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Schloss Falke was quite the castle, built nearly into the mountainside it occupied. It had been designed to stand strong against medieval foes, but would be nearly as hard to breach for modern ones. Short of an airstrike, the place was impenetrable.

Fortunately, Peggy was proving more destructive than an airstrike.

She pulled layers of false bush away from the rock face she’d led them to, exposing a dark crevice just large enough for maybe two people going in side by side. “Secret tunnel system dating back to the Thirty Years’ War. The feudal lords wanted to be able to either get out quick or retake the castle if there was a revolt. All the pilots I interrogated agree that this’ll take you right in. Only problem is the Nazis have let the place become infested with wolves.”

“That’s no problem,” Diana chimed. “I’ll just tell them to let us pass.”

“Of course you will.”

Steve was all business. “Alright, Carter, give us three hours. If we’re not back, call in the bombers. I think the Krauts have tried hard enough keeping us out to prove there’s something in there they shouldn’t have.”

Diana nodded. “We’ll see what we can do about taking out the air defenses while we’re in there.”

Peggy huffed a sigh. “You know, this was supposed to be a day off for me as well.”

“I’ll buy you a round when we get back,” Steve promised.

“Make sure you do,” Peggy told him. “It’s highway robbery what they’re charging for a shot these days.”


The crevice was warm and moist, and a tight squeeze for a man of Steve’s size. It soon opened up, though not by much, the cave system dripping with moisture, occasionally interspersed with pipes.

Diana put her hand to one. “No rust. Recently installed. We follow these, they should take us right to the castle.”

“That could be a problem,” Steve said, and nodded down the line. Following the pipe with her eye, Diana saw it split into a T-junction. One pipe going down a winding cave, the other taking a turn upward, through a large cavity in the rock.

“Unless you can fly, easy to guess which one I should take.”

“You want to split up?”

“It’s the best option. We were going to have to anyway. Three hours still leaves us a lot of ground to cover.”

“And what about the wolves? Should I just tell them we went to high school together?”

“I’ll give you my mark of protection,” Diana said.

“You can do that?”

“Oh yes.”

She reached out to him, drawing his mask up, leaning in. Steve was suddenly aware of how dark it was in the cave, how he could barely see Diana. Just feel her. Her touch cool and lingering, like the press of an ice-cold Cola bottle against his forehead on a hot day.

He’d had a lot of experiences already in his life. Shaken the President’s hand, even. But this seemed like the first one he’d tell his grandkids about.

Unless their grandmother was Peggy. Then he might just keep this to himself.


Diana pursed her lips. Quite a good kisser, really. She hoped Peggy was enjoying it.

Then she tightened the lasso around the Nazi’s neck. Stupid of him to be patrolling alone. More stupid of him to point his gun at her.

“Where are the prisoners?” she demanded, her compassion sorely tested as the lasso’s magic worked on him. Bondage, discipline, even pain, they could be such beautiful things, such useful medicine, but these monsters perverted them, gave them a horrid name that would set their perception back decades, as if their other crimes weren’t bad enough.

“No prisoners!” the Nazi coughed out. “We have no prisoners here!”

“Then where…”

Jackboots coming. Diana willed the lasso to hold him tight, a coil gagging his mouth, and ran to deal with the patrol coming towards them. It sounded like only about five men. No trouble.


Steve hadn’t gone far down the tunnel before he heard something. It sounded like… crying. He strained his eyes, staring into the velvety darkness ahead, but nothing resolved itself. Experimentally, he stooped down, picked up a pebble, and tossed it forward.

“Hello!?” a woman cried out shrilly, sobs coming to a haltering stop. “Is someone there? I’ll… I’ll go back, I don’t want any trouble! Just please don’t hurt me!”

“I’m not going to hurt you,” Steve said. “I’m here with the Allies… I’m going to get you out.”

“You are?” He heard a brisk hope light up her words. “You’re really not one of them?”

Steve struck a match. The white star on his chest caught the light first. “I’m really not.”

