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Dick limbered up, rotating his arms and legs, cracking his joints like he hadn’t done since his acrobat days. Bruce had trained him so hard that his calisthenics tended to be running along rooftops, swinging from one building to another. But for this, Dick thought he’d like a proper warm-up.

Diana faced him across the arena floor. Her costume’s colors, brighter than even the Robin costume he’d so recently outgrown, seemed to glow in the bright sunlight. She gripped a stave carefully, moving it minutely to test its weight. Dick’s own was stabbed into the ground, waiting for him to loosen.

“You know I don’t stand a chance against you, right?” Dick asked.

“It’s more a test of fighting spirit,” Diana replied. “Besides, we’re Amazons. When don’t we love a good fight?”

Dick picked up his stave, giving it an easy twirl, looping its spin around his body with a precise judgment of its heft. Diana quirked an eyebrow, impressed, and Dick gripped it across his shoulders, a relaxed but ready bo-staff stance.

“Now?” Diana asked.

“Well, I’m not immortal.”

Diana smiled, offered a quick, imperial salute, then lunged. Dick blocked, not with the full force of his muscular physique, but with an almost playful motion of his own stave. They were both too good not to want to gauge the other before truly engaging.

Dick snapped his stave at her; she deflected it and struck; he parried that as well. Motionlessness. They regarded the strumming of each other’s muscles, the coolness of one another’s skin. Despite swinging their staves so hard that the crack of one upon the other had been heard to the highest tier of the amphitheater, neither had broken a sweat.

“Bold,” Diana said. “I can see why Donna likes you. Most would be a little put off by going into battle with me.”

“Oh, I am. But once you’ve seen Bruce without his morning coffee…”

Dick swung, hoping to score a quick hit on Diana’s ribs, but she blocked—so damn fast, even without her power. He backpedaled, trying to avoid her parry, and succeeded, but gave up ground, almost tripping over his own feet before coming to a sliding stop. Sand kicked up from the arena ground, clouding around his ankles. Diana, pleased, offered a grin.

“I think I’ll end this now,” she said. “After all… you’re not immortal.”

She came in, three hearty blows—blocked, blocked, blocked, but it jarred the stave in Dick’s hands, rattled his bones right down the weapon’s length—he felt sweat on his palms, grinding into the stave’s finger-bitten handles. But he was quick on his feet, thinking fast. He knew Diana was counting on disarming him, pressing her offensive until she’d gotten the stave out of his hands. Instead of staying on the defensive, he moved in close, his elbow sweeping in, muay thai.

She brought her arm up to block and their forearms collided, bone against bone. Dick retreated, quick footwork evading a kick she sent after him. In a split-second, he’d steadied his grip. Now, lightning-fast, he went on the offensive again. Brought the top-half of his stave down, hit her block, ricocheted into the bottom-half of his stave coming up. The butt of it thudded into Diana’s stomach, not able to produce a sound from her, but scoring a hit nonetheless. Diana scowled, more at her own overconfidence than him, because she offered him a congratulatory smile after.

“I think it’s cheating,” she joked. “Lulling me into a false sense of security with that ridiculous outfit…”

Dick could feel the sweat on his exposed chest—one of the new wrinkles of the costume he’d adopted as Nightwing, now that Jason Todd was Robin. He thought he’d have to change it soon. Gar had started calling him ‘Discowing’ and the name was getting around…

“If you want, we could take a break while you change into that outfit you wore while Artemis was Wonder Woman. That would make us even.”

Here was where Donna, if he were fighting Donna, would stick out her tongue at him. Diana was much too refined for that—in fact, Dick worried he’d offended her for a moment. Then she broke into a rich laugh.

“What can I say?” she asked. “It was my first chance to really shock my mother.”

“Did it work?”

“Not hardly. She was just glad I wasn’t dating a Minotaur. Shall we finish?”


Everything before had simply been prologue to this: full combat, each of them thinking, hoping they had the measure of each other. Their staves clashed, whirled, danced, striking against each other continuously, the tempo of a racing heartbeat. They’d ascertained each other’s’ weaknesses, sorted the feints from the openings. Now they tested each other.

But as fast as they moved, Dick’s mind worked even faster. He knew he couldn’t beat Diana in a simple throwdown, he’d have to outthink her (and good luck with that, his inner Barbara needled). He feinted, faked that a good parry on her part was a great one, and she capitalized instinctively, committing all her disciplined strength to swiping his stave from his hands.

He let her; the blow, expert as it was, had put her just an iota off-balance, and he threw himself into that, tackling her to the ground, the combined impact of his body against hers and the ground against her back thrusting her own stave from her hands.

She didn’t just let him have it. Dick had a bare moment of the heat of her body against his, so much hotter than even the sweat and burning of his own muscles, then she was in motion. He countered, a simple struggle to fit his body to hers more efficiently than she could, to place her in a hold before she could put him in one.

He wasn’t that fast. Diana clawed over him, rolled him onto his belly, covered him from behind, his right arm jerked behind himself, in her hands, pressure applied.

“Do you yield?” No more challenge in her voice. She was now deathly serious.

