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Quick note: Should be getting my ISP fully changed over this coming Monday, so I'll either be posting more frequently or a lot less frequently, depending on how that goes. Big project I'm about to get done for ze Germans, so that should free me up and I'm going to work on some of my own stuff, like The Green Place and a Pitch Perfect 2 fic before re-opening commissions.

One thing--check your Patreon accounts to make sure your pledges are going through. Apparently a lot of banks are denying the payments, assuming they're fraudulent, and it ends up at a point where I'm writing something with twenty dollars pledged and only four dollars comes through. So, even if you want to pretend it only takes me an hour to write a fic--I wish--I'm making less than minimum wage there. So just double-check, be sure; if you can't afford it, modify your pledge, drop out, no hard feelings. It's just really dispiriting when I look at my account and it says I've made enough for a new set of tires, than it reaches my bank and it's really enough for, like, some LEGO tires. Don't get my hopes up, man, what are you, the trailer for a Zach Snyder movie?

Anyway, good night, God bless, expect your next exclusive on the first of the month.



I checked and everything seems okay on my end. When you reopen commissions, hope I'm first and I really think I'd just want that finale to Thirty Days of Wedding Night and that's it.


I...appear to be all good.