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For a time, Dick simply strolled through Paradise Island, feeling the wind push and pull his toga upon his body, the simple feel of it exhilarating. He exchanged greetings with those Amazons he saw, all of whom knew him and had a friendly word, but most of all, he just walked. It was a joy to walk on Themyscira. There was a sense of well-being there. A lay-person would just think it was the blue skies and such, but Dick’s detective mind told him more. There was no trauma here. On the beaches, no bodies had washed up. Arguments had faded without the scars of blows. The ground had never drank blood; the food had never been so little that someone had gone hungry.

Anywhere else on the world, you were only so far from violent. On Themyscira, it felt like you were finally free of it. Cleansed.

He stopped by the hot springs, where the attendants, masters of their art, happily stripped him, submerged him in mineral mud, and then washed him clean inch by inch. Even the lingering scent of his lovemaking with Donna and Kory was gone by the end. Then he was clad in fresh clothes, a new type of chiton to puzzle out. As he left the baths, there was Kory waiting for him.

She’d found a new dress as well, wide swathes of linen crisscrossing her body, the weavers of Themyscira clearly taking pleasure in working their trade on such a tall and robust body. The many straps exposed goodly portions of her skin, but didn’t cross the line from sensuality into eroticism. Except when Kory moved. Nothing on Earth could keep her from looking sexual then.

“Dick,” Kory said formally, “I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine.”

“Any friend of yours is a friend of mine,” Dick replied, equally friendly.

Kory grinned near to bursting with the little joke of pretending they were only associates. She couldn’t stand it anymore. She picked him up and took off, flying him through the air.

“It’s not that long a walk, is it?”

“I wouldn’t want you to get all sweaty after your bath,” Kory quipped.

“I have a feeling I’ll get sweaty either way.”


“Dick,” Kory said, “this is my friend, Kara. You’ve met, right?”

Dick nodded with a broad smile. “Hello again, Kara.”

Kara bubbled up at him, bouncing on her heels. The clearing in the jungle had been turned into a formidable camp, with a fire built and a lizard roasting on a spit over it. Kara seemed totally in her element, even wearing Kryptonian robes of blue and red instead of Amazonian clothing. The top piece was belly-baring, a half-poncho that hung down her rib cage, the bottom piece a sarong that opened rapidly on the left, baring most of her thigh. Towards her calves, the sarong opened up to totally free her legs. With the trim in the hemline, her pubis was nearly exposed. Dick felt a definite stirring inside himself, looking at her.

“Hello!” Kara said, her shyness making her a little louder than necessary. “I have water!”

“Love some,” Dick replied.

Kara hurried to take up a canteen from one of the tree trunks seated around the fire, and she offered it to both Dick and a quietly amused Kory. Dick drank, then Kory. Then Kara.

They sat around the fire, helping themselves to the roast and making gentle conversation. Dick was relaxed and firmly confident; Kory laughed at all Kara’s jokes. She began to feel a little more confident of herself as she became used to the older man as a living, breathing presence. Oddly, what really put her at ease was having Dick’s eyes dart excitingly to her breasts now and then. She felt desirable with his gaze. And when she saw Kory reaching over, gripping Dick’s muscular thigh—Kara actually tingled.

At length, Kory stood. The sun had set as they talked; the flickering fire was everything, its light pushing at Kory’s dress, pushing through it in some places, or caressing beads of sweat on her perfect body. “Kara,” she said softly. “Do you know what my next trial is?”

Kara shook her head. “No.”

“It’s to train someone—an Amazon inexperienced in something that I have skill in. Teaching is very important to the Amazons, and I greatly respect that. I’d like to teach you about love. About passion. About men.”

Dick drank from the canteen. “Kory, maybe—“

“I want to teach you, Kara, as I once taught him. I know you want him. He wants you too. But I need to show you how to have him.”

Kara stammered, a bright red flush touching her cheeks. “I… I don’t… maybe you’re the one—who…”

“Neither of you have to do anything you don’t want to do,” Kory said sweetly. “But if you do want to, then trust me. As I trust you, Dick. As I trust Donna.”