Up ahead, he could see a woman tucked into a corner, curled in on herself to make her body as small as possible. All he could see peeking out into the light were a pair of bare feet. “Oh, thank God… thank God…”

“You’re one of the prisoners here?”

“Yes!” Her words jumbled, broken by a shudder of the sobs that still held sway over her body. “I managed to escape, this was the only way out. I’ve been running so long, I got lost. I stopped here to rest, but I couldn’t sleep, and now. Please, help me up. I can’t walk.”

The match ran out. Steve snuffed it before it could burn his hands, drew another, and lit it. He took a step forward, trying to be reassuring, like he was tending a wounded animal. No sudden movements, nothing overly quick. “Okay. Just keep calm. I won’t hurt you, I just need to see if you’re injured…”

Something was gnawing at the back of his mind though. Something that sounded a lot like Peggy.

If she’s a POW, why is she a woman?

Lois saw him stiffen with suspicion. Her lasso flashed out.


“The prisoners… a rumor the goddess started… she knew it would bring the Captain…”

Diana tightened the lasso around all six of them. “And to the best of all your knowledge, this is true? There are no captives here? It was all just a ruse to complete the ritual?”

They all nodded.

With an irritated sigh, Diana put them all to sleep and coiled her lasso onto her hip. It never failed. She met a nice guy and things got complicated.


It didn’t seem like a good spot for an orgy. The vast, dark chamber still showed signs of being a dungeon—as, indeed, it still was, Steve mused. The bars had been removed and it’d been scrubbed clean, implements of torture replaced with candles, blankets, and an altar of odd runes, but it still bore the flavor of its former use. He supposed there was honesty about that.

Her lasso looped around his body and neck, tying his hands behind his back. If he tallied, Lois gave it a pull and it seemed to tighten in on him all at once, testing the strength of his entire skeleton at once. Even he didn’t think he could resist it. And something compelled him not to try.

It was hard to think with the lasso’s influence on him. He surmised it worked similarly to Diana’s more famous counterpart. He felt… somewhat the way he did alone, at night, on the battlefield and far from home, thinking of Peggy, wanting her, wanting to protect her and be safe himself. But there was a warmth there, a sentimentality to the thought of Peg, and that was chillingly absent in this sensation, even if it was more overwhelming. It felt wrong, false, out of proportion… he couldn’t be feeling this way, not about someone who wasn’t Peggy, not with this hungry and uncaring need.

Yet he was.

“I’m so glad you could join us,” Lois drawled, securing him to the altar. There were loops for the lasso to go through. All around them, Nazis lay on the floor, dead or comatose—failures at sating Lois’s lust. “You have such strength, such passion, I can see it in you. I saw it in you from the first time I saw your news reels…”

Steve struggled to think. “Some kind of… pagan sex magic…”

“Oh yes. The Tesseract isn’t the only way to open a portal between worlds. And once the ritual is complete, my lovers and I will destroy your pathetic Allies. And your pathetic Axis as well.” Lois smiled. “Bastards don’t even know what double penetration is. Anyone who doesn’t know what DP is deserves to die. Now let’s see that cock again. It was really naughty what you did with it back in the caves. Slapping me in the face like that. I almost got the impression you didn’t like me much.”

Steve groaned as she took hold of him, her hand picking up speed. He’d been erect since the lasso had been placed on him, but Lois’s touch seemed to take him to some burgeoning excitement beyond simple lust. It was depravity. Sheer depravity.

“You liked it!” he gritted out, the dark feeling in him marshalling as he knew that he could express it and she would welcome it, welcome every dirty, debauched thing he did to her.

“As much as you did,” Lois said, hammering harder on his prick.

“Jesus!” he gasped.

“No,” she corrected gently. “Superwoman.”

She jerked his cock hard, hammering down fast and tough, brushing his balls with every downstroke. She watched his cockhead grow, then Steve stiffened and shot out a stream of cum that went high in the air and came splattering down all over his thighs, some of it splashing onto Lois’s scantily-clad form.