Now psychology came into play. Dick was good at reading people, and Diana was more open than she thought. She wouldn’t break his arm. Not over a simple sparring match. So, he tested her. Pitching himself forward after straining backward into her grip, throwing his legs back over his own head, then swinging them back—gathering all the momentum, all the flexibility he could—slipping inside her grip with a few inches of leeway, then capitalizing, scrambling out from under her, back around, swiping the tiara from her head. Her hair, unbound, fell forward like night descending. Then he was away, rolling across the sands before her angered swipe could catch him.

They both rose, stained with sand, breathing pitched from the close-quarters wrestling. Diana’s hair fell tangled over her face, bordering on her blazing eyes and high cheekbones. She casually brushed a lock behind her left ear. Said nothing. Nothing to say. Dick knew using the tiara as a weapon was outside the boundaries of their combat; he moved to set it aside. Diana shook her head. Gestured for it, two fingers crooking from him to her.

Dick tested its weight, tossing it up and down. Not so different from a Batarang. He threw, giving it a nice little curve—Diana moving to pluck it out of the air, but missed, and it cut through the stray lock of hair on her right. Boomeranged around her and she caught it then. Looked down at lock of hair cut from her head and finally nodded, impressed.

“I’d say you pass.”

Dick took a deep breath, finally allowing himself to pant as much as he wanted to. Donna Troy was quickly at his side, handing him a waterskin and surreptitiously checking for a concussion. Dick drank greedily.

“Another minute and you’d’ve had me,” he told Diana, water making chilly cuts down his chin. He wiped it off his overheated skin.

“I’m glad you can admit it. But I should say I’m impressed you managed to escape my hold. There aren’t many who can go to the ground with me and emerge.”

Dick shrugged. “If it’s any consolation, Donna’s taught me a lot.”

Diana stooped to pick her hair from the ground, bringing it to him. “I think you’re the one who deserves a consolation prize. You Gothamers—you seem to have a thing for hopeless fights.”

“They’re the best kind,” Dick confessed, grinning boyishly. He took the lock of hair from her, tucking it into an empty compartment in his belt. Then bowed gently. “Thank you for allowing me the privilege of this contest.”

Diana bowed in return. “Thank you for an interesting match. You’re not very much like your master. I don’t think he’d be able to admit what you just did.”

Dick took another long drink. “I can stand losing. I just don’t like it.”

“It all depends on who you lose to, I suppose.”


Dick smiled as Donna landed before him. Before him, but behind Kara and Kory, who knelt between his wide-spread legs, giving him plenty to smile at to begin with. She walked forward with full, voluptuous strides, her hips wagging from side to side. Kara heard her by the crunch of the sand under her feet. She turned as much as she could with her mouth staying on Dick’s manhood, his taste shared with Kory. Seeing Donna’s approach, jealousy flared from her.

“No, you can’t have him!” she cried. “He’s mine! Mine and Kory’s!”

Donna only smiled, watching as Kory took Kara’s chin in her hand, claiming her attention. “You are soon to be an Amazon, little one,” Kory said fondly. “And among the Amazons, all must share.”

Donna knelt down beside Kara, balancing out Kory on the other side of her. “And there is much to share.”

Stirred by the sight of all three beautiful women before him—possibly the loveliest women on all of Paradise Island—Dick was growing bigger and harder than ever before. Even Kory gasped gently at how fast, how thoroughly he’d recovered.

“It’s good to share,” Donna said. “Especially when it means someone can teach you how to really suck…”

“Oh yeah?” Kory asked, putting her hand round the base of Dick’s shaft.

“Yeah,” Donna replied, adding her hand over Kory’s. His cockhead overshot both their grips, its tip rapidly turning purple. “You don’t slobber all over it like you haven’t eaten in days. You move in… close… you kiss it… show it how much… you love it…”

She pushed herself onto Dick’s manhood in slow, gulping suckles… working her way up to gorging herself… her lips closing over wide swathes of the cock and then narrowing down to a little kiss as she pulled. Not taking his cockhead into her mouth, but protractedly, prosaically lapping away at him, inch by inch. Dick groaned deeply, pulling Kory up to his chest and hugging her tight, both of them still watching as Donna treated every bit of Dick’s prick to one lavish affection after another.

“I don’t understand,” Dick gasped, “how you both can be so different and still so good!”

“It’s because we both love you so much,” Kory said, reaching down to pet her girlfriend’s hair as she made her boyfriend so hot, so hard. “Kara, suck his balls.”

Kara looked at them, bobbing next to Donna’s chin, and suddenly wanted them voraciously. She moved in, but Donna stopped her with a hand on her chest, that bitch, she was supposed to share!

With one last, lingering compress of her lips, Donna pulled herself from Dick’s manhood. She met Kara lips to lips, the Kryptonian squirming at first, astonished to be kissed, but she yielded almost instantly, letting her hands rest on Donna’s hips as the Amazon wetly pressed their mouths together. Donna finished by licking Kara’s lips for her, all the way to the tip of her pert nose.