“I do trust you,” Dick said, “but maybe I’m not the right person to—“

“You’re the perfect person,” Kory assured him. “You intimidate her. Your maleness. Your virility. She doesn’t know how to match them. I’ll teach her how to overcome her fear, show her there’s nothing to be frightened. We’ll show her together. How… wonderful it can be.”

“I would like that,” Kara put in quietly. “It’d be like with Donna, right? You’re Donna’s friends. You’d be… nice?”

Kory smiled warmly. “Donna told us you watched. Watching can be fun. And safe, safer than being part of. You can watch for now, Kara. You can see what it’s like…”

She giggled suddenly, peeling away the straps of her dress. It began to fall away from her like leaves coming off a tree in autumn. Kory smiled widely as it came away, more and more of her golden skin exposed, the full lushness of her body revealed. Kara wanted to bite her nails. Kory was even more intense than Dick: her sexuality vibrant, her hunger animalistic and fierce under the happy-go-lucky surface. But somehow, the very fulsomeness of her put Kara at ease in a way that Dick’s intent musculature didn’t. He was so very striking, so hard, Kara thought he might break her, even if she wanted to be broken.

But Kory was soft. Sweet, rounded features. Thick, curly hair. Wide, luscious thighs. Kara thought she could sink right into her.

“Show her what it’s like, Dick,” Kory tittered. “Lick my cunt.”

Dick couldn’t help but smile, seeing Kara’s smooth cheeks turn bright red at Kory’s cheerfully filthy language. “Sure, Kory. My pleasure.”

Kory sat down in the sand, her long tan legs kicking into the sand, traces of it spraying out and sticking to her thighs and buttocks from her plopping impact. They were like jewels, accentuating her beauty. She spread her legs wide apart, showing off a red-haired cunt. Dick and Kara’s eyes on it. Kory was relieved not to feel any resentment at Kara for watching. It was nice to have her friend looking at them. It made her feel like she was putting on a show.

“Lick my cunt already, Dick! It’s hot enough for anyone!”

Dick knew Kory was putting on a show for her student. He found it amusing, and arousing. Kory was quite possibly the most uninhibited person he’d ever met. And after a childhood growing up with the Batman, that was something he was more than ready for.

He dropped to his hands and knees on the ground, the crisp white sand feeling smooth as liquid under his palms. Kory spread her legs wider, leaving plenty of room for his body inside their impressive span, and Dick crawled forward, glancing over at Kara. She was embarrassed, but fascinated. Dick winked at her, then directed his attention to Kory’s waiting pussy. He leaned forward. His mouth found her sex. His tongue seemed to be sucked into her cunt.

“OOOooahhh!!” Kory moaned, her voice flaring up from her. “That feels good! So good, oh, yes! Lick it, Dick, yes!”

Dick almost laughed at the spectacle Kory made of herself, trying to tempt Kara. She was always demonstrative, but it usually took just a little while to get her motor running. Deciding to give her something to moan about, Dick set his tongue on her G-spot, massaging it rapidly and firmly.

“Oh, wow!” Kory moaned, feeling his intent attack on her. “Oh, X’Hal!” Her clit was swelling, as if fleeing the pressure from beneath, and Dick flicked it with his forefinger. “AAAhhhh!” Now Kory lost all consciousness of Kara, only thinking of the magic happening inside her pussy.

“What… what does it feel like?” Kara asked, her voice awed as she watched Kory writhe, a spectacle in itself, her breasts jiggling, her hair swirling about her head like a windstorm.

“Like a cock!” Kory gasped. “Only better! Oh! Ooooooh!”

Kara was still nervous—even more so, seeing how good it could be, imagining herself losing control as Kory so clearly had—but she was also still watching. And every second she watched, a new urgent signal raced through her young body. She was aware of an exciting, demanding itch between her legs, another in her nipples. Even her lips tingled. Her whole body cried out to be touched, but almost greater was her need to watch her two—teachers. Her eyes were glued to Kory’s groin, Dick’s flickering tongue.

