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Her Spider left hurriedly after he’d realized what he’d done. So fast he didn’t realize that she’d slipped a tracking device onto him. Felicia followed at a distance, his cum still wet on her body, and found him finally slip into a cramped apartment through the skylight, ripping off his clothes and urgently putting the costume under running water. Leaving it there as he ran into the shower.

Now that she knew where the loot was being stored, Felicia could get her hands on it anytime she wanted.

All that was left was to dress for the occasion.


Peter actually felt better after his encounter with the Black Cat. Not as—crazy. He’d done a bad thing, he knew it, but now it was out of his system and he could really concentrate on his relationship with Gwen. Because that was what he wanted. Not to fuck Black Cat, that wasn’t any kind of relationship, him just rubbing himself against her perfect ass and fondling her perfect breasts, coming all over her like—

Peter returned to his costume. It didn’t look like his cum was still on it, but he washed it again anyway. The doorbell rang as he was wringing it out. He left the costume to soak, freshly scrubbed, and went to answer the door. It was Gwen. Movie night.


Felicia watched from the neighboring rooftop as Spider-Man and his dumb blonde sat on the couch and watched rom-coms. That was her idea of an evening with Spider-Man? No wonder he’d been so easy to seduce. She watched and waited, piquing her interest by caressing her own body. Only a little. Only enough to remind herself of how good Spider-Man would feel against her. So much better than her own hands. As the saying went, money stolen was twice as sweet as money earned. And a man stolen…

Her new costume would easily rip him out of little Gwen’s hands. What was she wearing, a skirt and a turtleneck? Felicia wore latex, the black shine of it flowing tightly all over her, encasing her breasts in a contest between their swelling exuberance and the constrains of the material. Her cleavage barely surrendered to being contained, the latex squealing over them with every breath, a constant fondling.

Her limbs, her stomach, her glorious ass were all similarly suffocated, the latex so tight that the innermost curve of her ass was bitten into, as were the lips of her labia. There was barely a wrinkle in all of its length. Felicia loved how all the latex squeezed her body like a jealous lover. She would love it even more when Spider ripped it off and put his big cock inside her, its monstrous size pressing on her insides as hard as the catsuit was now pressing in.

Felicia was so lost in her autoerotic imaginings, her little gyrations and fantasies against the tight latex, that when next she finally looked into Parker’s apartment, she saw that they’d fallen asleep! Peter and Gwen, asleep on the couch while the DVD menu for some shitty Katherine Heigl movie flashed in front of them. Some romantic evening!

Felicia took out her whip—gratuitous, she knew—and flicked it out to catch the cornice of the building. She swung to the window, contorting her legs to bracket herself within the brick frame of the window before she popped the latch and went inside. First, she turned off that insipid television. Then she regarded Spider-Man. Her perfect man, with his very imperfect girlfriend attached to his side like a leech. Well: she wasn’t the jealous type. Peter could have her too—if she still wanted what Felicia left of him. An empty ballsack and a sore cock…

Turning around, displaying her latex ass at its most luscious to his unseeing eyes, Felicia sat back onto Peter’s lap. His cock quickly stirred, Felicia rubbing at it gently but insistently with her ass, the subtle whisper of latex the only sound. She could feel it throb right through both their clothes, growing hard against her flesh. It seemed even bigger than she remembered. Felicia shifted from side to side until his vertical hard-on was inside her ass crack, then moved herself up and down in a slow bump and grind, rubbing the split of her ass along the shaft of his manhood. She could feel when his bulging cockhead touched her anus…

Peter groaned softly and Felicia felt herself growing wet, her own arousal making the latex at her cunt seem even tighter. Moving with masturbatory pleasure, she gave the sleeping man the mother of all lapdances, kept on the cusp of satisfaction by the thought of him waking up and seeing his wet dream was a very wet reality.

“Itchi gitchi ya ya da da,” she sang to herself, eyes closing, fondling her breasts and the extension of her nipples through even the suffocating latex, twisting them and then letting them unwind. “Itchi gitchi ya ya here.” Caressing the soft hairs of her cunt with a feathery light fingertip between her legs. “Mocha-choca-lata ya ya… Creole lady marmalade.”