“Now suck his balls,” Donna ordered, and Kara could do nothing but nod eagerly.

Dick groaned, the sound heavier than ever, as both woman’s mouths engulfed his prick. Kory felt his grip on her tighten wonderfully as he took their shared efforts, master and apprentice, teacher teaching and learner learning.

“I don’t think I can handle this,” he gasped.

Kory petted his head. So adorable, actually finding Dick’s limits. “You don’t have to. Just make sure to give your cum to Kara. She’s earned it.”

“Besides,” Donna said, slurping her way off his shaft to immediately be replaced by a curious, satisfied Kara, “she needs to start practicing with other ‘tools’.”

“Think you can take it, Kara?” Kory asked, curling her fingers in Dick’s chest hair as she watched his cock strain for Kara’s unsteady mouth. “All that cock?”

“All that cum?” Donna added impishly.

The question only seemed to excite Kara more. She bobbed her head up and down in Dick’s lap, now with all the room she could want as Donna rose to sit on Dick’s knee opposite Kory, kissing the Tamaranian to share the freshest taste of Dick’s precum. Her young breasts jiggled in their top, all the more fiercely for their modesty, perhaps inspiring Dick to make the strangled sound he made and fondle Kory and Donna’s breasts alike, squeezing and kneading the warm flesh as if he could ever possibly determine which cleavage was better. As if his cock wasn’t oozing enough precum already…

Then he reached past to them to Kara, Kara needing his attention, ignoring Kory and Donna as they playfully kissed at his cheeks, his arms. He spoke in gentle Kryptese as he straightened her ragged hair. “That’s it, that’s it, you’re doing fine. Don’t even worry. Just suck, just enjoy my cock in your mouth…”

It amazed Kara that he had learned her language, that he could think to speak of it with three women pleasuring him.

Then he met the other two women in a pair of kisses, whispering something in their ears once they’d been satisfied with his lips. Kory and Donna left Dick to only Kara’s attentions, the long-time lovers slipping down to hug themselves to Dick’s dangling legs, petting and whispering encouragement to Kara, advising and praising in either ear. Chanting what he’d whispered to them. The Kryptonian word for suck.

Kara obediently tightened her fingers around the base of the prick, jacking it up and down even as she slurped on the end of the thick shaft. More precum greeted her, as eager to be swallowed as she was to have it in her belly, and she let it be fed to her swirling, cavorting tongue with pure relish. Kory kissed her cheek. So did Donna. They were very proud of her.

Kara wanted to make them prouder. She forced her mouth to open wide, jammed it down to Dick’s hairy groin. He sighed explosively, his cock seeming to pulse with his exhalation right between Kara’s lips. She felt her womanhood, slick and powerful, as she thought of swallowing his cum, accepting it into her body just as Kory had done with her pussy.

“Gonna shoot!” Dick panted, his hands on Kara’s head as if trying to contain all the pleasure she was giving him. He forced himself to revert to Kryptese. “Suck it hard, Kara! You’re so good, so amazing--take it all! I know you can!”

Kara did, just as she wanted to, just as they all wanted her to. She sucked his big, juicy prick just as hard as she could, slurping and swallowing noisily, fucking her ovaled lips up and down his length. Her fist was a blur, whipping up and down the foremost of his cock, massaging it from the base to her sucking lips. There was less and less to grasp with each passing moment.

“Swallow it, Kara!” Kory cheered, leaning in to watch. “It’s so much fun to swallow it!”

Donna leaned in even closer, her breasts brushing against Kara’s pistoning arm in their velvety fabric. “You’re such a good little cocksucker…”

“Gonna cum!” Dick repeated mindlessly. “Gonna cum!”

Kara couldn’t wait. Kory and Donna pressed in on her, literally cheek to cheek with her as she finally took her hand away and swallowed Dick to the very root. It was too much for even his restraint. He clutched her skull, fingers tangled in her hair, the force so hard he might actually harm a non-metahutman. With equal fervor, he jerked his hips off the log he’d been sitting on, fucking his cock into Kara’s wetly sucking lips until he’d exorcised everything from himself but a scream and an orgasm.

Then he gave that to Kara too, a torrent of cum gushing from his cockhead, striking home down Kara’s throat. Kory and Donna were so close, they could almost taste Dick’s cum, but this, tonight, was all for Kara. She clung hungrily to his cock, defeated but unconquered, as it rewarded her to her heart’s content. She sucked and jacked and swallowed, wanting all it had to give her. Dick wanted her to have it, too. They all did. Every single Amazon.

Then, like they were all cooling from the rush of Dick’s ending, everything seemed to unspool, as slow and precise as a record player on a far groove. Kory and Donna rested their heads against Kara’s, communing with her as she swallowed, as she tasted, as she was warmed to the pit of her stomach. Then the other two turned on Donna. She submitted easily—Kara pulling open the top of her costume, Kory working the bottom of it off the belt that connected the two halves and down the long and slender thighs.

Dick watched, feeling his cock throb pitifully, still dripping from Kara’s wet mouth. He watched as Kory slipped Donna’s pantyhose down over her ankles, teasingly looped them over the fallen tree. Kara laid Donna’s top beside it, then lowered her nose to the soaked hosiery. She sniffed.