“Yes, Captain! That’s really something! You’re coming for me!”

“You bitch!”

“Shoot more, Captain! Pay me back for making you feel so good, I’m only jerking you so you’ll feel goooooood.”

“Yeah!” Steve cried, stiff as a board while Lois worked his cock with her jerking hand. Her fingers were warm and wet with his cum, slicking up and down his shaft in a gooey lather. “Ooooh… yes,” he sighed as Lois finally relaxed her grip, letting go of his cum-soaked manhood.

“That was a lot of cum,” Lois said, casually rubbing her hands together. “You must really be tightly wound. But I think you have more. Lots more. And I’m sure you’re repressing more than just the urge to cuddle and hug that cute little spy. So tell me—what’d you like to do to me?”

“Punch your lights out, Nazi!” Steve snarled.

“Mmm.” Lois batted his cock from side to side. Still hard. And quickly getting harder. “But first?”

“I want you to suck it.” He hadn’t hesitated. The words slipped out of him, firm and confident.

“What?” Lois teased.

“Suck me,” Steve whispered.

“But it’s so wet…”

His voice grew in volume. “Then lick it off.”

“Oh, Captain, you come up with the best ideas…”

She slid down to her knees before the altar, bending over and puckering her lips by his dripping cockhead. Just as Wonder Woman had, she gave him a kiss.

“Oh—ahh—mmmhmm,” Steve moaned with delight. “Lick my balls too!”

“Whatever you say, Captain!” Lois tossed off a smart salute as she licked down his shaft, down to the hair of his balls, her tongue hot and wet, stirring the quivering load inside. Steve gasped in pleasure as she lapped at his heavy testicles.

“That’s good. That’s so damn good!”

“No, Captain. It’s bad. It’s very, very… bad. And slick. And big. And so, so hard…” Smiling around her tongue, Lois licked up his manhood, circling her sweet lips around his cockhead, then sucking through her grin. At Steve’s first sigh of pleasure, she began bobbing her head up and down, lips locked even more tightly around him. Her cheeks puffed, then caved in. She slid down further, further…

“More! Do it more!”

She grasped his cock in her hand, her grip down at the base, and licked all over his beet-red cockhead. Then sealed her lips around it, sucking, bobbing her head harder. Her shiny hair jerked up and down. Steve caught hold of it, pulling hard on it to yank her to the end of the cock. Then he loosened his grip, letting her throw her sucking mouth back down to his balls. He made her suck every inch of his dick, not just throat him. He liked her to have constant reminders that she was sucking his cock.

And Lois liked the taste of his cum. She liked the feel of his big prick in her mouth. She liked working him over. She sucked harder and faster, letting him pull her nearly off his cock, lingering to tickle his crown with the tip of her tongue, then hilting his cock in one practiced go of her talented throat. Only this time, Steve jerked his ass off where he was seated, slamming his cock home inside her gullet.

“Just like that,” he panted as he shot another huge load into her. She could barely taste it, just swallow, gulping the hot splash of his cum down right past her tongue. He was still coming when she pulled herself down to his cockhead, having him splatter her mouth instead of her throat, but she had missed a great deal of seed that could’ve hit her wiggling tongue instead of her belly.

Lois pulled herself off him. He was still hard. “So what’s next on the agenda?”

“Fuck you,” Steve cursed. “Fuck Diana. Fuck Peggy…” His cock stiffened.

“My. In oilman terms, I think I hit a gusher.”

“Fuck Lorraine. Fuck Lorraine hard…”

“You might as well come out now, Diana.” She put her hand on Steve’s cock again and began stroking it, almost sweetly. “Not much point in being stealthy when you wear red, white, and blue. Come. Kneel before your goddess.”


Diana stepped out of the shadows. There was something wrong in the woman—something that pinged against all of Diana’s wisdom and experience. She had a kind face, pleasant, with adoring eyes that coupled well with a certain sternness, a level gaze that Diana couldn’t see being interrogated. Her body was lean and sleek, adorned with bountiful breasts and womanly hips—a body built for love. In another life, Diana could see them being friends, perhaps even more.