She backed into him, now almost twerking against his hard abs as she flicked back the waist of his slacks, letting his cock shoot out of the tent it’d made. She captured it between her thighs, rubbing its shaft against her cunt. His hot breath fanned against her back and through her hair as she squeezed his cock between her legs, feeling it growing and hardening like a beast trying to get to her cunt. She remembered, more vividly than ever, how Spider-Man had fucked her as she examined his cock to her heart’s content.

It was perfect. Long and straight, thick as her wrist, the cockhead set above its sheath like a diamond in its setting. When she reached down under it, she felt his balls fit sweetly into her hands, hot and full of cum she knew to be thick and copious.

Enough foreplay. She needed that thing inside her now. She needed Peter to be hers. Craning her neck, she leaned back and licked Peter’s face from chin to hairline. “I’m gonna be yours, Spider. Only I deserve that big cock, because only I know where to put it. Between my big tits. Down my throat. In my cunt. In my ass. I can take it anywhere. My body’s built for that big cock…”

Peter rolled over in his sleep, onto his side, groaning as he came awake, but Felicia was quick to slide between him and Gwen, embracing him from behind. She kissed his neck, stroking his cock as she looked over his shoulder at its continued growth. “Yeah… get nice and hard for me… you’re gonna need to be hard as hell to get inside my tight ass…”

“Cat!” Peter finally managed to groan, but Felicia hushed him, feeling his balls in one hand, his cock in the other, rubbing her warm cunt against his ass. Her breasts pressed into his back.

“Can you feel what I’m rubbing against you?”

Peter gulped and nodded sleepily.

Felicia leaned in, preening herself upward so he could feel her latex-encased nipples drag up his back. “Those are my tits. And lower, right on your tight little ass—“ She preened again, this time practically dry-humping his lower back. “That’s my cunt. Can you feel how hot it is? That’s where your cum’s gonna go when you’re done fucking me--!”

Peter startled as he jerked fully awake, arms flailing reflexively, the knuckles of one hand bunting against Gwen’s face. He looked over at her, his entire being suddenly focused into the hope she wouldn’t wake, but Felicia grabbed his face on either side, latex gloves shockingly cool on his flushed cheeks.

She kissed him hard, straddling his lap with breasts on his chest, nipples needling through his shirt. Even as he felt his own tongue move to pleasurably counteract hers, he realized how exposed he was—in every sense of the word. It sent a thrilling shudder through him, even as he looked worriedly to the slumbering, stirring Gwen.

“Christ, don’t wake her!” he whispered urgently, not knowing what to do. It felt good—but Gwen was right there—but if he tried to stop her—he was in quite a vulnerable position—and it felt good…

“Then maybe you’d better give me something better to do with my mouth—“ Felicia teased.


Gwen was dreaming. In her dream, a beautiful white-haired woman—that Black Cat criminal her father was after—she was kneeling before Spider-Man, lowering her head to his exposed cock. In two seconds she had it dripping with saliva.

“I don’t want to watch this,” she told Peter, who was sitting next to her, but he wouldn’t look away.

“Look,” he told her. “You might learn a thing or two.”

Black Cat was already pulling herself off Spider-Man, sitting on his lap and smooshing his well-lubricated cock against his belly. “Now, let’s get me wet too!” she said, leaning backwards and sliding off the couch Spider-Man was sitting on. Spider-Man grabbed her by the hips and pulled her to his mouth, so she was hanging upside-down with her cunt offered to his hunger.

She wrapped her arms around his wide-spread legs, holding herself up as his hands explored her satiny thighs, her round hips, the latex squealing as he roughly handled it. His mouth pushed between her legs, kissing her through the latex, tip of his tongue peeking from his mouth. Black Cat quivered with eager pleasure, watching herself be devoured right through the latex. Spider-Man caressing her hips with his palms, then cupping her ass—bringing her clit up to his flickering tongue. Black Cat jerked and panted.

“That’s the spot, Spider! Show Gwen what she’s missing! Show that stupid bitch what she could’ve had every night, only it’s mine now!”

Gwen saw that the cat burglar’s nipples were springing up hard, even through her skintight suit. That slut had no shame!