Dick changed tactics suddenly, refusing to allow Kory to grow used to him. He replaced his tongue with three fingers inside Kory, just enough for it to hurt a little, Kory crying out a little louder but now in pain. And he moved his tongue to her trembling clit, as his fingers stroked firmly inside her, rubbing against the saliva he had just kissed into her. He felt Kory’s thighs shake, her ass wiggling in the sand so hard she sent little sprays of it out. Her breasts heaved. Her head twisted from side to side. Sometimes, it seemed like Kory was always close. This was her truly out of her mind with the sheer nearness of her orgasm.

Kory had been close to coming since she took her dress off, since she’d been told her next trial would be bringing her two friends together. It was so exciting, first knowing how good it was to watch from seeing Dick and Donna together, now knowing that she was putting that same feeling into someone else. And then there was Dick’s clever tongue on her button, always more than enough to drive her wild. She needed to finish up. Let Kara have a turn. She knew how Dick loved to tease her, draw it out so she’d know she’d been well and truly fucked, but hard and fast was fun too. She slapped her hands atop Dick’s head, his luscious hair, and ground her hips into his handsome face.

“Oh, DICK!” she cried. He wasn’t letting her suffer. His tongue was exactly where she needed it. “You’re so good! You’re wonderful! I’m coming!”

Dick smiled against the cunt firmly pressed into his mouth, feeling Kory’s body quake, the orgasm shooting through her. Sand kicked up around them in perfume clouds as she writhed, Dick eating her out until she finally stopped moving.

“How was that?” Dick asked, dusting himself off.

“Like it always is!” Kory gasped. “I already knew, but—do it to Kara! Please! Eat Kara out!”

Dick looked over at Kara. The wind was picking at her sarong. He could see her firm inner thigh, glistening wetly. “Would you like that, Kara?”

“I… I…!”

“Please, Kara, please!” Kory insisted. “You need to know what his tongue feels like!”

“Well, I mean…”

“Would you like me to kiss your pussy, Kara?” Dick said quietly.

Kara paused for a long moment. She looked at Dick’s soft lips, still wet from Kory, and Kory’s cunt, still running with copious juices. “Yes!” she finally blurted out, her cheeks crimson.

Dick kissed Kory’s knee, then rose. “Then spread your legs,” he said kindly as he moved out from between Kory’s plump thighs, to kneel before the log, between Kara’s long legs. He saw her knees tremble as she inched her firm thighs apart, and he reached for the ring on her waistband, breaking it so that her sarong came off her and she was naked from her sternum on down. Kara’s legs reflexively slid shut, but then she opened them again. Spread them until he was staring right at her sex.

Kara’s face was bright red as he leaned forward. This seemed so much more serious than with Donna, safe, friendly Donna, who was more like a friend showing her what her body could do. This seemed more like being fucked.

Dick inhaled the fragrance of her excited pussy, taking a moment to pause and let her grow used to his nearness. He rubbed his hands over his legs, met her eyes and smiled gently to relax her. Kara’s rapid breathing slowed. She managed a nervous smile. Kory sat beside her, lovingly running a hand over Kara’s cheek, Kara laughing as she looked over and noticed the sand sticking to Kory’s curvaceous body. Kory flicked some at her, smiling herself.

“I’m right here,” Kory said, watching Dick bring his mouth to Kara just as intently as the Kryptonian was. “Just feel what he does to you. That’s all you have to do. Just feel it.”

Dick’s tongue shot out, the tip darting at the moistness on her labia lips. Kara gasped suddenly, a fat flicker of excitement shooting though her. She gripped Kory’s offered hand, squeezing it as Dick flattened his tongue and lapped her entire slit, slowly, painstakingly. When Dick reached her clit, Kara screamed.

“Isn’t it amazing?” Kory asked, squeezing her hand in return.

“Oh! Ah!” Kara couldn’t stop gasping. It was like she had suddenly been plugged into something huge and volatile. She was feeling intensity too big for her body, more stuffed inside her every time Dick stroked his tongue back and forth. She was burning there. She was on fire!”

“Your nipples are smaller than mine,” Kory commented casually, reaching across to run a finger over them through Kara’s gauzy top. “They’re cute.”

“OOOOOHHH!” Kara’s head swayed from side to side, her long hair tumbling over her shoulders, falling across her face, sticking to her cheeks where she’d licked her lips nervously. Even her hair felt passionate now. “It’s nice! It’s nice!”