But there was something… at odds to her. Perhaps it was the clothes. Like Steve Rogers in an SS uniform, they just seemed all wrong for her. Bare booted legs leading up to a black bodysuit that rode high on her pubis, exposing the arms of her womanly vee, the suit low-cut as well, a brazen neckline sweeping over her cleavage only just high enough to touch her nipples with its golden trim. It seemed to be more taunting the viewer with her areolas than hiding them. Metal shoulder pads held a short cape, the frontal clasp holding an S-shaped sigil.

The sight of her tasted wrong, her cruel expression going with her loving body like… biting into an apple and tasting meat. Diana had heard of such things. The Amazons’ knowledge was vast and obscure.

“You’re not a goddess. You’re like me.”

“Well done, sister! I would clap, but—“ Steve moaned as she pumped his cock again.

“An Amazon? No, no Amazon could ever be so…”

Lois smiled, gently teasing Steve’s cock with her long nails. Lightly scratching at the sensitive skin directly behind his cockhead. “None of your Amazons, perhaps.”

There it was. The final piece of the puzzle. “Another Earth?”

“One that’s much more fun,” Lois promised. Steve’s cock had grown to noticeable proportions, rising several inches from his lap. Lois grabbed roughly onto the thick shaft, jerking it tirelessly.

“Much darker. Here, you’re not meant to be so hateful. I can sense it.”

“Perhaps. Perhaps not. But your friend the Baroness here…” She was lying in a pool at their feet. Lois gave her a shove with her high heel. “She opened up a rift in the space-time continuum and that asshole Luthor tricked me through it. Tried to get rid of me. Oh well. I like it here. Evil fighting evil is no fun. Evil fighting good, on the other hand—so much tastier.”

“She thinks you’re a goddess—“ Diana muttered, staring at Lois’s hand, tightly wrapped around Steve’s cock.

“Sif or some other silly slut—“

His cock jutted out nearly ten beautiful inches long. “And that you’ll summon the rest of the Norse gods.”

“But instead, she’ll get the Crime Syndicate.” Lois’s small hand wasn’t able to hold it all. It remained tightly fastened to his shaft, like a collar. “I think we’ll have fun with this world. We’ve encountered a few others, but this one has so few guardians. Just you and the Captain, really. You know, on most Earths, the two of you don’t co-exist? Weird, right?”

“Let him go,” Diana ordered, ignoring how Steve was pumping his muscular ass up from the altar, fucking Lois’s tightly gripping hand. “If you surrender now, I’ll see about returning you to your own world—“

“No, you surrender!” Lois barked in sudden anger. “Or I’ll rip his head clean off and get my energy from fucking you half to death.”

“So that’s how you’re powering it.”

“Yeah.” On a dime, Lois was amusedly callow. “That dumb slut Paula actually got her bosses to sign off on an orgy for the Fatherland. Can’t complain too much, though. It worked, didn’t it? Now enough foreplay.” She tossed the lead of the lasso to Diana’s feet. “Pick it up. Let’s see what dirty little fantasies you’ve been hiding.”

Diana hesitated. “If I do, will you release Steve?”

“I suppose… eventually. Sit down on the other side of him. Let’s see how he fits.”

Diana had no choice. She picked up the lasso, gasping as it contacted her skin. Then she reeled herself in, pulling hand over hand, then sitting down on the other side of Steve so he fit snugly between them, his thigh against hers. Diana flushed with excitement. The last time he’d been this close, she’d kissed him. And he was squirming, trying to fit into the meager space between the women, Lois nearly sitting on his lap…

Without thinking, Diana put her hand next to Lois’s on Steve’s cock. Lois smiled wickedly, ecstatic with the thought of the lovely Amazon joining her in beating his cock. She could see a whole new hunger in Diana’s eyes: wild, sexual. She wondered which would be better, breaking Diana or fucking her. Because fucking her seemed like a distant second at the moment.

