good as an open invitation. He paused with his hand on the doorknob.

“I suppose you’ve known me too long to expect me to call ahead,” he gritted out.

Talia’s sultry voice came from inside. “I always expect you—sooner or later—and you always come.”

Bruce let himself in. Out of the wind, the motion of his cape died down, settling around his shoulders. The entrance hall opened up into a sort of atrium, a central staircase reminding him of the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris: French limestone steps, a black wrought iron bannister and brass railing. Talia sat on the first few steps.

Her appearance surprised Bruce. Not her usual ornate, showy dress or robe, or the leather catsuit that she could fight so readily in, but casual—more casual even then she’d been in flagrante delicto. Just a sweater and jeans, really. She was even barefoot. The most expensive item on her looked to be the Fendi belt she wore.

“If you knew I was coming, then you know what I’m here for,” Bruce said.

Talia winded her bent legs inward and outward. “I know what you’re here for more than you do, beloved. You can’t admit that you came to see me. I am well aware of it.”

Bruce stalked forward, boots snapping sound off the tile floor. “What do you know about the kidnapping of Princess Audrey?”

“Very little. I wasn’t behind it, and Father wouldn’t have either—he has other plans for her.”

Bruce’s shadow fell over Talia. “You’ve tried to distract me twice now. It won’t work. Who took the princess?”

Then Talia looked past Bruce, eyes lighting up. “Sister!”

Bruce turned. There was Nyssa, her caramel skin shining with dewy moisture, her body in only a black string bikini. She was slightly shorter than her sister, but her womanly hips and the magnificent size of her bust made her appear more substantial than the slender Talia.

Inside his cowl, Bruce’s eyes delved into Nyssa’s cleavage. At the moment, he couldn’t help it. Her tits were abundantly sized, and only the brown nipples were hidden by the small triangles of black knitted string that formed her top.

“Hello detective,” Nyssa purred. “I’m sorry to entertain you like this—I wasn’t expecting company. I was just working on my tan…”

Talia could be trusted to a point. Ra’s could be reasoned with. But Nyssa was totally unpredictable, almost a wild animal at times. Bruce was shocked to find her and Talia in the same room. The two took sibling rivalry to levels that were insane, even for Gotham.

Like a gunslinger, Bruce’s dominant hand stood poised at his utility belt. “What are you doing here?”

Instantly Talia was up on her feet, gentle hands alighting on Bruce’s arm and shoulder. “It’s alright, beloved. Nyssa and I have made peace. She’s changed… you can trust her.”

Bruce grunted. “Your family affairs are your business. I still want to know about Audrey.”

Nyssa laughed in a perversely innocent way, like bells chiming. “This is going to be a boring conversation if you maintain such a one-track mind. Still, I won’t let a guest go hungry. Come, sister.”

Talia went with Nyssa into the kitchen. Bruce followed warily behind, still with a Batarang all but at the ready. He hadn’t clocked any traps or ambushes coming in, but with Nyssa there, he could only expect the unexpected. It made him regret his cockiness in approaching Talia so overtly. Whatever her personal morals, her family line was as twisted as they came.

When he went into the kitchen, Nyssa had the refrigerator open. She took out a sausage, thick as a woman’s fist and a foot long. Talia got a knife to cut it with from the block, while Nyssa laid the meat on the kitchen table.

“I suppose it’d be useless to ask you to have a seat,” Nyssa said wryly, sitting down herself. Bruce remained stony-faced. “Sister, I’ll trust that there’s an appeal in trying to kindle a sense of intimacy with this… obelisk… but for the life of me, I can’t imagine it. Is he that good in bed?”

Bruce eyed her lethally. “Were you involved with Audrey’s kidnapping?”

“I’m surprised Talia is so willing to have you over when you’re such a ungracious guest. You haven’t known I’m in your city for a minute before you accuse me of a crime.”

“The League of Assassins was involved in her disappearance. Talia being here I can accept as a coincidence, but your presence is just too convenient. You’re involved.”

Nyssa pinched her lips together before speaking. “You’re saying that stranger things haven’t happened? In a city overrun by alligator men, evil clowns, and fear gas?”

“There’s a method to their madness. And yours. Hiring the Penguin to throw us off your trails stinks of your duplicity.”

“Am I that predictable?” Nyssa demanded. “Or are you that big a control freak that you really believe nothing can happen in Gotham without you planning for it? I think you’re ignoring just how chaotic life can be.”