“Smells good, doesn’t it?” Kory moaned, rubbing her nose directly at the source. “Don’t worry, Kara, I’ll leave some for you.”

“There’s plenty for both of you,” Donna said. “Wait, shit, fuck—“

“What is it?” Kory asked, poised about to throw her face between Donna’s legs.

“The trials. That’s what I came to tell you. You need to go to the arena for your next trial. Diana herself—“

“Can’t she wait?” Kory groaned.

“Kory, this is a great honor—“

“Yes, yes,” Kory sighed. She gave Donna a quick kiss. “Promise me you’ll keep going? The thought of you three will keep me warm.”

“It won’t be the same without you,” Dick said, patting her on the shoulder apologetically.

“Good,” Kory replied. “So next time, when I am here, you’ll know how thankful you should be at having been blessed with my attentions.” She gave Dick the same kiss she’d given Donna, and Kara as well, then took off, flaring through the night with a contrail of energy flaming off her rippling hair.

“Isn’t she going to get dressed?” Kara asked.

Both Dick and Donna were shaking their heads.


The sands of the arena were much like they had been when Dick had been tested by Diana, at least to the naked eye. There was no way of telling that each grain of sand had been endlessly redistributed. The wind, the rain, and a near-constant stream of sparring and training had shuffled and cut the sands like an infinite deck of cards.

Kory flew high above them, watching the slightly shifting pattern from afar as the breeze delicately carved the arena floor. She flew through a rain-dark cloud, the inner moisture cleansing and refreshing her body, before coming down for a landing.

She was growing weary of being tested, the assumption that she was unworthy, the presumption that she had anything to prove. She was a princess, a Tamaranian, a woman. She did what she liked, as she liked. She had agreed with Donna’s definition of the Amazon way, and wanted to please her by following their rites. But now, this silly custom interfered with her pleasure. Well, if they wanted her to hit something, she damn well would, by X’Hal.

She landed, sinking her bare toes into the sands, enjoying the sudden warmth after her chilly bathing. Diana looked her over, not evincing any surprise over her nakedness. She seemed to appreciate it at an aesthetic remove, as she would a masterful painting, smiling and giving a brisk nod in approval.

“I see you don’t believe in dressing to impress,” Diana said, light teasing in her voice.

Kory put her hands on her waist, cocking her hips, putting her physique on even better display. “I impress one way or another.”

“I hope so.” Diana gestured to a weapons rack, sensing and catering to Kory’s impatience. “Choose your armament.”

“My bare hands,” Kory said, holding them up wrapped in fists.

Diana nodded again—not in approval, Kory thought, but the woman was hard to read and Kory was in no mood to bother.

Diana raised her own arms, locking into a fighting stance. They held the reflection a moment—each armored with their defense, armed with their aggression. Then Kory broke into a run, sand shooting out from her heels in arterial sprays, carrying her straight at Diana. At the last moment, she jumped into a lunge, bringing her right arm down like a hammer straight for the crown of Diana’s head.

Diana blocked, arms crossed above her head so that Kory’s blow landed in the junction of her forearms. Kory’s feet hit sand; her left arm came up in a body blow that landed square in Diana’s ribs. Knocked only one breath from her, but it was a breath Diana hadn’t counted on losing this early. She gave ground, pivoting on her heels like a dance, deflecting or dodging Kory’s strikes as they just. Kept. Coming.

“Not going to try and feel me out?” Diana asked, holding her block, knowing it was nigh-impenetrable, letting Kory throw herself at it and hoping it would wear down her precious momentum.

“I had your measure the first time we met,” Kory said, fighting like a jackhammer, rights and lefts and rights and lefts, clobbering Diana’s defense and maybe not getting through, but still taking her for a ride. “You’re just an older version of Donna. And if you think you’re better than Donna—you’re not!”

“I agree. But I am more experienced…” Kory came for her with a sweeping roundhouse and Diana bent backwards under it; it was a half-second later that Kory realized her foot was coming up too, catching her under the chin and sending her shooting into the air. “And a lot stronger!”

Kory landed on her feet, kneeling, springing up, dashing at Diana head down like she would ram her into another world. Diana barely had time to brace herself; she didn’t juke or dodge, instead taking the charge head-on, digging her heels in. Her body strained against Kory’s, feet working ferociously at the sand, sometimes resisting, sometimes giving ground, trying to get the tight body contact needed for a hip-throw, a leg-sweep—the harai goshi of judo. Finally her feet locked, her arms coiled under Kory’s belly. She ducked, drawing Kory over her hip, slamming her to the ground in a cloud of sand.

Instantly Kory was up, right into a left hook from Diana, so harsh it spun her around, instinctively making her retreat. Diana followed, matching aggression with aggression, throwing jabs that connected, were shrugged off.