Kory giggled to herself and caught Kara’s hard nipple between her fingers, pinching it softly. She could feel Kara’s breast rise and fall rapidly, the nipple in her fingers practically stroking itself for her. Leaning over, Kory took Kara’s face in her hands. She could tell Kara didn’t know what to do with her mouth, wasn’t ready yet to cry out and moan like Dick’s tongue called for, so she showed Kara something else to do with it. Something they both could do.

Dick looked up to see Kory kissing Kara and his cock almost exploded. As enlightened as he was, and he was an honorary Amazon, there was just something about seeing two women kiss. Especially when one of them was Kory—fierce, loving, gentle, sexual Kory—and the other was Kara, shocked for a moment, then giving into the good feeling, the same good feeling that had her moaning with his every lap.

He watched them kiss, saw Kory rest her hand on Kara’s thigh, right beside his head, and massage firmly. Heard Kara moan into Kory’s mouth, her pert breasts shaking, nipples standing on end, muscular belly clenching as he tasted her more and more. Until the taste of her was overpowering, overwhelming even the memory of Kory’s cunt kissing him.

“OH!” Kara cried, pulling away from Kory’s kiss, the alien’s green eyes watching intently as her body shook. “I… I can’t… ohhhhh! AHH!”

Kory sucked at her throat and Dick ate her pussy, but what she felt was so much more than that, it was inside her, it was gripping her body and tossing her around like a leaf in a windstorm. She dug her fingernails into the wood seating her, felt it crack as distantly as she felt the joyous tears flowing down her cheeks. Even Donna had been nothing like this!

Kara continued moaning as her body seemed to cycle through earthquakes and aftershocks, tremors and more earthquakes, Kory kept at her throat and Dick at her pussy, they couldn’t seem to get enough of her! Then she could take no more.

“Stop, please, please!”

Instantly, their loving mouths were removed from her burnt up flesh, the two looking at her with concern for the eternity it took for her breathing to return to normal. They saw her relieved smile, the shaky but satisfied way she pushed her hair back behind her head and squeezed her thighs together. The three of them shared smiles, Kory even leaning over to kiss Kara’s cheek.

“Wasn’t he wonderful?” Kory demanded breathlessly.

“Oh yes!” Kara sighed. “And so were you!”

Even Kory could blush. “Now, Kara, I want to teach you another lesson. An important one. You’ve received pleasure from Dick—we both have—and now it’s time to give him pleasure in return. You must always reciprocate.”

Kara nodded eagerly. She wanted to. She wanted Dick to feel as good as she had. She just didn’t know if she ever could.

“Can you go first?” Kara asked. “Show me, once more?”

“I’d love to,” Kory said. She leaned over to kiss Kara’s lips again, and it seemed as friendly and as loving a gesture as when she had pecked Kara’s cheek. “Dick? What could I do to give you pleasure?” she asked him wonderingly.

Dick stood up, carefully arranged his toga before undoing the clasp and letting it drop completely away from him. He saw Kara stare between his legs with a shocked, even awed expression, her mouth gaping open, her eyes the size of saucers. Dick was unable to suppress a smile, even when Kory amusedly slapped her hand at his shoulder.

“And that’s a cock,” Kory explained, her exaggeratedly educational tone of voice too amused with itself to make her truly annoying. “A real cock. After a man eats you out, this is where he likes to be sucked.”

Kara watched her friend reach out and take Dick’s long, hard, thick cock in her hands. “I… I didn’t know that.”

“I bet you don’t know how, either,” Kory said sympathetically. “Just watch me. I’ll show you everything.”

Kara watched, looking almost ridiculously studious, as Kory leaned in to bring her mouth around Dick’s thick shaft. She saw Kory’s tongue leaving her mouth to circle his swollen cockhead first, then her plump lips pursing and sliding gently around the bulb, his length following, slowly disappearing into Kory’s mouth. Kara had no idea where it all went, how Kory could take the huge appendage inside her mouth. She took it into her mouth as easily as a gooey chocolate bar.

