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The dildo looked twice as big as the last one. It was so big that the goddess had to use two hands to hold it, the shaft at least a foot long, and it was inches bigger around than Paula had ever taken before.

When the bulging tip touched the mouth of her pussy, it felt like the butt of a rifle was trying to get inside.

“Do you feel it?” Paula moaned, trying to hold back the fear that would constrict her insides, make this even more painful. “Is the portal opening?”

She was sprawled on her stomach on the bed, her bare legs spread wide. The goddess was beside her, now probing into Paula’s wet cunt with a finger.

“Soon,” the goddess said. “Soon. You have almost completed the requisite homages.”

Paula shook, the finger sliding in and out of her pink womanhood, not stopping until it was slick with her juices. Then it poked at her puckered anus. “How much longer? How much more?”

“As much as it takes!” the goddess replied impatiently. “The pantheon is not so easily swayed as you think. They require more. So much more… Hans, please come here. I would like you to fuck Paula’s ass now.”

“Mein Gott, not that!” Paula cringed. “God, please, meine Herrin, please!”

“Silence!” the goddess shouted, as imperious as a lightning bolt from the heavens. “Did you think the gods would be satisfied with as paltry a ritual as you have performed? Did you think I would be satisfied?” Assured that Paula’s asshole had been lubricated with enough juices from her dripping sex, the goddess took her hand away. “Now, Hans. Schnell!”

The guard nervously clutched his MP38, unsure of what to do. He had just been ordered to sodomize his commander. True, she was beautiful, and he’d been told by Paula herself to obey every command from the goddess, but this…

He could feel himself becoming hard though. She was beautiful. They both were. “Meine Dame?”

Paula’s face screwed up in need, loathing, fear, desire… finally, submission. “You heard her! Do it!”

Now grinning happily, and beaming in the goddess’s approving nod, Hans leaned his MP38 against the wall, unzipped himself, and moved to Paula’s naked back, gripping her slender hips, raising her ass slightly to his preferred position. He felt her tense with anticipation for what was to come, but it would not keep him out.

For the Fatherland.


The Messerschmitt Bf 109 clawed through the air, its engines starting to feel the effects of depleting fuel as the precious fuel-air mixture feeding them drifted out of alignment. The propellers ever so slightly varied their perfectionist rhythm, the deep-set swimming stroke that actually allowed the fighter plane’s cannons to fire between the chopping of the props. With the stuttering they were doing, pilot Heinrich Oberman felt little assurance in pulling the trigger.

Not that he had before. He’d watched the drachen cut through his entire squadron faster than the Hammer of Hell himself could’ve done, mangling wings, ripping loose propellers, shrugging off machine gun and cannon fire as if they were as native to her as the hellfire from the depths she had surely been spewed from, the she-devil…!

Now she pursued him, and though he pushed his Me 109, he did not think he could beat her back to his own airfield and the safety… if even they could save him… of its AA guns. She was worse than a devil. She was an Amerikanisch devil!

Heinrich tried his radio again. There was nothing else to do, no more speed he could eke from his beleaguered engines. “Achtung! This is Lieutenant Heinrich Oberman, wing commander of the 213th Squadron! My men have been lost! I need reinforcement! Can anyone hear me? Can someone hear me?”

“I can hear you, Lieutenant,” came the fraulein’s voice, crisp and clear and loud even compared to the whistle of the air outside, loud in a way a woman’s voice should never be. “And I’m going to hear a lot more.”

She forced open the canopy. Her hands encircled his neck, and try as he might, he could not free himself. It was impossible, being overpowered when he could bench-press two hundred pounds easily, but the woman flying alongside his plane, flying through his squadron like a giant bullet… that was impossible as well.

Heinrich laughed hysterically. She was impossibly beautiful as well. He understood his fellow airmen’s name for her. Die Walküre. And he understood her American name as well.

Wonder Woman.

“Where’s the Baroness? Where is Paula von Gunther?” She wrung his neck, swinging him so hard his head nearly clipped the rim of his cockpit. “I would just follow you back to your base, but it looks to me as if you have no chance of getting there. So you tell me where it is and I’ll take you with me when I come in for a landing. Otherwise…”

They both watched as the engine coughed and sputtered, greasy black smoke pithing just short of the grinding propellers.

“You can catch your own ride.”

“Nein!” Heinrich shrieked. “Nein, nein, nein, nein--!