“I’m well-aware of how disordered Gotham can get.”

Nyssa smiled. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

She slowly tugged at her bikini bottoms—pulling them down over her vibrant mound. Bruce’s eyes narrowed. He watched as she picked up the sausage, slid it between her legs, and rubbed herself with it. His face flushed red.

“Always so moral, Batman… so certain of the difference between right and wrong…” Nyssa’s hand played with the girthy meat. She pushed the tip between her labia, slowly fucking it into herself. “Is this a crime, Batman? Are you going to punish me for it?”

“You’re deranged,” Bruce said indignantly.

“Why?” Nyssa asked, taking the sausage deeper into her pussy.

Still Bruce watched. “Your sister can see you doing this. I can see you doing it.”

Nyssa rolled her hips lewdly and the sausage went deeper, fucking in and out of her wet sex. “Talia doesn’t mind… Talia, take off those pants. I’m not wearing anything down there… why should you?”

Talia unbuttoned her jeans, unzipped them. They fell to the floor and she stood there, a picture of beauty in a thin pair of white panties and her blue sweater.

Bruce couldn’t help himself. His cock was fully erect, throbbing against his costume. Nyssa and Talia could both see it bulging at his crotch. Nyssa kept fucking herself. It made her feel rapturous, getting off with this impromptu dildo while Batman watched her do it.

“Take his cock out, Talia,” Nyssa said. “You remember how.”

Talia approached Bruce, looking deeply into his eyes with a coy smile as she reached down to undo his fly. His erection jumped out and Talia grabbed it tightly, her fingers so small and it so big that she seemed to be trying to strangle its bestial life in her gripping, tightening fingers.

“This is wrong,” Bruce said.

Talia leaned down and kissed his cockhead. Her burgundy-painted lips sealed in his knob right at the collar.

“Christ,” Bruce moaned—Talia’s hand was skipping up and down his burgeoning shaft. She lapped her tongue at his cockhead, picking up the glistening precum that seeped out, and swallowing all her tongue could catch.

“Talia, this isn’t you,” he panted. He knew this wasn’t right, but he couldn’t think how it was wrong… couldn’t think at all.

Nyssa had the sausage plunged deep into her sex. She fucked herself furiously as she watched her sister in action. “God, you’ve really learned what to do with that cock, sister. I’m never going to catch up… but it looks so good…”

Bruce could only stare, his eyes both burning and glassy, as Nyssa masturbated right in front of him. His gaze swept to Talia, the mother of his child licking the head of his trembling erection. Her head bobbed up and went back down, lips sliding caressingly down his shaft as she took his prick into her delicious mouth to suck him better. Her cheeks dimpled out as she sought to please him.

Then her mouth was off his cock, her hands on it, pumping wildly, jacking him off. Bruce was so distracted by this that he did not even process that Nyssa had stopped fucking herself with the sausage, had pulled out a chair from the table and placed it behind him. She gave a nod to Talia and the Demon’s Daughter came up to her feet to give Bruce a shove.

He fell into the chair, Nyssa holding it in place to keep it from tipping over, and then Talia’s sister straddled Bruce—throwing her leg over his lap and grabbing his hard prick. She held it in place as she lowered herself down onto it.

“I’m going to fuck you, Batman. I’m going to give you one good… hot… fuck!”

“You slut,” Bruce gasped.

Nyssa was already bouncing wildly on top of him, gyrating her body on his cock buried in her sex. She threw her arms around his broad, musclebound body, clasping her hands behind his thick neck to hold herself somewhat in place while she fucked herself as furiously with his cock as she’d done with the sausage.

“All this time… Talia’s tried to seduce you… beguile you… twist you…” Nyssa laughed between her pleasured mewls. “All she had to do was fuck you! Look at me, sister! Look at me fuck your beloved!”

Talia watched with intense interest. She dipped her hand into her panties and curled a finger until it hooked into her wet little cunt.

“I’m fucking you, Batman!” Nyssa cried.

Hh! Hh! Goddamn whore!” Bruce groaned.

She wrapped her fingers around his horned cowl, giving herself a sacrilegious hold on him as she rolled her hips lewdly. Looking down, she watched where his prick sawed in and out of her womanhood.

“Look down there, Batman,” she cooed to him. “Look how your cock is going right into my pussy.”

“You’re nothing but a… cheap little slut!” Bruce muttered.