Lois’s hand gripped tightly just under his bulbous helmet, catching the precum flowing down onto her fingers and palm, while Diana’s hand was lower, exploring the throbbing thickness at the base of his cock. She tried to wrap her fingers around it, but couldn’t.

Steve lost control suddenly, pistoning up and down into their hands. Both of them gripped his cum-slick cock tightly, trying not to let his wild thrusts dislodge their hands. He was red-faced and frenzied, pumping uncontrollably into their grip on him while both women staring hungrily at the giant cock thrusting wetly between their fingers.

Diana and Lois ground their thighs together. Diana’s cunt was warm. Lois was nearly drooling. Neither had ever seen a larger or more beautiful piece of cock. Licking her lips, Lois put her other hand on his large balls. She could feel them getting bigger. She knew he was about to cum like a fountain. She wanted to satisfy him, right in front of Diana. She wanted him to explode.

Diana, on the other hand, was trying as best she could not to let herself be distracted. As Steve’s cock thrust wildly in her hand, making a loud slurping noise as it rubbed against her slimy palm, she felt around the altar with her other hand, reading the runes by touch. No wonder Paula had messed up—several of the runes were miscalculated for the spell she was trying to cast.

Using her superstrength, her indestructible body, Diana either modified the runes to the proper sequence or rubbed them out as best she could and scratched the right one into the rock. She moaned loudly to cover the noise. Lois didn’t appear to notice, not when Steve was increasing his tempo, tempting the women into jerking him off even as he thrust into their hands.

Despite herself, Diana’s eyes were as glazed over with lust as Lois’s as both women rapidly jacked on Steve’s cock. And they both watched with glee as more and more precum fled from his cockhead. The thought occurred to either of them: it was only a matter of time before he came, and it would be another geyser.

Finally, Steve reached his perk. He thrust up against their comingled hands, nearly coming to a stand as all the muscles in his body tensed, his face red, the cords in his neck standing out. His cock seemed to swell even more before he finally came, Lois and Diana watching in amazement, his huge cock towering over their hands. With a mighty jerk, a volcanic blast of cum shot out from his cockhead, landing nearly across the room. The Amazons watched excitedly as the thick stream landed from one end of the floor to the other. But Steve had just started.

Diana felt another powerful burst of jism push through his shaft and explode from the end of his prick, Steve moaning loudly as it flew practically to the ceiling. Under her fingers, she felt the runes warming as if to match his feverishly heated cock. She didn’t have much time.

Desperately, Diana checked the runes. Had she missed one? Yes… another mistake of Paula’s, an Endymion symbol with three prongs instead of two. Diana grinded the third out of existence, still lustfully noticing as Lois pointed the cock in her own direction, wanting some of this powerful climax. His prick responded with a shot of cum in Superwoman’s hair, down the bridge of her nose.

Cackling wildly, Lois shoved the firing cock at Diana, and Wonder Woman caught his fifth shot right on the chin. Steve pushed his hips forward and groaned in abject satisfaction as wad after wad of his pleasure spewed out into Diana’s face.

Lois continued to milk Steve’s cock, amazed at the amount of cum his balls still possessed. A final, huge rope of cum landed with a splat on her thigh. Lois cooed over how warm it was. This one she would definitely keep, even after the ritual was done. She would need a new pet for her summer home on this, her brand-new Earth.

The altar was now covered with a thick layer of cum. Nearly seven puddles of jizz had formed on it, plus two thick streams down the side and a blob of congealing cum on the roof overhead. The runes glowed bright blue.

Lois wiped the cum from her face and licked her literally seedy hand. Diana played along. She had to admit, it was quite delicious. And from how Lois was moaning at the taste, it was a flavor that didn’t suffer with repetition.

Steve lay back exhausted, his burgeoning erection shrinking. He was quite surprised when Diana leaned down into his lap and sucked his cock into her wet mouth. Somehow, despite everything, he just hadn’t been able to picture her as the type. She gave him a gentle suck and was able to draw up a final helping of cum from his balls before she licked the remaining seed off his shaft.