Kory lunged, grappled with Diana; that became a deluge of knees to the body. Diana tried to duck through them, but Kory leapt up, suddenly putting her weight on Diana, hands jerking Diana’s strong right arm into alignment, legs wrapping around Diana’s neck. She brought Diana to the ground, thighs crushing her skull, one arm helplessly twisted under Diana’s own body, the other trapped at full extension by Kory’s pulling hands. Diana could smell her arousal.

“Yield!” Kory bellowed. “Yield!”

Instead, Diana licked. Kory stiffened, gasped, suddenly so intimately aware of her sexuality, her body’s hot runnings—the things she lost inside herself so she could go into battle. But it hadn’t been so long ago that she’d been with Dick, so gleefully exploring the boundaries of her own body and that of others. Diana licked again, slower this time, as if savoring the taste. And again, a gentle moan coming from where her head was buried between Kory’s legs—a sound of appetites awoken and waiting to be fulfilled.

Kory did not relax her grip, but she didn’t shy away from the touch either. She made no move to discourage Diana. “I suppose this counts as surrender,” she sighed.

“For now,” Diana said. Despite her speaking, she never seemed to leave Kory’s sex long enough for the pleasure to end. Even when she spoke, her lips, her tongue kept Kory teased, taut, ready. “And soon, it will be your turn.”

“Never!” Kory said, even if it was halfway a groan. “I am a Princess of Tamaran.”

“I was a goddess,” Diana said dangerously. “If you are to be my sister as Donna is, you must yield to loving authority…”

“I do not yield!” Kory stressed, tightening her thighs piquantly. The angrier she got, the more her juices seemed to flow, the hotter she burned in every sense. She was tired of lying on the ground, in the dirt along with Diana. She adjusted the hold, forcing Diana to her back and mounting her, legs crossed around her neck, Diana’s right arm still caught in the circle of Kory’s. If Kory just leaned forward, she could bend it the wrong way, break it. Diana’s left arm was released, but she didn’t have the leverage to break the hold. “Finish what you started!” she commanded.

Diana did, bowing her head once more to her task but slowly, imperiously, her tongue traveling lengthily over Kory’s slit as if she were a connoisseur wanting to sample the flavor, no more. Kory quickly became impatient with her efforts. She enjoyed driving Donna to the point of being unable to contain her lust, giving into her, wanting her tongue surrounded on all sides by Kory’s sweet taste, but Diana never reached that point. Her tongue was a warm, steady ember, never bursting into a flame.

“You will make me come!” Kory demanded, pushing Diana’s arm against the bone, knowing how Donna enjoyed being commanded, controlled. Diana resisted, not openly, but with the stubborn implacability of a mountain. She continued her tongue’s ponderous journey into and over Kory’s sex, as if she could not be tempted to give one iota more pleasure than Kory already was receiving.

Kory let go of Diana’s arm with one hand, trapping it instead with her palm wrapped around Diana’s four fingers, ready to crush them painfully if Diana tried breaking free. Her now free hand went to Diana’s head, tightening in her hair, forcing her to Kory’s cunt. She undulated her hips, grinding herself into Diana’s face, her tongue obediently there to meet Kory’s swaying thrusts. She felt herself impaled by Diana’s tongue, centered around it, a slow-burning flame now inside her, heating her.

“Yes,” Kory muttered, “X’Hal…”

Her hips swayed more insistently, but Diana’s tongue slowed, her lips now closing, compressing, puckering against Kory’s labia. Kory moaned aloud at the sensitive pressure of Diana’s lips against her own, the touch firm and yet just light enough to tantalize. It was almost enough to make her not miss the waggling of Diana’s tongue so far inside her, far enough to reach the places only Dick had…

“Lick me,” Kory moaned, now pumping her hips upon Diana’s face. “Eat me…” At her wit’s end, she plunged her hips completely downward, tightening her legs to their utmost, Diana’s face now crushed against her cunt.

And Diana gave it to her. Finally. Her tongue everywhere Kory needed it to be and nowhere else, a kiss and a fuck and a slap all at once, gasoline all over the fire she’d started inside Kory. There was no build-up, or rather the build-up was the tasting, the combat, even the words they’d exchanged that had made Kory want to bury that smug face between her legs, fill that insouciant mouth with her cream…

Kory tossed her head back, her wild mane flickering across her naked body in curling flames, raking her flesh like the tails of a whip. Her voluptuous buttocks clenched, as did the firm muscles of her belly and thighs, tensing so hard it sent a jiggle through her mammoth breasts. Her arms tensed last, powerful muscles rising from the soft flesh and cords standing out from her neck, as if she were struggling to contain the powerful scream she delivered to the heavens: “X’HAAAAL!”

Diana was free then, escaping from Kory just as the outcry had, just as her copious ejaculation had. She hoped Kory had paid attention to this method of teaching by example—how by giving in, exhibiting control and patience, she could get what she wanted and give pleasure besides—but Kory seemed like the type of stubborn learner who would take a few lessons for it to really sink in.

Even as Kory let loose with passion, Diana was pulling her into a hold, catching her trembling limbs in an almost gentle grip. From behind, Diana’s bare legs cinched around Kory’s waist. Her arms wrapped over Kory’s, holding them up and afield of where they could break the hold. Her hands did not meet behind Kory’s neck, as would be usual for a full nelson, but instead caught on Kory’s throat. Diana squeezed, cutting off Kory’s air with a touch as light as a silk scarf. When she let go, it would not even leave a bruise.