“Nine-nine-nine-nine-nine… are these map coordinates? Latitude or longitude?” Despite everything, the Wonder Woman smiled briefly. “Perhaps you could just point it out to me. We are high enough.”

He would tell her. He had to tell her. She wouldn’t even need the verdammt lasso to know. And she hadn’t used it, either. Because she respected him as a warrior, perhaps. Perhaps because she knew she wouldn’t need it. Perhaps because he just wasn’t worthy to feel the power of the Gods themselves.

Heinrich would never know. His reinforcements picked then to arrive. Three Me 109s like his, but fully armed and fully fueled, screaming down from the sky. Diana would’ve dealt with them as she had the prior squadron, but this one went into battle with a stratagem devised by the Baroness herself. They fired, not at Wonder Woman, but at the aircraft she flew beside.

It still had enough fuel left in its tanks for the explosion to be quite spectacular.

As resilient as she was, Diana was rocked by the explosion. Plucked from the sky by it, falling so quickly that terminal velocity quickly eclipsed the momentum she had taken from the blast. She had just enough time to realize she would hit, then she centered herself, went limp, and was hitting a forest of larch trees in rapid succession, wham-wham-wham-wham-wham.

One after another, branches breaking, trunks smashed into splinters, leaves shooting away like buckshot. Until she stopped, footing regained, her red boots digging into the ground to slow her meteoric descent into a grinding stop.

The three Me 109s still bore down on her, tainted with the smoke of the comrade they had executed. Their 7.92 mm MG 17 machine guns blazed, raking the already disturbed forest with a stampede of lead. This, Diana not only blocked, but dodged. Fire from an airplane would task even her invincibility, and she’d be hard-pressed to block the barrage even with two gauntlets.

Why oh why Diana asked herself, didn’t I let Phillipus go to Man’s World?


“Oh God, oh fuck, I love you, I LOVE YOU!”

The goddess smiled. It was very good to see Paula break. They all broke, eventually. She supposed it was good that this one hadn’t done it as literally as so many others.

“Was ist los!?” the arriving soldier barked, before stiffening with the goddess’s gaze upon him. He forced calm—another shining example of Aryan superiority. “Meine Dame. Our fighters have reported in. They have engaged the Wonder Woman, she is but a few miles from here.”

“Danke,” the goddess replied, grinning.

“And there are reports of the enemy ubermensch nearby as well. Should we not evacuate? Through the secret tunnels?”

The goddess reached down and gave Paula’s head a little pat. It made it sag to the side, allowing a little drool to escape her open mouth. “Nein,” she said in more condescending German. “The ritual is almost complete. Soon, we’ll have all the back-up we need. Now, take off your pants. Bend over. Let’s try this again.”

“No, no, Meine Dame…”

The goddess made a simple gesture of her hand and the lasso flew out, actually brimming with blackness. It cast darkness nearby it, as if somehow able to provide shade in every direction… or as if the light didn’t want to touch it.

The lasso wrapped around his neck. It did not touch his truth. It had no interest in that. It went into his fantasies. His shame. His deepest, most secret desires. And it forced them to the surface.

The goddess smiled as he undid his pants. She wondered if he’d like the strap-on as much as Paula had.


Still Diana ran, ducking between the trees that broke up the landscape. They did a little to throw off the strafing runs the Me 109s were making. They were keeping her on the ropes, giving her no time to regain her equilibrium, one always firing while the others circled around. She hadn’t even been able to summon up enough of her power to fly again, and she was barely running faster than forty miles per hour.

It wasn’t that bad, though. At least they didn’t have bombers.

She pushed into a cordon of branches, spitting leaves as she burst through, and stopped on her heels. She’d run herself onto the edge of a cliff. And the Me 109s were coming at her, all lined up for a simultaneous attack run. Diana barely had time to think of one of the more colorful expressions she’d learned from the Allied troops before she was reaching for a tree trunk, hoping she could javelin it into one of them before they could draw blood. She could take the three warplanes, but if they injured her too badly to continue the mission…

Then she heard the whistle.

Like a sound given form, fleet-footed Hermes in full flight, a blur of color, a discus, hurled through the air. It hit the first plane on the left, shattering its propellers like toothpicks, sheared through a wing of the middle plane, then lopped off the tail of the third like a butcher beheading a fish. All in one precise strike.