The Black Cat was grinding her pussy into Spider-Man’s face, growling as his teeth flashed against her latex. He was actually tearing it! But still, Spider-Man leaned back—clinging to her ass tightly, making sure she couldn’t get away from his tongue fucking. Black Cat saddled the back of his head with her hands, so that as Spider-Man leaned away from her, she pulled herself up to mount his face, his cock now throbbing freely in the air as she squatted on his mouth, rubbing her juicily dripping cut back and forth on his face so that his tongue could be everywhere she needed it.

“Oh, your tongue is so sweet, Spider!” Black Cat cried. “I’m gonna love feeling it up my cunt! It’s so wet for you, so hot for you—first it’s gonna take your tongue, then that big, fat cock!”

She was literally bouncing up and down with excitement, bouncing up and down on Spider-Man’s face as he cheerfully accepted it, hands cupping, even slapping the thick cheeks of her ass. All while the Black Cat stared at Gwen, eyefucking her—Gwen didn’t know what it meant. What an odd dream she was having.

Suddenly Black Cat froze, her eyes nearly popping through her domino mask. “That’s my ass, Spider! Your tongue’s in my ass!”

Spider-Man grunted in reply, his tongue licking furiously exactly where she’d said it was. The sensation had to be fantastic. Black Cat was wiggling around, actually gurgling with delight.

“Oh, yes, of course you love my amazing ass! You’d rather lick my ass than fuck that Gwen Stacy cunt, wouldn’t you? It’s all yours, Spider! You can lick my cunt, you can eat my ass, you can suck my tits! I’m your anal whore, your oral whore, your slut, your bitch, your official cum fucking depository! Just fuck me hard!

Her head spinning, Black Cat pressed her ass into Spider-Man’s face, his tongue pushing back past the ring of her asshole and as deep inside as the skintight latex would allow. Black Cat wailed with pleasure as her asshole gripped all of his tongue that it could, hungry for more. Her nails dug into her breasts as she vibrated excitedly atop him, his tongue stabbing in and out, fucking at her, feeling so good her green eyes rolled back in her head.

“Worship that ass! Please this perfect ass the way it deserves!” Black Cat cried happily, wiggling her ass literally in his face. “You know how hard this ass can make you come, so show it how much you love it!”

Spider-Man licked and sucked hard, his nose pressed right up against her wet cunt, breathing cut off. Every time Black Cat shifted her ass, which was often, he sucked in air before his nose was returned to her cunt. His tongue darted and flicked at the thinning latex covering her asshole as he tried to pull her rounded cheeks further apart. His cock jerked hungrily above vast, swollen balls.

“You’re making me come!” Black Cat screamed. “You tongue-fucked my asshole and made me come!”

The contractions of her cunt squeezed her asshole around his buried tongue, Spider-Man pushing his open lips into her ass as deep as he could do, sucking as his tongue fucked, the orgasm they produced burning through Black Cat. She trembled as she slipped off his face, head tilted back, eyes clenched as she fell, orgasmic, directly on top of Gwen Stacy.

Who startled awake, eyes boggling as she realized that everything she had drowsily observed in the past few minutes was real. “Peter! What the hell? Who is this woman!?”

“His new girlfriend,” Felicia smirked at him, pulling herself back on top of Peter. He vaguely tried to push her away. “Say goodbye now, virgin. You’re not even interesting enough to be a crazy ex.”

“You skank!” Gwen hissed, throwing herself at Felicia, getting in a decent slap before Felicia backhanded her to the floor. She pumped her hips against Peter once more, then dismounted, planting her high heel in Gwen’s throat before she could get up from the floor. Gwen growled as the stiletto pressed into her adam’s apple.

“He’s a fucking machine, Gwendolyn, a real man. And he deserves a real woman to take all that cum you were letting go to waste. Spider, web her down. If she wants to stay, she can stay and watch.”

Peter was struggling to tuck his erection away when it seemed determine not to give an inch. “Uh… maybe we should talk about this…”

“Shut her up and you can fuck my ass. I won’t just be your lover, Spider. I’ll be your goddamned whore…”

Gwen squealed in outrage. “You can’t be serious! Peter, don’t you see she’s nothing but trash? She doesn’t care about your personality or your feelings at all, she just wants your penis!”

Felicia’s eyes flickered to Peter’s. “So? What’s it going to be? Kick me out and listen to her lecture you on personal boundaries or some shit, or your big cock all the way up my ass?”


Show Chapter | Archive of Our Own

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


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