Kory struggled, to her credit. She did not give into the afterglow, nor the ongoing throbs of pleasure from her clenched sex. Even as the loss of oxygen, drug-like, lengthened and exuberated her satisfaction, she kept fighting. Still, fading from consciousness brought sudden, strange ecstasy, and she moaned in open fulfillment as her green eyes finally shut.

Diana went to work then.


Kory came awake slowly, almost as if the weakness that had cost her victory with Diana now wanted to keep her in the pleasurable dreams Diana’s forced submission had given her. She didn’t surrender to them. She forced herself awake with a war cry, straining against sudden painful bondage. “What is this?” she demanded of Diana, the princess standing over her, looking not smug exactly, but definitely not properly worshipful. “What have you done to me?”

“Improvised,” Diana answered. “All that hair is quite lovely, but you should know the risks of going into battle with it.”

Kory looked down her body, struggling to comprehend what had happened. The voluminous hair, never cut except on days of ritual, now bound her. Locks of it had tied her hands behind her back, her legs together. If she tried to break her bonds, she would rip out her own scalp.

“How dare you!?” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

“Easily undone,” Diana replied, “as soon as you yield.”

“Never! Dick, Donna, they’ll come for me, and then you’ll be sorry!”

Diana rolled her eyes, if somewhat affectionately. “You don’t like being tied up, do you?”

“Does anyone?” Kory retorted, wishing she could at least have the pleasure of struggling against her bonds without harming herself.

Diana shrugged, considering. “It has its moments. But you wouldn’t know. Your days of slavery—they’ve blinded you to the merits of submission. You must be in control, in power, at all times. Doesn’t this put a strain on your friendships, your lovers? Don’t you know of the pleasures this keeps you from?”

“I don’t need any of that! I am just fine with Dick and Donna!”

“You deprive them and you deprive yourself,” Diana said in no uncertain terms. “It’s understandable. But you’ve had time enough to trust those you’ve befriended. You should be able to see for yourself that their authority is loving and true.”

“I submit to no authority! I am authority! I am Princess of Tamaran!”

“You are also an Amazon, soon enough, and even if you will not submit to Dick and Donna—not even in passing—you will submit to me, just as I submit to my mother and my goddesses.”

“You’re a fool!” Kory cursed. “You give away power for nothing, nothing!”

“Nothing? Not even pleasure? Let me show you, just a taste… a little of the power you can gain in submission.”

“I won’t!” Kory cried petulantly.

Diana crossed her arms. “Oh? Are you so frightened of giving into another’s will? Even someone pure? Even someone you love?”

“Nothing puts fear in me!” Kory boasted.

“Then an agreement. Allow me to make love to you, as you so enjoyed before, but like this—with me in power. If I do not satisfy, I’ll release you and yield the contest. If I do, you’ll yield. You can see for yourself the pleasures of loving authority, but outside your relationships with Dick and Donna.”

Kory lowered her head dangerously. “I could never enjoy being bound and used in such a way.”

“Don’t confuse hateful submission with willing surrender. You’ve allowed my sister in your bed, slept with your back to her, trusted her with your unprotected flesh. This is only a difference of degrees.”

Kory shook her head, fitful and imperious. “I still won’t enjoy it!”

“Then all you have to gain by letting me try is victory in this contest.”

“Very well, then. But an old hag like you could never satisfy me as Donna does, not under any circumstances!”

Diana smiled gently. “I will endeavor nonetheless…”

She knelt before Kory, already on her knees, and her hands came up. She moved Kory’s knees aside, then her fingers delved in, toyed their way to Kory’s crotch, spread her labia. Kory shivered once, stiff against her own imprisoning hair. “That doesn’t feel good at all! You’re not pleasing me any!”

Diana wasn’t listening, at least not to Kory’s words. Her fingers came to rest on the sides of her sex. They pulled to either direction, opening Kory to the chill of the breeze and the brightness of the sun out from behind the clouds. It really didn’t feel good—at least, not as good as it was supposed. Kory had the feeling of an absence, a touch she wasn’t receiving. Then Diana laid Kory on her side, straightened her legs out, her pussy a neat clamshell set like jewelry between her rounded thighs.

She moved to kiss Kory, slowly, warmly, affection up front and passion behind, like Donna did. And she moved her head—flaring nostrils, pursed lips—down Kory’s body, all the way to her labia. The warm, moist breath colliding with Kory’s vulva. Kory tested her bonds again, got the same pain. It made her feel less guilty about the other sensations going through her body.

Then Diana’s tongue shot into her sex, as if in mocking counterpoint to how brazenly Kory had gone on the offensive before. Kory felt the stars, not in the sky, but up close, in her head, bright. Diana had filled her deeply, from the first, and it was like nothing she had ever felt, even with Donna.