“Praise Aphrodite,” she murmured as she swallowed the last of his salty, perfect spunk.

“Yes, that was great,” Lois breathed. “You know, I could use a sidekick. How do you like Supergirl? I think it’s pretty catchy…”

“I don’t think you’ll have to worry about that,” Diana said, slipping the black lasso off of her.

The glowing altar coruscated into light, but not the fiery nimbus Lois had expected. This was almost… rainbow-colored. A corrugating pattern formed on the floor, moving outward across the stone in a burning, circular spread.

“Impossible!” Lois barked. “You… the lasso, it should’ve…”

“Brought to bear my deepest, darkest desires,” Diana confirmed with a nod. “Yes. It did. I hold my own lasso every day, I arm myself with it, and I’m able to do that simply because I don’t hide from the truth, but hold it up as a beacon, for myself and for others. Why should sex be any different?”

“Because… because you’re a woman! A heroine!”

“Yes,” Diana said, helping Steve out of the coiled lasso. “A beautiful woman, with wants and needs and desires, and nothing wrong with any of them, only how I express them. And I do express them, Superwoman. Frequently. Your lasso couldn’t control me because there was nothing to control, nothing kept repressed. And now, my guests have arrived.” Diana smiled past Lois. “Hello Thor.”

A heavy hand rested on Lois’s shoulder. Diana had known that she herself, powerful as she was, could not stand against the god-like Superwoman, at least not without significant collateral damage. Just as the god-like Superwoman could not stand against an actual god.

A superman for the Superwoman.


“Yes, Asgard will be happy to take this interdimensional criminal into custody for Themyscira,” Thor said, his booming voice subdued along with Lois. It’d been a short fight. Only two hits. Thor hitting her and her hitting the ground. “Perhaps there can be some rehabilitation found for her in more noble pursuits. She seems the frisky sort—perhaps a pogrom among the harems…”

“Just so long as she doesn’t escape,” Diana said, watching as the Lady Sif escorted Lois through the portal, bound and chained. The Fair One winked at Diana before they disappeared. The two were old friends. “I think I’m the closest thing to a superwoman that this world is ready for.”

“Aye, there’s truth in that. It does seem a precarious sphere at the moment. Perhaps you would like to accompany me to Asgard for a century or two, see how a real god treats his subjects…”

“Perhaps another time. You have your duties and I have mine, thunder-god. We both must do all we can. And while my skill may not be called for across the Nine Realms, as yours is, I find more than enough use for it here.”

“Then mayhap I will visit you.” Thor grinned, before his face fell with sudden remembrance. “But not this day. The Frost Giants bring yet more ill to their neighbors and I must attend them. In truth, I was just about to leave when I got your call. You’re fortunate I was home; the Warriors Three were taking a great interlude to ready themselves.”

“I have a feeling you’ll always be available when I’m the one that’s calling,” Diana said, batting her eyelashes.

“May the All-Father allow it to be so.” That was her cue. Diana offered her hand and Thor took it, stooping to kiss her wrist. He had a way of doing that and making it seem like a promise. “And… sorry about the Nazis. I don’t know where some people get their ideas.”

“Don’t worry about it. You should see what some of Allah’s followers are getting up to.”

Thor rolled his eyes. “Mortals. Take care, my lady Diana! Until I see you anew!”

Diana blew a kiss after him as he left.

Perhaps she should consider giving Universal Unitarianism a try…


Diana supported Steve on her shoulder as they went back through the caves. He’d put up a bit of a fight before Superwoman had gotten him, and his left leg had taken the brunt of the scuffle.

“I’m so sorry,” he said. “So, so sorry…”

“Why should you be sorry?” Diana asked. “You were the one impaired by that witch’s lasso. I was not. By any reasonable metric, I was the one who took advantage of you.”