Dick groaned in abject pleasure, as if helpless before what Kory was doing to his body. Kara envied Kory suddenly. Having that power over Dick, being able to make him feel so good…

Kory slurped her way off Dick’s manhood, leaving him gasping by the time her mouth had trailed form his cockhead, tongue pulling a line of saliva from his crown. She gave his shaft a healthy pump, then pointed his throbbing cock at Kara. “Try it!”

“I don’t know… it’s so big…”

“Those are the best ones to have in your mouth!” Kory insisted. “You can feel the blood rushing in! Try it! It’s fun!”

Dick thought he was going to explode, two beautiful women sitting before him, handling and mouthing his aching cock. He saw Kara’s frightened, innocent expression as she reached for his cock, then defaulted to having her hand on Kory’s shoulder. Kory, understanding, jabbed his prick against Kara’s lips. Kara had to force herself to open her mouth as Kory brought Dick’s manhood to it. She remembered the amazing pleasure his tongue had given her, telling herself she should know how to please a man just as much as he could please her. It was the Amazon Way.

“Lick it first,” Kory laughed, stroking Dick’s throbbing cock right in front of Kara. She could see the skin moving tautly over his heft. “Get a taste for it.”

The nervous, willing girl forced her tongue out, bringing its tip to his swollen head. She touched the two together, a heavy flavor of brine exploding on her taste buds that very moment. Kara almost thought she would gag, it was so musky, so salty—so powerful.

Kory pushed Dick’s cockhead against Kara’s teeth. “Now take it in your mouth. Suck on it.”

Kara had to force her jaws wide apart before taking him inside, the weight of his hard cock pushing her tongue down to the bottom of his mouth. She sucked along his length, stopping halfway when her throat constricted at his cockhead. Kory petted her hair soothingly, wordlessly telling her it was okay to be unable to throat him. Dick put one hand on Kory’s head, one hand on Kara’s. She could feel his heart beating along the thick veins of his shaft, his cock so large that it strained her jaw having him inside her mouth. Yet she found it terribly exciting. She felt that itch begin again as she tried moving her lips as Kory had over his length.

“Faster, you should suck faster,” Kory urged. “Let me show you.”

She pulled Kara away from Dick, the cock slipping easily out of her mouth to be recaptured by Kory. She bobbed her head rapidly on it, taking his weighty organ in and out of her mouth like a runaway piston. Dick groaned, and it sounded to Kara like a boiler compressing. She looked up at him, sweat thick on his forehead, face turning red.

“I need to fuck something,” he said simply, a note of command in his voice. “Who’s ready?”

Kory let him slide from her mouth. “We are!” she cried, meeting his lustful gaze with relish. “C’mon, Kara! He can fuck us both!”

Kara felt unsure, but nowhere near as unsure as she’d been when they started this. “Will he fit?”

Kory smiled, grabbing Kara’s hand in both of hers. “We’ll make him fit!”

She pulled Kara to a fallen palm tree, the trunk propped up against another tree, a thick Pieter of timber sprawled at waist-height. Kory bent over it, her voluptuous ass stuck up in the air. She patted the trunk next to her. Kara bent over it too, the trunk pressed into her belly. She was too embarrassed to say anything; thankful that she didn’t have to admit how aroused she was from watching Kory suck Dick’s cock and having him in her own mouth. All she had to do was follow Kory’s orders. She moved her legs apart, just like Kory’s were.

Dick stood behind the two women doubled over the fallen tree, stroking himself, gazing hungrily at their luscious asses. Kory’s firm and full, seemingly begging to be spanked, while Kara’s was tight and small, her hips slender where Kory’s were wide and womanly. He could see their puckered little assholes, their delicious pink pussies. He wondered if any other man had ever been so lucky.

Holding his cock in his hand, Dick leaned over Kory, guiding himself to her hole. He whispered in her ear as he entered her. “I’m gonna fuck you first to get good and wet, then I’m gonna fuck the hell out of Kara. I’ll need to be real wet to get inside that tight pussy.” He shoved himself all the way into her with one hard lunge.