Donna hadn’t summoned cold sweat across her body. Donna hadn’t flicked her clitoris, both nonchalant and intense, tongue coursing over it until it sizzled. Donna’s fingers hadn’t snaked to her gates, spreading her wide, allowing even more room for that knowing tongue. Donna hadn’t made the very walls of her sex quiver, growing tighter and tighter to keep this wonderful intruder inside.

Donna hadn’t intimidated her. Mastered her. Kory kept trying her bonds, not despite the pain, but because of it. She’d made love to Donna with slow warmth, fucked her hard and fast, but never done this—pain mingled with pleasure, submission bringing sex, surrender bringing ecstasy.

“Your body’s yielding,” Diana muttered, as if in prayer to her cunt. “I can feel it. It’s not used to how good it can be, when you’re afraid, when you’re in pain, but it’s still what you want. Your mind gets out of its own way. You don’t have to worry what will happen next. You just have to experience what’s happening now.”

She covered Kory’s sex with her entire mouth, teeth grinding into her labia, tongue invading deeply, and Kory began saying “X’Hal, X’Hal!”

She wasn’t sure when she stopped. Perhaps, somewhere deep inside, she still hadn’t.

Diana’s hand came up to clasp Kory’s left breast tightly, her other hand curving behind Kory, fingers slicking over her sweat-damp ass. Kory’s whole body was shivering, sweating, reduced to pure weakness by Diana’s precise control.

Kory couldn’t move, not for anything. She didn’t dare attempt any motion that might budge her from her seemingly precarious porch, take her sex away from the all-consuming pleasure that gripped it. She laid in infuriated stillness while Diana feasted at her pussy, devouring her with a passion that built and grew in both of them.

Her fingers were busy around the twitches of her tongue, keeping Kory open to her efforts, and her clit was swollen so large that there seemed no way for Diana to miss it, running her sniffing nose over it every time her head nose. She licked it too, almost as an afterthought, every uncaring swipe sending Kory plunging toward orgasm that she never reached. She could only dissolve into helpless, furtively restrained spasms.

Diana lifted her head suddenly. Eyes, pupils blown out by lust, staring fixedly at Kory’s body. The quivering of it was artwork.

Kory tensed her legs as best she could, trying to summon back the rapidly receding ecstasy. “Don’t you dare stop! I’m almost there! You’re not allowed to stop!”

Diana touched her lips with one long finger. Kory tasted herself, the exact same aroma that coated Donna’s lips when they kissed after making love. Kory loved the taste mingled with that of Donna. Sampling it directly, she found it almost more delicious. She opened her mouth. The finger slipped inside, Kory sucking at it passionately, voraciously.

“Your resistance tastes good,” Diana said mockingly. Kory couldn’t bring herself to care about the disrespect.

Diana smiled warmly and rose a little along Kory’s body, her own large breasts sliding over her flesh. A nipple, hot and stiff, slid through Kory’s copper-colored pubic hair. Kory moaned tremulously around the finger quarreling with her tongue.

“You enjoyed that?” Diana asked solicitously. She took her breast in her hand, pausing to grope herself, then pressed it to Kory’s sex, pushing until the firm nipple was worked inside of Kory’s tight slit. “There is much to enjoy,” Diana suggested, groping herself, her nipple vibrating accordingly inside of Kory, sending explosions bursting through the girl.

Her sex was fully engaged, sucking and clenching at Diana’s flesh, and Wonder Woman moaned just as Kory was, enjoying Kory’s sweet pressure on her teat as much as any foreplay.

Kory bucked upward, still sucking Diana’s finger, almost biting it in two. Diana’s breast was heaving with passion, hot, blood-swelled flesh pushing against Kory, entering her, feeding her. She was helpless, she was at Diana’s mercy, but still she felt no fear. Only pleasure. Only ever pleasure.

Her climax hit her like the stars Diana had lit inside her were going supernova. She thought of her slavery, the experimentation, the cruelty, trying vainly to resist this grueling ecstasy, but the thought passed from her mind as quickly as it had entered. This was nothing like that. Diana wanted to please her, not use her. This was about her pleasure, not her humiliation. Diana was more experienced than her, wiser than her, knew better than her how Kory herself wished to be pleased.

Kory could not spare a thought for resistance or reluctance. All her concentration, all her body’s vast strength, was focused on the shift, shattering loss of her body to Diana’s dominative pleasuring. When she came, she could not imagine such a sensation ending. Ever.

Diana enjoyed Kory’s tight pussy around her nipple until the trembling and moaning had subsided. Then she leaned back, her tight smile and alit eyes in passionate counterpoint to Kory’s heavy panting, her flushed body.

“I can see why my sister is so fond of you,” Diana said thoughtfully. “Despite your stubbornness. Now, will you yield? Submission is only one of many pleasures. I would like to teach you another—and learn from you as well.”

“I refuse!” Kory shook her head. “I’m not satisfied! You have not beaten me!”

“You came,” Diana observed wryly, casting her eyes to the veritable puddle encompassing Kory’s inner thighs, as well as her own upper chest. “You left little doubt as to that.”

“Just one orgasm?” Kory asked haughtily. “Dick could do more for me with his little finger! The mere sight of Donna would better please me!”