“But you had to to stop Superwoman. I should’ve resisted better, I shouldn’t have been taken hostage in the first place, put you in that position…”

“Steve, she had the powers of a demi-god. There was nothing you could’ve done. At any rate, it’s all worked out now. Superwoman is captured, the air defenses are down, and the RAF is coming to bomb this place into oblivion. The mission was a success.”

“Still,” Steve said. “Still.”

“Oh,” Diana said, a little surprised. She stopped in her tracks. “You’re concerned… about me? That I was forced to touch you in that way?”

Steve shrugged off her support, hobbling over to a nearby walk to seat himself. He needed a rest anyway. “A girl shouldn’t be forced to do those things.”

“I agree. But I wasn’t forced. I did what I had to do, as did you. I don’t feel ashamed of it and I don’t regret it, only the circumstances.”

“Circumstances…?” Steve asked slowly.

“When I lay with someone,” Diana said evenly, “however I lay with someone, we both enjoy it, and neither of us regret it. I’m sorry that what happened, happened the way it did. But even without Superwoman, I wouldn’t have anything against pleasing you. I think you can do with some pleasure in your life. We all could.”

Steve swallowed. “Well, that’s, uh, good to know. I suppose it’s a good thing you’re so… not repressed.”

“It’s a good thing for me. It can be for others as well.”

“Yeah,” Steve said, trying to agree. “Let’s get back to Peggy.”

“Always a good idea.”


The moment they emerged from the cave, Peggy fixed Diana with a furious look. “I leave him with you for two hours, you, practically a goddess, and you let him get hurt?”

“Don’t give her the credit,” Steve said. “I’m an expert in getting hurt.”

Practically boiling, Peggy ducked her head under Steve’s arm and took his weight from Diana. “What happened in there?”

“No POWs. We took some Nazis prisoner, tied them up in the dungeon. Should take the Axis a while to dig them out once the bombing is done. Let’s get back, eh? Enjoy what’s left of our R&R.”

Diana took Steve’s other arm. They helped him toward the road. Somehow, Peggy had gotten her hands on a Packard ‘Myth’ Custom Boattail Coupe. It would make for a smooth ride back to the front. “From the looks of it, you have some medical leave coming now as well.”

“Great,” Peggy sneered. “Nurses.”

“What’s wrong with nurses?” Diana asked. “I quite like them.”

“And they like him. And white doesn’t always stain…”

“Peggy, you’re being ridiculous.”

“I know, I know, you wouldn’t even think of making time with a girl while there’s a war on—“

“Perhaps he should,” Diana suggested.

Shocked, Steve looked to Peggy, who looked back as flustered as he’d ever seen her.

“Well… I know there’s something to be said for being… in touch with your feelings.”

“Or just being in touch,” Diana added.

Peggy flicked her an annoyed glance. “What’s she talking about, Steve?”

“Nothing. We just had a bit of a talk about keeping things bottled up…”

“Or letting them shoot out,” Diana put in.

Peggy dismissed the entire conversation out of hand, leaving Steve in Diana’s capable hands to get the door of the Packard. “Well, there’ll be plenty of time for you to be ‘in touch’ once we’ve gotten you into a hospital bed.” She glared at Diana. “And maybe the Amazing Amazon will be right next door to you, if I’m not completely satisfied that she did everything in her power to prevent that limp.”

“You’re welcome to interrogate me,” Diana replied, helping Steve into the car. “And since you seem to be the expert in handling Captain Rogers, I’m open to learning by example.”

“You wanna hang around?” Steve asked.

“Perhaps. I too have a good deal of ‘R&R’ coming. Maybe we can get around to making one of those news reels.”

Peggy climbed into the driver’s seat. “Assuming I don’t crash this car and kill you both, in a clear case of self-defense from the heart attack you seem determined to give me…”

“You’re invited too, Peggy,” Diana said from the passenger seat. “Between the two of us, maybe we can keep Steve... what’s the expression? On a leash?”

As they drove off, Steve wondered if it was possible for a guy to need R&R from his R&R.