Kory moaned, both from suddenly being stuffed with Dick’s huge, trembling cock, and from being told that she and her protégé would be fucked exactly as she’d hoped they would be. Dick rammed himself in and out of her tight twat, fucking into her so hard his loins compressed her meaty ass nearly to the bone with each stroke. It bounded buoyantly every time he pulled away.

Dick pulled her hair too, groped her hanging breasts, but even with Kory screaming as loud as she was, Kara could tell it was all in pleasure. She saw flaming energy flicker from Kory’s waving hair, a glow nimbusing around Kory’s fisted hands, with hazes of heat coming off her whitened knuckles.

“How good does it feel?” Kara asked, looking into Kory’s eyes as they glowed softly.

“Good!” Kory gasped. “Too good to—stand! You have to… you have to fuck him a while…”

Dick pulled himself from Kory’s heat, moving over to directly behind Kara’s lean ass. She felt him fondling her toned cheeks, pulling them apart to let him guide his aching cock to her wet slit. Not the head, but the shaft. He slapped it gently against her labia and she trembled with excitement. Her cunt trembled most of all.

“Are you ready to be fucked, Kara?” It was Kory asking, but she could feel the question in Dick as well. In how he waited.

“Yes,” Kara said in a small voice. She smiled unexpectedly at Kory. Tensed as she felt his knob move over her clit, then press against her hole. Her muscles wouldn’t tense. She was overcome by the eroticism of these two people, by their firm guidance of her. He pushed into her with one long, slow thrust.


“Does it hurt?” Kory asked.

“No!” Kara gasped. “Or… it hurts good… hurts so good…”

There was a discomfort, a weirdly incandescent discomfort, as Kara became used to this presence where nothing had ever been before, to being two in a space where she’d only ever been one. It slowly began to fade. A new sensation swept through her. It overpowered the discomfort, the pain. It overpowered her voice, making her cry out…

“Fuck me, Dick! Please, fuck me, now!”


Donna flew over Paradise Island, her black costume blending like camouflage with the night sky. Not even a dark outline betrayed her, her costume being filled with the selfsame stars as those in the heavens. Like a gust of wind, she roamed undetected over the island, seeking her friends. Astonishing that they’d all vanished at once. It was no surprise that Dick and Kory would seek some privacy, given Dick’s occasional hang-ups about Kory’s promiscuous attitude, but where could Kara had gotten off to? Donna hoped she was with them. The girl needed looking after.

Donna was just flying over Kara’s hut when a gust of wind peeled back the jungle canopy, revealing to her a fire built in the distance. Donna sped toward it, visible only as a small, rapid change in the pattern of the constellations, and was about to land nearby when she heard the voice of a young woman—moaning and squealing with delight. It did not take even the most cursory of Donna’s knowledge to know she was in the throes of passion.

Donna hovered low over the jungle, her feet nearly touched by the palm fronds being stampeded by the breeze, and she saw her friends in a wave of light from the campfire. Kory and Kara went bent over a fallen tree: Dick behind them, reacting as any would to two such appetizing sights.

Kory patted Kara’s ass, telling Dick she was ready for even more, and Dick rammed himself to the very depths of her cunt. Kara was even tighter than Kory, Donna knew from experience. She imagined Dick felt like he was being milked as he pumped in and out of her sex.

“Fuck her, Dick!” Kory exclaimed, straightening up to straddle the tree instead of bending over it. All the better to watch Dick shove himself into Kara’s cunt, and if watching that excited Donna, she could only imagine what it did for Kory. “She wants your hard cock in her, not out!”

“Yes, fuck me, fuck me!”

Donna smiled a little, hearing young Kara’s pleading voice. She supposed it was only fair. By Amazon rite, she had been lucky enough to experience what most of Earth would consider the right of only her best friend, Kory. Now, Kara was getting to know that same thing. Learning from a wonderful and experienced partner, the same way Donna had, the same way she hoped Cassie would.

“My turn, Dick, it’s my turn!” Kory was speaking, getting a little jealous, as she tend to.

“Almost done—!” Dick replied tersely.

She reached under Dick’s pumping hips; Donna could only imagine she was grasping his heavy, churning balls in her warm hand. From the way Dick gritted his teeth and gripped Kara’s waist as if holding on for dear life, Donna knew she was right.