Then, like a boomerang, it gently curved in the air, flowing back the way it had come. Diana would almost think it was magic, only she could detect no enchantment on it. Whoever had fired it had calculated the wind currents, the velocity it would lose hitting all three planes… had not only had the strength to throw it hard enough to destroy the whole squadron, but the control to have it returned to her.

Or him. As Diana watched, the discus arched to an outstretched hand. Once caught, it was obvious what it was. Not a discus at all. A shield.

Steve Rogers caught it mid-stride, already approaching her with casual indifference to the trio of popped parachutes and the Me 109s tail-spinning down to become part of the landscape.

“Princess Diana, I presume.”

“Captain Rogers,” she replied. “What’s a nice boy like you doing in enemy territory like this?”


The goddess didn’t bother to listen to what the new arrival had to say. She just flashed out her lasso and had him join the orgy.

More. She had to have more.


They didn’t even talk about where they were headed. Diana just started walking toward the castle in the distance and Steve joined her.

“Schloss Falke?” Diana said, naming the destination as if making light conversation.

“Only logical option,” Steve agreed chipperly. “Nice work taking down that plane, by the way.”

“Nice work taking down those three.”

“Oh, it’s pretty easy when they all line up like that.” Steve cast his head downward, grinning a little. “Senator Brandt would have a heart attack if he heard about this.”

“I haven’t had the pleasure.”

“Neither have I. But he’d love to make a news reel of this—Captain America meets Wonder Woman. Probably sell a million war bonds with it.”

“Sadly, that’s not what I’m here for.”

“Me neither.”

“Besides, they’d probably gossip about us screwing.”

Steve missed a step. “I beg pardon?”

“You haven’t heard? It’s in all the jokes. The boy superhero, the girl superhero… I’ve ever seen a few Tijuana bibles about it.” Diana smiled at him, showing how little seriousness she ascribed to it. “I swear, Etta is commissioning those things…”

“Which is ridiculous, of course. It’s a war. I have a job to do, you have a job to do…”


“To say nothing of whether we’d even be compatible—“

“I find you very compatible.”

“Just because we both have certain gifts… wait, what was that?”

Diana smiled again. Yes, very handsome… but shy.

What an alluring combination.

“So, what brings you to the Western front?”

Steve seemed relieved to be back to business. He spoke quickly. “Got reports of Allied POWs being shipped here, but there’s no prison camp for miles. Knowing how the Nazis love experimenting on prisoners, thought I’d better pop in, see if I can throw a shield at anything.”

“And your team?”

“R&R. They deserve it, and I don’t need them for this one. It’s not even HYDRA.”

Diana grinned a bit wryly. “I’m afraid what Baroness von Gunther lacks in super-science, she makes up for in sadism. I’ve been tracking occult items her men have been procuring throughout Europe. Given their nature, I can only think she intends to open a portal to the higher realms.”

“Higher realms? Wait, you mean… Heaven?”

“Not as you know it. Celestial beings of unfathomable power.”

“So… like you?”

“Like the ones I serve.”

Steve looked very so slightly uneasy at that. “So Nazis getting reinforcements from a mythology textbook. Really getting sick of that.”

“I suppose it’s only fair, given you’ve accepted my help.”

“I highly doubt whatever they’re going to summon has any of your charm.” Then Steve shook his head, as if abashed at his own pleasantry.

“It’s alright,” she replied. “I don’t mind people noticing, just them overly noticing. So, do you have a plan to get into the castle, or can I borrow your shield to throw it at the ramparts?”

He laughed. “That’d be something to see. I was told there was a local contact who would meet me… you’d think they’d have noticed the plane crashes…”

“Oh, I did,” a smoothly accented voice came, feminine and British and quite familiar, in both senses of the word. “In fact, I was just capturing and interrogating the pilots. They were quite forthcoming.”

Steve stopped in his tracks, looking almost rueful. “Peg.”

Peggy Carter shouldered the Ithaca 37 she’d been considering using to blow them both away before she’d seen who it was. Or possibly slightly after. “Steve. I can’t take my eyes off of you for three minutes, can I?”

“Well, he is rather attractive—” Diana put in.

It was hard to tell, given the mask on one, but she thought that Steve was the one that blushed and Peggy was the one that flushed with anger.