“Very well,” Diana said, taking her other breast in hand. “Allow me to continue.”


It took a long bout of unconsciousness—his tiredness was such that even watching Donna further educate a most receptive Kara on the pleasures of the flesh couldn’t keep him awake—but when Dick awoke, he was ready for another round. He was almost, but not quite, surprised to find Kara and Donna’s superpowered bodies still absorbed in one another, although they’d phased into a simple, continuous kiss and the sustained press of body upon body. He thought that might’ve had something to do with his nap, and just how loud their other activities could be.

No matter. He was awake now, they were still aroused. Watching them with desire, he took his cock in his hand and began slowly jerking it as he came to full wakefulness, Kara and Donna seeming to grow more passionate for each other as well. Dick forced his hand to slow. He didn’t want to bring himself too far too fast. No, he wanted this load of cum deep inside Kara’s sweet…

“Oh, Dick, you’re up,” Donna said, looking him over with a momentarily grin at the double statement. “Has Kory been back? We… haven’t been paying attention.”

“No, I haven’t seen her either.”

Donna looked up at the morning sun, now high in the sky. “I’ve never known a trial to take this long. I know what she said, but should we check up on her?”

Dick’s deeply-held love and loyalty to Kory went briefly to war with just how naked the two women before him were. “Yeah.”

Donna was already moving to pick up her costume and throw it on over that oh-so-impressive nudity. “I’ll head for the arena, you and Kara catch up?”

“Why don’t we all go?”

Donna gestured at the ground. “Togas and windy nights don’t make great bedfellows.”

Looking at the utterly bare earth, Dick was forced to agree.


On her sixth orgasm, Kory’s humiliation grew even worse, seeing that Donna had flown in to see her defeat. It was almost enough to make her try to break free anew, but that pain would do nothing to keep her from orgasm. Quite the opposite, really.


Donna hovered in place, paralyzed by the sight of Kory’s deluging orgasm, her hoarse outcry. Kory knew how embarrassed Donna was for her, seeing Kory beaten, submissive, surrendering. Coming for that bitch Diana and her goddamned tongue and every one of her loathsome fingers. Kory brought shame to them both, loving being fucked, being tamed, being made to come so hard and right in front of Donna. She didn’t know how Donna could ever forgive her for failing so completely. She certainly couldn’t forgive herself.

“Whoa,” Donna said. “Trial by combat’s changed a lot since I was here last.”

Diana looked up at her, moving her hand to rub at Kory’s sore thigh—the sheer number of times it had clenched with orgasm had given it an ache. “It’s not about combat, Donna, you should know that. If it were, who could ever join, having to beat our best warrior? No, this contest is about being able to yield. To bend without breaking. To submit to a loving and wise master. That is what it means to be Amazon.”

“Never,” Kory moaned, her voice hoarse from screaming. “I’ll… never…”

She nearly came against as Diana reentered her.

Donna flew down, landing on her knees beside Kory, stroking the scalp that had grown so sore from Kory continuously trying to wiggle free. “Koriand’r, Diana is right. On Paradise Island, there is always a mistress and a submissive, and one must yield to a just and proper mistress. I yield to Diana out of respect and love. Can’t you do the same?”

“No—she’s not better than me—she’s not!”

“Kory, that’s not what it means.”

“I have to act like she’s better! Like she deserves to be in charge of me! That means she’s better than me!”

“I don’t deserve to be in charge of you?” Diana asked rhetorically. “Even after all the pleasure I’ve brought?”

“Diana, let me handle this,” Donna told her. “Kory—Diana has so much to teach you, just like you had so much to teach me. Is it really that bad to submit to someone, knowing that submission will be taken with love, with acceptance, with pleasure?”

“She’s… not… better!” Kory insisted, shutting her eyes as Diana’s thumb found her clit again.

“Is this how mortals get carpal tunnel syndrome?” Diana wondered.

Donna persisted. “Diana is my mistress, Kory. I submit to her and learn from her; I offer her my loving devotion. How can you submit to me and not her?”

“I don’t… submit to you…”

“You do if you’re going to be an Amazon. You’ll be my student, my responsibility. It’s the highest bond two Amazons can have. I thought you wanted that.”

“Not with her!”

“But don’t you know who she is? Kory, Diana is my role model. She taught me everything I know, trained me, raised me. If you love me, then she’s the reason I’m the person you love.”

Kory looked into Donna’s eyes. Losing herself in their sheer conviction, their warmth not just for Kory, but for Diana. “I yield!” she moaned, and went boneless as Diana took her hand away.

Together, the two Amazons began to untie the hair of the third.

“I had to do it,” Kory said weakly. “She is my better… Donna, I could never train someone so lovely as you…”

“Give it time,” Donna suggested, wiping the sweat from Kory’s brow. “I have a little sister who I think could learn a lot from you.”

Diana joined her in gently massaging Kory’s tired muscles. “Rest now. Your hardest trial is over. You truly are an Amazon, Princess Koriand’r. And you’ll need a great deal of sleep to perform your new duties.”


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