Talia pushed three fingers into her cunt, watching her sister experience the same heated ecstasy that she had, with the same man that she loved. And of course she loved Nyssa, so why wouldn’t she want her to have the best—the same awe-inspiring man good enough to breed her and carry on the bloodline of the Demon’s Head?

Nyssa leaned in to kiss Bruce, hot, wet, her tongue leaping into his mouth. Even as he returned the kiss, she bucked up and down in a rapturous frenzy. As she pitched from the top of his erection to the bottom, she felt its girthy length heave, then a burst of hot cum inside her. Nyssa found herself drawn to that liquid heat. She hilted herself on Bruce’s manhood, ensuring that all of the explosion would be contained inside her sex.

“Yes, Batman, you’re coming inside me! Coming in my cunt!” His orgasm was so forceful that Nyssa was practically forced to join in, a demanding ecstasy gripping her body. She shivered as the animalistic euphoria rippled through her, compelling her to pump her ass more onto Bruce’s member. She took all of his spurting prick, actually milking it, before she shoved her hips down and took more of his cum inside her womb.

Talia was entranced. She leaned in for a closer look. Her knuckles stretched her thin panties away from her mound as she fingered herself.

“Fuck, you must’ve need this!” Nyssa exploded jubilantly. “You’re filling me up! My cunt, my womb—you’ve got so much in me! None of the others satisfied you, did they? Not the cat, not the Amazon, not even my whore sister! Did they?”

“You’re the whore,” Bruce gasped. “Did something to Talia… made her your…” His sluggish mind strained to form the right thoughts. “Just like before… your bitch…”

“No, no, you’re my bitch, and Talia is your bitch, and we’ll fuck—oh shit—we’ll fuck her together—shit—oh, no wonder she betrayed daddy for that cock! I’m coming! I’m coming right now!” Her body jerked with the arrival of her ecstasy.

Bruce looked into Nyssa’s lovely visage, seeing the pleasure and satiation etched there. “You beautiful cunt,” he moaned, heaving his hips off his seat, driving himself up into her pussy.

“Yes, give me that cock, you… goddamned himbo!” Nyssa sighed. “Stupid fuck, I didn’t take Audrey! I’m going to kill the little bitch! You’re my slave now and you weren’t even following the right lead!”

He pushed himself into her, fucked into her pussy. Nyssa writhed, relishing the boiling seed that kept filling her and filling her. Bruce’s prick seemed like it would never stop spurting. In all her life, Nyssa couldn’t remember a man who’d ever given her so much cum.

She was at the apex of her orgasm. Her flesh quivered and shook. She kissed Bruce fiercely, claiming his mouth while still fucking herself on his manhood, trying to break it in, tame it, but only coming more.

“God, aren’t you ever going to stop filling me!?” she whined.

Cum washed out of her pussy, running along her thighs, splashing to the kitchen tile. Bruce threw his head back. His hips still tirelessly worked him up into Nyssa’s accepting slit.

“It’s okay that you bred my sister first,” Nyssa moaned. “You’ve going to breed me more! You’ll give me child after child! One of them will be a proper heir for daddy! And you can fuck my slut sister in the ass!”

“Yes, yes,” Talia gasped, unable to catch her breath as she hit her own climax. Her eyes shut in helpless rapture—then she forced them open. “No, sister, you promised… you promised my beloved would breed me again…”

“Tough fucking shit…” Nyssa sighed woozily, her body weaving from side to side. She was fucked out, but Bruce was still hard, still spilling his ejaculate inside of her.

Nyssa fell against his chest, spent, gasping for air, her bust rising and falling, her breasts slipping out of the top of her suit. She shuddered with the aftershocks of taking Batman’s love.

Talia still fingered herself. She bent forward, almost into a fetal position, struggling to contain the electric force of her climax. “You promised… promised…” she whimpered.

She could just barely care about it as her body buzzed with wonderful contentment. Her head skewed from side to side. Her panties were helplessly wrinkled as she fucked her finger faster, about to eclipse her previous orgasm with another right on its heels.

“Beloved!” she cried.

Bruce watched her come. Nyssa was still sprawled in his lap, her chin on his shoulder, her breathing settling down from the heights of athleticism she’d achieved in keeping up with his fucking. But she hadn’t beaten him. His prick was still like a length of iron inside of her.


Gundam lupus

Catwoman should be added to this.