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Just a heads up to keep everyone in the loop.

-I know the RPF story didn't contain the celebrities who were voted on, but I wanted to establish the conceit and make a big splash first off, with subsequent chapters spending more time on the characters and individual circumstances. This 'pilot' gave everyone a bit of short shrift, and that was by design.

-Not sure whether to continue on the Jaime Reyes story. That Ivy/Harley/Bart/Jaime scenario was about all I had planned (for now, at least; you never know how long a fic can lay fallow before I get a new idea for it. I just came up with an idea for a Do It For Charity update) and people didn't seem much interested, especially as compared to a lot of other fics I could be updating. Thoughts?

-I'm lowering the word range for commissions from 5-10K to 4-9K. This won't affect any commissions that have already been purchased, but going forward, that's the way it'll be. Not sure if you noticed, but I've been absolutely swamped with demand lately, so I need some way to raise supply, and short of cutting myself off from all the things I earn money to do, this seems like the only way. For the most part, I doubt anyone will notice--the average commission being around six or seven thousand words, so that'll remain the same. But in cases where I get a commission and I can tell it in 4K, which I've noticed happening at times, then that can be the story instead of me having to pad it out. All in all, I think it's a better change than raising prices and it'll allow me to write more stories with fewer headaches.

-How 'bout dem Yankees?



Nothing herein suggested seems objectionable to me, though I personally should like to see more of Jaime following in Ted's footsteps.