The goddess found something breathtaking erotic about how Hans’s fingers kneaded and dug into the pliant flesh of her ass, even as his slickened cock glided in and out of her sex. Or was it Fritz? No, Fritz was the one fucking her asshole, wasn’t he?

It didn’t matter. Drawing her knees back, she wrapped her shapely legs around his shoulders, offering even more of her cunt up to his plundering manhood.

“Say my name!” she panted desperately. “Say my name!”

“Lois! Scheisse! LOIS LANE!”


“I simply cannot believe you!” Peggy hissed once Diana was safely out of earshot, scouting ahead. “Stealing a jeep, using a classified route behind enemy lines, all without authorization—given the exemplary men in your unit, I’m not sure where you pick up these bad habits.”

“From an exemplary woman in my unit.”

Peggy barely paused to acknowledge the compliment. “You’re lucky Command has decided to give this escapade of yours a post hoc authorization. It would serve you right to be stranded behind enemy lines with exactly as much support as you requested—none.” She sighed and returned a stray lock of hair to its curl, refusing to yet surrender her intricate braid. “Why can’t you just get some R&R like everyone else?”

“I thought that’s what this was. I am in the company—“

“Don’t say it!”

“Of two very good friends.”

“Oh, you’re very good friends with the princess now, are you?”

Up ahead, they heard Diana neatly chop through a low-hanging branch and set it aside, allowing them through the copse ahead without undue noise. If anything, Peggy scowled harder at this.

“She is something special, that’s for sure.”

“Yes, well—“ Peggy colored. “If you’re into that sort of thing.”

“Noble, wise, intelligent, loyal…”

“How long did you talk with her before I got here?”

“Well, I do follow the news.”

“Oh, so now you have a scrapbook of her exploits?”

Steve gently raised his hands. “Not her, specifically—I just keep abreast of current events.”

“With a top cut that low, how can I blame you?”

“What? I?”

“And yet, I can.”

“What’s happening here?” Steve asked, struggling to keep up, literally, as Peggy determinedly strode in Diana’s footsteps. “Do you have something against Wonder Woman?”

“No. Of course not. She’s a very inspiring woman. A valued ally in the fight against the Axis. A sterling, astonishing specimen of heroism.” Peggy’s teeth clapped together. “Who is always ready for a fine day at the beach.”

“You don’t like—you don’t like her clothes?”

“You do? Of course you do.”

“I don’t see what’s wrong with them…”

“Well, there’s not much there to be wrong, now is there?”

“You know Dum-Dum’s gone into battle wearing just a vest and his jockey shorts, right?”

“His jockey shorts weren’t as tight.”

“I’ll take your word for it. I was trying not to notice one way or the other.”

And Peggy seethed as Steve seemed content to just leave it at that, conversation concluded.

“I mean, is she trying to get a tan?” Peggy demanded after a few more minutes.

“I don’t think she needs one. Her skin is really—“

Peggy marched forward until she was lockstep with Diana. Diana gave her a somewhat apologetic look… but also a bit smug.

Good. If Peggy couldn’t hate her a little, she would’ve hated her a lot.

“You heard all that?” Carter asked.

“Only the parts you were shouting. You don’t have to like me, Agent Carter. I’m not auditioning for the ‘Howling Commandoes’.”

“That’s good,” Peggy replied. “Now, mind if I walk with you a bit while Cap brings up the rear?”

“I thought you were angry with me.”

“I am. But I’ll have a far better time being angry with you than being angry with him.”

“Mmm,” Diana replied consolingly.

The Englishwoman was very attractive too. And very brash.

An equally alluring combination.


“Give it to me!” Paula told Otto, her mouth empty now that Hans had come down her throat. “Come on, fuck me like a man!”

“You’re such a smart-assed little dumm fuhrt!” he grunted. “But wait’ll I’m finished with you!”

Lois cracked her lasso, sending another flicker of lust through their flagging bodies. They became even more depraved, even more deviant, and Lois watched the runes crackle with more energy.

More, but not enough.

“My, Adolph, her cunt sure is gobbling up your boyfriend’s cock.”

The latest recruit looked slightly glum, until Lois ran her lasso over his half-hard manhood. Then he greatly enjoyed watching the show. “Scheisse, I’d love to have my cock up there.”

“Well, it seems to be occupied right now,” Lois whispered. “But mine isn’t.”

But deep down, she knew he wouldn’t be enough either.

Not for the runes and not for her.

She needed a real man.


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