“Remember who these belong to,” Kory said haughtily, voice low and serious, just as Kara cried out in joy. Finished. Donna watched Dick slide back out of her pussy; the size of his cock made her body tingle.

Kory swung her leg over the tree. Now she was sitting on it, facing Dick. Her thighs wide apart.

Donna decided to keep watching. She thought it would please Kory, hearing later that Donna had watched her in flagrante delicto. Especially if they were in bed together at the time…


Kara was still bent over the tree as Dick’s long, hard cock returned to Kory’s cunt. Her chest was heaving, lungs fighting for oxygen. She could feel her own juices—so much of them—dripping from her, running down her quivering thighs. Her orgasm had hit her like a tidal wave and ended up about as wet. And Dick hadn’t even come inside her. What would that be like? A firehose?

Even without that, her climax had been so intense that she’d blacked out a moment. When she came to, Dick was fucking Kory like he was meant to, Kory with one arm around his back, the other holding to the tree she sat on, just to keep from being thrown off it by his rutting inside her.

“Harder, Dick!” Kory squeaked, her voice so aroused it sounded downright husky. “Fuck me harder!”

Dick held onto Kory’s taut waist, barely able to keep her sweaty body in position as his cock lunged to the bottom of her cunt. She whooped and hollered, loving his hard prick inside her. Always felt like she was riding a wild horse. A horse she could never quite break in. Would never want to.

“OH, DICK, I’m ready! I’M READY! NOW—NOW!”


Donna watched them come together, as avidly as Kara did. Kory shrieked with each pulse of cum she received, Dick’s cock dug deep into her eagerly awaiting cunt before it shot. His climax was quieter, more deed than word. He simply grunted and his hips exploded in a wild frenzy. Donna couldn’t believe he was controlling himself; it seemed certain he’d slip out of her, fucking so hard. But he didn’t. He stayed inside her for every shot, and Kory seemed to get off the whole time.

They collapsed, barely atop the tree, locked in an impassioned embrace. Donna could see Dick go limp, fall from even Kory’s clutching pussy. A slender river of cum followed, silver in the moonlight, and Donna almost laughed at how curious Kara looked, seeing it puddle beneath them. It was obviously the last thing Dick and Kory cared about at the moment.

Kory had only one thing to say when she’d caught her breath: “When?”

“When what?” Dick replied.

“When can I have more cock?” she cried, obviously loving the sound of the word. Donna had to smile.

Dick realized she was asking for Kara’s benefit. The girl was clearly quite keen to find out, even without being able to ask herself. “It could be a while. You really took it out of me.”

“I definitely took a lot out of you,” Kory grinned. “I can still feel inside me…” She rubbed at his bare chest, delighted with all the sweat she found, the effort he’d put into fucking her. “But… what if I were to…”

Kara swung to the side, now lying down lengthwise on the tree to better watch as Kory slithered down Dick’s body, taking his flaccid cock against her lips. She kissed its heft affectionately. “This is another reason you should know how to suck cock, Kara. It really helps guys… pick up where they left off.”

And without anything more than a tiny giggle, Kory was suddenly sucking and slurping, happy as a clam.

Donna watched, wondering if she should step in. She knew of one thing that would get a guy ready even faster: watching her and Kory. Maybe Kara too.

With all three of them, it should take no time at all…


Kara smiled to herself, legs bent at the knees, ankles crossed, watching Kory suck Dick with such enthusiasm that she could only be in love. Of all the combinations they’d tried, she hadn’t yet had Kory give her the lavish oral attention that Dick was getting, and all the Amazons said that women were better at it than men. And she hadn’t had Dick come inside her either; if he did get hard again, it seemed only fair that he finish with her this time. But she didn’t want to appear too greedy. She didn’t want to feel any shame or guilt.

She didn’t just then, and she hoped those feelings would stay away forever.

She also hoped Donna would woman up and do more than watch. If she didn’t get to sit on the sidelines and play voyeur, there was no reason Donna Troy should get to.


Wonder Woman's Loving Authority - seriousfic - Teen Titans (Comics) [Archive of Our Own]

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


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